public IEnumerator DestroyReplaceResponse(GameAction ga)
            // "... destroy {H - 1} Equipment cards."
            List <DestroyCardAction> destroyed       = new List <DestroyCardAction>();
            LinqCardCriteria         equipmentInPlay = new LinqCardCriteria((Card c) => c.DoKeywordsContain("equipment") && c.IsInPlayAndHasGameText && base.GameController.IsCardVisibleToCardSource(c, GetCardSource()), "Equipment");
            IEnumerator destroyCoroutine             = base.GameController.SelectAndDestroyCards(DecisionMaker, equipmentInPlay, H - 1, requiredDecisions: H - 1, storedResultsAction: destroyed, responsibleCard: base.Card, allowAutoDecide: base.GameController.FindCardsWhere(equipmentInPlay).Count() <= H - 1, cardSource: GetCardSource());

            if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(destroyCoroutine));
            // "If fewer than {H - 1} cards were destroyed this way, replace the hero character card with the highest HP with a variant of that hero."
            if (destroyed.Where((DestroyCardAction dca) => dca.WasCardDestroyed).Count() < H - 1)
                List <Card> highest       = new List <Card>();
                IEnumerator findCoroutine = base.GameController.FindTargetWithHighestHitPoints(1, (Card c) => c.IsHeroCharacterCard, highest, evenIfCannotDealDamage: true, cardSource: GetCardSource());
                if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                    yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(findCoroutine));
                Card highestHero = highest.FirstOrDefault();
                if (highestHero != null)
                    // Replace highestHero with another variant
                    // Copy-pasted from Completionist Guise, be careful
                    // If you selected a hero to store...
                    List <string> list = new List <string>();
                    base.GameController.AddCardPropertyJournalEntry(highestHero, "OverrideTurnTaker", list);
                    List <SelectFromBoxDecision> storedBox           = new List <SelectFromBoxDecision>();
                    Func <string, bool>          identifierCriteria2 = delegate(string s)
                        if (FindCardsWhere((Card c) => (c.Identifier == highestHero.Identifier || (highestHero.SharedIdentifier != null && highestHero.SharedIdentifier == c.SharedIdentifier)) && c.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier == s && c.Owner.CharacterCards.Contains(c)).Any())
                        if (highestHero.SharedIdentifier != null)
                            string         identifier      = highestHero.Identifier;
                            CardDefinition cardDefinition2 = highestHero.ParentDeck.GetAllCardDefinitions().FirstOrDefault((CardDefinition d) => d.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier == s);
                            if (cardDefinition2 == null)
                                cardDefinition2 = ModHelper.GetPromoDefinition(highestHero.ParentDeck.QualifiedIdentifier, s);
                            if (cardDefinition2 != null)
                                return(cardDefinition2.Identifier == identifier);
                        if (highestHero.ParentDeck.InitialCardIdentifiers.Count() > 1)
                            IEnumerable <Card> source = FindCardsWhere((Card c) => c.Identifier == highestHero.Identifier && c.Owner.CharacterCards.Contains(c) && (c.PromoIdentifierOrIdentifier.Contains(s) || s.Contains(c.PromoIdentifierOrIdentifier)));
                            source.Select((Card c) => c.PromoIdentifierOrIdentifier);
                            return(source.Any((Card c) => c.PromoIdentifierOrIdentifier != s));
                    Func <string, bool> turnTakerCriteria2 = (string tt) => tt == highestHero.ParentDeck.QualifiedIdentifier;
                    // Choose replacement hero
                    IEnumerator coroutine = base.GameController.SelectFromBox(DecisionMaker, identifierCriteria2, turnTakerCriteria2, SelectionType.HeroCharacterCard, storedBox, optional: false, allowMultiCardSelection: false, GetCardSource());
                    if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                        yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(coroutine));
                    CardController        newCC               = null;
                    SelectFromBoxDecision selection           = storedBox.FirstOrDefault();
                    TurnTakerController   turnTakerController = FindTurnTakerController(highestHero.Owner);
                    if (selection != null && selection.SelectedIdentifier != null && selection.SelectedTurnTakerIdentifier != null)
                        Log.Debug("Selected from box: SelectedIdentifier = " + selection.SelectedIdentifier);
                        Log.Debug("Selected from box: SelectedTurnTakerIdentifier = " + selection.SelectedTurnTakerIdentifier);
                        Card modelCard = FindCardsWhere((Card c) => c.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier == selection.SelectedIdentifier && !c.Owner.CharacterCards.Contains(c), realCardsOnly: false, null, ignoreBattleZone: true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (modelCard == null)
                            Log.Debug("Creating a card for the variant");
                            DeckDefinition parentDeck = highestHero.ParentDeck;
                            Log.Debug("Owner deck definition: " + parentDeck);
                            CardDefinition cardDefinition = (from cd in parentDeck.CardDefinitions.Concat(parentDeck.PromoCardDefinitions)
                                                             where cd.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier == selection.SelectedIdentifier
                                                             select cd).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (cardDefinition == null)
                                cardDefinition = ModHelper.GetPromoDefinition(selection.SelectedTurnTakerIdentifier, selection.SelectedIdentifier);
                            Log.Debug("Card definition: " + cardDefinition);
                            if (cardDefinition != null)
                                // modelCard: the new card being created
                                modelCard = new Card(cardDefinition, base.TurnTaker, 0, selection.UseFoilVersion);
                                Log.Debug("Creating card controller!");
                                string overrideNamespace = selection.SelectedTurnTakerIdentifier;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardDefinition.Namespace))
                                    overrideNamespace = $"{cardDefinition.Namespace}.{parentDeck.Identifier}";
                                newCC = CardControllerFactory.CreateInstance(modelCard, base.TurnTakerController, overrideNamespace);
                                List <string> list2 = new List <string>();
                                base.GameController.AddCardPropertyJournalEntry(modelCard, "OverrideTurnTaker", list2);
                                if (modelCard.SharedIdentifier != null)
                                    // enumerable2: all cards from parentDeck that match modelCard's SharedIdentifier but not its QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier
                                    IEnumerable <CardDefinition> enumerable2 = from cd in parentDeck.GetAllCardDefinitions()
                                                                               where cd.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier != modelCard.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier && cd.SharedIdentifier == modelCard.SharedIdentifier
                                                                               select cd;
                                    if (modelCard.IsPromoCard && modelCard.IsModContent)
                                        IEnumerable <CardDefinition> second = from cd in ModHelper.GetSharedPromoDefinitions(cardDefinition)
                                                                              where cd.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier != modelCard.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier
                                                                              select cd;
                                        enumerable2 = enumerable2.Concat(second);
                                    foreach (CardDefinition item3 in enumerable2)
                                        Card card = new Card(item3, base.TurnTaker, 0);
                                        CardController card2 = CardControllerFactory.CreateInstance(card, base.TurnTakerController, overrideNamespace);
                                        List <string> list3 = new List <string>();
                                        base.GameController.AddCardPropertyJournalEntry(card, "OverrideTurnTaker", list3);
                                Log.Error("Could not find card definition: " + selection.SelectedIdentifier);
                            newCC = FindCardController(modelCard);
                        if (newCC != null)
                            if (highestHero.SharedIdentifier != null)
                                Log.Debug("Shared identifier: " + highestHero.SharedIdentifier);
                                List <Card> list4 = turnTakerController.TurnTaker.OffToTheSide.Cards.Where((Card c) => c.SharedIdentifier == highestHero.SharedIdentifier).ToList();
                                foreach (Card otherSize in list4)
                                    Log.Debug("Switching other card: " + otherSize.QualifiedPromoIdentifierOrIdentifier);
                                    if (base.GameController.GetCardPropertyJournalEntryStringList(base.Card, "OverrideTurnTaker", supressWarnings: true) == null)
                                        List <string> list5 = new List <string>();
                                        base.GameController.AddCardPropertyJournalEntry(otherSize, "OverrideTurnTaker", list5);
                                    Card card3 = base.TurnTaker.GetCardsWhere((Card c) => c.Identifier == otherSize.Identifier && c.SharedIdentifier == newCC.Card.SharedIdentifier).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (card3 != null)
                                        IEnumerator coroutine2 = base.GameController.SwitchCards(otherSize, card3, playCardIfMovingToPlayArea: false, ignoreFlipped: false, ignoreHitPoints: false, GetCardSource());
                                        if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                                            yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(coroutine2));
                                        Log.Warning("Could not find Guise's copy of the card!");
                            coroutine = base.GameController.SwitchCards(highestHero, newCC.Card, playCardIfMovingToPlayArea: false, ignoreFlipped: false, ignoreHitPoints: false, GetCardSource());
                            if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                                yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(coroutine));
                            if (newCC.TurnTaker.IsHero && newCC.Card.HitPoints > newCC.Card.MaximumHitPoints)
                            if (newCC.Card.IsTarget && !highestHero.HitPoints.HasValue)
                            Card cardToMove = highestHero;
                            coroutine = base.GameController.MoveCard(base.TurnTakerController, cardToMove, cardToMove.Owner.InTheBox, toBottom: false, isPutIntoPlay: false, playCardIfMovingToPlayArea: true, null, showMessage: false, null, base.TurnTaker, null, evenIfIndestructible: false, flipFaceDown: false, null, isDiscard: false, evenIfPretendGameOver: false, shuffledTrashIntoDeck: false, doesNotEnterPlay: false, GetCardSource());
                            if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                                yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(coroutine));
                            cardToMove.PlayIndex = null;
                    // ??? SHOULD work

                    IEnumerator messageCoroutine = base.GameController.SendMessageAction("Reality flickers in the feedback. Things look different...", Priority.Medium, GetCardSource(), showCardSource: true);
                    if (base.UseUnityCoroutines)
                        yield return(base.GameController.StartCoroutine(messageCoroutine));
            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void ClassifyDeck(DeckAttributes deck, IDictionary<int, List<DeckDefinition>> matches, DeckDefinition deckDefinition, int level)
     gameTypeField.SetValue(null, deck.GameType);
     if (deck.Colors != null)
         setColorsMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {deck.Colors});
     if (deck.Cards != null)
         setCardsMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {deck.Cards});
     if (deck.Words != null)
         setWordsMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {deck.Words});
     if (!(bool)deckDefinition.Script.Invoke(null, null)) return;
     if (!matches.ContainsKey(level))
         matches[level] = new List<DeckDefinition>();
     if (!deckDefinition.Name.StartsWith("$"))
     foreach (var subtype in deckDefinition.Subtypes)
         ClassifyDeck(deck, matches, subtype, level + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Initialize()
            var codeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
            var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters {
                GenerateInMemory = true,
                TreatWarningsAsErrors = false,
                WarningLevel = 4,
                ReferencedAssemblies = {"System.dll", "System.Core.dll"}
            var code = new StringBuilder();
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public static class DeckClassifier {
    public class DeckSet<T> : Dictionary<T, int> {
        public DeckSet() {}
        public DeckSet(IDictionary<T, int> source) : base(source) {}

        public bool Contains(params T[] values)
            return values.All(ContainsKey);

        public bool ContainsAny(params T[] values)
            return ContainsAny(1, values);

        public bool ContainsAny(int minCount, params T[] values)
            return values.Count(ContainsKey) >= minCount;

    public static string GameType;
    public static DeckSet<string> Colors = new DeckSet<string>();
    public static DeckSet<string> Cards = new DeckSet<string>();
    public static DeckSet<string> Words = new DeckSet<string>();

    public static void SetColors(IDictionary<string, int> colors) { Colors = new DeckSet<string>(colors); }
    public static void SetCards(IDictionary<string, int> cards) { Cards = new DeckSet<string>(cards); }
    public static void SetWords(IDictionary<string, int> words) { Words = new DeckSet<string>(words); }
    public static bool IsDeck0() { return true; }

            var rootDeckDefinition = new DeckDefinition {Name = "All Games"};
            var deckDefinitions = new List<DeckDefinition> {rootDeckDefinition};
            var deckTypes = "";
            if (File.Exists(@"..\decktypes.txt")) deckTypes = File.ReadAllText(@"..\decktypes.txt");
            else if (File.Exists(@"decktypes.txt")) deckTypes = File.ReadAllText(@"decktypes.txt");
            using (var reader = new StringReader(deckTypes)) {
                var currentLevel = -1;
                var lastDeckDefinition = rootDeckDefinition;
                var levels = new Stack<DeckDefinition>();
                string line;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
                    var level = line.TakeWhile(c => c == '|').Count();
                    var parts = line.Substring(level).Split(new[] {'|'}, 2);
                    if (level < 0 || level > currentLevel + 1 || parts.Length != 2)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid tree structure for deck: " + line);
                    if (level == currentLevel + 1) {
                    while (level < currentLevel) {
                    code.AppendLine($"    public static bool IsDeck{deckDefinitions.Count}() {{ return {parts[1]}; }}");
                    var deckDefinition = new DeckDefinition {Name = parts[0], Parent = levels.Peek(), Level = currentLevel};
                    lastDeckDefinition = deckDefinition;

            var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(code.ToString());
            var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                options: new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary),
                syntaxTrees: new[] {tree},
                references: new[] {MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(object).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location)});

            var errorsAndWarnings = compilation.GetDiagnostics();
            if (errorsAndWarnings.IsEmpty) {
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
                    var compileResult = compilation.Emit(stream);
                    var assembly = AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromStream(stream);
                    var type = assembly.GetType("DeckClassifier").GetTypeInfo();
            var results = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParameters, code.ToString());
            if (!results.Errors.HasErrors) {
                var assembly = results.CompiledAssembly;
                var type = assembly.GetType("DeckClassifier");
                    gameTypeField = type.GetField("GameType", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                    setColorsMethod = type.GetMethod("SetColors", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                    setCardsMethod = type.GetMethod("SetCards", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                    setWordsMethod = type.GetMethod("SetWords", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                    for (int i = 0; i < deckDefinitions.Count; i++)
                        deckDefinitions[i].Script = type.GetMethod($"IsDeck{i}", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            else {
                var errors = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var error in errorsAndWarnings) {
                    var position = error.Location.GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition;
                    errors.AppendLine($"Location: {position.Line}:{position.Character}, Error Number: {error.Descriptor.Id}, Error: {error.GetMessage()}");
                foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
                    errors.AppendLine($"Line number {error.Line}, Error Number: {error.ErrorNumber}, Error: {error.ErrorText}");
                throw new Exception($"Unable to parse deck types: {errors}");

            DeckClassifier.rootDeckDefinition = rootDeckDefinition;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Initialize()
            var codeProvider       = new CSharpCodeProvider();
            var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters {
                GenerateInMemory      = true,
                TreatWarningsAsErrors = false,
                WarningLevel          = 4,
                ReferencedAssemblies  = { "System.dll", "System.Core.dll" }
            var code = new StringBuilder();

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public static class DeckClassifier {
    public class DeckSet<T> : Dictionary<T, int> {
        public DeckSet() {}
        public DeckSet(IDictionary<T, int> source) : base(source) {}

        public bool Contains(params T[] values)
            return values.All(ContainsKey);

        public bool ContainsAny(params T[] values)
            return ContainsAny(1, values);

        public bool ContainsAny(int minCount, params T[] values)
            return values.Count(ContainsKey) >= minCount;

    public static string GameType;
    public static DeckSet<string> Colors = new DeckSet<string>();
    public static DeckSet<string> Cards = new DeckSet<string>();
    public static DeckSet<string> Words = new DeckSet<string>();

    public static void SetColors(IDictionary<string, int> colors) { Colors = new DeckSet<string>(colors); }
    public static void SetCards(IDictionary<string, int> cards) { Cards = new DeckSet<string>(cards); }
    public static void SetWords(IDictionary<string, int> words) { Words = new DeckSet<string>(words); }
    public static bool IsDeck0() { return true; }

            var rootDeckDefinition = new DeckDefinition {
                Name = "All Games"
            var deckDefinitions = new List <DeckDefinition> {
            var deckTypes = "";

            if (File.Exists(@"..\decktypes.txt"))
                deckTypes = File.ReadAllText(@"..\decktypes.txt");
            else if (File.Exists(@"decktypes.txt"))
                deckTypes = File.ReadAllText(@"decktypes.txt");
            using (var reader = new StringReader(deckTypes)) {
                var    currentLevel       = -1;
                var    lastDeckDefinition = rootDeckDefinition;
                var    levels             = new Stack <DeckDefinition>();
                string line;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    var level = line.TakeWhile(c => c == '|').Count();
                    var parts = line.Substring(level).Split(new[] { '|' }, 2);
                    if (level < 0 || level > currentLevel + 1 || parts.Length != 2)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid tree structure for deck: " + line);
                    if (level == currentLevel + 1)
                    while (level < currentLevel)
                    code.AppendLine($"    public static bool IsDeck{deckDefinitions.Count}() {{ return {parts[1]}; }}");
                    var deckDefinition = new DeckDefinition {
                        Name = parts[0], Parent = levels.Peek(), Level = currentLevel
                    lastDeckDefinition = deckDefinition;

            var results = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParameters, code.ToString());

            if (!results.Errors.HasErrors)
                var assembly = results.CompiledAssembly;
                var type     = assembly.GetType("DeckClassifier");
                gameTypeField   = type.GetField("GameType", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                setColorsMethod = type.GetMethod("SetColors", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                setCardsMethod  = type.GetMethod("SetCards", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                setWordsMethod  = type.GetMethod("SetWords", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                for (int i = 0; i < deckDefinitions.Count; i++)
                    deckDefinitions[i].Script = type.GetMethod($"IsDeck{i}", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
                var errors = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
                    errors.AppendLine($"Line number {error.Line}, Error Number: {error.ErrorNumber}, Error: {error.ErrorText}");
                throw new Exception($"Unable to parse deck types: {errors}");

            DeckClassifier.rootDeckDefinition = rootDeckDefinition;