Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DecimalAverage del1 = GetDecimalAverge;

            // Data sources
            int[]        scores           = { 90, 71, 82, 93, 75, 82 };
            int[]        scoreSet1        = { 73, 84, 62 };
            int[]        scoreSet2        = { 57, 99, 86 };
            Memory <int> destinationArray = new int[100];

            // Query Expression
            IEnumerable <int> scoreQuery =                          //query variable
                                           from score in scores     //required
                                           where score > 80         // optional
                                           orderby score descending // optional
                                           select score;            //must end with select or group

            // Execute the query to produce the results
            //foreach (int testScore in scoreQuery)
            //    Console.WriteLine(testScore);

            Func <int, bool>  passing   = (p => p >= 80); // All
            IEnumerable <int> excellent = scores.Where(x => x >= 90);

            var tester              = scores;
            var scores_Aggregate    = scores.Aggregate((a, b) => a + b);
            var scores_All          = scores.All(passing);
            var scores_Any          = scores.Any();
            var scores_Append       = scores.Append(67);
            var scores_AsEnumerable = scoreSet1.AsEnumerable();
            var scores_AsMemory     = scores.AsMemory();
            var scores_AsParallel   = scores.AsParallel();
            var scores_AsQueryable  = scores.AsQueryable();
            var scores_AsSpan       = scores.AsSpan();
            var scores_Average1     = scores.Average();
            var scores_Case         = scores.Cast <decimal>();
            var scores_Clone        = scores.Clone();
            var scores_Concatenate  = scores.Concat(scoreSet1);
            var scores_Contains     = scores.Contains(79);

            var scores_Count          = scores.Count();
            var scores_DefaultOrEmpty = scores.DefaultIfEmpty();

            foreach (var item in scores_DefaultOrEmpty)
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Data sources
            string[]     names            = { "John", "Jack", "joe", "Jeff", "JOHNNY", "Julie", "Jessica", "Jacky", "JILL" };
            int[]        scores           = { 90, 71, 82, 93, 75, 82, 75, 75, 75 };
            int[]        scoreSet1        = { 73, 84, 62 };
            int[]        scoreSet2        = { 57, 99, 86 };
            var          scoresCopy       = scores;
            Memory <int> destinationArray = new int[100];

            List <Student> studentList = new() // Use this list for the GroupJoin
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 1, StudentName = "John", StandardID = 1
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 2, StudentName = "Moin", StandardID = 1
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 3, StudentName = "Bill", StandardID = 2
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 4, StudentName = "Ram", StandardID = 2
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 5, StudentName = "Ron"

            var standardList = new List <Standard>() // Use this list for the GroupJoin
                new Standard()
                    StandardID = 1, StandardName = "Standard 1"
                new Standard()
                    StandardID = 2, StandardName = "Standard 2"
                new Standard()
                    StandardID = 3, StandardName = "Standard 3"

            // Query Expression
            IEnumerable <int> scoreQuery =                          //query variable
                                           from score in scores     //required
                                           where score > 80         // optional
                                           orderby score descending // optional
                                           select score;            //must end with select or group

            // Execute the query to produce the results
            //foreach (int testScore in scoreQuery)
            //    Console.WriteLine(testScore);

            DecimalAverage    del1    = GetDecimalAverge;             // Delegate
            Func <int, bool>  passing = (p => p >= 80);               // Func
            Action <int[]>    avg     = x => Math.Floor(x.Average()); // Action
            Predicate <int[]> failed  = x => x.Average() > 65;        // Predicate

            var excellent    = scores.Where(x => x >= 90);
            var seventyFives = scores.Where(x => x == 75);

            var tester              = scores;
            var scores_Aggregate    = scores.Aggregate((a, b) => a + b);
            var scores_All          = scores.All(p => p >= 80);
            var scores_Any          = scores.Any();
            var scores_Append       = scores.Append(67);
            var scores_AsEnumerable = scoreSet1.AsEnumerable();
            var scores_AsMemory     = scores.AsMemory();
            var scores_AsParallel   = scores.AsParallel();
            var scores_AsQueryable  = scores.AsQueryable();
            var scores_AsSpan       = scores.AsSpan();
            var scores_Average1     = scores.Average();
            var scores_Case         = scores.Cast <decimal>();
            var scores_Clone        = scores.Clone();
            var scores_Concatenate  = scores.Concat(scoreSet1);
            var scores_Contains     = scores.Contains(79);

            var scores_Count              = scores.Count();
            var scores_DefaultOrEmpty     = scores.DefaultIfEmpty();
            var scores_Distinct           = scores.Distinct();
            var scores_ElementAt          = scores.ElementAt(3); // will throw exception
            var scores_ElementAtOrDefault = scores.ElementAtOrDefault(3);
            var scores_Equals             = scores.Equals(scoresCopy);
            var scores_Except             = scores.Except(seventyFives);
            var scores_First              = scores.First();
            var scores_FirstOrDefault     = scores.FirstOrDefault();

            #region var scores_GroupBy = scores.GroupBy(x => x);
            var scores_GroupBy = scores.GroupBy(x => x);
            //foreach (var score in scores_GroupBy)
            //    foreach (var x in score)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(x);
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine();
            #region var scores_GroupJoin = standardList.GroupJoin(studentList...)
            var scores_GroupJoin = standardList.GroupJoin(studentList,
                                                          standard => standard.StandardID,
                                                          student => student.StandardID,
                                                          (standard, studentGroup) => new
                StudentGroup     = studentGroup,
                StandardFullName = standard.StandardName

            //foreach (var x in scores_GroupJoin)
            //    Console.WriteLine(x.StandardFullName);

            //    foreach (var y in x.StudentGroup)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(y.StudentName);
            //    }
            var scores_Intersect = scores.Intersect(scoreSet1);
            #region var scores_Join = studentList.Join(standardList...)

            var scores_Join = studentList.Join(standardList,
                                               stud => stud.StudentID,
                                               stand => stand.StandardID,
                                               (stud, stand) => stud);
            foreach (var student in scores_Join)
                Console.WriteLine($"{student.StudentName} {student.StudentID}");


            // TODO: Finish the rest of the LINQ Methods similar to above