Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GetAll_will_return_debug_info_ordered_by_created_date_latest_info_first()
            var debug1 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "All", DateCreated = new DateTime(2010, 10, 1)
            var debug2 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "All", DateCreated = new DateTime(2012, 10, 1)


            var mut = new DebugInfoService(_debugInfoRepository);
            var result = mut.GetAll().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2012, 10, 1), result[0].DateCreated);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Get_when_enum_type_is_all_returns_all_debug_info_not_developer()
            var debug1 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "Developer"
            var debug2 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "All"


            var mut = new DebugInfoService(_debugInfoRepository);
            var result = mut.Get(DebugInfoTypeEnum.All).ToList();

            Assert.AreNotEqual("Developer", result[0].Type);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Get_when_enum_type_is_Error_returns_debug_info_ordered_by_created_date_latest_info_first()
            var debug1 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "Error", DateCreated = new DateTime(2010, 10, 1)
            var debug2 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "Error", DateCreated = new DateTime(2012, 10, 1)


            var mut = new DebugInfoService(_debugInfoRepository);
            var result = mut.Get(DebugInfoTypeEnum.Error).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2012, 10, 1), result[0].DateCreated);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GetAll_will_return_all_type_which_is_not_developer()
            var debug1 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "Developer"
            var debug2 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "All"


            var mut = new DebugInfoService(_debugInfoRepository);
            var result = mut.GetAll().ToList();

            Assert.AreNotEqual("Developer", result[0].Type);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Get_when_enum_type_is_Error_returns_debug_info_selected_to_check()
            var debug1 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "Error"
            var debug2 = new DebugInfo()
                Type = "All"


            var mut = new DebugInfoService(_debugInfoRepository);
            var result = mut.Get(DebugInfoTypeEnum.Error).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual("Error", result[0].Type);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Add_will_set_info_updated_by_to_empty_string()
            var debug1 = new DebugInfo()
                Id = 1, UpdatedBy = "test-to-be-set-to-empty"
            var mut = new DebugInfoService(_debugInfoRepository);

            var result = _debugInfoRepository.GetQuery().First(x => x.Id == 1);

            Assert.AreEqual("", result.UpdatedBy);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void InitialiseDatabase()
            // Setup StructureMap to determine the concrete repository pattern to use.
                x =>
                x.For <IUnitOfWorkFactory>().Use <EFUnitOfWorkFactory>();
                x.For(typeof(IRepository <>)).Use(typeof(Repository <>));
                x.For <ISqlTableUtility>().Use <SqlTableUtility>();
                x.For <IDataSetSchemaDefinitionService>().Use <DataSetSchemaDefinitionService>();
                x.For <IDataSetDetailSqlRepo>().Use <DataSetDetailSqlRepo>();
                x.For <ISystemConfigurationService>().Use <SystemConfigurationService>();
                x.For <ICacheProvider>().Use <HttpCache>();
                x.For <IDataSetDetailCsvProcessor>().Use <DataSetDetailCsvProcessor>();
                x.For <IDataSetSchemaService>().Use <DataSetSchemaService>();

            // Select an Entity Framework model to use with the factory.
            EFUnitOfWorkFactory.SetObjectContext(() => new DataShareContext());

            //Never recreate the database
            Database.SetInitializer <DataShareContext>(null);

            //initialise all services
            _dataSetSchemaService = new DataSetSchemaService(
                ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IRepository <DataSetSchema> >()
                , ObjectFactory.GetInstance <DataSetSchemaDefinitionService>()
                , ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IRepository <DataSetDetail> >()
                , ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ISqlTableUtility>());

            _uploaderService = new DataSetDetailUploaderService(
                , ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IRepository <DataSetDetail> >()
                , ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IDataSetDetailCsvProcessor>()
                , ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IDataSetDetailSqlRepo>());

            _debugInfoService = new DebugInfoService(ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IRepository <DebugInfo> >());