WriteLine() private method

private WriteLine ( string format ) : void
format string
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
        public RouterInterface GetInterfaceByName(string InterfaceName)
            RouterInterface result = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InterfaceName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid interface name");
                if (_interfaces.ContainsKey(InterfaceName))
                    result = _interfaces[InterfaceName];
                    result = new RouterInterface()
                        Name = InterfaceName.Trim()
            catch (Exception Ex)
                string msg = string.Format("JunOS IRouter : error requesting interface configuration for {0} : {1}", result.Name, Ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public string GetInterfaceNameByIPAddress(string Address)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid interface address. GetInterfaceNameByIPAddress requires a valid ip address to query.");
            string ifName = "";

                var foundIfName = _interfaces.Values.Where(c => c.Address == Address)?.Select(c => c.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                if (foundIfName == null)
                    string ifInfo = _session.ExecCommand(string.Format("show interfaces terse | match {0}", Address));
                    // ifInfo should look like : "ge-0/0/9.0              up    up   inet  "
                    string[] a = ifInfo.SplitBySpace();
                    ifName = a[0];
                    ifName = foundIfName;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                string msg = string.Format("JunOS IRouter : error finding interface name for ip address {0} : {1}", Address, Ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Initialize(IScriptExecutorBase Executor)
            DebugEx.WriteLine("Initializing PGTNetworkDiscovery CustomActionHandler... ", DebugLevel.Informational);
            _terminated   = false;
            local_dataset = new CDPDataSet();
            ScriptSettings = SettingsManager.GetCurrentScriptSettings();
            Guid engineID = Executor.EngineID;

            // search an existing inventory file and load. used later for checking domain boundary
            InventoryFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}.xml", Helper.GetWorkingDirectory(), Options.Default.InventoryDBDirectory, engineID.ToString());
            DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Checking for pre-existing inventory file {0}... ", InventoryFileName), DebugLevel.Informational);
            if (File.Exists(InventoryFileName))
                    InventoryPreProvisioned = true;
                    AllowRecursion          = local_dataset.Parameters.First()?.AllowRecursion ?? Options.Default.MRUActiveDiscovery;
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Inventory file loaded successfully. Active discovery is {0}.", AllowRecursion ? "enabled" : "disabled"), DebugLevel.Informational);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error loading inventory file : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()));
                AllowRecursion = Options.Default.MRUActiveDiscovery;
                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("File {0} does not exist. Active discovery is {1}.", InventoryFileName, AllowRecursion ? "enabled" : "disabled"), DebugLevel.Informational);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void _ScriptManager_OnScriptAborted(object sender, Common.ScriptEventArgs e)
            DebugEx.WriteLine("COnfigurationManager : OnScriptAborted - " + e.Reason, DebugLevel.Informational);
            SNGScriptManager thisManager = null;

            if (sender is ScriptExecutor)
                thisManager = ScriptingFormManager.GetScriptManager(sender as ScriptExecutor);
            else if (sender is ScriptingForm)
                thisManager = (sender as ScriptingForm).ScriptManager;
            if (ScriptManagers.Contains(thisManager))
                lock (_lckObject) // locking is required to synchronize potential parallel calls
                    Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                        if (pbPullProgress.Value < pbPullProgress.Maximum)
                            pbPullProgress.Value += 1;
                        if (ScriptManagers.Count == 0)
                            btnPullConfig.Enabled       = true;
                            lblOperationInProgress.Text = "Operation completed";
                        btnCancelPull.Visible = !btnPullConfig.Enabled;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Terminates a script specified by its ScriptManager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisManager"></param>
        private void TerminateScript(SNGScriptManager thisManager)
            bool stopped = false;

                int waitTime = (int)SettingsManager.GetCurrentScriptSettings(this.SNGDataSet).ConnectTimeout.TotalMilliseconds;
                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Stopping script {0}...", thisManager.GetScriptName()), DebugLevel.Informational);
                stopped = thisManager.StopScript(waitTime);
                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Closing form for script {0}...", thisManager.GetScriptName()), DebugLevel.Informational);
                this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { thisManager.CloseForm(); }));
            catch (Exception Ex)
                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("CancelPullOperation : error while closing Form for <{0}> : {1}", thisManager.GetScriptName() + Ex.Message));
            if (!stopped)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    if (pbPullProgress.Value < pbPullProgress.Maximum)
                        pbPullProgress.Value += 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void CreateShape(Visio.Application VApp, Visio.IVDocument drawingDocument)
     Visio_shape = VisioInterface.CreateVisioShape(VApp, drawingDocument, X_coord, Y_coord, stencilName, masterNameU);
     if (Visio_shape == null)
         DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error creating Visio shape for {0}", FullName));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void _ScriptManager_OnScriptFinished(object sender, Common.ScriptEventArgs e)
            DebugEx.WriteLine("ConfigurationManager : OnScriptFinished - " + e.Reason.ToString(), DebugLevel.Informational);
            SNGScriptManager thisManager = null;

            if (sender is ScriptExecutor)
                thisManager = ScriptingFormManager.GetScriptManager(sender as ScriptExecutor);
            else if (sender is ScriptingForm)
                thisManager = (sender as ScriptingForm).ScriptManager;
            if (ScriptManagers.Contains(thisManager))
                lock (_lckObject) // locking is required to synchronize potential parallel calls
                    if (e.Reason != ScriptEventReason.UserAborted)
                        Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                            if (pbPullProgress.Value < pbPullProgress.Maximum)
                                pbPullProgress.Value += 1;
                            DialogResult saveConfig = DialogResult.Yes;
                            if (cbAutoSave.Checked || (saveConfig = MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Script <{0}> finished. Do you want to auto-save script results to database ?", thisManager.GetScriptName()), "Auto-save", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                            if (saveConfig == DialogResult.Yes)
                            if (ScriptManagers.Count == 0)
                                btnPullConfig.Enabled       = true;
                                lblOperationInProgress.Text = "Operation completed";
                            btnCancelPull.Visible = !btnPullConfig.Enabled;
                        Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { if (!IsDisposed && pbPullProgress.Value < pbPullProgress.Maximum)
                                                                  pbPullProgress.Value += 1;
        public void Parse(INeighborRegistry registry, CancellationToken token)
            if (_router?.Session == null || registry == null || !_router.Session.IsConnected())
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse STATIC routes, invalid parameters.");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Querying static routes...";
                string routes = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show route protocol static");
                MatchCollection knownNetworks = Regex.Matches(routes, @"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b\/\d{1,2}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                if (knownNetworks.Count > 0)
                    _OperationStatusLabel = "Processing static routes...";
                    // insert actual routes
                    for (int i = 0; i < knownNetworks.Count; i++)
                        string          thisNetwork           = knownNetworks[i].Value;
                        int             routeBlockStart       = knownNetworks[i].Index;
                        int             routeBlockEnd         = i == knownNetworks.Count - 1 ? routes.Length : knownNetworks[i + 1].Index;
                        string          thisRouteBlock        = routes.Substring(routeBlockStart, routeBlockEnd - routeBlockStart);
                        bool            isBestRoute           = thisRouteBlock.IndexOf("*[") > 0;
                        MatchCollection protocolBlocksHeaders = Regex.Matches(thisRouteBlock, @"\[(.*?)\]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                        for (int j = 0; j < protocolBlocksHeaders.Count; j++)
                                string thisProtocolBlockHeader = protocolBlocksHeaders[j].Value;
                                int    protocolBlockStart      = protocolBlocksHeaders[j].Index;
                                int    protocolBlockEnd        = j == protocolBlocksHeaders.Count - 1 ? thisRouteBlock.Length : protocolBlocksHeaders[j + 1].Index;
                                string thisProtocolBlock       = thisRouteBlock.Substring(protocolBlockStart, protocolBlockEnd - protocolBlockStart);
                                string thisProtocolName        = Regex.Match(thisProtocolBlockHeader, @"[a-zA-Z]+", RegexOptions.Compiled)?.Value;
                                string nextHopAddress          = Regex.Match(thisProtocolBlock, @"(?<=to )[\d\.]{0,99}", RegexOptions.Compiled)?.Value;
                                string nextHopViaInterfaceName = Regex.Match(thisProtocolBlock, @"(?<=via ).*", RegexOptions.Compiled)?.Value?.Trim('\r');

                                _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Querying router interface {0}...", nextHopViaInterfaceName);
                                RouterInterface ri = _router.GetInterfaceByName(nextHopViaInterfaceName);
                                _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Registering STATIC neighbor {0}...", nextHopAddress);
                                registry.RegisterSTATICNeighbor(_router, thisNetwork, nextHopAddress, ri.Address, ri);
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine("Jumos_STATICParser error : " + Ex.Message);
                _OperationStatusLabel = "JunOS STATIC route parser completed.";
            catch (Exception Ex)
                _OperationStatusLabel = "JunOS STATIC route parser failed with error : " + Ex.Message;
 private void LoadConfigurationFromFile(string FileName = "")
         openFileDialog.Filter = "TXT files|*.txt|All files|*.*";
         if (FileName != "" || openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
             if ((tbConfigurationLines.Text.Length == 0 & !targetConfigurationChanged) || MessageBox.Show("Overwrite configuration from file ?", "Open file", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                 tbConfigurationLines.Text  = "";
                 tbConfigurationLines.Lines = File.ReadAllLines(FileName != "" ? FileName : openFileDialog.FileName);
                 DebugEx.WriteLine("ConfigManager read configuration from file " + FileName, DebugLevel.Informational);
     catch (Exception Ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Unfortunately an error occurred : " + Ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public bool GetInterfaceConfiguration(RouterInterface checkInterface)
            bool result = false;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkInterface?.Name))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Interface parameter and/or interface name must not be null");
                if (_interfaces.ContainsKey(checkInterface.Name))
                    checkInterface.Configuration = _interfaces[checkInterface.Name].Configuration;
                    checkInterface.Configuration = _session.ExecCommand(string.Format("show configuration interfaces {0}", checkInterface.Name));
                    string desc = Regex.Match(checkInterface.Configuration, @"(?<=description ).*", RegexOptions.Compiled)?.Value;
                    checkInterface.Description = desc.TrimEnd('\r');
                    var ifIP = Regex.Match(checkInterface.Configuration, @"(?<=address )[\/\d.]{0,99}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                    if (ifIP.Success)
                        string[] addressAndMask = ifIP.Value.Split('/');
                        checkInterface.Address    = addressAndMask[0];
                        checkInterface.MaskLength = addressAndMask.Length >= 2 ? addressAndMask[1] : "";
                    _interfaces.Add(checkInterface.Name, checkInterface);
                result = true;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                string msg = string.Format("JunOS IRouter : error requesting interface configuration for {0} : {1}", checkInterface.Name, Ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks database and creates it if missing and also creates required DB objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ServerName">The SQL Server name to connect to</param>
        /// <param name="DatabaseName">The name of the database to check or create</param>
        /// <param name="intSecurity">If integrated security to be used for connection</param>
        /// <param name="sqlUserName">SQL Username for connection</param>
        /// <param name="sqlPassword">SQL Password for connection</param>
        /// <param name="animation">A Backgoundworker to stop before displaying any dialog boxes. Optional</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool RegisterDatabase(string ServerName, string DatabaseName, bool intSecurity, string sqlUserName, string sqlPassword, WorkInProgress animation = null)
            bool runResult        = true;
            bool DBExists         = false;
            bool DBCreated        = false;
            bool DBObjectsCreated = false;

                #region Create Database if not exists
                string MasterConnectionString = intSecurity ? string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True", ServerName) :
                                                string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog=master;Persist Security Info=True;User ID={1};Password={2}", ServerName, sqlUserName, sqlPassword);
                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Connecting to master db using : {0}", MasterConnectionString), DebugLevel.Informational);
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(MasterConnectionString))
                        #region Test database existence
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Checking database : {0}", DatabaseName), DebugLevel.Informational);
                            SqlCommand scmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                            scmd.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE name = N'{0}'", DatabaseName);
                            object o = new object();
                            o        = scmd.ExecuteScalar();
                            DBExists = o != null;
                            if (!DBExists)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine("database doesn't exist", DebugLevel.Informational);
                                runResult = MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Database {0} does not exists. Do you want to create it now?", DatabaseName), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes;
                                if (runResult)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine("database exists", DebugLevel.Informational);
                        catch (SqlException Ex)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("Unexpected error 1");
                            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected error while checking database {0} : {1} ", DatabaseName, Ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            runResult = false;
                        if (runResult & !DBExists)
                            #region Create database
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Creating database : {0}", DatabaseName), DebugLevel.Informational);
                                SqlCommand scmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                                scmd.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE " + DatabaseName;
                                scmd.CommandText = string.Format("ALTER DATABASE {0} SET AUTO_SHRINK ON", DatabaseName);
                                DBCreated = true;
                                DebugEx.WriteLine("database created successfully", DebugLevel.Informational);
                            catch (SqlException Ex)
                                if (((SqlException)Ex).Number == 1801)
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine("database already exists", DebugLevel.Informational);
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine("Unexpected error 2");
                                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected error while creating database {0} : {1} ", DatabaseName, Ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                    runResult = false;
                    catch (SqlException Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine("Unexpected error 3");
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected error while opening connection : {0} ", Ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        runResult = false;

                if (runResult)
                    #region Connect to database and create database objects if missing

                    string InstallerConnectionString = intSecurity ? string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=True", ServerName, DatabaseName) :
                                                       string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Persist Security Info=True;User ID={1};Password={2}", ServerName, DatabaseName, sqlUserName, sqlPassword);
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Connecting using : {0}", InstallerConnectionString), DebugLevel.Informational);
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(InstallerConnectionString))
                        SqlCommand scmd;
                                #region Check if require objects exist
                                DebugEx.WriteLine("Checking database objects", DebugLevel.Informational);
                                bool RequiredObjectsExist = false;
                                // This is to try whether required database objects exist or not
                                scmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM CONFIGTARGETS", conn);
                                    object o = new object();
                                    o = scmd.ExecuteScalar();
                                    RequiredObjectsExist = true;
                                catch (SqlException Ex)
                                    // Error number 208 is normal, meaning that there is no Params table yet
                                    if (((SqlException)Ex).Number == 208)
                                        DebugEx.WriteLine("Error 208 : there is no CONFIGTARGETS table yet");
                                        // other exceptions are unexpected and unhandled errors
                                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected error while creating database {0} : {1} ", DatabaseName, Ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                        runResult = false;
                                        throw Ex;

                                #region Run DDL script if required objects do not exist
                                if (!RequiredObjectsExist)
                                    // this is a new empty database
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine("this is a new empty database, running DDL script", DebugLevel.Informational);
                                        string SqlScript = Resource1.CreateConfigManagerObjects_20151007_v1;
                                        SqlScript = SqlScript.Replace("GO", "^");
                                        string[] SqlCommands = SqlScript.Split("^".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        foreach (string command in SqlCommands)
                                            scmd = new SqlCommand(command, conn);
                                        DBObjectsCreated = true;
                                        DebugEx.WriteLine("DB objects created sucessfully", DebugLevel.Informational);
                                    catch (Exception Ex)
                                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unexpected error while creating database objects : {0} ", Ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                        runResult = false;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sorry, I am unable to register database. Please view debug logs for more details.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            runResult = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I am unable to register database. Please view debug logs for more details. Error : " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                runResult = false;
            if (DBCreated | DBObjectsCreated)
                string s = DBCreated ? "Database created sucessfully." : "";
                if (DBObjectsCreated)
                    s += " Required database objects created sucessfully.";
                MessageBox.Show(s, "SQL Operation success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
 public void ProcessOSPFDatabase()
     if (_router?.Session == null || !_router.Session.IsConnected())
         throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse OSPF. Either thisRouter or Session parameter is invalid");
     #region Query, parse and store LSAs
     string         ospfOverView       = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ospf overview");
     string         ospfAreaRouters    = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ospf database");
     string[]       lines              = ospfAreaRouters.SplitByLine();
     OSPFArea       currentArea        = null;
     string         currentLSATypaName = "";
     List <OSPFLSA> LSAs = new List <OSPFLSA>();
     Dictionary <string, List <OSPFLSA> > OSPFLSAs = new Dictionary <string, List <OSPFLSA> >();
     foreach (string line in lines.Select(l => l.Trim()))
         // header       : Type ID               Adv Rtr           Seq Age  Opt Cksum  Len
         // line is like :Router      0x800005af  1113  0x8  0x6280  60
             if (line.StartsWith("{master:"))
             if (line.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("ospf database"))
                 // line is like : OSPF database, Area
                 string[] o          = line.SplitByComma();
                 string[] a          = o[1].SplitBySpace();
                 string   thisAreaID = a[1];
                 if (currentArea == null)
                     currentArea          = new OSPFArea();
                     currentArea.AreaID   = thisAreaID.Trim();
                     currentArea.AreaType = GetAreaType(currentArea.AreaID);
                 else if (thisAreaID != currentArea.AreaID)
                     // area ID is changing
                     this._ospfAreaLSAs[currentArea] = OSPFLSAs;
                     OSPFLSAs             = new Dictionary <string, List <OSPFLSA> >();
                     LSAs                 = new List <OSPFLSA>();
                     currentArea          = new OSPFArea();
                     currentArea.AreaID   = thisAreaID.Trim();
                     currentArea.AreaType = GetAreaType(currentArea.AreaID);
                 // The LSA Type should be the first word in thisLine
                 string[] r           = line.ToLowerInvariant().SplitBySpace();
                 string   LSATypeName = r[0];
                 if (LSATypeName != "type")
                     if (LSATypeName != currentLSATypaName)
                         // LSAType is changing
                         if (currentLSATypaName != "")
                             OSPFLSAs[currentLSATypaName] = LSAs;
                             LSAs = new List <OSPFLSA>();
                         currentLSATypaName = LSATypeName;
                     string  LSAID     = r[1].TrimStart('*');
                     string  AdvRouter = r[1].Trim();
                     OSPFLSA thisLSA   = new OSPFLSA()
                         LSAType = currentLSATypaName, LSAID = LSAID, AdvRouter = AdvRouter
         catch (Exception Ex)
             DebugEx.WriteLine("JunOS IRouter : unable to parse OSPF database line :" + line);
     // add the last area router ID-s
     if (currentArea != null)
         this._ospfAreaLSAs[currentArea] = OSPFLSAs;
     #region Local functions
     OSPFAreaType GetAreaType(string AreaID)
             // parsing as per https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/reference/command-summary/show-ospf-ospf3-overview.html
             if (AreaID == "")
             bool inDesiredAreaSection = false;
             foreach (string line in ospfOverView.SplitByLine().Select(l => l.ToLowerInvariant().Trim()))
                 if (line.StartsWith(string.Format("area: {0}", AreaID)))
                     if (inDesiredAreaSection)
                     inDesiredAreaSection = true;
                 if (inDesiredAreaSection)
                     if (line.StartsWith("stub type:"))
                         string[] typeDesc = line.Split(':');
                         if (typeDesc[1].Contains("normal stub"))
                         if (typeDesc[1].Contains("not stub"))
                         if (typeDesc[1].Contains("not so stubby") || typeDesc[1].Contains("nssa"))
         catch (Exception Ex)
             DebugEx.WriteLine("JUNOS_OSPFParser.ProcessOSPFDatabase.GetAreaType() : unexpected error : " + Ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 13
 private void WriteToLog(string message)
        public void ProcessOSPFDatabase()
            #region Query, parse and store LSAs
            string         ospfOverView       = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ip ospf");
            string         ospfAreaRouters    = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ip ospf database");
            string[]       lines              = ospfAreaRouters.SplitByLine();
            OSPFArea       currentArea        = null;
            string         currentLSATypeName = "";
            List <OSPFLSA> LSAs = new List <OSPFLSA>();
            Dictionary <string, List <OSPFLSA> > OSPFLSAs = new Dictionary <string, List <OSPFLSA> >();
            foreach (string line in lines.Where(l => l != "").Select(l => l.Trim()))
                    if (line.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("link states (area "))
                        string AreaName        = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<=\().*?(?=\))")?.Value;
                        string thisAreaID      = Regex.Match(AreaName, @"(?<=Area )[\d.]{0,99}")?.Value;
                        string thisLSATypeName = Regex.Match(line.ToLowerInvariant(), @"^.*(?=(link))")?.Value;
                        // line is like : Router Link States (Area
                        if (currentArea == null)
                            currentArea          = new OSPFArea();
                            currentArea.AreaID   = thisAreaID.Trim();
                            currentArea.AreaType = GetAreaType(currentArea.AreaID);
                        else if (thisAreaID != currentArea.AreaID)
                            // area ID is changing
                            this._ospfAreaLSAs[currentArea] = OSPFLSAs;
                            OSPFLSAs             = new Dictionary <string, List <OSPFLSA> >();
                            currentArea          = new OSPFArea();
                            currentArea.AreaID   = thisAreaID.Trim();
                            currentArea.AreaType = GetAreaType(currentArea.AreaID);
                        if (currentLSATypeName == "")
                            currentLSATypeName = thisLSATypeName.Trim();
                        else if (currentLSATypeName != thisLSATypeName)
                            // LSA Type is changing
                            OSPFLSAs.Add(currentLSATypeName, LSAs);
                            LSAs = new List <OSPFLSA>();
                            currentLSATypeName = thisLSATypeName.Trim();
                    else if (line.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("link states"))
                        // line is like : Type-5 AS External Link States
                        // area is not changing, only the LSA Type
                        string thisLSATypeName = Regex.Match(line.ToLowerInvariant(), @"^.*(?=(link))")?.Value;
                        if (currentLSATypeName != "" && currentLSATypeName != thisLSATypeName)
                            // LSA Type is changing
                            OSPFLSAs.Add(currentLSATypeName, LSAs);
                            currentLSATypeName = thisLSATypeName;
                        LSAs = new List <OSPFLSA>();
                        string[] r         = line.ToLowerInvariant().SplitBySpace();
                        string   firstWord = r[0].Trim();
                        //if first word is ip address, then this is an LSA entry
                        if (IPAddress.TryParse(firstWord, out IPAddress testIP))
                            // header : Link ID         ADV Router      Age Seq#       Checksum Link count
                            // line is like :     238         0x8000EBC3 0x00D97D 1
                            string LSAID = firstWord;
                            // The Adv Router should be the second word in thisLine
                            string  AdvRouter = r[1].Trim();
                            OSPFLSA thisLSA   = new OSPFLSA()
                                LSAType = currentLSATypeName, LSAID = LSAID, AdvRouter = AdvRouter
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    DebugEx.WriteLine("Cisco IOS OSPF Protocol Parser : unable to parse OSPF database line :" + line, DebugLevel.Warning);
            // add the last area router ID-s
            if (currentArea != null)
                this._ospfAreaLSAs[currentArea] = OSPFLSAs;

            #region Local functions
            OSPFAreaType GetAreaType(string AreaID)
                    if (AreaID == "")
                    bool          scanningAreaBlock = false;
                    List <string> areaBlok          = new List <string>();
                    foreach (string line in ospfOverView.SplitByLine().Select(l => l.ToLowerInvariant().Trim()))
                        if (line.StartsWith(string.Format("area {0}", AreaID)))
                            if (scanningAreaBlock)
                            scanningAreaBlock = true;
                        if (scanningAreaBlock)
                    if (areaBlok.Any(l => l.Contains("nssa")))
                    if (areaBlok.Any(l => l.Contains("stub")))
                    if (areaBlok.Any(l => l.Contains("totally")))
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    DebugEx.WriteLine("Cisco_IOS_OSPFParser.ProcessOSPFDatabase.GetAreaType() : unexpected error : " + Ex.Message);

Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Terminate()
            DebugEx.WriteLine("Terminating PGTNetworkDiscovery CustomActionHandler and saving Inventory information", DebugLevel.Informational);
            bool RetryWrite = true;

            while (RetryWrite)
                    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(InventoryFileName)))
                    var LockedBy = PGT.Common.FileUtil.WhoIsLocking(InventoryFileName);
                    if (LockedBy.Count > 0)
                        string ProcessList = string.Join(";", LockedBy.Select(p => p.ProcessName));
                        RetryWrite = MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The file {0} is being used by processes : {1}. Do you want to retry ?", InventoryFileName, ProcessList), "Could not create inventory file", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Yes;
                        RetryWrite = false;
                        if (!InventoryPreProvisioned && MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save the inventory to a specific file ?\r\nIf you choose No, the temporary inventory file will be retained.", "Save As", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
                            sfd.Filter = "CDP Inventory database|*.xml|All Files|*.*";
                            if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Inventory saved successfully", "Operation completed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                        // as the inventory file was not pre-provisioned and hence the CDP2Visio handler will not be searching for it
                                        // we can safely delete the file
                                    catch (Exception Ex)
                                        string msg = string.Format("Error while removing temporary inventory file : {0}", InventoryFileName, Ex.Message);
                                catch (Exception Ex)
                                    string msg = string.Format("Unfortunately an unexpected error occurred while saving inventory to file {0}. Error is : {1}", sfd.FileName, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage());
                                    MessageBox.Show(msg, "Could not create inventory file", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    string msg = string.Format("Unfortunately an unexpected error occurred while writing inventory to file {0}. Error is : {1}. Do you want to retry ?", InventoryFileName, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage());
                    RetryWrite = MessageBox.Show(msg, "Could not create inventory file", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Yes;
            _terminated = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool DoCustomAction(IScriptExecutorBase Executor, DeviceConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo, out dynamic ActionResult, out bool ConnectionDropped, out bool BreakExecution)
            bool result = false;

            ActionResult      = "Custom action not implemented";
            ConnectionDropped = false;
            BreakExecution    = false;
            IScriptableSession st = (IScriptableSession)Executor.Session;
            int DeviceID          = 0;

            if (ConnectionInfo.CustomActionID == "PGTNetworkDiscovery")
                if (ConnectionInfo.VendorName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cisco")
                    #region Cisco
                    ActionResult = "Error processing PGTNetworkDiscovery for Cisco";
                    string show_ver        = string.Empty;
                    string device_type     = "router";
                    string actual_hostname = string.Empty;
                    string show_inventory  = string.Empty;
                    string system_serial   = string.Empty;

                    #region SHOW VER, Virtual switch, Stacked switch

                    Executor.ShowActivity("Retrieving device information...");
                    show_ver        = st.ExecCommand("sh ver");
                    actual_hostname = st.GetHostName();

                    string virtualswitch = st.ExecCommand("sh switch virtual");
                    bool   isVSS         = false;
                        isVSS = virtualswitch.SplitByLine().First().Split(':')[1].ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == "virtual switch";
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error parsing \"sh virtual switch\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                    int    stackCount      = 0;
                    string stackedswitches = st.ExecCommand("sh switch");
                        if (stackedswitches.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("switch/stack"))
                            stackCount = stackedswitches.SplitByLine().Count(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt());
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error parsing \"sh switch\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);

                        #region Identify device
                        show_inventory = st.ExecCommand("show inventory");
                        // Indicates that we are connected to an ASA, using later for VLAN discovery
                        bool isASA = show_inventory.IndexOf("Adaptive Security Appliance") >= 0;
                        // some switches doe no support the "show inventory" command
                        bool exec_error = show_inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => show_inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                        if (exec_error)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh inventory\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                            // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                                system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                            // This should return system serial most of the time
                                if (stackCount > 0)
                                    // if stackCount > 0 the switch supported the "show switch" command. Probably also understands "show module"
                                    string modules = st.ExecCommand("show module");
                                    // some switches who support the "show switch" command may still do not understand "show modules"
                                    exec_error = modules.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => modules.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                                    if (exec_error)
                                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh module\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                        // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                                        system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                                        // select lines starting with a number. These are assumed the be the switches in stack
                                        var switchList = modules.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt());
                                        // each line contains the serial number in th 4th column
                                        system_serial = string.Join(",", switchList.Select(m => m.SplitBySpace()[3]));
                                    system_serial = show_inventory.SplitByLine().First(l => l.StartsWith("PID:")).Split(',')[2].Split(':')[1].Trim();
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                system_serial = "parsing error";
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error parsing serial number : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Error);

                        #region Add New Device to DB with inlist
                        // Two devices considered identical if :
                        // - have the same hostname, or
                        // - have the same IPAddress
                        CDPDataSet.DevicesRow device_row = local_dataset.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                                d.IP_Address.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisIP => thisIP == ConnectionInfo.DeviceIP) ||
                                                                                                d.Name.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisName => DottedNameSpace.CompateTLD(thisName, ConnectionInfo.HostName))
                        if (device_row == null) //If NOT found in the DB have to ADD as new
                            device_row = local_dataset.Devices.NewDevicesRow();
                            device_row.SystemSerial = system_serial;
                            device_row.IP_Address   = ConnectionInfo.DeviceIP;
                            device_row.Name         = actual_hostname;
                            device_row.VersionInfo  = show_ver;
                            device_row.Type         = isASA ? "ASA" : isVSS ? "VSS" : stackCount > 1 ? string.Format("Stack{0}", stackCount) : device_type;
                            device_row.Inventory    = show_inventory;
                            DeviceID = device_row.ID;
                        else //IF found in the existing DB have to update!
                            device_row.VersionInfo  = show_ver;
                            device_row.Inventory    = show_inventory;
                            device_row.SystemSerial = system_serial;
                            if (isASA)
                                device_row.Type = "ASA";
                            else if (isVSS)
                                device_row.Type = "VSS";
                            else if (stackCount > 1)
                                device_row.Type = string.Format("Stack{0}", stackCount);


                        #region SHOW CDP NEIGHBOUR
                        if (!isASA)
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Checking for CDP neighbors...");
                            string cdpResult = st.ExecCommand("sh cdp neighbors detail");

                            CDPParser thisParser;
                            if (show_ver.IndexOf("NX-OS") >= 0)
                                thisParser = new NXOS_CDPParser(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion);
                                thisParser.ProcessCDPResult(cdpResult, device_row, local_dataset);
                                thisParser = new IOS_CDPParser(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion);
                                thisParser.ProcessCDPResult(cdpResult, device_row, local_dataset);


                        #region Collect interface configuration details for CDP connected interfaces
                        Executor.ShowActivity("Collecting CDP connected interface information...");
                        var query_local_interfaces = from device in local_dataset.Devices
                                                     where (device.ID == device_row.ID)
                                                     join neigh in local_dataset.Neighbours on device.ID equals neigh.Parent_ID
                                                     select new
                            local_int = neigh.Local_Interface,
                            ID        = device.ID,
                        foreach (var thisInterface in query_local_interfaces)
                            CDP2VISIO.CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow interface_row = null;
                            interface_row = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow();

                            string command = "sh run interface " + thisInterface.local_int;

                            string commandResult = st.ExecCommand(command);
                            commandResult = commandResult.ToLower();

                            string[] lines_in_commandresult = commandResult.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            string   interface_config       = string.Empty;
                            bool     addtoconfig            = false;
                            foreach (var line in lines_in_commandresult)
                                if (line.IndexOf(RevConvInt(thisInterface.local_int)) >= 0)
                                    addtoconfig = true;
                                if (addtoconfig)
                                    interface_config = interface_config + line + "\r\n";

                            interface_row.ID             = thisInterface.ID;
                            interface_row.Name           = thisInterface.local_int;
                            interface_row.Running_config = interface_config;



                        #region Collect overall interface status information
                        if (Options.Default.DisplayConnected && !isASA)
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Checking interface status...");
                            string[] ifDesc = st.ExecCommand("show interface description").SplitByLine();
                            foreach (string thisIfDescription in ifDesc.SkipWhile((string s, int i) => i < 1))
                                string[] ifDescrWords = thisIfDescription.SplitBySpace();
                                string   IFName       = Common.ConvInt(ifDescrWords[0]);
                                if (!IFName.StartsWith("vl")) // Don't care vlan interfaces here
                                    string IFStatus      = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ifDescrWords[1], ifDescrWords[2]);
                                    string IFDescription = string.Join(" ", ifDescrWords.SkipWhile((string s, int i) => i < 3));
                                    var    foundIF       = from thisIF in local_dataset.Interfaces where thisIF.ID == device_row.ID && thisIF.Name == IFName select thisIF;
                                    if (foundIF.Count() == 1)
                                        // Update existing IF data
                                        foundIF.ElementAt(0).Status      = IFStatus;
                                        foundIF.ElementAt(0).Description = IFDescription;
                                        // Add as new IF
                                        CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow thisIF = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow();
                                        thisIF.ID          = device_row.ID;
                                        thisIF.Name        = IFName;
                                        thisIF.Status      = IFStatus;
                                        thisIF.Description = IFDescription;

                        #region Collect VLAN interface information
                        if (isASA)
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Gathering VLAN information...");
                            // Contains the L3 information : interface names, interface ip, network, mask
                            List <string> VLANInfo = new List <string>();
                            string        asaIFs   = st.ExecCommand("sh int ip brief");
                            device_row.L3InterfaceInformation = asaIFs;
                            foreach (string thisInterface in asaIFs.SplitByLine().SkipWhile(l => l.StartsWith("Interface")))
                                string[] ifWords      = thisInterface.SplitBySpace();
                                string   asaIFName    = ifWords[0];
                                string   nameIF       = "";
                                string   secLevel     = "";
                                string   vlanIPAddr   = "";
                                string   vlanNetMask  = "";
                                string   netaddress   = "";
                                int      maskLength   = 0;
                                int      vlanID       = 0;
                                string   thisIFConfig = st.ExecCommand(string.Format("sh run int {0}", asaIFName));
                                foreach (string thisConfigLine in thisIFConfig.SplitByLine().Select(s => s.Trim()))
                                    if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("vlan"))
                                        int.TryParse(thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1], out vlanID);
                                    else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("nameif"))
                                        nameIF = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1];
                                    else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("security-level"))
                                        secLevel = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1];
                                    else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("ip address"))
                                        string[] lineWords = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace();
                                        vlanIPAddr  = lineWords[2];
                                        vlanNetMask = lineWords[3];
                                        maskLength  = IPOperations.GetMaskLength(vlanNetMask);
                                        netaddress  = IPOperations.GetNetworkAddress(vlanIPAddr, maskLength);
                                string networkAddressPrint = "";
                                if (maskLength > 0)
                                    networkAddressPrint = string.Format("{0}/{1}", netaddress, maskLength);
                                string reportedIFName = string.Format("{0} name: {1} security-level: {2}", asaIFName, nameIF, secLevel);
                                VLANInfo.Add(string.Join(";", new string[] { vlanID == 0 ? "routed" : vlanID.ToString(), reportedIFName, vlanIPAddr, vlanNetMask, networkAddressPrint }));

                                #region Add ASA interface to inventory database
                                string IFStatus = "n/a";
                                if (ifWords.Length == 6)
                                    IFStatus = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ifWords[4], ifWords[5]);
                                else if (ifWords.Length == 7)
                                    IFStatus = string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", ifWords[4], ifWords[5], ifWords[6]);
                                var foundIF = from thisIF in local_dataset.Interfaces where thisIF.ID == device_row.ID && thisIF.Name == asaIFName select thisIF;
                                if (foundIF.Count() == 1)
                                    // Update existing IF data
                                    foundIF.ElementAt(0).Status      = IFStatus;
                                    foundIF.ElementAt(0).Description = reportedIFName;
                                    // Add as new IF
                                    CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow thisIF = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow();
                                    thisIF.ID          = device_row.ID;
                                    thisIF.Name        = asaIFName;
                                    thisIF.Status      = IFStatus;
                                    thisIF.Description = reportedIFName;
                            device_row.VLANInformation = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, VLANInfo);
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Gathering VLAN interface information...");
                            // TODO : for routers, also include "sh ip int brief"
                            string vlanIFs = st.ExecCommand("sh ip int brief | i [Vv]lan");
                            device_row.L3InterfaceInformation = vlanIFs;

                            #region Collect network details for VLANs
                            // Contains the list of VLAN interface names
                            List <string> VLANInterfaces = Regex.Matches(vlanIFs, "^Vlan(\\d+)", RegexOptions.Multiline).Cast <Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();
                            // Contains the L3 information : interface names, interface ip, network, mask
                            List <string> VLANInfo        = new List <string>();
                            string        vlans           = st.ExecCommand("sh vlan");
                            bool          addLineToOutput = false;
                            foreach (string line in vlans.SplitByLine())
                                if (line.StartsWith("---"))
                                    addLineToOutput = !addLineToOutput;
                                    if (!addLineToOutput)
                                else if (addLineToOutput)
                                    string[] words  = line.SplitBySpace();
                                    int      vlanID = -1;
                                    if (int.TryParse(words[0], out vlanID))
                                        string vlanName    = words[1];
                                        string vlanIPAddr  = "";
                                        string vlanNetMask = "";
                                        string netaddress  = "";
                                        int    maskLength  = 0;
                                        // Check if current VLAN has a corresponding VLAN interface definition
                                        if (VLANInterfaces.Contains(string.Format("vlan{0}", vlanID)))
                                            string vlanIntConfig = st.ExecCommand(string.Format("sh run int vlan{0}", vlanID));
                                            string ipAddressLine = vlanIntConfig.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith("ip address"));
                                            if (ipAddressLine != null)
                                                string[] addr = ipAddressLine.SplitBySpace();
                                                vlanIPAddr  = addr[2];
                                                vlanNetMask = addr[3];
                                                maskLength  = IPOperations.GetMaskLength(vlanNetMask);
                                                netaddress  = IPOperations.GetNetworkAddress(vlanIPAddr, maskLength);
                                                ipAddressLine = vlanIntConfig.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith("no ip address"));
                                                if (ipAddressLine != null)
                                                    vlanIPAddr = "no ip address";
                                        string networkAddressPrint = "";
                                        if (maskLength > 0)
                                            networkAddressPrint = string.Format("{0}/{1}", netaddress, maskLength);
                                        VLANInfo.Add(string.Join(";", new string[] { vlanID.ToString(), vlanName, vlanIPAddr, vlanNetMask, networkAddressPrint }));
                            device_row.VLANInformation = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, VLANInfo);

                        result       = true;
                        ActionResult = "Discovery information processing finished successfully.";
                        if (system_serial == "")
                            ActionResult += "Warning : Could not identify system serial number.";
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        ActionResult = string.Format("Unexpected processing error : {0} {1}", Ex.Message, Ex.InnerException?.Message);
                else if (ConnectionInfo.VendorName.ToLowerInvariant() == "junos")
                    #region JunOS
                    // http://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos11.1/topics/task/configuration/802-1x-lldp-cli.html
                    ActionResult = "Error processing PGTNetworkDiscovery for JunOS";
                    string show_ver        = string.Empty;
                    string device_type     = "router";
                    string actual_hostname = string.Empty;
                    string show_inventory  = string.Empty;
                    string system_serial   = string.Empty;
                    int    stackCount      = 0;

                    #region Identify device
                    show_inventory = st.ExecCommand("show chassis hardware");
                    // Indicates that we are connected to an ASA, using later for VLAN discovery
                    bool isASA = show_inventory.IndexOf("Adaptive Security Appliance") >= 0;
                    // some switches doe no support the "show inventory" command
                    bool exec_error = show_inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => show_inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                    if (exec_error)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh inventory\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                        // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                            system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                        // This should return system serial most of the time
                            if (stackCount > 0)
                                // if stackCount > 0 the switch supported the "show switch" command. Probably also understands "show module"
                                string modules = st.ExecCommand("show module");
                                // some switches who support the "show switch" command may still do not understand "show modules"
                                exec_error = modules.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => modules.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                                if (exec_error)
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh module\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                    // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                                    system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                                    // select lines starting with a number. These are assumed the be the switches in stack
                                    var switchList = modules.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt());
                                    // each line contains the serial number in th 4th column
                                    system_serial = string.Join(",", switchList.Select(m => m.SplitBySpace()[3]));
                                system_serial = show_inventory.SplitByLine().First(l => l.StartsWith("PID:")).Split(',')[2].Split(':')[1].Trim();
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            system_serial = "parsing error";
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error parsing serial number : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Error);

        public void Parse(INeighborRegistry registry, CancellationToken token)
            if (_router?.Session == null || !_router.Session.IsConnected())
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse OSPF. Either thisRouter or Session parameter is invalid");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Querying OSPF neighbors...";
                string TextToParse = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ospf neighbor");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Querying OSPF interfaces...";
                string ospfInterfaces = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ospf interface");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Processing OSPF data...";
                string[] ospf_lines          = TextToParse.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string   neighborRouterID    = "";
                string   neighborState       = "";
                string   remoteNeighboringIP = "";
                string   description         = "";

                foreach (string line in ospf_lines.Select(l => l.Trim()))
                    neighborRouterID    = "";
                    neighborState       = "";
                    remoteNeighboringIP = "";
                    description         = "";
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("JUNOS_OSPF_PARSER : parsing OSPF neighbor row [ {0} ]", line), DebugLevel.Full);
                        string[] words = line.SplitBySpace();
                        if (words.Length < 4)
                            continue;                                           // this line is something else
                        // Words should be:
                        // Address,Interface,State,ID,Pri,Dead
                        neighborState = words[2];
                        IPAddress nIP;
                        IPAddress nID;
                        if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(words[0], out nIP) && System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(words[3], out nID))
                            // This is a new peer, initialize variables
                            _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Querying router interface {0}...", words[1]);
                            RouterInterface ri = _router.GetInterfaceByName(words[1]);
                            if (ri != null)
                                // add OSPF Area info to RouterInterface
                                if (ospfInterfaces != "")
                                    string ospfIntfLine = ospfInterfaces.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith(ri.Name));
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ospfIntfLine))
                                        string[] w = ospfIntfLine.SplitBySpace();
                                        // words array header  : Interface,State,Area,DR ID,BDR ID,Nbrs
                                        // words should be like: lo0.0,DRother,,,,0
                                        ri.OSPFArea = w[2];
                                neighborRouterID      = nID.ToString();
                                remoteNeighboringIP   = nIP.ToString();
                                description           = "";
                                _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Registering OSPF neighbor {0}...", neighborRouterID);
                                registry.RegisterNeighbor(_router, RoutingProtocol.OSPF, neighborRouterID, "", description, remoteNeighboringIP, ri, neighborState);
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        string msg = String.Format("OSPFarser : Error while parsing ospf output line [{0}]. Error is : {1}", line, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage());
                        _OperationStatusLabel = msg;
                _OperationStatusLabel = "JunOS OSPF route parser completed.";
            catch (Exception Ex)
                _OperationStatusLabel = "JunOS OSPF parser failed with error : " + Ex.Message;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public virtual void ProcessCDPResult(string command_result, CDPDataSet.DevicesRow parent_device, CDPDataSet ds)
            if (command_result.IndexOf("CDP is not enabled") >= 0)
                parent_device.CDP_status = false;
                string[] cdp_lines = command_result.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                CDPDataSet.DevicesRow current_device = null; // As going through the CDP output lines, this is the actual neighbor
                string currentDeviceName             = "";
                string currentDeviceIP = "";
                CDPDataSet.NeighboursRow    new_neigbor    = null; // This is the neighbor created for current_device as a neighbor of parent_device
                PGTDataSet.ScriptSettingRow ScriptSettings = SettingsManager.GetCurrentScriptSettings();
                // As the ip address must be unique for each device, adding a device with ip address of nocdpip constant would fail for the second time
                // To overcome this issue, we do indexing for devices with no ip address (such as VMware ESX hosts)
                int nocdpip_index = 0;
                foreach (string line in cdp_lines)
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : parsing cdp neighbor row [ {0} ]", line), DebugLevel.Full);
                        bool isVMWareESX = false;

                        #region Check for DeviceID line and set currentDeviceName accordingly
                        if (line.IndexOf(DeviceID()) >= 0)
                                if (new_neigbor != null)
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                // Depending on discovery list, under special circumstances it can happen that we try to add a new neighbor row
                                // with the same connection parameters (same parent, neighbor and interfaces) that will violate unique key constraint
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : Error storing neighbor row : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Warning);
                            new_neigbor = null;
                            string[] words = line.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            currentDeviceName = words[2].Trim();;
                            currentDeviceIP   = "";
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : CDPParser found a new neighbor : {0}", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Informational);

                        if (currentDeviceName == "")

                        #region Check for IPAddress line and set currentDeviceIP accordingly
                        if (line.IndexOf(IPAddress()) >= 0)
                            string[] words_in_line = line.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            currentDeviceIP = words_in_line[2].Trim();
                            if (currentDeviceIP == "")
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : cdp is not reporting ip address for neighbor {0}", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                currentDeviceIP = string.Format("{0}_{1}", nocdpip, nocdpip_index);

                        #region Check whether the Platform is VMware ESX
                        if (line.Trim().StartsWith("Platform:"))
                            string[] words = line.SplitByComma();
                            // words[0] should be PlatForm, words[1] is Capabilities
                            isVMWareESX = words[0].ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf("vmware esx") >= 0;
                            if (isVMWareESX)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : neighbor {0} is an ESX host", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                currentDeviceIP = string.Format("{0}_{1}", nocdpip, nocdpip_index);

                        if (currentDeviceIP == "")

                        #region Add current device as new device or select existing device from Devices table
                        // At this point we can identify the current device(cdp neighbor) by name and ip. This is also a new neighbor
                        // Two devices considered identical if :
                        // - have the same hostname, or
                        // - have the same IPAddress
                        string currentDeviceHostName = DottedNameSpace.TLD(currentDeviceName);
                        current_device = ds.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                   currentDeviceIP != nocdpip && d.IP_Address.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisIP => thisIP == currentDeviceIP) ||
                                                                   d.Name.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisName => DottedNameSpace.CompateTLD(thisName, currentDeviceHostName))
                        if (current_device == null)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : neighbor {0} is a new device, adding to devices data table", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Informational);
                            // This device is not yet known. Add to device list and also to list of devices in script
                            current_device = ds.Devices.NewDevicesRow();
                            //if (current_device.Name != currentDeviceName) current_device.Name += ";" + currentDeviceName;
                            current_device.Name = currentDeviceName;
                            if (current_device.IsIP_AddressNull() || current_device.IP_Address == "")
                                current_device.IP_Address = currentDeviceIP;
                            else if (current_device.IP_Address != currentDeviceIP)
                                current_device.IP_Address += ";" + currentDeviceIP;
                            // Add a new entry for discovered device if has a valid neighbor ip, Recursion is allowed
                            // and this ip is not defined as discovery boundary
                            if (_AllowRecursion && !currentDeviceIP.StartsWith(nocdpip))
                                var includedAddresses = (from addressdefinition in ds.DomainBoundary where addressdefinition.Action == BoundaryAddressAction.Include.ToString() select addressdefinition.IP_Address)?.ToList();
                                var excludedAddresses = (from addressdefinition in ds.DomainBoundary where addressdefinition.Action == BoundaryAddressAction.Exclude.ToString() select addressdefinition.IP_Address)?.ToList();
                                if (IPOperations.IsIPAddressInNetworks(currentDeviceIP, includedAddresses, true) && !IPOperations.IsIPAddressInNetworks(currentDeviceIP, excludedAddresses, false))
                                    string[] newScriptLine = _ConnectionInfo.ScriptLine.Split(ScriptSettings.CSVSeparator.ToCharArray());
                                    newScriptLine[2] = currentDeviceIP;
                                    newScriptLine[3] = currentDeviceName;
                                    _Executor.AddScriptEntry(string.Join(ScriptSettings.CSVSeparator, newScriptLine));
                                    string msg = string.Format("Added device <{0}> to discovery list.", currentDeviceIP);
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(msg, DebugLevel.Informational);
                                    string msg = string.Format("Not adding device <{0}> to discovery list because it is either explicitly excluded or not included in discovery domain", currentDeviceIP);
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(msg, DebugLevel.Full);
                                string msg = "Not adding device a new neighbor to discovery list because Active Discovery is not allowed or the neighbor does not have a valid ip address detected.";
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(msg, DebugLevel.Full);
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : neighbor {0} is already a known device", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Full);

                        if (current_device == null)

                        #region Create Neighbor for parent_device <-> current_device
                        if (new_neigbor == null)
                            new_neigbor             = ds.Neighbours.NewNeighboursRow();
                            new_neigbor.Neighbor_ID = current_device.ID;
                            new_neigbor.Parent_ID   = parent_device.ID;
                            new_neigbor.Name        = current_device.Name;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : new neighbor {0} added for device {1}", currentDeviceName, parent_device.Name), DebugLevel.Full);

                        #region  Get Platform/Interfaces info and update the neighbor

                        if (line.Trim().StartsWith("Platform") && new_neigbor != null)
                            string[] words = line.SplitByComma();
                            // words[0] should be PlatForm, words[1] is Capabilities
                            string[] platformWords = words[0].SplitBySpace();
                            string[] capabilities  = words[1].SplitBySpace();
                            current_device.Platform = string.Join(" ", platformWords.SkipWhile((string l, int i) => i < 1));
                            if (current_device.Type != "VSS" && current_device.Type != "ASA" && !current_device.Type.StartsWith("Stack"))
                                current_device.Type = string.Join(";", capabilities.SkipWhile((s, i) => i < 1));
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : Platform of neighbor {0} identified as {1}. Device type was set to {2}", currentDeviceName, current_device.Platform, current_device.Type), DebugLevel.Full);

                        if (line.IndexOf("Interface") >= 0 && new_neigbor != null)
                            string[] words_in_line        = line.SplitBySpace();
                            int      words_length         = words_in_line.Length;
                            string   neighbour_interfaces = words_in_line[words_length - 1];
                            neighbour_interfaces = Common.ConvInt(neighbour_interfaces);

                            string local_interfaces = words_in_line[1].Replace(",", "");
                            local_interfaces = Common.ConvInt(local_interfaces);

                            new_neigbor.Neighbour_Interface = neighbour_interfaces;
                            new_neigbor.Local_Interface     = local_interfaces;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : connected interface added {0}::{1} connects to  {2}::{3}", currentDeviceName, local_interfaces, parent_device.Name, neighbour_interfaces), DebugLevel.Full);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : Error while parsing cdp output line [{0}]. Error is : {1}", line, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()));
                if (new_neigbor != null)
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void RegisterNHRP(INeighborRegistry registry)
                string   vrrpSummary      = _session.ExecCommand("show vrrp summary");
                string[] vrrpSummaryLines = vrrpSummary.SplitByLine();
                // Sample input for parsing
                //Interface State       Group VR state VR Mode Type   Address
                //irb.2100  up          210   master Active    lcl
                //																						 vip
                //irb.2200  up          220   master Active    lcl
                //																						 vip

                string          VIPAddress  = "";
                string          GroupID     = "";
                string          PeerAddress = "";
                bool            isActive    = false;
                RouterInterface ri          = null;
                foreach (string thisLine in vrrpSummaryLines)
                    if (thisLine.IndentLevel() == 0)
                        // interface definition is changing
                        if (GroupID != "" && VIPAddress != "")
                            registry.RegisterNHRPPeer(this, ri, NHRPProtocol.VRRP, isActive, VIPAddress, GroupID, PeerAddress);
                            VIPAddress  = "";
                            GroupID     = "";
                            PeerAddress = "";
                            ri          = null;
                        string[] words  = thisLine.SplitBySpace();
                        string   ifName = words[0];
                        isActive = thisLine.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("master");
                        ri       = GetInterfaceByName(ifName);
                        GroupID  = words[2];
                    if (ri != null)
                        string[] words = thisLine.SplitBySpace();
                        if (words.Length == 2)
                            switch (words[0])
                            case "lcl": break;

                            case "mas": PeerAddress = words[1]; break;

                            case "vip": VIPAddress = words[1]; break;
                // register the last one
                if (ri != null && VIPAddress != "" && GroupID != "")
                    registry.RegisterNHRPPeer(this, ri, NHRPProtocol.VRRP, isActive, VIPAddress, GroupID, PeerAddress);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                string msg = string.Format("CiscoIOSRouter says : error processing NHRP interfaces : {0}", Ex.Message);
        public void Parse(INeighborRegistry registry, CancellationToken token)
            if (_router?.Session == null || !_router.Session.IsConnected())
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse OSPF. Either thisRouter or Session parameter is invalid");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Querying OSPF neighbors...";
                string TextToParse = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ip ospf neighbor");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Querying OSPF interfaces...";
                string ospfInterfaces = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show ip ospf interface brief");
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Processing OSPF data...";
                string[] ospf_lines          = TextToParse.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string   neighborRouterID    = "";
                string   neighborState       = "";
                string   remoteNeighboringIP = "";
                string   description         = "";

                foreach (string line in ospf_lines.Select(l => l.Trim()))
                    neighborRouterID    = "";
                    neighborState       = "";
                    remoteNeighboringIP = "";
                    description         = "";
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CISCO_IOS_OSPF_PARSER : parsing OSPF neighbor row [ {0} ]", line), DebugLevel.Full);
                        string[] words = line.SplitBySpace();
                        if (words.Length < 4)
                        // Words should look like:
                        // Neighbor ID,Pri,State,Dead Time,Address,Interface
                        var MatchedIPs = Regex.Matches(line, @"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}");
                        // we expect two ip addresses in the line, first is the Neighbor router ID, second is Neighboring IP address
                        if (MatchedIPs.Count == 2 && System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(MatchedIPs[0].Value, out IPAddress nID) && System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(MatchedIPs[1].Value, out IPAddress nIP))
                            // This is a new peer, initialize variables
                            string ifName = words[words.Length - 1];                             // last work is the interface name
                            _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Querying router interface {0}...", ifName);
                            RouterInterface ri = _router.GetInterfaceByName(ifName);
                            if (ri != null)
                                // add OSPF Area info to RouterInterface
                                if (ospfInterfaces != "")
                                    string ospfIntfLine = ospfInterfaces.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith(ri.Name));
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ospfIntfLine))
                                        string[] w = ospfIntfLine.SplitBySpace();
                                        //Interface    PID   Area            IP Address/Mask    Cost  State Nbrs F/C
                                        //Te0/1/0      100      1     DR    1/1
                                        ri.OSPFArea = w[2];
                                neighborRouterID      = nID.ToString();
                                remoteNeighboringIP   = nIP.ToString();
                                neighborState         = words[2];
                                description           = "";
                                _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Registering OSPF neighbor {0}...", neighborRouterID);
                                registry.RegisterNeighbor(_router, RoutingProtocol.OSPF, neighborRouterID, "", description, remoteNeighboringIP, ri, neighborState);
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        string msg = String.Format("Cisco IOS OSPF Protocol Parser : Error while parsing ospf output line [{0}]. Error is : {1}", line, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage());
                        _OperationStatusLabel = msg;
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Cisco IOS OSPF Protocol Parser completed.";
            catch (Exception Ex)
                _OperationStatusLabel = "Cisco IOS OSPF Protocol Parser failed with error : " + Ex.Message;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void CalculateSystemSerial()
            // some switches does not support the "show inventory" command
            bool exec_error = Inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => Inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0);

            if (exec_error)
                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("JunOS IRouter : switch does not support \"show chassis hardware\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                    _systemSerial = string.Join(",", _versionInfo.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("JunOS IRouter : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                switch (Type)
                case "Switch":
                    // Assuming an EX / QFX series switch
                    var FPCs = Regex.Matches(Inventory, @"FPC \d.*");
                    foreach (Match thisFPC in FPCs)
                        string[] fpcLineWords = thisFPC.Value.SplitBySpace();
                        // words should look like:FPC,0,REV,19,650-044931,PE3716200032,EX4300-48T
                        // serial number should be words[5]
                        _systemSerial += (";" + fpcLineWords[5]);
                        _modelNumber  += (";" + fpcLineWords[6]);
                    _systemSerial = _systemSerial?.TrimStart(';');
                    _modelNumber  = _modelNumber?.TrimStart(';');

                case "Firewall":
                    // Assuming SRX firewall
                    var FPCs = Regex.Matches(Inventory, @"\bChassis.*\b");
                    foreach (Match thisFPC in FPCs)
                        string[] chassisLineWords = thisFPC.Value.SplitBySpace();
                        // expecting chassisLineWords as : Chassis,BU4913AK0887,SRX240H2
                        _systemSerial += (";" + chassisLineWords[1]);
                        _modelNumber  += (";" + chassisLineWords[2]);
                    _systemSerial = _systemSerial?.TrimStart(';');
                    _modelNumber  = _modelNumber?.TrimStart(';');

                case "Router":
                    // not yet implemented
                    _systemSerial = "?";
                    _modelNumber  = "?";
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void ConnectWithDynamicGlueAndConnector(int DeviceNumber, Visio.IVShape shapeFrom, Visio.IVShape shapeTo, string EdgeText, string EdgeIntConfigs, string Edgecolor, string EdgeWeight, int TextSize, string RouteType)
            if (shapeFrom == null || shapeTo == null)
                DebugEx.WriteLine("Can't connect a null shape !");

            const string BASIC_FLOWCHART_STENCIL  = "Basic Flowchart Shapes (US units).vss";
            const string DYNAMIC_CONNECTOR_MASTER = "Dynamic Connector";
            const string MESSAGE_NOT_SAME_PAGE    = "Both the shapes are not on the same page.";

            Visio.Application visioApplication;
            Visio.IVDocument  stencil;
            Visio.IVMaster    masterInStencil;
            Visio.IVShape     connector;
            Visio.IVCell      beginX;
            Visio.IVCell      endX;

            // Get the Application object from the shape.
            visioApplication = (Visio.Application)shapeFrom.Application;
                // Verify that the shapes are on the same page
                if (shapeFrom.ContainingPage != null && shapeTo.ContainingPage != null &&
                    shapeFrom.ContainingPage == shapeTo.ContainingPage)
                    #region Set ConnectorShapeProperties

                    #region InitiateConnector
                    // Access the Basic Flowchart Shapes stencil from the
                    // Documents collection of the application.
                    stencil = visioApplication.Documents.OpenEx(BASIC_FLOWCHART_STENCIL, (short)VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked);

                    // Get the dynamic connector master on the stencil by its
                    // universal name.
                    masterInStencil = stencil.Masters.get_ItemU(DYNAMIC_CONNECTOR_MASTER);

                    // Drop the dynamic connector on the active page.
                    connector = visioApplication.ActivePage.Drop(masterInStencil, 0, 0);


                    #region SetconnectorToSraightLine
                    //Set dynamic cable is a straight line, the key is to know FormulaU this property 16 shows a straight line
                    // Straight Line : 16
                    // Right Angle : 1
                    string rType = "16";
                    if (RouteType == "Right Angle")
                        rType = "1";
                    else if (RouteType == "Straight Lines")
                        rType = "16";
                    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa221304(v=office.11).aspx
                    connector.get_CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowShapeLayout, (short)VisCellIndices.visSLORouteStyle).FormulaU = rType;

                    #region SetConnector_Tiptext
                    string connector_Tiptex = string.Empty;
                    connector_Tiptex = EdgeIntConfigs;

                    //Set the Tiptext
                    connector.get_CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowMisc, (short)VisCellIndices.visComment).FormulaU = "\"" + connector_Tiptex.Replace("\"", "") + "\"";


                    #region SetConnectorText
                    connector.Text = string.Empty;
                    connector.Text = EdgeText;
                    Visio.IVCharacters shapeText;
                    shapeText = connector.Characters;
                    shapeText.set_CharProps((short)VisCellIndices.visCharacterSize, (short)TextSize);

                    #region SetConnectorColor
                        //Set the connection line to "RED" color
                        Visio.IVCell thisCell = connector.CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowLine, (short)VisCellIndices.visLineColor);
                        if (thisCell != null)
                            thisCell.Formula = Edgecolor;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector color, Cell is null", DebugLevel.Warning);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector color : {0} {1}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage(), Ex.InnerException?.Message), DebugLevel.Warning);

                    #region SetConnectorWeight
                        Visio.IVCell thisCell = connector.get_CellsU("LineWeight");
                        if (thisCell != null)
                            thisCell.FormulaU = EdgeWeight;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector weight, Cell is null", DebugLevel.Warning);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector weight : " + Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage(), DebugLevel.Warning);

                    #region SetConnectorSource&TargetShape
                        // Connect the begin point of the dynamic connector to the
                        // PinX cell of the first 2-D shape.
                        beginX = connector.CellsSRC(

                        if (beginX != null)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't glue connector origin", DebugLevel.Warning);
                        // Connect the end point of the dynamic connector to the
                        // PinX cell of the second 2-D shape.
                        endX = connector.get_CellsSRC(
                        if (endX != null)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Glued {0} to {1}", shapeFrom.Name, shapeTo.Name), DebugLevel.Informational);
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't glue connector end", DebugLevel.Warning);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't glue connector : " + Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage(), DebugLevel.Warning);

                    // Processing cannot continue because the shapes are not on
                    // the same page.

            catch (Exception Ex)
        public void Parse(INeighborRegistry registry, CancellationToken token)
            if (_router?.Session == null || !_router.Session.IsConnected())
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse BGP. Either thisRouter or Session parameter is invalid");
                    _OperationStatusLabel = "Querying bgp neighbors...";
                    string bgpNeighbors = _router.Session.ExecCommand("show bgp neighbor");
                    string[] bgp_lines           = bgpNeighbors.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string   peerRouterID        = "";
                    string   localNeighboringIP  = "";
                    string   remoteNeighboringIP = "";
                    string   remoteAS            = "";
                    string   description         = "";
                    string   neighborState       = "";
                    bool     sessionEstablished  = true;
                    bool     skipRestOfLines     = false;
                    string   localInterfaceName  = "";
                    BGPType  _bgpType            = BGPType.undetermined;

                    foreach (string line in bgp_lines.Select(l => l.Trim()))
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("BGPParser : parsing BGP neighbor row [ {0} ]", line), DebugLevel.Full);
                            #region Get description
                            if (line.StartsWith("Description:"))
                                string[] words = line.Split(":".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                description = words[1];

                            #region Check for Peer line
                            if (line.StartsWith("Peer:"))
                                // This is a new peer, initialize variables
                                peerRouterID        = "";
                                localNeighboringIP  = "";
                                remoteNeighboringIP = "";
                                remoteAS            = "";
                                description         = "";
                                neighborState       = "";
                                sessionEstablished  = true;
                                skipRestOfLines     = false;
                                localInterfaceName  = "";
                                // Get local address
                                Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<=Local: )[\d.]{0,99}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                if (m.Success)
                                    localNeighboringIP = m.Value;
                                // Get peer address
                                m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<=Peer: )[\d.]{0,99}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                if (m.Success)
                                    remoteNeighboringIP = m.Value;
                                // Get AS Numbers
                                var ASes = Regex.Matches(line, @"(?<=AS )[\d.]{0,99}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                if (ASes.Count != 2)
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot parse BGP output : unable to retrieve local and remote AS numbers.");
                                remoteAS = ASes[0].Value;
                                _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Processing neighbor {0} for AS {1}...", remoteNeighboringIP, remoteAS);

                            if (skipRestOfLines)

                            #region Check for state
                            if (line.StartsWith("Type:") && line.Contains("State:"))
                                Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<=State: )\w+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                if (m.Success)
                                    neighborState = m.Value;
                                sessionEstablished = neighborState.ToLowerInvariant() == "established";
                                m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<=Type: )\w+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                if (m.Success)
                                    _bgpType = m.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "internal" ? BGPType.iBGP : BGPType.eBGP;

                            if (sessionEstablished)
                                #region Parse Remote router ID
                                if (line.StartsWith("Peer ID:"))
                                    // Get remote router ID
                                    Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?<=Peer ID: )[\d.]{0,99}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                    if (!m.Success)
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot parse BGP output : unable to retrieve peer router ID.");
                                    peerRouterID = m.Value;
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("JunOSBGPParser : found a neighbor {0}AS{1} <-> {2}AS{3}", _router.RouterID(RoutingProtocol.BGP), _router.BGPAutonomousSystem, peerRouterID, remoteAS), DebugLevel.Informational);

                                #region Get local interface
                                if (localInterfaceName == "")
                                    switch (_bgpType)
                                    case BGPType.eBGP:
                                        if (line.StartsWith("Local Interface:"))
                                            string[] words = line.Split(":".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                            localInterfaceName = words[1];

                                    case BGPType.iBGP:
                                        // since JunOS does not show Local Interface for iBGP, we need to query it, if we know the local ip
                                        if (localNeighboringIP != "")
                                            localInterfaceName = _router.GetInterfaceNameByIPAddress(localNeighboringIP);

                            if (sessionEstablished && (localInterfaceName == "" || peerRouterID == "" || remoteAS == "" || localNeighboringIP == "" || remoteNeighboringIP == ""))

                            // when the BGP session is not established we can't know the neighbor router ID, so name it after peering ip which should be unique anyway
                            // We also won't know the localInterface at this point, so we need to query it by ip address
                            if (!sessionEstablished)
                                peerRouterID = remoteNeighboringIP;
                                if (localNeighboringIP != "")
                                    localInterfaceName = _router.GetInterfaceNameByIPAddress(localNeighboringIP);
                            // search database for peer router, select it or add new neighbor
                            _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Querying router interface {0}...", localInterfaceName);
                            RouterInterface ri = _router.GetInterfaceByName(localInterfaceName);
                            _OperationStatusLabel = string.Format("Registering BGP neighbor {0}...", peerRouterID);
                            registry.RegisterNeighbor(_router, RoutingProtocol.BGP, peerRouterID, remoteAS, description, remoteNeighboringIP, ri, neighborState);
                            // now all is done for this peer, skip lines until next peer is found
                            skipRestOfLines = true;
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            string msg = String.Format("JunOSBGPParser : Error while parsing bgp output line [{0}]. Error is : {1}", line, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage());
                            _OperationStatusLabel = msg;

                    _OperationStatusLabel = "JunOS BGP route parser completed.";
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    _OperationStatusLabel = "JunoS BGP parser failed with error : " + Ex.Message;