Exemplo n.º 1
        public DbRateChoice Update(DbRateChoice choice)
            Command cmd = new Command("UPDATE RateChoice SET RatingTypeId = @ratingtypeid, Text = @text, [Value] = @value OUTPUT inserted.* WHERE Id = @id");

            return(_connection.ExecuteReader(cmd, UniversalDbToEntityMapper.Mapper <DbRateChoice>).FirstOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public DbRateChoice Insert(DbRateChoice choice)
            Command cmd = new Command("INSERT INTO RateChoice (RatingTypeId, Text, [Value]) OUTPUT inserted.* VALUES (@ratingtypeid, @text, @value)");

            return(_connection.ExecuteReader(cmd, UniversalDbToEntityMapper.Mapper <DbRateChoice>).FirstOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("connectionString", @"Data Source=TECHNOBEL\;Initial Catalog=R8It;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=test1234=");
            #region test DALService OK
            // first call should cw the add of CategoryService to the provider
            // CategoryRepository service = Provider.GetService<CategoryRepository>();
            // IRateChoiceRepository service1 = Provider.GetService<IRateChoiceRepository>();

            // IRateChoiceRepository service2 = Provider.GetService<IRateChoiceRepository>();
            // testing multiple call to provider
            //should NOT cw the add of CategoryService to the provider
            //testSingleton test = new testSingleton();
            // testSingleton test2 = new testSingleton();

            // testing the actual service
            // foreach (DbCategory category in service.GetAll())
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(category.Name);
            // }

            #region test USerService
            //TODO Update
            //UserRepository uservice = Provider.GetService<UserRepository>();
            //DbUser testReceive = uservice.Login("*****@*****.**", "testpw");
            //testReceive.Nickname = "test2";
            //testReceive.Email = "*****@*****.**";
            //testReceive.Password = "******";

            //foreach (DbUser user in uservice.GetAll())
            //    Console.WriteLine(user.Email);
            #region test CategoryService OK
            //CategoryRepository service = Provider.GetService<CategoryRepository>();
            //DbCategory category = new DbCategory
            //    Name = "yolo2"
            //category = service.Insert(category);
            //#region test CountryService TODO
            //#region test FollowService OK
            //DbFollow follow = new DbFollow
            //    FollowedId = 1,
            //    FollowerId = 4
            //FollowService service = serviceProvider.GetService<FollowService>();
            //    service.Follow(1, 4);

            //    service.Follow(1, 4);
            //    Console.WriteLine("follow unique pas ok");
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    Console.WriteLine("follow unique ok");
            //foreach (DbFollow item in service.GetFollowed(1))
            //    Console.WriteLine(item.FollowedId.ToString(), item.FollowerId.ToString());

            //foreach (DbFollow item in service.GetFollowers(1))
            //    Console.WriteLine(item.FollowedId.ToString(), item.FollowerId.ToString());

            //service.Unfollow(1, 4);

            #region RatingServiceTest OK
            //RatingTypeRepository service = Provider.GetService<RatingTypeRepository>();

            //DbRatingType ratingType = new DbRatingType
            //    Name = "Yes or No",
            //    Definition = "Get votes on a yes or no basis. R8ers like it or they don't, no in between."
            //ratingType = service.Insert(ratingType);

            //#region SubscriptionService OK
            //SubscriptionService ss = serviceProvider.GetService<SubscriptionService>();
            //    ss.Subscribe(1, 1);
            //    ss.Subscribe(4, 3);
            //    ss.Subscribe(1, 3);
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    Console.WriteLine("subscribe ok");
            //foreach (DbUser user in ss.GetSubscribers(3))
            //    Console.WriteLine(user.Nickname);
            //foreach (DbCategory cat in ss.GetSubscriptions(1))
            //    Console.WriteLine(cat.Name);

            //ss.Unsubscribe(1, 1);
            //foreach (DbCategory cat in ss.GetSubscriptions(1))
            //    Console.WriteLine(cat.Name);
            #region RateChoiceService

            RateChoiceRepository service2 = Provider.GetService <RateChoiceRepository>();
            DbRateChoice         choice   = new DbRateChoice
                RatingTypeId = 1,
                Text         = "Yes",
                Value        = 10
            DbRateChoice choice2 = new DbRateChoice
                RatingTypeId = 1,
                Text         = "No",
                Value        = 0
                choice = service2.Insert(choice);
                choice = service2.Insert(choice2);
                choice = service2.Insert(choice2);
                Console.WriteLine("insert pas ok");
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("insert ok");

            foreach (DbRateChoice choicee in service2.GetChoices(1))
                Console.WriteLine($"{choicee.Text} : {choicee.Value}");

            //#region UploadService OK
            //UploadService service = serviceProvider.GetService<UploadService>();
            //DbUpload upload = new DbUpload
            //    Context = "Yolo",
            //    UserId = 1,
            //    CategoryId = 1,
            //    File = File.ReadAllBytes("C:/test.png"),
            //    RatingTypeId = 2,
            //    Anonymous = false,
            //    LimitDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7),
            //    UploadDate = DateTime.Now

            //upload = service.Insert(upload);

            //DbUpload upload = service.Get(1);
            //File.WriteAllBytes("D:/yolo.png", upload.File);

            //foreach (DbUpload upload1 in service.GetAll())
            //    Console.WriteLine(upload1.Context);
            //foreach (DbUpload upload2 in service.GetAllFromUser(1))
            //    Console.WriteLine(upload2.Context);
            //#region VoteService OK
            //VoteService service = serviceProvider.GetService<VoteService>();
            //DbVote vote = new DbVote
            //    UserId = 4,
            //    UploadId = 1,
            //    RateChoiceId = 11

            //    vote = service.Insert(vote);
            //    vote = service.Insert(vote);
            //    Console.WriteLine("insert pas ok");
            //catch (Exception)
            //    Console.WriteLine("insert ok");

            //foreach (DbVote item in service.GetVotes(1))
            //    Console.WriteLine(item.UserId);
            //foreach (DbVote item in service.GetAll())
            //    Console.WriteLine(item.RateChoiceId);
