Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取平台公告
        /// </summary>
        private string GetAnnouncement(DataRow row, string mac)
            int    TopNum      = 2;
            string CommunityId = "";

            if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("TopNum"))
                TopNum = AppGlobal.StrToInt(row["TopNum"].ToString());

            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId"))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(new DataTable()));
                CommunityId = row["CommunityId"].ToString();

            string sql = @"SELECT top " + TopNum + @" A.Id as [InfoID],UserId,A.NoticeType,A.Title AS [Heading],CAST(A.Content AS VARCHAR(MAX)) as Content,A.IssueDate, (SELECT '[' + T.CommName + ']' FROM dbo.Tb_Community T WHERE CHARINDEX(T.Id, A.CommunityId)> 0 FOR XML PATH('')) AS CommName, A.CommunityId,
	                    A.IsDelete,A.ImageURL as ImageUrl ,A.ContentURL FROM Tb_Notice A
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Tb_Community B ON CHARINDEX(B.Id, A.CommunityId)> 0
                        WHERE 1 = 1  and isnull(A.IsDelete,0) = 0 AND b.Id = '" + CommunityId + @"' and isnull(a.Noticetype,0) = '1'
                        GROUP BY A.Id,UserId,A.NoticeType,A.Title,CAST(A.Content AS VARCHAR(MAX)),A.IssueDate,
	                    A.IsDelete,A.ImageURL,A.ContentURL order by a.IssueDate desc"    ;

            DataTable dTable = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query(string.Format(sql)).Tables[0];

            if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                dTable = new DataTable();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool CalcCostStanSettingAmountWithMonths(string CommID, string CustID, string RoomID, string CostID, string StanID, string HandID, int months, out decimal totalAmount)
            totalAmount = 0;
            using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString))
                // 计算费用开始时间
                string beginDateStr = conn.Query <string>("Proc_HSPR_Fees_CalcBeginDateFilter", new
                    CommID = CommID,
                    CustID = CustID,
                    RoomID = RoomID,
                    CostID = CostID,
                    HandID = HandID
                }, null, false, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure).FirstOrDefault();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(beginDateStr))
                    beginDateStr = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                DateTime FeesStateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(beginDateStr);
                DateTime FeesEndDate   = FeesStateDate.AddMonths(months);

                //// 计算应缴费用
                //dynamic info = conn.Query("Proc_HSPR_Fees_CalcAmount", new
                //    CommID = CommID,
                //    CustID = CustID,
                //    RoomID = RoomID,
                //    HandID = HandID,
                //    CostID = CostID,
                //    StanID = StanID,
                //    FeesStateDate = FeesStateDate,
                //    FeesEndDate = FeesEndDate,
                //    Amount = 0,
                //    Amount2 = 0
                //}, null, false, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure).FirstOrDefault();

                //if (null == info)
                //    return false;
                //totalAmount = info.DueAmount;
                //return true;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendFormat(" and CommID={0}", CommID);
                sb.AppendFormat(" and CustID={0}", CustID);
                sb.AppendFormat(" and RoomID={0}", RoomID);
                sb.AppendFormat(" and CostID={0}", CostID);

                SqlParameter[] parameters =
                    new SqlParameter("@SQLEx", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255)
                parameters[0].Value = sb.ToString();

                DataSet Ds = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString).RunProcedure("Proc_HSPR_CostStanSetting_Filter", parameters, "RetDataSet");

                if (Ds == null || Ds.Tables.Count <= 0)

                    DateTime date1 = FeesStateDate;
                    DateTime date2 = FeesEndDate;
                    date2 = date2.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                    while (date1 < date2)
                        SqlParameter[] paramete =
                            new SqlParameter("@CommID",        SqlDbType.Int),
                            new SqlParameter("@CustID",        SqlDbType.BigInt),
                            new SqlParameter("@RoomID",        SqlDbType.BigInt),

                            new SqlParameter("@HandID",        SqlDbType.BigInt),
                            new SqlParameter("@CostID",        SqlDbType.BigInt),
                            new SqlParameter("@StanID",        SqlDbType.BigInt),

                            new SqlParameter("@FeesStateDate", SqlDbType.DateTime),
                            new SqlParameter("@FeesEndDate",   SqlDbType.DateTime),
                            new SqlParameter("@Amount",        SqlDbType.Decimal),

                            new SqlParameter("@Amount2",       SqlDbType.Decimal)
                        paramete[0].Value = CommID;
                        paramete[1].Value = CustID;
                        paramete[2].Value = RoomID;
                        paramete[3].Value = 0;
                        paramete[4].Value = CostID;

                        paramete[5].Value = StanID;
                        paramete[6].Value = date1;
                        paramete[7].Value = date1.AddMonths(months).AddDays(-1);
                        paramete[8].Value = 0;
                        paramete[9].Value = 1;

                        DataTable dTableCalc = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString).RunProcedure("Proc_HSPR_Fees_CalcAmount", paramete, "RetDataSet").Tables[0];

                        if (dTableCalc.Rows.Count > 0)
                            DataRow DRowCalc = dTableCalc.Rows[0];
                            totalAmount = AppGlobal.StrToDec(DRowCalc["DueAmount"].ToString());

                        date1 = date1.AddMonths(1);
                catch (Exception ex)
