Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task MakeUsersMe(DbUser u)
            //Set basic values
            screen_name       = u.screen_name;
            profile_image_url = u.profile_image_url;
            id            = u.id;
            steam_id      = u.steam_id;
            user_settings = u.user_settings;

            //Convert servers
            servers = new List <UsersMeReply_Server>();
            List <string> clusterIds    = new List <string>();
            var           found_servers = await u.GetGameServersAsync(Program.connection);

            foreach (var id in found_servers)
                //Get server by ID
                var converted = MakeServer(id.Item1, id.Item2, u);
                if (converted.cluster_id != null && !clusterIds.Contains(converted.cluster_id))

            //Convert clusters
            clusters = new List <UsersMeReply_Cluster>();
            foreach (var c in clusterIds)
                clusters.Add(new UsersMeReply_Cluster(await DbCluster.GetClusterById(Program.connection, MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.Parse(c))));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task OnPOSTRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, DbServer s, DbUser u)
            //Decode settings
            var settings = Program.DecodePostBody <ManagementDataRequest>(e);

            //Set name
            if (settings.name != null)
                s.display_name = settings.name;

            //Set icon
            if (settings.icon_token == "%CLEAR_ICON")
                s.image_url        = DbServer.StaticGetPlaceholderIcon(Program.connection, s.display_name);
                s.has_custom_image = false;
            else if (settings.icon_token != null)
                var d = await Program.connection.GetUserContentByToken(settings.icon_token);

                if (d == null)
                    throw new StandardError("Couldn't get content token!", StandardErrorCode.InvalidInput);
                if (d.application_id != ICON_APPLICATION_ID)
                    throw new StandardError("Content application ID did not match.", StandardErrorCode.InvalidInput);
                if (d.uploader != u._id)
                    throw new StandardError("Content uploader ID did not match.", StandardErrorCode.InvalidInput);
                s.image_url        = d.url;
                s.has_custom_image = true;

            //Set user lock
            s.SetLockFlag(1, settings.is_user_locked);

            //Set permissions

            //Set cluster ID, if it is set
            if (settings.cluster_id != null && await DbCluster.GetClusterById(Program.connection, MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.Parse(settings.cluster_id)) != null)
                s.cluster_id = settings.cluster_id;

            await s.UpdateAsync(Program.connection);

            //Write response
            await OnGETRequest(e, s, u);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task OnHttpRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, DbUser u)
            //Set up our basic values
            UsersMeResponse response = new UsersMeResponse
                screen_name       = u.screen_name,
                profile_image_url = u.profile_image_url,
                id            = u.id,
                steam_id      = u.steam_id,
                user_settings = u.user_settings,
                servers       = new List <UsersMeReply_Server>(),
                clusters      = new List <UsersMeReply_Cluster>()

            //Fetch and convert our servers
            var servers = await u.GetGameServersAsync(Program.connection);

            List <string>   clusterIds = new List <string>();
            List <ObjectId> serverIds  = new List <ObjectId>();

            foreach (var s in servers)
                //Add server

                //Get tribe info
                var tribe = await Program.connection.GetTribeByTribeIdAsync(s.Item1.id, s.Item2.tribe_id);

                //Get map info
                string mapName = null;
                var    mapData = await s.Item1.GetMapEntryAsync(Program.connection);

                if (mapData != null)
                    mapName = mapData.displayName;

                //Get closed reason, if any
                int close = -1;
                for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (s.Item1.CheckLockFlag(i))
                        close = i;

                //Check pseudo flags
                if (mapData == null)
                    close = 32; //MAP_NOT_SUPPORTED
                //Create response
                UsersMeReply_Server sResponse = new UsersMeReply_Server
                    display_name           = s.Item1.display_name,
                    image_url              = s.Item1.image_url,
                    owner_uid              = s.Item1.owner_uid,
                    cluster_id             = s.Item1.cluster_id,
                    id                     = s.Item1.id,
                    tribe_id               = s.Item2.tribe_id,
                    tribe_name             = tribe.tribe_name,
                    map_id                 = s.Item1.latest_server_map,
                    map_name               = mapName,
                    permissions            = s.Item1.GetPermissionFlagList(),
                    closed_reason          = close,
                    user_prefs             = await s.Item1.GetUserPrefs(Program.connection, u.id),
                    endpoint_createsession = Program.config.endpoint_echo + $"/{s.Item1.id}/" + "create_session"

                //Add cluster if not added
                if (s.Item1.cluster_id != null && !clusterIds.Contains(s.Item1.cluster_id))

                //Add server

            //Add clusters
            foreach (var c in clusterIds)
                //Get cluster data
                var cluster = await DbCluster.GetClusterById(Program.connection, MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.Parse(c));

                //Add cluster data
                response.clusters.Add(new UsersMeReply_Cluster
                    id   = cluster.id,
                    name = cluster.name

            //Get messages
            response.alerts = await(await u.GetAlertBanners(Program.connection, serverIds)).ToListAsync();

            //Write response
            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, response);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task OnGETRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, DbServer s, DbUser u)
            //Get cluster, if any
            DbCluster cluster = null;

            if (s.cluster_id != null)
                cluster = await DbCluster.GetClusterById(Program.connection, MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.Parse(s.cluster_id));

            //Get map entry
            string mapName  = null;
            var    mapEntry = await Program.connection.GetARKMapByInternalName(s.latest_server_map);

            if (mapEntry != null)
                mapName = mapEntry.displayName;

            //Get server status
            string status  = "ONLINE";
            string message = "Online";

            if (s.CheckLockFlag(1))
                status  = "ALERT";
                message = "Locked";
            if (s.CheckLockFlag(0))
                status  = "ALERT";
                message = "Still Initializing...";
            if (s.CheckLockFlag(2))
                status  = "OFFLINE";
                message = "Locked by Admin";
            if (mapEntry == null)
                status  = "OFFLINE";
                message = "Incompatible Map";

            //Check last connect time
            DateTime lastConnectTime = new DateTime(s.last_client_connect_time);

            if ((DateTime.UtcNow - lastConnectTime).TotalMinutes > 2.5f)
                status  = "OFFLINE";
                message = $"Offline Since {lastConnectTime.ToShortDateString()}";

            //Look up all mods used and convert
            Dictionary <string, DbSteamModCache> mods = await s.GetAllServerMods(Program.connection, true);

            List <WebArkMod> modList = new List <WebArkMod>();

            foreach (var mod in mods.Values)
                if (mod == null)

            //Look up all admins
            List <ManagementData_User> admins = new List <ManagementData_User>();

            admins.Add(await ManagementData_User.GetUser(u));
            foreach (var id in s.admins)
                admins.Add(await ManagementData_User.GetUser(await DbUser.GetUserByID(Program.connection, id)));

            ManagementDataResponse m = new ManagementDataResponse
                name           = s.display_name,
                icon           = s.image_url,
                is_user_locked = s.CheckLockFlag(1),
                permissions    = s.GetPermissionFlagList(),
                settings       = s.game_settings,
                cluster_id     = s.cluster_id,
                cluster        = cluster,
                status         = status,
                alert          = message,
                mods           = modList,
                admins         = admins,
                map_id         = s.latest_server_map,
                map_name       = mapName
            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, m);