Exemplo n.º 1
        public DateRange GetReportDateRange()
            DateTime w_today     = DateTime.Today;
            int      w_min_year  = w_today.Year;
            int      w_min_month = w_today.Month;
            int      w_max_year  = w_today.Year;
            int      w_max_month = w_today.Month;

            string           w_query  = "SELECT MIN(year || '-' || month) AS min, MAX(year || '-' || month) AS max FROM tbl_report";
            SQLiteDataReader w_reader = DbAssist.executeQuery(w_query);

            if (w_reader != null)
                string w_min = w_reader.GetString(0);
                string w_max = w_reader.GetString(1);

                string[] w_mins = w_min.Split('-');
                w_min_year  = int.Parse(w_mins[0]);
                w_min_month = int.Parse(w_mins[1]);

                string[] w_maxs = w_max.Split('-');
                w_max_year  = int.Parse(w_maxs[0]);
                w_max_month = int.Parse(w_maxs[1]);

            DateRange w_range = new DateRange();

            w_range.m_begin_year  = w_min_year;
            w_range.m_begin_month = w_min_month;
            w_range.m_end_year    = w_max_year;
            w_range.m_end_month   = w_max_month;

        public IList <ITeam> GetItemList()
            IList <ITeam> w_list = new List <ITeam>();

            string w_query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM {0};"
                                           , m_tableName

            SQLiteDataReader w_reader = DbAssist.executeQuery(w_query);

            if (w_reader != null)
                while (w_reader.Read())
                    Team w_item = new Team();
                    //. 01 - id
                    w_item.id = w_reader.GetInt32(0);
                    //. 02 - name
                    w_item.name = w_reader.GetString(1);
                    //. 03 - desc
                    w_item.desc = w_reader.GetString(2);


Exemplo n.º 3
        protected IList <IReport> GetItemList(int year, List <int> months)
            string          w_query = "";
            IList <IReport> w_list  = new List <IReport>();

            if (months.Count == 1)
                w_query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE year='{1}' AND month='{2}';"
                                        , m_tableName
                                        , year
                                        , months[0]
            else if (months.Count > 1)
                string w_monthList = "";
                foreach (int month in months)
                    w_monthList += string.Format("'{0}', ", month);
                w_monthList = w_monthList.Substring(0, w_monthList.Length - 2);
                w_query     = string.Format(@"SELECT id, year, month, day, employee, product, sum(amount) as amount 
                                            FROM {0} 
                                            WHERE year = '{1}' AND month IN ({2}) 
                                            GROUP BY employee, product 
                                            ORDER BY employee, product;"
                                            , m_tableName
                                            , year
                                            , w_monthList

            SQLiteDataReader w_reader = DbAssist.executeQuery(w_query);

            if (w_reader != null)
                while (w_reader.Read())
                    Report w_item = new Report();
                    //. 01 - id
                    w_item.id = w_reader.GetInt32(0);
                    //. 02 - year
                    w_item.year = w_reader.GetInt32(1);
                    //. 03 - month
                    w_item.month = w_reader.GetInt32(2);
                    //. 04 - day
                    w_item.day = w_reader.GetInt32(3);
                    //. 05 - employee
                    w_item.employee = w_reader.GetInt32(4);
                    //. 06 - product
                    w_item.product = w_reader.GetInt32(5);
                    //. 07 - amount
                    w_item.amount = w_reader.GetInt32(6);


        public bool DeleteAll()
            string w_query = string.Format(@"DELETE FROM {0};"
                                           , m_tableName

            bool w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);

        public bool UpdateItem(ITeam udTeam)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"UPDATE {0} SET name='{1}', desc='{2}';"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , udTeam.name
                                           , udTeam.desc

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
        public bool AddItem(ITeam newTeam)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO {0} (name, desc) VALUES ('{1}', '{2}')"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , newTeam.name
                                           , newTeam.desc

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
        public bool DeleteItem(ITeam delTeam)
            bool w_ret = false;

            string w_query = string.Format(@"DELETE FROM {0} WHERE id='{1}';"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , delTeam.id

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public bool DeleteAll(int year, int month)
            bool w_ret = false;

            string w_query = string.Format(@"DELETE FROM {0} WHERE year='{1}' AND month='{2}';"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , year
                                           , month

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);

        public bool AddItem(IEmployee newEmployee)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO {0} (f_name, g_name, email, code, team, invisible) VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , newEmployee.f_name
                                           , newEmployee.g_name
                                           , newEmployee.email
                                           , newEmployee.code == "full time" ? 1 : 0
                                           , newEmployee.team
                                           , newEmployee.invisible

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public bool AddItem(IReport newItem)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO {0} (year, month, day, employee, product, amount) VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , newItem.year
                                           , newItem.month
                                           , newItem.day
                                           , newItem.employee
                                           , newItem.product
                                           , newItem.amount

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
        public bool UpdateItem(IEmployee udEmployee)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"UPDATE {0} SET f_name='{1}', g_name='{2}', email='{3}', code='{4}', team='{5}', invisible='{6}' WHERE id='{7}';"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , udEmployee.f_name
                                           , udEmployee.g_name
                                           , udEmployee.email
                                           , udEmployee.code == "full time" ? 1 : 0
                                           , udEmployee.team
                                           , udEmployee.invisible
                                           , udEmployee.id

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public bool UpdateItem(IReport udReport)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"UPDATE {0} SET year='{1}', month='{2}', day='{3}', employee='{4}', product='{5}', amount='{6}' WHERE id='{7}';"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , udReport.year
                                           , udReport.month
                                           , udReport.day
                                           , udReport.employee
                                           , udReport.product
                                           , udReport.amount
                                           , udReport.id

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
        public bool AddItem(IProduct newItem)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO {0} (id, name, type, cost, price, weight, invisible) VALUES ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}')"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , newItem.id
                                           , newItem.name
                                           , newItem.type == "Group" ? 1 : 0
                                           , newItem.cost
                                           , newItem.price
                                           , newItem.weight
                                           , newItem.invisible

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
        public bool UpdateItem(IProduct udProduct)
            bool   w_ret   = false;
            string w_query = string.Format(@"UPDATE {0} SET name='{1}', type='{2}', cost='{3}', price='{4}', weight='{5}', invisible='{6}' WHERE id='{7}';"
                                           , m_tableName
                                           , udProduct.name
                                           , udProduct.type == "Group" ? 1 : 0
                                           , udProduct.cost
                                           , udProduct.price
                                           , udProduct.weight
                                           , udProduct.invisible
                                           , udProduct.id

            w_ret = DbAssist.executeCommand(w_query);
        public IList <IEmployee> GetItemList()
            IList <IEmployee> w_list = new List <IEmployee>();

            string w_query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM {0};"
                                           , m_tableName

            SQLiteDataReader w_reader = DbAssist.executeQuery(w_query);

            if (w_reader != null)
                while (w_reader.Read())
                    Employee w_item = new Employee();
                    //. 01 - id
                    w_item.id = w_reader.GetInt32(0);
                    //. 02 - f_name
                    w_item.f_name = w_reader.GetString(1);
                    //. 03 - g_name
                    w_item.g_name = w_reader.GetString(2);
                    //. 04 - email
                    w_item.email = w_reader.GetString(3);
                    //. 05 - code
                    w_item.code = w_reader.GetInt32(4) == 1 ? "full time" : "part time";
                    //. 06 - team
                    w_item.team = w_reader.GetInt32(5);
                    //. 07 - invisible
                    w_item.invisible = w_reader.GetInt32(6);   //x w_reader.GetBoolean(6);


        public IList <IProduct> GetItemList()
            IList <IProduct> w_list = new List <IProduct>();

            string w_query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM {0};"
                                           , m_tableName

            SQLiteDataReader w_reader = DbAssist.executeQuery(w_query);

            if (w_reader != null)
                while (w_reader.Read())
                    Product w_item = new Product();
                    //. 01 - id
                    w_item.id = w_reader.GetInt32(0);
                    //. 02 - name
                    w_item.name = w_reader.GetString(1);
                    //. 03 - type
                    w_item.type = w_reader.GetInt32(2) == 1 ? "Group" : "Individual";
                    //. 04 - cost
                    w_item.cost = w_reader.GetFloat(3);
                    //. 05 - price
                    w_item.price = w_reader.GetFloat(4);
                    //. 06 - weight
                    w_item.weight = w_reader.GetFloat(5);
                    //. 07 - disable
                    w_item.invisible = w_reader.GetInt32(6);

