Exemplo n.º 1
            private static void postfixReceiveLeftClick(DayTimeMoneyBox __instance, Int32 x, Int32 y)
                if (!Game1.options.zoomButtons)

                if (__instance.zoomInButton.containsPoint(x, y) && Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel < CONST_MAX_VALUE_FLT)
                    Int32 zoom = (Int32)Math.Round(Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel * 100f);
                    zoom -= zoom % 5;
                    Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel  = Math.Min(CONST_MAX_VALUE, zoom + 5) / 100f;
                    Game1.forceSnapOnNextViewportUpdate = true;
                else if (__instance.zoomOutButton.containsPoint(x, y) && Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel > CONST_MIN_VALUE_FLT)
                    Int32 zoom = (Int32)Math.Round(Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel * 100f);
                    zoom -= zoom % 5;
                    Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel  = Math.Max(CONST_MIN_VALUE, zoom - 5) / 100f;
                    Game1.forceSnapOnNextViewportUpdate = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
            public static bool Prefix(DayTimeMoneyBox __instance, SpriteBatch b, int overrideX, int overrideY)
                if (!Config.EnableMod || Game1.player is null)

                long moocha = GetTotalMoolah();

                AccessTools.Method(typeof(DayTimeMoneyBox), "updatePosition").Invoke(__instance, new object[] { });
                b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, ((overrideY != -1) ? new Vector2((overrideX == -1) ? __instance.position.X : ((float)overrideX), (float)(overrideY - 172)) : __instance.position) + new Vector2((float)(28 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0)), (float)(172 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(340, 472, 65, 17)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);

                int extraDigits = moocha.ToString().Length - 8;

                if (extraDigits > 0)
                    b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, ((overrideY != -1) ? new Vector2((overrideX == -1) ? __instance.position.X : ((float)overrideX), (float)(overrideY - 172)) : __instance.position) + new Vector2((float)(28 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0)) - (extraDigits) * 24, (float)(172 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(340, 472, 11, 17)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < extraDigits; i++)
                        b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, ((overrideY != -1) ? new Vector2((overrideX == -1) ? __instance.position.X : ((float)overrideX), (float)(overrideY - 172)) : __instance.position) + new Vector2((float)(68 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0)) - (i + 1) * 24, (float)(180 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(356, 474, 6, 15)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);

                DrawMoneyDial(__instance.moneyDial, b, ((overrideY != -1) ? new Vector2((overrideX == -1) ? __instance.position.X : ((float)overrideX), (float)(overrideY - 172)) : __instance.position) + new Vector2((float)(68 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0)), (float)(196 + ((__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-3, 4) : 0))), moocha);
                if (__instance.moneyShakeTimer > 0)
                    __instance.moneyShakeTimer -= Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
Exemplo n.º 3
 ** Private methods
 /// <summary>The method invoked after a new day starts.</summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The event data.</param>
 private void TimeEvents_AfterDayStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!Game1.onScreenMenus.OfType <Clock>().Any())
         DayTimeMoneyBox timeBox = Game1.onScreenMenus.OfType <DayTimeMoneyBox>().First();
         Game1.onScreenMenus.Add(new Clock(timeBox));
Exemplo n.º 4
 ** Private methods
 /// <summary>Raised after the game begins a new day (including when the player loads a save).</summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The event data.</param>
 private void OnDayStarted(object sender, DayStartedEventArgs e)
     if (!Game1.onScreenMenus.OfType <Clock>().Any())
         DayTimeMoneyBox timeBox = Game1.onScreenMenus.OfType <DayTimeMoneyBox>().First();
         Game1.onScreenMenus.Add(new Clock(timeBox, ModConfig));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static bool BeforeDayTimeMoneyBoxReceiveLeftClick(DayTimeMoneyBox __instance, int x, int y)
            if (Game1.currentLocation is not null && ClickToMoveManager.GetOrCreate(Game1.currentLocation).ClickHoldActive)

            if (Game1.player.visibleQuestCount > 0 && __instance.questButton.containsPoint(x, y) && Game1.player.CanMove &&
                !Game1.dialogueUp && !Game1.eventUp && Game1.farmEvent is null)
                ClickToMoveManager.OnScreenButtonClicked = true;
            else if (Game1.options.zoomButtons && (__instance.zoomInButton.containsPoint(x, y) || __instance.zoomOutButton.containsPoint(x, y)))
                ClickToMoveManager.OnScreenButtonClicked = true;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public static bool drawFromDecom(SpriteBatch b, ref DayTimeMoneyBox __instance, ref Rectangle ___sourceRect, ref string ___hoverText)
            if (Game1.timeOfDay % 100 > 10 && !is24Hour)
            TimeSpan   elapsedGameTime;
            string     str;
            float      obj  = 0;
            float      obj1 = 0;
            bool       totalMilliseconds;
            string     str1;
            string     str2;
            SpriteFont font = (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko ? Game1.smallFont : Game1.dialogueFont);

            __instance.position = new Vector2((float)(Game1.viewport.Width - 300), 8f);
            if (Game1.isOutdoorMapSmallerThanViewport())
                __instance.position = new Vector2(Math.Min(__instance.position.X, (float)(-Game1.viewport.X + Game1.currentLocation.map.Layers[0].LayerWidth * 64 - 300)), 8f);
            Utility.makeSafe(ref __instance.position, 300, 284);
            __instance.xPositionOnScreen  = (int)__instance.position.X;
            __instance.yPositionOnScreen  = (int)__instance.position.Y;
            __instance.questButton.bounds = new Rectangle(__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 212, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 240, 44, 46);
            __instance.zoomOutButton      = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 92, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 244, 28, 32), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(177, 345, 7, 8), 4f, false);
            __instance.zoomInButton       = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 124, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 244, 28, 32), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(184, 345, 7, 8), 4f, false);

            if (__instance.timeShakeTimer > 0)
                int num = __instance.timeShakeTimer;
                elapsedGameTime           = Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
                __instance.timeShakeTimer = num - elapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (__instance.questPulseTimer > 0)
                int num1 = __instance.questPulseTimer;
                elapsedGameTime            = Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
                __instance.questPulseTimer = num1 - elapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (__instance.whenToPulseTimer >= 0)
                int num2 = __instance.whenToPulseTimer;
                elapsedGameTime             = Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
                __instance.whenToPulseTimer = num2 - elapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                if (__instance.whenToPulseTimer <= 0)
                    __instance.whenToPulseTimer = 3000;
                    if (Game1.player.hasNewQuestActivity())
                        __instance.questPulseTimer = 1000;
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position, new Rectangle?(___sourceRect), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
            if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja)
                str = string.Concat(new object[] { Game1.dayOfMonth, "日 (", Game1.shortDayDisplayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth), ")" });
                str = (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh ? string.Concat(new object[] { Game1.shortDayDisplayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth), " ", Game1.dayOfMonth, "日" }) : string.Concat(Game1.shortDayDisplayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth), ". ", Game1.dayOfMonth));
            string  dateText    = str;
            Vector2 daySize     = font.MeasureString(dateText);
            Vector2 dayPosition = new Vector2((float)___sourceRect.X * 0.55f - daySize.X / 2f, (float)___sourceRect.Y * (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin ? 0.1f : 0.1f) - daySize.Y / 2f);

            Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, dateText, font, __instance.position + dayPosition, Game1.textColor, 1f, -1f, -1, -1, 1f, 3);
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position + new Vector2(212f, 68f), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(406, 441 + Utility.getSeasonNumber(Game1.currentSeason) * 8, 12, 8)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position + new Vector2(116f, 68f), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(317 + 12 * Game1.weatherIcon, 421, 12, 8)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
            string zeroPad = (Game1.timeOfDay % 100 < 10 ? "0" : "");
            string hours   = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0 ? "12" : string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12));

            switch (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode)
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.it:
                    if (is24Hour)
                        hours = string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24);
                        hours = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24 <= 9 ? string.Concat("0", hours) : hours);
                        hours = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0 ? "12" : string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12));

            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja:
                hours = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0 ? "0" : string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12));

            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ru:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.pt:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.es:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.de:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.th:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.fr:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.tr:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.hu:
                hours = string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24);
                hours = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24 <= 9 ? string.Concat("0", hours) : hours);

            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh:
                if (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24 == 0)
                    str2 = "00";
                    str2 = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0 ? "12" : string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12));
                hours = str2;

            string timeText = string.Concat(new object[] { hours, ":", zeroPad, Game1.timeOfDay % 100 });

            if (!is24Hour)
                if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en || LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.it)
                    timeText = string.Concat(timeText, " ", (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400 ? Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10370") : Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10371")));
                else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko)
                    timeText = string.Concat(timeText, (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400 ? Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10370") : Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10371")));
                else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja)
                    timeText = (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400 ? string.Concat(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10370"), " ", timeText) : string.Concat(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10371"), " ", timeText));
                else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh)
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay < 600 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400)
                        str1 = string.Concat("凌晨 ", timeText);
                    else if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200)
                        str1 = string.Concat(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10370"), " ", timeText);
                    else if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1300)
                        str1 = string.Concat("中午  ", timeText);
                        str1 = (Game1.timeOfDay < 1900 ? string.Concat(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:DayTimeMoneyBox.cs.10371"), " ", timeText) : string.Concat("晚上  ", timeText));
                    timeText = str1;
            Vector2 txtSize = font.MeasureString(timeText);
            float   x       = (float)___sourceRect.X * 0.55f - txtSize.X / 2f;

            if (__instance.timeShakeTimer > 0)
                obj = Game1.random.Next(-2, 3);

            float single = x + obj;
            float y      = (float)___sourceRect.Y * (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin ? 0.31f : 0.31f) - txtSize.Y / 2f;

            if (__instance.timeShakeTimer > 0)
                obj1 = Game1.random.Next(-2, 3);

            Vector2 timePosition = new Vector2(single, y + obj1);

            if (Game1.shouldTimePass() || Game1.fadeToBlack)
                totalMilliseconds = true;
                elapsedGameTime   = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime;
                totalMilliseconds = elapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds % 2000 > 1000;
            bool nofade = totalMilliseconds;

            Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, timeText, font, __instance.position + timePosition, (Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400 ? Color.Red : Game1.textColor * (nofade ? 1f : 0.5f)), 1f, -1f, -1, -1, 1f, 3);
            int adjustedTime = (int)((float)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (float)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.66f);

            if (Game1.player.visibleQuestCount > 0)
                if (__instance.questPulseTimer > 0)
                    float scaleMult = 1f / ((float)Math.Max(300f, (float)Math.Abs(__instance.questPulseTimer % 1000 - 500)) / 500f);
                    b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2((float)(__instance.questButton.bounds.X + 24), (float)(__instance.questButton.bounds.Y + 32)) + (scaleMult > 1f ? new Vector2((float)Game1.random.Next(-1, 2), (float)Game1.random.Next(-1, 2)) : Vector2.Zero), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(395, 497, 3, 8)), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(2f, 4f), 4f * scaleMult, SpriteEffects.None, 0.99f);
            if (Game1.options.zoomButtons)
                __instance.zoomInButton.draw(b, Color.White * (Game1.options.zoomLevel >= 1.25f ? 0.5f : 1f), 1f, 0);
                __instance.zoomOutButton.draw(b, Color.White * (Game1.options.zoomLevel <= 0.75f ? 0.5f : 1f), 1f, 0);
            __instance.drawMoneyBox(b, -1, -1);
            if (!___hoverText.Equals("") && __instance.isWithinBounds(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()))
                IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(b, ___hoverText, Game1.dialogueFont, 0, 0, -1, null, -1, null, null, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1f, null, null);
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position + new Vector2(88f, 88f), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(324, 477, 7, 19)), Color.White, (float)(3.14159265358979 + Math.Min(3.14159265358979, (double)(((float)adjustedTime + (float)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000f * 16.6f - 600f) / 2000f) * 3.14159265358979)), new Vector2(3f, 17f), 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
Exemplo n.º 7
 ** Public methods
 public Clock(DayTimeMoneyBox timeBox, ClockConfig OurConfig)
     TimeBox   = timeBox;
     ModConfig = OurConfig;
Exemplo n.º 8
 ** Public methods
 /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
 /// <param name="timeBox">The game's time box to change.</param>
 public Clock(DayTimeMoneyBox timeBox)
     this.TimeBox = timeBox;
    static bool UpdatePosition_Prefix(DayTimeMoneyBox __instance)
        try {
            var mode = Mod?.Config?.ClockMode;
            if (!mode.HasValue || mode.Value == ClockAlignMode.Default)

            Alignment?alignment = mode.Value == ClockAlignMode.ByTheme ?
                                  Mod !.BaseTheme?.DayTimeAlignment :
                                  Mod !.Config.ClockAlignment;
            int?offsetX = Mod?.BaseTheme?.DayTimeOffsetX;
            int?offsetY = Mod?.BaseTheme?.DayTimeOffsetY;

            if (alignment.HasValue || offsetX.HasValue || offsetY.HasValue)
                Alignment align = alignment ?? Alignment.None;

                int offX = offsetX ?? 0;
                int offY = offsetY ?? 8;

                int posX;
                int posY;

                if (align.HasFlag(Alignment.Left))
                    posX = offX;
                else if (align.HasFlag(Alignment.Center))
                    posX = (Game1.uiViewport.Width - 300) / 2 + offX;
                    posX = Game1.uiViewport.Width - 300 - offX;

                    if (Game1.isOutdoorMapSmallerThanViewport())
                        posX = Math.Min(
                            -Game1.uiViewport.X + Game1.currentLocation.map.Layers[0].LayerWidth * 64 - 300 - offX

                if (align.HasFlag(Alignment.Middle))
                    posY = (Game1.uiViewport.Height - 284) / 2 + offY;
                else if (align.HasFlag(Alignment.Bottom))
                    posY = Game1.uiViewport.Height - 284 - offY;
                    posY = offY;

                Utility.makeSafe(ref posX, ref posY, 300, 284);

                // Check if the position changed, and do an early exit if
                // possible to avoid doing extra work.
                if (posX == __instance.position.X && posY == __instance.position.Y)

                __instance.position          = new Vector2(posX, posY);
                __instance.xPositionOnScreen = posX;
                __instance.yPositionOnScreen = posY;

                __instance.questButton.bounds = new Rectangle(
                    posX + 212, posY + 240, 44, 46

                __instance.zoomOutButton.bounds = new Rectangle(
                    posX + 92, posY + 244, 28, 32

                __instance.zoomInButton.bounds = new Rectangle(
                    posX + 124, posY + 244, 28, 32

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Monitor?.LogOnce($"An error occurred in UpdatePosition_Prefix. Details:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error);

        public static bool drawFromDecom(SpriteBatch b, ref DayTimeMoneyBox __instance,
                                         ref Rectangle ___sourceRect,
                                         ref string ____hoverText,
                                         ref int ____lastDayOfMonth,
                                         ref string ____lastDayOfMonthString,
                                         ref StringBuilder ____dateText)
            if (!____hoverText.Equals("") && __instance.isWithinBounds(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()))
                IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(b, "Journal (F)\nRight Click to Change Clock", Game1.dialogueFont, 0, 0, -1, null, -1, null, null, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1f, null, null);

            SpriteFont spriteFont = (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko) ? Game1.smallFont : Game1.dialogueFont;

            __instance.position = new Vector2(Game1.uiViewport.Width - 300, 8f);
            if (Game1.isOutdoorMapSmallerThanViewport())
                __instance.position = new Vector2(Math.Min(__instance.position.X, -Game1.uiViewport.X + Game1.currentLocation.map.Layers[0].LayerWidth * 64 - 300), 8f);

            Utility.makeSafe(ref __instance.position, 300, 284);
            __instance.xPositionOnScreen    = (int)__instance.position.X;
            __instance.yPositionOnScreen    = (int)__instance.position.Y;
            __instance.questButton.bounds   = new Rectangle(__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 212, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 240, 44, 46);
            __instance.zoomOutButton.bounds = new Rectangle(__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 92, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 244, 28, 32);
            __instance.zoomInButton.bounds  = new Rectangle(__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 124, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 244, 28, 32);

            if (__instance.timeShakeTimer > 0)
                __instance.timeShakeTimer -= Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            if (__instance.questPulseTimer > 0)
                __instance.questPulseTimer -= Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            if (__instance.whenToPulseTimer >= 0)
                __instance.whenToPulseTimer -= Game1.currentGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                if (__instance.whenToPulseTimer <= 0)
                    __instance.whenToPulseTimer = 3000;
                    if (Game1.player.hasNewQuestActivity())
                        __instance.questPulseTimer = 1000;

            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position, ___sourceRect, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
            if (Game1.dayOfMonth != ____lastDayOfMonth)
                ____lastDayOfMonth       = Game1.dayOfMonth;
                ____lastDayOfMonthString = Game1.shortDayDisplayNameFromDayOfSeason(____lastDayOfMonth);

            if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja)
                ____dateText.Append("日 (");
            else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh)
                ____dateText.Append(" ");
            else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.mod)
                ____dateText.Append(LocalizedContentManager.CurrentModLanguage.ClockDateFormat.Replace("[DAY_OF_WEEK]", ____lastDayOfMonthString).Replace("[DAY_OF_MONTH]", Game1.dayOfMonth.ToString()));
                ____dateText.Append(". ");

            Vector2 vector = spriteFont.MeasureString(____dateText);
            Vector2 value  = new Vector2((float)___sourceRect.X * 0.55f - vector.X / 2f, (float)___sourceRect.Y * (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin ? 0.1f : 0.1f) - vector.Y / 2f);

            Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, ____dateText, spriteFont, __instance.position + value, Game1.textColor);
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position + new Vector2(212f, 68f), new Rectangle(406, 441 + Utility.getSeasonNumber(Game1.currentSeason) * 8, 12, 8), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position + new Vector2(116f, 68f), new Rectangle(317 + 12 * Game1.weatherIcon, 421, 12, 8), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
            string zeroPad = (Game1.timeOfDay % 100) < 10 && (Game1.timeOfDay % 100) > 0 ? "0" : "";
            string hours   = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0 ? "12" : string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12));

            if (Game1.timeOfDay % 100 == 0)

            switch (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode)
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh:
                if (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24 == 0)
                else if (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0)
                    _hours.AppendEx(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12);


            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ru:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.pt:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.es:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.de:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.th:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.fr:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.tr:
            case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.hu:
                _temp.AppendEx(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24);
                if (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24 <= 9)


                if (Is24Hour)
                    hours = string.Concat(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24);
                    hours = (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 24 <= 9 ? string.Concat("0", hours) : hours);
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12 == 0)
                        if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja)
                        _hours.AppendEx(Game1.timeOfDay / 100 % 12);

            _timeText.AppendEx(Game1.timeOfDay % 100);
            if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en || LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.it)
                _timeText.Append(" ");
                if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400)
            else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko)
                if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400)
            else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja)
                if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400)
                    _timeText.Append(" ");
                    _timeText.Append(" ");
            else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh)
                if (Game1.timeOfDay < 600 || Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400)
                    _timeText.Append("凌晨 ");
                else if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1200)
                    _timeText.Append(" ");
                else if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1300)
                    _timeText.Append("中午  ");
                else if (Game1.timeOfDay < 1900)
                    _timeText.Append(" ");
                    _timeText.Append("晚上  ");
            else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.mod)
                _timeText.Append(LocalizedContentManager.FormatTimeString(Game1.timeOfDay, LocalizedContentManager.CurrentModLanguage.ClockTimeFormat));

            Vector2 vector2 = spriteFont.MeasureString(_timeText);
            Vector2 value2  = new Vector2((float)___sourceRect.X * 0.55f - vector2.X / 2f + (float)((__instance.timeShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-2, 3) : 0), (float)___sourceRect.Y * (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin ? 0.31f : 0.31f) - vector2.Y / 2f + (float)((__instance.timeShakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-2, 3) : 0));
            bool    flag    = Game1.shouldTimePass() || Game1.fadeToBlack || Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds % 2000.0 > 1000.0;

            Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, _timeText, spriteFont, __instance.position + value2, (Game1.timeOfDay >= 2400) ? Color.Red : (Game1.textColor * (flag ? 1f : 0.5f)));
            int num = (int)((float)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (float)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.66f);

            if (Game1.player.visibleQuestCount > 0)
                if (__instance.questPulseTimer > 0)
                    float num2 = 1f / (Math.Max(300f, Math.Abs(__instance.questPulseTimer % 1000 - 500)) / 500f);
                    b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(__instance.questButton.bounds.X + 24, __instance.questButton.bounds.Y + 32) + ((num2 > 1f) ? new Vector2(Game1.random.Next(-1, 2), Game1.random.Next(-1, 2)) : Vector2.Zero), new Rectangle(395, 497, 3, 8), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(2f, 4f), 4f * num2, SpriteEffects.None, 0.99f);

                if (__instance.questPingTimer > 0)
                    b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(Game1.dayTimeMoneyBox.questButton.bounds.Left - 16, Game1.dayTimeMoneyBox.questButton.bounds.Bottom + 8), new Rectangle(128 + ((__instance.questPingTimer / 200 % 2 != 0) ? 16 : 0), 208, 16, 16), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);

            if (Game1.options.zoomButtons)
                __instance.zoomInButton.draw(b, Color.White * ((Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel >= 2f) ? 0.5f : 1f), 1f);
                __instance.zoomOutButton.draw(b, Color.White * ((Game1.options.desiredBaseZoomLevel <= 0.75f) ? 0.5f : 1f), 1f);

            if (_hoverText.Length > 0 && __instance.isWithinBounds(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()))
                IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(b, _hoverText, Game1.dialogueFont);

            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, __instance.position + new Vector2(88f, 88f), new Rectangle(324, 477, 7, 19), Color.White, (float)(Math.PI + Math.Min(Math.PI, (double)(((float)num + (float)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000f * 16.6f - 600f) / 2000f) * Math.PI)), new Vector2(3f, 17f), 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);