Exemplo n.º 1

        /// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
        public AdvancedPattern()
            dicWithInst = new DayInstanceCollection();
            dicDayOnly = new DayInstanceCollection();


            lbByMonth.DisplayMember = "Display";
            lbByMonth.ValueMember = "Value";
            lbByMonth.DataSource = RecurOptsDataSource.MonthsOfYear;

            cboDOW.DisplayMember = "Display";
            cboDOW.ValueMember = "Value";
            cboDOW.DataSource = RecurOptsDataSource.DayOfWeek;
Exemplo n.º 2

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public AdvancedPattern()
            dicWithInst = new DayInstanceCollection();
            dicDayOnly  = new DayInstanceCollection();


            lbByMonth.DisplayMember = "Display";
            lbByMonth.ValueMember   = "Value";
            lbByMonth.DataSource    = RecurOptsDataSource.MonthsOfYear;

            cboDOW.DisplayMember = "Display";
            cboDOW.ValueMember   = "Value";
            cboDOW.DataSource    = RecurOptsDataSource.DayOfWeek;
Exemplo n.º 3

        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>See <see cref="Reset"/> for a description of the default state of the recurrence object</remarks>
        /// <overloads>There are three constructors for this class</overloads>
        public Recurrence()
            byMonth = new UniqueIntegerCollection(1, 12, false);
            byWeekNo = new UniqueIntegerCollection(-53, 53, false);
            byYearDay = new UniqueIntegerCollection(-366, 366, false);
            byMonthDay = new UniqueIntegerCollection(-31, 31, false);
            byHour = new UniqueIntegerCollection(0, 23, true);
            byMinute = new UniqueIntegerCollection(0, 59, true);
            bySecond = new UniqueIntegerCollection(0, 59, true);
            bySetPos = new UniqueIntegerCollection(-366, 366, false);
            byDay = new DayInstanceCollection();
            customProps = new StringCollection();

            isSecondUsed = new bool[60];
            isMinuteUsed = new bool[60];
            isHourUsed = new bool[24];
            isDayUsed = new bool[7];       // When filtered, instance isn't used
            isMonthDayUsed = new bool[32];
            isNegMonthDayUsed = new bool[32];  // Negative days
            isYearDayUsed = new bool[367];
            isNegYearDayUsed = new bool[367];  // Negative days
            isMonthUsed = new bool[12];
