Exemplo n.º 1
        private StockPricesData OnPrependChartData(StockDisplayData displayData)
            DateTime ts = DateTimeOperations.OneTickBefore(displayData.TsFrom, displayData.Prices);

            displayData.TsFrom = ts.AddDays(-1).AddYears(-1);
            return(_dataProvider.GetPricesData(displayData.Stock, displayData.Prices.Range, 0, displayData.TsFrom, ts));
 public void OneTickBefore_UndefinedRange__Throws()
     Should.Throw <ArgumentException>(() => DateTimeOperations.OneTickBefore(DateTime.Now, new StockPricesData(0)
         Range = StockDataRange.Undefined, IntrradayInterval = 0
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TrimMilliseconds_DateTime_MillisecondsTrimmed()
            // Act
            var result = DateTimeOperations.TrimMilliseconds(new DateTime(2015, 02, 03, 14, 22, 13, 456));

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Millisecond);
 public void OneTickBefore__ReturnsCorrectly(int tsY, int tsM, int tsD, int tsH, int tsMM, StockDataRange stockDataRange, int interadayInterval
                                             , int etsY, int etsM, int etsD, int etsH, int etsMM)
     DateTimeOperations.OneTickBefore(new DateTime(tsY, tsM, tsD, tsH, tsMM, 0), new StockPricesData(0)
         Range = stockDataRange, IntrradayInterval = interadayInterval
     .ShouldBe(new DateTime(etsY, etsM, etsD, etsH, etsMM, 0));
        public string GetSearchZipCodeSimple(int?supplierId, string userTicket, string zipCode, string productName, string sortedBy)
            SimpleSearchReference.Response response;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userTicket) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipCode) || supplierId == null)
                response = new SimpleSearchReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new SimpleSearchReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 400,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode400,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            if (userTicket.Trim().ToLower() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token"].Trim().ToLower())
                response = new SimpleSearchReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new SimpleSearchReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 401,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode401,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            var client = new SimpleSearchReference.SimpleSearchClient();

            response = client.Get(new SimpleSearchReference.SimpleSearchRequest
                SupplierId  = supplierId.Value,
                ZipCode     = zipCode,
                UserTicket  = userTicket,
                ProductName = productName,
                SortedBy    = (SimpleSearchReference.EnumProduct)SourceProduct(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortedBy) ? string.Empty : sortedBy),

Exemplo n.º 6
        public string GetCityStateSortedResults(int?supplierId, string userTicket, string city, string state, string product)
            CityStateReference.Response response;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userTicket) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(city) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(state)) || supplierId == null)
                response = new CityStateReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new CityStateReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 400,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode400,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            if (userTicket.Trim().ToLower() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token"].Trim().ToLower())
                response = new CityStateReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new CityStateReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 401,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode401,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            var client = new CityStateReference.CityStateClient();

            response = client.Get(new CityStateReference.CityStateRequest
                SupplierId = supplierId.Value,
                City       = city,
                State      = state,
                SortedBy   = (CityStateReference.EnumProduct)SourceProduct(string.IsNullOrEmpty(product) ? string.Empty : product),
                UserTicket = userTicket

Exemplo n.º 7
        public string GetLatLongResults(string userTicket, decimal?lattitude, decimal?longitude)
            ZipCodeReference.Response response;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userTicket) || !lattitude.HasValue || !longitude.HasValue)
                response = new ZipCodeReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new ZipCodeReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 400,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode400,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            if (userTicket.Trim().ToLower() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token"].Trim().ToLower())
                response = new ZipCodeReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new ZipCodeReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 401,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode401,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            var zipCode = string.Empty;

            var client = new ZipCodeReference.ZipCodeClient();

            response = client.Get(new ZipCodeReference.ZipCodeRequest
                ZipCode    = zipCode,
                UserTicket = userTicket

Exemplo n.º 8
        public string GetStationListResults(int?supplierId, string userTicket, string idStation)
            StationListReference.Response response;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userTicket) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(idStation) || supplierId == null)
                response = new StationListReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new StationListReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 400,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode400,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            if (userTicket.Trim().ToLower() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token"].Trim().ToLower())
                response = new StationListReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new StationListReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 401,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode401,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            var client = new StationListReference.StationListClient();

            response = client.Get(new StationListReference.StationListRequest
                SupplierId  = supplierId.Value,
                StationList = idStation,
                UserTicket  = userTicket

Exemplo n.º 9
        // TODO: Performance improvement if TDNode had its TDNode successors & predecessors retrievable directly.

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a depth-first propagation along a path for which all predecessors' computations are complete,
        /// adjusting early start &amp; finish according to a PERT methodology.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tdNode">The TimingData node.</param>
        private void PropagateForward(TimingData tdNode)
            tdNode.EarlyFinish = tdNode.EarlyStart + tdNode.NominalDuration;

            foreach (TimingData successor in m_successors(tdNode.Subject).Select(n => TimingDataNodeFor(n)))
                if (!successor.IsFixed)
                    successor.EarlyStart = DateTimeOperations.Max(successor.EarlyStart, tdNode.EarlyFinish);
                if (successor.AllPredecessorsHaveWeighedIn)
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a depth-first propagation backwards along a path for which all successors' computations
        /// are complete, adjusting late start &amp; finish according to a PERT methodology.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tdNode">The TimingData node.</param>
        private void PropagateBackward(TimingData tdNode)
            tdNode.LateStart = tdNode.LateFinish - tdNode.NominalDuration;

            foreach (TimingData predecessor in m_predecessors(tdNode.Subject).Select(n => TimingDataNodeFor(n)))
                if (!predecessor.IsFixed)
                    predecessor.LateFinish = DateTimeOperations.Min(predecessor.LateFinish, tdNode.LateStart);
                if (predecessor.AllSuccessorsHaveWeighedIn)
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the file last modification time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativeFilePath">The relative file path.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DateTime GetFileLastModificationTime(string relativeFilePath)
Exemplo n.º 12
            private static void Propagate()
                while (_changedMilestones.Count > 0)
                    Milestone ms = (Milestone)_changedMilestones.Dequeue();
                    if (_debug)
                        _Debug.WriteLine("\tPerforming propagation of change to " + ms.Name);

                    #region Create a Hashtable of Lists - key is target Milestone, list contains relationships to that ms.
                    Hashtable htol = new Hashtable();
                    foreach (MilestoneRelationship mr in ms.Relationships)
                        if (!mr.Enabled)
                            continue;                                                     // Only enabled relationships can effect change.
                        if (mr.Dependent.Equals(ms))
                            continue;                                                     // Only relationships where we are the independent can effect change.
                        //if ( m_debug ) _Debug.WriteLine("\tConsidering " + mr.ToString());
                        if (!htol.Contains(mr.Dependent))
                            htol.Add(mr.Dependent, new ArrayList());
                        ((ArrayList)htol[mr.Dependent]).Add(mr);                          // We now have outbounds, grouped by destination milestone.

                    //if ( m_debug ) _Debug.WriteLine("\tPerforming change assessments for relationships that depend on " + ms.Name);

                    // For each 'other' milestone with which this milestone has a relationship, we will
                    // handle all of the relationships that this ms has with that one, as a group.
                    bool fullData = false;
                    foreach (Milestone target in htol.Keys)
                        if (_debug)
                            _Debug.WriteLine("\t\tReconciling all relationships between " + ms.Name + " and " + target.Name);
                            // E : RCV Liquid1.Xfer-In.Start and E : RCV Liquid1.Xfer-In.End
                        IList relationships = (ArrayList)htol[target];                        // Gives us a list of parallel relationships to the same downstream.

//						if ( ms.Name.Equals("B : RCV Liquid1.Xfer-In.Start") && target.Name.Equals("B : RCV Liquid1.Temp-Set.End") ) {
//							fullData = true;
//						}

                        if (fullData)
                            foreach (MilestoneRelationship mr2 in relationships)

                        DateTime minDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                        DateTime maxDateTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                        foreach (MilestoneRelationship mr2 in relationships)
                            /*foreach ( MilestoneRelationship recip in mr2.Reciprocals) {
                             *      recip.PushEnabled(false);
                             *      m_pushedDisablings.Push(recip);
                             * }*/
                            if (fullData)
                                if (_debug)
                                    _Debug.WriteLine("\t\tAdjusting window to satisfy " + mr2);
                            DateTime thisMinDt, thisMaxDt;
                            mr2.Reaction(ms.DateTime, out thisMinDt, out thisMaxDt);                                 // Get the relationship's acceptable window.
                            minDateTime = DateTimeOperations.Max(minDateTime, thisMinDt);                            // Narrow the range from below.
                            maxDateTime = DateTimeOperations.Min(maxDateTime, thisMaxDt);                            // Narrow the range from above.
                            if (fullData)
                                if (_debug)
                                    _Debug.WriteLine("\t\t\tThe window is now from " + minDateTime + " to " + maxDateTime + ".");

                        //if ( m_debug ) _Debug.WriteLine("\t\tThe final window is from " + minDateTime + " to " + maxDateTime + ".");
                        if (minDateTime <= maxDateTime)
                            DateTime newDateTime = GetClosestDateTime(minDateTime, maxDateTime, target.DateTime);
                            if (!target.DateTime.Equals(newDateTime))
                                if (_debug)
                                    _Debug.WriteLine("\t\t\tWe will move " + target.Name + " from " + target.DateTime + " to " + newDateTime);
                                if (!_changedMilestones.Contains(target))
                                if (!_oldValues.Contains(target))
                                    _oldValues.Add(target, target.m_dateTime);
                                if (fullData)
                                    if (_debug)
                                        _Debug.WriteLine("\t\t\tThere are now " + _changedMilestones.Count + " milestones with changes to process.");
                                target.m_dateTime = newDateTime;
                                if (_debug)
                                    _Debug.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + target.Name + " stays put.");
//						} else {
//							if ( m_debug ) _Debug.WriteLine("\t\t\tThis is an unachievable window.");
//							throw new ApplicationException("Can't find a new datetime value for " + target.ToString());

                        fullData = false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void RunTest(TimePeriod tpA, TimePeriod tpB, TimePeriod.Relationship relationship,
                             TimePeriodPart moveWhichPart, string ofWhich, TimeSpan byHowMuch)
            bool CONSOLE_OUTPUT = false;

            tpA.AddRelationship(relationship, tpB);

            DateTime earliest = DateTimeOperations.Min(tpA.StartTime, tpB.StartTime);
            DateTime left     = earliest - new TimeSpan(0, 0, (earliest.Minute % 10), 0, 0);

            int    spaces, width;
            string A, B;

            if (CONSOLE_OUTPUT)
                Debug.WriteLine("           ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|");
                A      = "Initial A : ";
                spaces = (int)((TimeSpan)(tpA.StartTime - left)).TotalMinutes;
                width  = (int)tpA.Duration.TotalMinutes;
                for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
                    A += " ";
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    A += "a";
                for (int i = (spaces + width); i < 50; i++)
                    A += " ";
                Debug.WriteLine(A + tpA.ToString());

                B      = "Initial B : ";
                spaces = (int)((TimeSpan)(tpB.StartTime - left)).TotalMinutes;
                width  = (int)tpB.Duration.TotalMinutes;
                for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
                    B += " ";
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    B += "b";
                for (int i = (spaces + width); i < 50; i++)
                    B += " ";
                Debug.WriteLine(B + tpB.ToString());

                Debug.WriteLine("We'll move " + ofWhich + "." + moveWhichPart.ToString() + " by " + byHowMuch.ToString() + "...");

            int selector = 0;

            if (ofWhich.Equals("A"))
                selector += 0;
            if (ofWhich.Equals("B"))
                selector += 1;
            selector <<= 1;
            if (moveWhichPart.Equals(TimePeriodPart.StartTime))
                selector += 0;
            if (moveWhichPart.Equals(TimePeriodPart.EndTime))
                selector += 1;

            tpA.AdjustmentMode = TimeAdjustmentMode.FixedDuration;
            tpB.AdjustmentMode = TimeAdjustmentMode.FixedDuration;
            if (CONSOLE_OUTPUT)
                foreach (IMilestone ms in new IMilestone[] { tpB.StartMilestone, tpB.EndMilestone })
                    foreach (MilestoneRelationship mr in ms.Relationships)
                foreach (IMilestone ms in new IMilestone[] { tpB.StartMilestone, tpB.EndMilestone })
                    foreach (MilestoneRelationship mr in ms.Relationships)

            switch (selector)
            case 0: tpA.AdjustmentMode = TimeAdjustmentMode.InferEndTime;   tpA.StartTime += byHowMuch; break;

            case 1: tpA.AdjustmentMode = TimeAdjustmentMode.InferStartTime; tpA.EndTime += byHowMuch; break;

            case 2: tpB.AdjustmentMode = TimeAdjustmentMode.InferEndTime;   tpB.StartTime += byHowMuch; break;

            case 3: tpB.AdjustmentMode = TimeAdjustmentMode.InferStartTime; tpB.EndTime += byHowMuch; break;

            if (CONSOLE_OUTPUT)
                A      = "Final A   : ";
                spaces = (int)((TimeSpan)(tpA.StartTime - left)).TotalMinutes;
                width  = (int)tpA.Duration.TotalMinutes;
                for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
                    A += " ";
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    A += "A";
                for (int i = (spaces + width); i < 50; i++)
                    A += " ";
                Debug.WriteLine(A + tpA.ToString());

                B      = "Final B   : ";
                spaces = (int)((TimeSpan)(tpB.StartTime - left)).TotalMinutes;
                width  = (int)tpB.Duration.TotalMinutes;
                for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
                    B += " ";
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    B += "B";
                for (int i = (spaces + width); i < 50; i++)
                    B += " ";
                Debug.WriteLine(B + tpB.ToString());

            foreach (TimePeriod tp in new TimePeriod[] { tpA, tpB })
                foreach (IMilestone ms in new IMilestone[] { tp.StartMilestone, tp.EndMilestone })
                    foreach (MilestoneRelationship mr in ms.Relationships)
                        bool b = mr.IsSatisfied();
                        Console.WriteLine(mr + (b?" is ":" is not ") + "satisfied.");
                        //Assert.IsTrue(b, mr + " is not satisfied!");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public string GetLatLongSortedWithDistanceResults(decimal?lattitude, decimal?longitude, string fuelType, decimal?distance)
            LattitudeLongitudeReference.Response response;

            decimal lattitudeValue = 0;
            decimal longitudeValue = 0;
            decimal distanceValue  = 0;

            if (!lattitude.HasValue ||
                !longitude.HasValue ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(fuelType) ||
                !distance.HasValue ||
                !decimal.TryParse(lattitude.Value.ToString(), out lattitudeValue) ||
                !decimal.TryParse(longitude.Value.ToString(), out longitudeValue) ||
                !decimal.TryParse(distance.Value.ToString(), out distanceValue))
                response = new LattitudeLongitudeReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new LattitudeLongitudeReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 400,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode400,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            var userName = string.Empty;

            if (!Validate())
                response = new LattitudeLongitudeReference.Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new LattitudeLongitudeReference.StatusResponse
                        Status    = 401,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode401,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


            var client = new LattitudeLongitudeReference.LattitudeLongitudeClient();

            response = client.Get(new LattitudeLongitudeReference.LatLongRequest
                Lattitude = lattitudeValue,
                Longitude = longitudeValue,
                FuelType  = fuelType,
                Distance  = distanceValue

Exemplo n.º 15
        public Response GetCityState(CityStateRequest request)
                _listResult = _repository.GetCityState(request);
                var numberItems = _listResult.Count;

                if (numberItems == 0)
                    _response = new Response
                        IsSuccess   = true,
                        NumberItems = numberItems,
                        //Obsolete = _listResult,
                        StatusResponse = new StatusResponse
                            Status    = 404,
                            Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode404,
                            Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


                _response = new Response
                    IsSuccess   = true,
                    NumberItems = numberItems,
                    //Obsolete = request.SortedBy.HasValue ? Sorting.Sort(_listResult, request.SortedBy.Value) : _listResult,
                    StatusResponse = new StatusResponse
                        Status    = 200,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode200,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()
            catch (Exception exception)
                var exceptionLog = new ExceptionLog
                    ApplicationName = $"{ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SolutionName"]} - {ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserFuelServices"]}",
                    Message         = exception.Message

                var exceptionRepository = new ExceptionLogRepository("MetadataConnection");
                var exceptionId         = exceptionRepository.Add(exceptionLog);

                _response = new Response
                    IsSuccess = false,
                    //Obsolete = null,
                    StatusResponse = new StatusResponse
                        Status    = 500,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode500,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()

Exemplo n.º 16
        public Response GetLatLongSortedWithDistanceResults(LatLongRequest request)
                var listResult  = _repository.GetLatLongSortedWithDistanceResults(request);
                var numberItems = listResult.Count;

                if (numberItems == 0)
                    _response = new Response
                        IsSuccess      = true,
                        NumberItems    = numberItems,
                        ListResult     = listResult,
                        StatusResponse = new StatusResponse
                            Status    = 404,
                            Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode404,
                            Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()


                _response = new Response
                    IsSuccess      = true,
                    NumberItems    = numberItems,
                    ListResult     = listResult,
                    StatusResponse = new StatusResponse
                        Status  = 200,
                        Message = Default.LblHttpStatusCode200
            catch (Exception exception)
                var exceptionLog = new ExceptionLog
                    ApplicationName = $"{ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SolutionName"]} - {ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserFuelServices"]}",
                    Message         = exception.Message

                var exceptionRepository = new ExceptionLogRepository("MetadataConnection");
                var exceptionId         = exceptionRepository.Add(exceptionLog);

                _response = new Response
                    IsSuccess      = false,
                    ListResult     = null,
                    StatusResponse = new StatusResponse
                        Status    = 500,
                        Message   = Default.LblHttpStatusCode500,
                        Timestamp = DateTimeOperations.FormatTimeStamp()
