Exemplo n.º 1
 private static bool ShallowEq(DatatypeValue expr1, DatatypeValue expr2)
     return // Implied by Ctor equality: expr1.DatatypeName == expr2.DatatypeName &&
            // Implied by Ctor equality: expr1.MemberName == expr2.MemberName &&
            (expr1.Ctor == expr2.Ctor &&
             // Contextual information: expr1.IsCoCall == expr2.IsCoCall &&
             TriggerUtils.SameLists(expr1.InferredTypeArgs, expr2.InferredTypeArgs, TypeEq));
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void EmitDatatypeValue(DatatypeValue dtv, string dtName, string ctorName, string arguments, TargetWriter wr)
            var dt = dtv.Ctor.EnclosingDatatype;

            if (dt is TupleTypeDecl)
                wr.Write("_dafny.Tuple.of({0})", arguments);
                wr.Write("{0}.{1}.create_{2}({3})", dt.Module.CompileName, dtName, ctorName, arguments);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Tuple<Method,TypeApply> GetSeqBuildMethod(Type t, SeqTree tree, List<bool> elemDimensions)
     if (elemDimensions.Count == 0)
         return GetSeqMethod(t, "seq_Empty");
     if (elemDimensions.Count == 2 && elemDimensions[0] && elemDimensions[1])
         return GetSeqMethod(t, "seq_Append");
     string op = "seq_" + SeqTree.TreeName(tree);
     DatatypeDecl seqDecl = FindDatatype("Seq");
     var tok = new Bpl.Token(0, 0);
     tok.filename = @"!\Seq.dfy";
     TypeApply tApp = Compile_SeqType((SeqType)t);
     Type dataType = new UserDefinedType(tok, "Seq", seqDecl, new List<Type> { ((SeqType)t).Arg });
     Type elemType = ((SeqType)t).Arg;
     Func<string,Type,Expression> idExpr = (x, typ) => {
         var e = new IdentifierExpr(tok, x);
         e.Type = typ;
         e.Var = new LocalVariable(tok, tok, x, typ, false);
         return e;
     Func<string,List<Expression>,FunctionCallExpr> seqCall = (x, args) => {
         var seqOp = GetSeqOperation(t, x);
         FunctionCallExpr callExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(
             tok, "Seq_Empty", new ThisExpr(tok), tok, args);
         callExpr.Function = seqOp.Item1;
         callExpr.TypeArgumentSubstitutions = seqOp.Item2.typeArgs;
         return callExpr;
     Expression empty = seqCall("Seq_Empty", new List<Expression> {});
     int varCount = 0;
     Func<SeqTree,Expression> resultRec = null;
     resultRec = (subtree) =>
         if (subtree == null)
             return idExpr("s" + (varCount++), dataType);
         if (subtree.buildCount >= 0)
             Expression build = empty;
             for (int i = 0; i < subtree.buildCount; i++)
                 build = seqCall("Seq_Build", new List<Expression>
                     { build, idExpr("a" + (varCount++), elemType) });
             return build;
             return seqCall("Seq_Append", new List<Expression>
                 { resultRec(subtree.left), resultRec(subtree.right) });
     Expression result = resultRec(tree);
     Expression post = seqCall("Seq_Equal", new List<Expression> { idExpr("s", dataType), result });
     List<Statement> stmts = new List<Statement>();
     for (int i = elemDimensions.Count; i > 0;)
         bool isFirst = (i == elemDimensions.Count);
         if (elemDimensions[i])
             if (isFirst)
                 stmts.Add(new AssignStmt(tok, tok, idExpr("s", dataType),
                     new ExprRhs(idExpr("s" + i, dataType))));
                 // s := seq_Append(s9, s);
                 var selectExpr = new MemberSelectExpr(tok, new ThisExpr(tok), "seq_Append");
                 selectExpr.Member = FindMethod(selectExpr.MemberName);  // Manually resolve here
                 selectExpr.TypeApplication = new List<Type>() { elemType }; // Manually resolve here
                 selectExpr.Type = new InferredTypeProxy();  // Manually resolve here
                 CallStmt callStmt = new CallStmt(tok, tok,
                     new List<Expression> {idExpr("s", dataType)},
                     selectExpr, new List<Expression>
                         { idExpr("s" + i, dataType), idExpr("s", dataType) });                                                        
             if (isFirst)
                 DatatypeValue nil = new DatatypeValue(tok, "Seq", "Nil", new List<Expression>() {});
                 nil.Type = dataType;
                 nil.InferredTypeArgs = new List<Type> { elemType };
                 nil.Ctor = seqDecl.Ctors[0];
                 Util.Assert(nil.Ctor.Name == "Seq_Nil");
                 stmts.Add(new AssignStmt(tok, tok, idExpr("s", dataType), new ExprRhs(nil)));
             // lemma_Seq_Cons(ai, s);
             var selectExpr = new MemberSelectExpr(tok, new ThisExpr(tok), "lemma_Seq_Cons");                
             selectExpr.Member = FindMethod(selectExpr.MemberName);   // Manually resolve here
             selectExpr.TypeApplication = new List<Type>() { elemType }; // Manually resolve here
             selectExpr.Type = new InferredTypeProxy();  // Manually resolve here
             CallStmt callStmt = new CallStmt(tok, tok,
                 new List<Expression> {},
                 selectExpr, new List<Expression>
                     { idExpr("a" + i, elemType), idExpr("s", dataType) });                                
             callStmt.IsGhost = true;
             DatatypeValue cons = new DatatypeValue(tok, "Seq", "Cons", new List<Expression>()
                 { idExpr("a" + i, elemType), idExpr("s", dataType) });
             cons.Type = dataType;
             cons.InferredTypeArgs = new List<Type> { elemType };
             cons.Ctor = seqDecl.Ctors[1];
             Util.Assert(cons.Ctor.Name == "Seq_Cons");
             stmts.Add(new AssignStmt(tok, tok, idExpr("s", dataType), new ExprRhs(cons)));
     BlockStmt body = new BlockStmt(tok, tok, stmts);
     List<Formal> ins = new List<Formal>();
     for (int i = 0; i < elemDimensions.Count; i++)
         bool isSeq = elemDimensions[i];
         ins.Add(new Formal(tok, (isSeq ? "s" : "a") + i, isSeq ? dataType : elemType, true, false));
     List<Formal> outs = new List<Formal> { new Formal(tok, "s", dataType, false, false) };
     List<MaybeFreeExpression> reqs = new List<MaybeFreeExpression>();
     List<MaybeFreeExpression> enss = new List<MaybeFreeExpression> { new MaybeFreeExpression(post) };
     Specification<FrameExpression> mods = new Specification<FrameExpression>(new List<FrameExpression>(), null);
     Specification<Expression> decs = new Specification<Expression>(new List<Expression>(), null);
     Attributes attrs = new Attributes("dafnycc_conservative_seq_triggers", new List<Expression>(), null);
     Method m = new Method(tok, op, true, false, tApp.typeParams, ins, outs, reqs, mods, enss, decs, body, attrs, tok);
     m.EnclosingClass = GetSeqMethod(t, "seq_Append").Item1.EnclosingClass;
     return Tuple.Create(m, Compile_Method(m, tApp.typeArgs));
Exemplo n.º 4
        void ParensExpression(out Expression e, bool allowSemi, bool allowLambda)
            IToken x;
            var args = new List<Expression>();

            x = t;
            if (StartOf(7)) {
            if (args.Count == 1) {
             e = new ParensExpression(x, args[0]);
            } else {
             // make sure the corresponding tuple type exists
             var tmp = theBuiltIns.TupleType(x, args.Count, true);
             e = new DatatypeValue(x, BuiltIns.TupleTypeName(args.Count), BuiltIns.TupleTypeCtorName, args);
Exemplo n.º 5
        List <Expression> GenerateAutoReqs(Expression expr, Function parent)
            List <Expression> reqs = new List <Expression>();
            Func <Expression, List <Expression> > generateAutoReqs = e => GenerateAutoReqs(e, parent);

            if (expr is LiteralExpr)
            else if (expr is ThisExpr)
            else if (expr is IdentifierExpr)
            else if (expr is SeqDisplayExpr)
                SeqDisplayExpr e = (SeqDisplayExpr)expr;
                foreach (var elt in e.Elements)
            else if (expr is FieldSelectExpr)
                FieldSelectExpr e = (FieldSelectExpr)expr;
            else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr)
                SeqSelectExpr e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr;
                if (e.E0 != null)
                if (e.E1 != null)
            else if (expr is SeqUpdateExpr)
                SeqUpdateExpr e = (SeqUpdateExpr)expr;
            else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr)
                FunctionCallExpr e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
                foreach (var arg in e.Args)
                if (parent == null || parent.Name != e.name)
                    reqs.AddRange(GatherReqs(e.Function, e.Args));
            else if (expr is DatatypeValue)
                DatatypeValue dtv = (DatatypeValue)expr;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtv.Arguments.Count; i++)
                    Expression arg = dtv.Arguments[i];
            else if (expr is OldExpr)
            else if (expr is MatchExpr)
                MatchExpr e = (MatchExpr)expr;
                List <MatchCaseExpr> newMatches = new List <MatchCaseExpr>();
                foreach (MatchCaseExpr caseExpr in e.Cases)
                    MatchCaseExpr c = new MatchCaseExpr(caseExpr.name, caseExpr.Arguments, Andify(generateAutoReqs(caseExpr.Body)));
                reqs.Add(new MatchExpr(e.Source, newMatches));
            else if (expr is FreshExpr)
            else if (expr is UnaryExpr)
                UnaryExpr  e   = (UnaryExpr)expr;
                Expression arg = e.E;
            else if (expr is BinaryExpr)
                BinaryExpr e = (BinaryExpr)expr;
                switch (e.Op)
                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp:
                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.And:
                    foreach (var req in generateAutoReqs(e.E1))
                        reqs.Add(new BinaryExpr(Token.NoToken, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp, e.E0, req));

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or:
                    foreach (var req in generateAutoReqs(e.E1))
                        reqs.Add(new BinaryExpr(Token.NoToken, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp,
                                                new UnaryExpr(Token.NoToken, UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not, e.E0), req));

            else if (expr is LetExpr)
                var e = (LetExpr)expr;
                if (e.Exact)
                    foreach (var rhs in e.RHSs)
                    var new_reqs = generateAutoReqs(e.Body);
                    if (new_reqs.Count > 0)
                        reqs.Add(new LetExpr(e.Exact, e.LHSs, e.RHSs, Andify(new_reqs)));
            else if (expr is QuantifierExpr)
                QuantifierExpr e         = (QuantifierExpr)expr;
                var            auto_reqs = generateAutoReqs(e.Term);
                if (auto_reqs.Count > 0)
                    Expression allReqsSatisfied        = Andify(auto_reqs);
                    Expression allReqsSatisfiedAndTerm = new BinaryExpr(Token.NoToken, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, allReqsSatisfied, e.Term);
                    e.Term = allReqsSatisfiedAndTerm;
            else if (expr is StmtExpr)
                var e = (StmtExpr)expr;
            else if (expr is ITEExpr)
                ITEExpr e = (ITEExpr)expr;
                reqs.Add(new ITEExpr(e.Test, Andify(generateAutoReqs(e.Thn)), Andify(generateAutoReqs(e.Els))));
Exemplo n.º 6
    public RtlExp GhostExpressionRec(Expression exp, bool inRecSpec = false, bool inRequiresOrOld = false)
        exp = GetExp(exp);
        StmtExpr         stmtExpr    = exp as StmtExpr;
        IdentifierExpr   idExp       = exp as IdentifierExpr;
        LiteralExpr      literal     = exp as LiteralExpr;
        BinaryExpr       binary      = exp as BinaryExpr;
        UnaryExpr        unary       = exp as UnaryExpr;
        ITEExpr          ite         = exp as ITEExpr;
        ExistsExpr       existsExp   = exp as ExistsExpr;
        ForallExpr       forallExp   = exp as ForallExpr;
        LetExpr          letExp      = exp as LetExpr;
        MatchExpr        matchExp    = exp as MatchExpr;
        OldExpr          oldExp      = exp as OldExpr;
        FreshExpr        freshExp    = exp as FreshExpr;
        FunctionCallExpr funCall     = exp as FunctionCallExpr;
        DatatypeValue    dataVal     = exp as DatatypeValue;
        FieldSelectExpr  fieldSelect = exp as FieldSelectExpr;
        SeqSelectExpr    seqSelect   = exp as SeqSelectExpr;
        SeqUpdateExpr    seqUpdate   = exp as SeqUpdateExpr;
        SeqDisplayExpr   seqDisplay  = exp as SeqDisplayExpr;

        Func <Expression, RtlExp> G = e => GhostExpression(e, inRecSpec, inRequiresOrOld);

        if (stmtExpr != null)
            if (stmtExprEnabled)
                if (ignoreStmtExpr == 0)
                throw new Exception("not implemented: cannot handle statement expression here");
        else if (idExp != null)
        else if (literal != null && literal.Value is BigInteger)
            return(new RtlInt((BigInteger)(literal.Value)));
        else if (literal != null && literal.Value is bool)
            return(new RtlLiteral((bool)(literal.Value) ? "true" : "false"));
        else if (literal != null && literal.Value == null)
            return(new RtlLiteral("ArrayOfInt(0 - 1, NO_ABS)"));
        else if (literal != null && literal.Value is Microsoft.Basetypes.BigDec)
            return(new RtlLiteral(((Microsoft.Basetypes.BigDec)literal.Value).ToDecimalString()));
        else if (binary != null)
            string          op              = null;
            string          internalOp      = null;
            CompileFunction compileFunction = this as CompileFunction;
            string          thisFuncName    = (compileFunction == null) ? null : compileFunction.function.Name;
            switch (binary.ResolvedOp)
            case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SeqEq:
                return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(binary.E0.Type), "Seq_Equal"),
                                    new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) }));

            case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SeqNeq:
                return(new RtlLiteral("(!" +
                                      new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(binary.E0.Type), "Seq_Equal"),
                                                   new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) }) + ")"));

            case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Concat:
                return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(binary.Type), "Seq_Append"),
                                    new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) }));
            if (binary.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp)
                binary = new BinaryExpr(binary.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp, binary.E0, binary.E1);
            switch (binary.Op)
            case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint:
            case BinaryExpr.Opcode.In:
            case BinaryExpr.Opcode.NotIn:
                throw new Exception("not implemented: binary operator '" + BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(binary.Op) + "'");
            if (AppType(binary.E0.Type) is IntType && AppType(binary.E1.Type) is IntType)
                switch (binary.Op)
                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le: internalOp = "INTERNAL_le_boogie"; break;

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt: internalOp = "INTERNAL_lt_boogie"; break;

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge: internalOp = "INTERNAL_ge_boogie"; break;

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt: internalOp = "INTERNAL_gt_boogie"; break;

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add: internalOp = "INTERNAL_add_boogie"; break;

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub: internalOp = "INTERNAL_sub_boogie"; break;

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul:
                    op = "*";
                    if (thisFuncName != "INTERNAL_mul")
                        internalOp = FunName("INTERNAL__mul");

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div:
                    op = "div";
                    if (thisFuncName != "INTERNAL_div")
                        internalOp = FunName("INTERNAL__div");

                case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod:
                    op = "mod";
                    if (thisFuncName != "INTERNAL_mod")
                        internalOp = FunName("INTERNAL__mod");

                    op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(binary.Op);
                op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(binary.Op);
            if (internalOp == null)
                return(new RtlBinary(op, G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1)));
                return(new RtlApply(internalOp, new RtlExp[]
                                    { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) }));
        else if (unary != null && unary.Op == UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not)
            return(new RtlLiteral("(!(" + G(unary.E) + "))"));
        else if (unary != null && unary.Op == UnaryExpr.Opcode.SeqLength)
            return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(unary.E.Type), "Seq_Length"),
                                new RtlExp[] { G(unary.E) }));
        else if (ite != null)
            return(GhostIfThenElse(G(ite.Test), () => G(ite.Thn), () => G(ite.Els)));
        else if (funCall != null)
            switch (funCall.Function.Name)
            case "left":
            case "right":
            case "relation":
            case "public":
                Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1);
                return(new RtlApply(funCall.Function.Name, new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) }));

            case "sizeof":
                Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1);
                return(new RtlApply(funCall.Function.Name + "##" + TypeString(AppType(funCall.Args[0].Type)),
                                    new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) }));

            case "INTERNAL_add_raw":
                Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 2);
                return(new RtlBinary("+", G(funCall.Args[0]), G(funCall.Args[1])));

            case "INTERNAL_sub_raw":
                Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 2);
                return(new RtlBinary("-", G(funCall.Args[0]), G(funCall.Args[1])));

            case "IntToReal":
                Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1);
                return(new RtlApply("real", new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) }));

            case "RealToInt":
                Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1);
                return(new RtlApply("int", new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) }));
            TypeApply app = dafnySpec.Compile_Function(funCall.Function,
                                                       funCall.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => AppType(p.Value)));
            string        name     = FunName(SimpleName(app.AppName()));
            string        fullName = FunName(SimpleName(app.AppFullName()));
            List <RtlExp> rtlArgs  = funCall.Args.Select(G).ToList();
            List <RtlExp> rtlReads = funCall.Function.Reads.Where(e => e.Field != null).ToList()
                                     .ConvertAll(e => (RtlExp) new RtlVar(
                                                     GhostVar(e.FieldName), e.Field.IsGhost, AppType(e.Field.Type)));
            rtlArgs = rtlReads.Concat(rtlArgs).ToList();
            if (name.EndsWith("__INTERNAL__HEAP"))
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "__INTERNAL__HEAP".Length);
            else if (DafnySpec.IsHeapFunction(funCall.Function))
                rtlArgs.Insert(0, new RtlLiteral(inRequiresOrOld ? "$absMem_old" : "$absMem"));
            if (Attributes.Contains(funCall.Function.Attributes, "opaque") &&
                funCall.Function.Formals.Count + rtlReads.Count == 0)
                rtlArgs.Insert(0, new RtlLiteral("true"));
            if (fullName == recFunName)
                name = fullName;
            if (name == recFunName)
                recCalls.Add(new List <RtlExp>(rtlArgs));
                rtlArgs.Insert(0, new RtlApply("decreases_" + name, new List <RtlExp>(rtlArgs)));
                rtlArgs.Insert(1, new RtlLiteral(inRecSpec ? "__unroll" : "__unroll + 1"));
                name = "rec_" + name;
            return(new RtlApply(name, rtlArgs));
        else if (dataVal != null)
            bool isSeq = dataVal.Type.TypeName(null).StartsWith("Seq<");
            return(new RtlApply((isSeq ? "_" : "") + dafnySpec.Compile_Constructor(
                                    dataVal.Type, dataVal.Ctor.Name, dataVal.InferredTypeArgs, typeApply.typeArgs).AppName(),
        else if (existsExp != null || forallExp != null)
            QuantifierExpr qExp               = (QuantifierExpr)exp;
            bool           isForall           = forallExp != null;
            var            varTuples          = qExp.BoundVars.Select(v => Tuple.Create(GhostVar(v.Name), v.IsGhost, v.Type));
            var            oldRenamer         = PushRename(qExp.BoundVars.Select(v => v.Name));
            var            oldStmtExprEnabled = stmtExprEnabled;
            stmtExprEnabled = false;
            RtlExp rExp = new RtlLiteral((isForall ? "(forall " : "(exists ")
                                         + string.Join(", ", qExp.BoundVars.Select(v => GhostVar(v.Name) + ":" + TypeString(AppType(v.Type))))
                                         + " :: " + Triggers(qExp.Attributes, G) + " "
                                         + GetTypeWellFormedExp(varTuples.ToList(), isForall ? "==>" : "&&", G(qExp.Term)) + ")");
            stmtExprEnabled = oldStmtExprEnabled;
        else if (letExp != null)
            List <RtlExp> rhss;
            if (letExp.Exact)
                rhss = letExp.RHSs.ConvertAll(e => G(e));
            else if (letExp.LHSs.Count == 1 && LiteralExpr.IsTrue(letExp.RHSs[0]) && AppType(letExp.LHSs[0].Var.Type) is IntType)
                rhss = new List <RtlExp> {
                    new RtlLiteral("0")
                throw new Exception("not implemented: LetExpr: " + letExp);
            return(GhostLet(exp.tok, letExp.LHSs.ConvertAll(lhs => lhs.Var), rhss, () => G(letExp.Body)));
        else if (matchExp != null)
            if (matchExp.MissingCases.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception("not implemented: MatchExpr with missing cases: " + matchExp);
            //- match src case c1(ps1) => e1 ... cn(psn) => en
            //-   -->
            //- let x := src in
            //-   if x is c1 then let ps1 := ...x.f1... in e1 else
            //-   if x is c2 then let ps2 := ...x.f2... in e2 else
            //-                   let ps3 := ...x.f3... in e3
            var           src   = G(matchExp.Source);
            var           cases = matchExp.Cases;
            string        x     = TempName();
            Func <RtlExp> body  = null;
            for (int i = cases.Count; i > 0;)
                MatchCaseExpr         c     = cases[i];
                Func <List <RtlExp> > cRhss = () => c.Ctor.Formals.ConvertAll(f => (RtlExp) new RtlLiteral("("
                                                                                                           + f.Name + "#" + c.Ctor.Name + "(" + GhostVar(x) + "))"));
                Func <RtlExp> ec = () => GhostLet(exp.tok, c.Arguments, cRhss(), () => G(c.Body));
                if (body == null)
                    body = ec;
                    var prevBody = body;
                    body = () => GhostIfThenElse(new RtlLiteral("(" + GhostVar(x) + " is " + c.Ctor.Name + ")"),
                                                 ec, prevBody);
            return(GhostLet(exp.tok, new List <BoundVar> {
                new BoundVar(exp.tok, x, matchExp.Source.Type)
                            new List <RtlExp> {
            }, body));
        else if (oldExp != null)
            return(new RtlLiteral("old(" + GhostExpression(oldExp.E, inRecSpec, true) + ")"));
        else if (freshExp != null)
            string abs = G(freshExp.E) + ".arrAbs";
            return(new RtlLiteral("(heap_old.absData[" + abs + "] is AbsNone)"));
        else if (fieldSelect != null && fieldSelect.FieldName.EndsWith("?"))
            string constructor = fieldSelect.FieldName.Substring(0, fieldSelect.FieldName.Length - 1);
            constructor = dafnySpec.Compile_Constructor(fieldSelect.Obj.Type, constructor, null, typeApply.typeArgs).AppName();
            bool isSeq = fieldSelect.Obj.Type.TypeName(null).StartsWith("Seq<");
                ? new RtlLiteral("is_" + constructor + "(" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + ")")
                : new RtlLiteral("((" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + ") is " + constructor + ")"));
        else if (fieldSelect != null && !fieldSelect.Field.IsStatic && AppType(fieldSelect.Obj.Type) is UserDefinedType &&
                 fieldSelect.Field is DatatypeDestructor)
            DatatypeDestructor field       = (DatatypeDestructor)fieldSelect.Field;
            string             constructor = dafnySpec.Compile_Constructor(fieldSelect.Obj.Type,
                                                                           field.EnclosingCtor.Name, null, typeApply.typeArgs).AppName();
            bool isSeq = fieldSelect.Obj.Type.TypeName(null).StartsWith("Seq<");
            return(new RtlLiteral("(" + fieldSelect.FieldName + (isSeq ? "_" : "#") + constructor
                                  + "(" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + "))"));
        else if (fieldSelect != null && DafnySpec.IsArrayType(AppType(fieldSelect.Obj.Type)) &&
                 fieldSelect.FieldName == "Length")
            return(new RtlLiteral("(Arr_Length(" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + "))"));
        else if (fieldSelect != null && fieldSelect.Obj is ImplicitThisExpr)
            //- we don't support objects yet, so interpret this as a global variable
            return(new RtlVar(GhostVar(fieldSelect.FieldName), true, fieldSelect.Type));
        else if (seqSelect != null)
            if (seqSelect.SelectOne && DafnySpec.IsArrayType(AppType(seqSelect.Seq.Type)))
                return(new RtlExpComputed(e => "fun_INTERNAL__array__elems__index("
                                          + (inRequiresOrOld ? "$absMem_old" : "$absMem") + "[" + e.args[0] + ".arrAbs], ("
                                          + e.args[1] + "))", new RtlExp[] { G(seqSelect.Seq), G(seqSelect.E0) }));
            else if (seqSelect.SelectOne)
                return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqSelect.Seq.Type), "Seq_Index"),
                                    new RtlExp[] { G(seqSelect.Seq), G(seqSelect.E0) }));
                RtlExp seq = G(seqSelect.Seq);
                if (DafnySpec.IsArrayType(AppType(seqSelect.Seq.Type)))
                    seq = new RtlApply(FunName("Seq__FromArray"), new RtlExp[] {
                        new RtlLiteral(inRequiresOrOld ? "$absMem_old" : "$absMem"), seq
                if (seqSelect.E1 != null)
                    seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqSelect.Type), "Seq_Take"),
                                       new RtlExp[] { seq, G(seqSelect.E1) });
                if (seqSelect.E0 != null)
                    seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqSelect.Type), "Seq_Drop"),
                                       new RtlExp[] { seq, G(seqSelect.E0) });
        else if (seqUpdate != null)
            if (seqUpdate.ResolvedUpdateExpr != null)
                return(GhostExpressionRec(seqUpdate.ResolvedUpdateExpr, inRecSpec, inRequiresOrOld));
            return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqUpdate.Seq.Type), "Seq_Update"),
                                new RtlExp[] { G(seqUpdate.Seq), G(seqUpdate.Index), G(seqUpdate.Value) }));
        else if (seqDisplay != null)
            RtlExp seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqDisplay.Type), "Seq_Empty"), new RtlExp[0]);
            foreach (Expression ei in seqDisplay.Elements)
                seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqDisplay.Type), "Seq_Build"),
                                   new RtlExp[] { seq, G(ei) });
            throw new Exception("not implemented: " + exp);