Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a series of simple one pattern range searches which is useful for more specific testing
        ///     1=PrimaryKey, 2=Integer, 3=Long, 4=Double, 5=String, 6=DateTime (7=Bool -- Warning this one is sloooow)
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateRandomSingleSearchPatterns(int parameterToSearchWith)
            // Lets generate some random integers ...
            PatternsToSearchFor = new List <List <DatabaseSearchPattern> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < TestParameters.NumSearchPatterns; i++)
                DatabaseSearchPattern rsp = null;

                if (parameterToSearchWith == 1)                 // Primary key search
                    rsp = GenerateSearchPatternPrimaryKey(0, NumIterations);
                else if (parameterToSearchWith == 2)         // Integer search
                    rsp = GenerateSearchPatternInteger(1, TestParameters.MaxIntegerInRange, 1);
                else if (parameterToSearchWith == 3)        // Long search
                    rsp = GenerateSearchPatternLong(TestParameters.MinLongInRange, TestParameters.MaxLongInRange, 1);
                else if (parameterToSearchWith == 4)        // Double search
                    rsp = GenerateSearchPatternDouble(TestParameters.MinDoubleInRange, TestParameters.MaxDoubleInRange, 1);
                else if (parameterToSearchWith == 5)        // String search
                    rsp = GenerateSearchPatternString();
                else if (parameterToSearchWith == 6)        // DateTime search
                    rsp = GenerateSearchPatternDateTime(TestParameters.DateMin, TestParameters.DateMax, 1);
                else if (parameterToSearchWith == 7)        // Bool search
                    Logger.LogWarning("TestParameters.GenerateRandomIntegerRangePatterns - Boolean searches are SLOOOW and deprecated - be careful.");

                    TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor.Add(new List <DatabaseSearchPattern>()
                        new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestBool", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool())
                    Logger.LogWarning("TestParameters.GenerateRandomIntegerRangePatterns - Unknown search parameter requested - " + parameterToSearchWith);

                // And finally - lets add our search pattern ...
                TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor.Add(new List <DatabaseSearchPattern>()
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static DatabaseSearchPattern GenerateSearchPatternLong(long min, long max, int numTestsInGroup)
            DatabaseSearchPattern rsp = null;

            //-----a----- Get the expression type (==, <=, >= or between)
            int randomET = GenerateExpressionType(numTestsInGroup);

            //-----b----- The range is 20m by default
            long range = ((max - min) * TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / TestParameters.MaxIntegerInRange);

            //-----c----- So we want to generalise for multiple tests --- so if numTests > 0, then increase the range .....
            if (numTestsInGroup > 1)
                // increase the range by a factor of 10 ...
                range = range * 10;
                // For >= or <= lets also tweak the min and max to ensure the range is larger
                if (randomET == 2)
                    min = min + range;
                    max = max - range;

            //-----d----- Generate the random value
            long randomVal = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(min, max);

            //-----e----- Generate the search expression
            if (randomET == 1)             //_____ == _____
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestLong", randomVal);
            else if (randomET == 2)       //_____ >= or <= range search _____

            // Work out if this is a <= or >= query
                bool randomBool = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool();

                if (randomBool == true)
                    rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestLong", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(max - range, max), randomBool);
                    rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestLong", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(min, min + range), randomBool);
            else                                   //_____ Between _____
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestLong", randomVal, randomVal + range);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static DatabaseSearchPattern GenerateSearchPatternDouble(double min, double max, int numTestsInGroup)
            DatabaseSearchPattern rsp = null;

            //-----a----- Get the expression type (==, <=, >= or between)
            int randomET = GenerateExpressionType(numTestsInGroup);

            //-----b----- Generate the default range size
            double range = (double)TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / (double)TestParameters.MaxIntegerInRange;

            //----c----- so we want to generalise for multiple tests --- so if numTests > 0, then increase the range and bring in the min and max to ensure a larger range .....
            if (numTestsInGroup > 1)
                range = range * 4;
                // For >= or <= lets also tweak the min and max to ensure the range is larger
                if (randomET == 2)
                    min = min + range;
                    max = max - range;

            //-----d----- Generate the random value
            double randomVal = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(min, max);

            //-----e----- Generate the search pattern
            if (randomET == 1)                //_____ == _____
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDouble", randomVal);
            else if (randomET == 2)         //_____ >= or <= range search _____

            // Work out if this is a <= or >= query
                bool randomBool = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool();

                if (randomBool == true)
                    rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDouble", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(max - range, max), randomBool);
                    rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDouble", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(min, min + range), randomBool);
            else                                   //_____ Between _____
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDouble", randomVal, randomVal + range);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static DatabaseSearchPattern GenerateSearchPatternInteger(int min, int max, int numTestsInGroup)
            DatabaseSearchPattern rsp = null;

            //-----a----- Get the expression type (==, <=, >= or between)
            int randomET = GenerateExpressionType(numTestsInGroup);

            //-----b----- Generate the range
            int range = TestParameters.SearchRangeSize; // 50,000

            //-----c----- We want to generalise for multiple tests --- so if numTests > 0, then increase the range and bring in the min and max to ensure a larger range .....
            if (numTestsInGroup > 1)
                range = range * 10;
                // For >= or <= lets also tweak the min and max to ensure the range is larger
                if (randomET == 2)
                    min = min + range;
                    max = max - range;

            //-----d----- Generate the random value
            int randomVal = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(min, max);

            //-----e----- Now generate the search pattern
            if (randomET == 1)             //_____ == _____
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal);
            else if (randomET == 2)       //_____ >= or <= range search _____
                bool randomBool = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool();

                if (randomBool == true)
                    rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(max - range, max), randomBool);
                    rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(min, min + range), randomBool);
            else                                   //_____ Between _____
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, randomVal + range);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a series of simple integer range searches... useful for more specific testing
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestSorting()
            List <DatabaseIndexInfo> riis = rw.IndexFindAll(new TestObj());

            int      randomVal  = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, 1000000);
            long     randomVal2 = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(8000000000, 12000000000);
            double   randomVal3 = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(0, 1);
            DateTime randomVal4 = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(TestParameters.DateMin, TestParameters.DateMax);

            List <DatabaseSearchPattern> testPatterns = new List <DatabaseSearchPattern>()
                // Bool
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestBool", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool()),
                // Score - equivalent (int)
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal),
                // Score - greater than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, true),
                // Score - less than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, false),
                // Score - between
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, randomVal + TestParameters.SearchRangeSize),
                // Text - Starts with
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestStr", MGLEncryption.GetSalt(RedisWrapper.TextIndexLength).ToString().ToLower()),
                // Score - between (long)
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestLong", randomVal2, randomVal2 + (4000000000 * TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / 1000000)),
                // Primary key
                new DatabaseSearchPattern((long)randomVal),
                // Score - between
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDouble", randomVal3, randomVal3 + ((double)TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / 1000000.0)),
                // Date time - betwen
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4, randomVal4.AddDays(1)),
                // Date time - less than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4, false),
                // Date time - greater than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4, true),
                // Date time - equivalent
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4)

            // sort it

            string isItGucci = "";
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a number of randomly generated RedisTestObj objects, with each parameter between a range...
        ///     These are ONLY used for writing, so we can ignore if the readonly flag is enabled
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateRandomObjects()
            // These are ONLY used for writing, so we can ignore if the readonly flag is enabled
            if (TestParameters.DoWrite == false)
                Logger.Log("Skipping generating the random objects as the global TestParameter.JustDoRead parameter is set to read only.");

            RandomObjects = new List <object>();

            // Generate some random data!
            Logger.LogSubHeading("Generating " + NumIterations + " randomly generated TestObj objects...");

            int i = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                    // The primary key
                    new TestObj((ulong)i,
                                // A random int
                                MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, MaxIntegerInRange),
                                // longs ...
                                MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(TestParameters.MinLongInRange, TestParameters.MaxLongInRange),
                                // doubles ...
                                MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(TestParameters.MinDoubleInRange, TestParameters.MaxDoubleInRange),
                                // bools ...
                                // strings ...
                                // DateTime - Standardise the dates to the nearest second so that the MySQL vs Redis comparison is consistent
                                // Otherwise Redis is stored to the nearest MS while MySQL only stores to the nearest second
                                DatabaseSearchPattern.StandardiseDateToStartOfSecond(MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(TestParameters.DateMin, TestParameters.DateMax), false)));

                // Log the progress ...
                Logger.Log(i, 1000, NumIterations);
            Logger.Log(i, 1, NumIterations);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static DatabaseSearchPattern GenerateSearchPatternDateTime(DateTime min, DateTime max, int numTestsInGroup)
            DatabaseSearchPattern rsp = null;

            //-----a----- Get the expression type (==, <=, >= or between)
            int randomET = GenerateExpressionType(numTestsInGroup);

            //-----b----- The default range in HOURS - note that we calculate this in the same manner as the other ranges from the integer parameter (approx 3.6 hrs)
            int range = (int)Math.Round(TestParameters.DateMax.Subtract(TestParameters.DateMin).TotalHours *TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / TestParameters.MaxIntegerInRange);

            //----c----- so we want to generalise for multiple tests --- so if numTests > 0, then increase the range and bring in the min and max to ensure a larger range .....
            if (numTestsInGroup > 1)
                range = range * 18; // becomes roughly three days // 8;
                // For >= or <= lets also tweak the min and max to ensure the range is larger
                if (randomET == 2)
                    min = min.AddHours(range);
                    max = max.AddHours(-range);

            //-----d----- Generate the random value
            DateTime randomVal = DatabaseSearchPattern.StandardiseDateToStartOfSecond(MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(min, max), false);

            //-----e----- And generate the search pattern as well...
            if (randomET == 1)              //_____ == _____

            // Note that for dates equal to - would result in all the results for a specific date and time being returned - which is only very rarely going to return results
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal);
            else if (randomET == 2)         //_____ >= or <= range search _____

            // We need a random bool to determine if this is a >= or a <= search ...
                bool randomBool = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool();

                // Generate ranges between the temporarily defined max and min above and a range's width above or below these parameters
                // depending on whether this is greater than or less than ...
                if (randomBool == true)
                    randomVal = DatabaseSearchPattern.StandardiseDateToStartOfSecond(MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(max.AddHours(-range), max), false);
                    randomVal = DatabaseSearchPattern.StandardiseDateToStartOfSecond(MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(min, min.AddHours(range)), false);

                // Now add this randomVal as a range query
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal, randomBool);
            else                                //_____ Between _____

            // Between our randomly generated date and a range's width above this ...
                rsp = new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal, randomVal.AddHours(range));

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates n search patterns with between 1 and 3 search parameters randomly chosen from 6 of the RedisTestObj attributes
        ///     11-Aug-2016 - updated so that the patterns we are searching for are broader if there are multiple tests ...
        ///     16-Aug-2016 - No longer searching using the TestBool parameter as the query results are far too broad.
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateRandomPatterns(List <DatabaseIndexInfo> riis)
            //-----0----- Reset the list of patterns to search for
            PatternsToSearchFor = new List <List <DatabaseSearchPattern> >();

            //     1=PrimaryKey, 2=Integer, 3=Long, 4=Double, 5=String, 6=DateTime (Note we are not using bool searches here as they are far too sloooow)
            int totalNumPatterns = 6;

            //-----1----- Process the number of search pattern groups specified in the global parameter
            for (int i = 0; i < NumSearchPatterns; i++)
                List <DatabaseSearchPattern> rsps = new List <DatabaseSearchPattern>();

                //-----2----- Determine how many tests to run and from which parameters...
                int        numTests  = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, 3);
                List <int> testTypes = new List <int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < numTests; j++)
                    int testType = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, totalNumPatterns);

                    //-----2a----- Reduce the number of PK queries in the multiple search parameter queries and instead choose integer range parameters..
                    if (testType == 1 && j > 0)
                        testType = 2;

                    //-----2b----- If this test type already exists, then iterate through and find a test type that has not yet already been chosen
                    while (testTypes.Contains(testType) == true)
                        testType = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, totalNumPatterns);
                        // Reduce the number of PK queries in the multiple search parameter queries and instead choose integer range parameters..
                        if (testType == 1 && j > 0)
                            testType = 2;

                    //-----3----- Now go through and randomly generate the SearchPattern for each of these test types
                    // We now have about six types of test we are processing...
                    if (testType == 1)                     //-----a----- ID - Primary Key - Equivalent - individual result ...
                        rsps.Add(GenerateSearchPatternPrimaryKey(0, TestParameters.NumIterations));
                    else if (testType == 2)             //-----b----- TestInt  - Try to ensure that max results returned is 20%
                        rsps.Add(GenerateSearchPatternInteger(1, TestParameters.MaxIntegerInRange, numTests));
                    else if (testType == 3)             //-----c----- TestLong - a range of 4 billion and we are searching between for ranges of 10,000,000 (i.e. 0.25%)
                        rsps.Add(GenerateSearchPatternLong(TestParameters.MinLongInRange, TestParameters.MaxLongInRange, numTests));
                    else if (testType == 4)            //-----d----- TestDouble - Try to ensure that max results return is 20%
                        rsps.Add(GenerateSearchPatternDouble(TestParameters.MinDoubleInRange, TestParameters.MaxDoubleInRange, numTests));
                    else if (testType == 5)           //-----e----- TestStr - max results returned is 1/(40*40) when using a two char search length
                    else if (testType == 6)          //-----f----- TestDT - searching for ranges in hours
                        rsps.Add(GenerateSearchPatternDateTime(TestParameters.DateMin, TestParameters.DateMax, numTests));

                // 19-Aug-2016 - if DoDebug == true, we need to sort here so that the views in the MySQL and Redis debug lists are consistent!
                // Otherwise it is difficult to compare the results of the two databases afterwards ..
                if (RedisWrapper.DoDebug == true)

                // add our new search patterns ...
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Random tests - returns a set of IDs
        /// </summary>
        public static List <uint> RedisPerformanceComparisonRaw()
            bool success = false;

            // Pause to enable GC

            Logger.LogSubHeading("Starting Redis performance comparison - RAW StackExchange.Redis queries ...");

            HashSet <uint> objIDs = new HashSet <uint>();
            int            i      = 0;

            string objectName = TestObj.ObjectName; // "RedisTestObj";

            //-----1----- Test Raw Redis
                Logger.Log("Testing raw Redis queries ...");

                Task <bool> keyExistsT = rw.DB.KeyExistsAsync(objectName + ":1");
                bool        keyExists  = keyExistsT.Result;

                Logger.Log("Firing off the queries ...");
                DateTime RVTest = DateTime.Now;
                List <Task <RedisValue[]> > rvTasks = new List <Task <RedisValue[]> >();

                for (i = 0; i < TestParameters.NumSearchPatterns; i++)
                    // cycle through the connections and build the list of async tasks ...
                    DatabaseSearchPattern rsp = TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor[i][0];
                    if (rsp.SearchType == SearchType.PrimaryKey)
                        // PK Query
                        //if (rw.DB.KeyExists("RedisTestObj:PrimaryKey", rsp.Score)) {
                        if (rw.DB.KeyExists(rw.KeyName(objectName, rw.ConvertID(rsp.Score))))
                        // Range Query
                        //rvTasks.Add(rw.DB.SortedSetRangeByScoreAsync("{"+ objectName + ":Index:TestInt}", rsp.ScoreMin, rsp.ScoreMax));
                        rvTasks.Add(rw.DB.SortedSetRangeByScoreAsync("{" + objectName + ":i:" + rsp.Parameter + "}", rsp.ScoreMin, rsp.ScoreMax));

                    Logger.Log(i, 100, TestParameters.NumSearchPatterns);
                Logger.Log(i, 1, TestParameters.NumSearchPatterns);

                // Cycle through the tasks and skip over them (do not block) if they have not yet completed...
                Logger.Log("Now awaiting the results");
                if (objIDs.Count == 0)

                TimeSpan RVTested = DateTime.Now.Subtract(RVTest);
                Logger.Log("Total num objects = " + objIDs.Count.ToString("N0") + ".");
                Logger.Log("Time to process:" + RVTested.TotalSeconds);

            // Pause to enable GC
            Logger.Log("Pausing to enable garbage collection ...");
