Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <PowerEntry>?Parse()
            Regex  r;
            Regex  rs;
            Match  m;
            Match  ms;
            string cnt;
            int    i;

            var p = new RawPowerData {
                Valid = false
            var powerSlots = new List <RawEnhData>();
            var e          = new RawEnhData();

            var listPowers = new List <PowerEntry>();

                cnt = File.ReadAllText(BuildString);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);

            cnt = Regex.Replace(cnt, @"[\r\n]", "\r\n");          // Line conversion to PC/Win format (just in case)
            cnt = Regex.Replace(cnt, @"\<br \/\>", string.Empty); // For good ol' Mids 1.962 support
            cnt = Regex.Replace(cnt, @"\&nbsp\;", " ");           // Nbsp html entities to spaces
            cnt = Regex.Replace(cnt, @" {2,}", "\t");             // Note: [JS] Use of \s here break newlines

            // Compact a little those modern builds
            cnt = Regex.Replace(cnt, @"\t{2,}", "\t");
            cnt = Regex.Replace(cnt, @"(\r\n){2,}", "\r\n");

            // Alignment, builder software and version
            // Note: old Pine Hero Designer is listed as 'Hero Hero Designer'
            // Extended: Rogue/Vigilante will be added in a later release.
            r = new Regex(@"(Hero|Villain|Rogue|Vigilante) Plan by ([a-zA-Z\:\'\s]+) ([0-9\.]+)");
            m = r.Match(cnt);

            if (!m.Success)
                _ = MessageBox.Show(
                    "This build cannot be recovered because it doesn't contain a valid plain text part.", "Error",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            CharacterInfo.Alignment = m.Groups[1].Value;
            BuilderApp.Software     = m.Groups[2].Value;
            BuilderApp.Version      = m.Groups[3].Value;

            // Character name, level, origin and archetype
            r = new Regex(@"([^\r\n\t]+)\: Level ([0-9]{1,2}) ([a-zA-Z]+) ([a-zA-Z ]+)");
            m = r.Match(cnt);
            if (!m.Success)
                // Name is empty
                rs = new Regex(@"Level ([0-9]{1,2}) ([a-zA-Z]+) ([a-zA-Z ]+)");
                ms = rs.Match(cnt);
                CharacterInfo.Name      = string.Empty;
                CharacterInfo.Level     = Convert.ToInt32(ms.Groups[1].Value, null);
                CharacterInfo.Origin    = ms.Groups[2].Value;
                CharacterInfo.Archetype = ms.Groups[3].Value;
                CharacterInfo.Name      = m.Groups[1].Value;
                CharacterInfo.Level     = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value, null);
                CharacterInfo.Origin    = m.Groups[3].Value;
                CharacterInfo.Archetype = m.Groups[4].Value;


            // Main powersets
            r = new Regex(@"(Primary|Secondary) Power Set\: ([^\r\n\t]+)");
            m = r.Match(cnt);
            while (m.Success)
                m = m.NextMatch();

            // Pools and Ancillary/Epic powersets
            r = new Regex(@"(Power|Ancillary) Pool\: ([^\r\n\t]+)");
            m = r.Match(cnt);
            while (m.Success)
                if (m.Groups[2].Value != "Fitness")
                m = m.NextMatch();

            // Powers
            string PSlotsStr;

            string[] PSlots;
            string[] s;
            string?  sContentEnh;

            r = new Regex(@"Level ([0-9]{1,2})\:\t([^\t]+)\t([^\r\n\t]+)");
            m = r.Match(cnt);
            while (m.Success)
                p       = new RawPowerData();
                e       = new RawEnhData();
                p.Slots = new List <RawEnhData>();

                p.DisplayName = m.Groups[2].Value.Trim();
                p.Level       = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value, null);
                p.pData       = DatabaseAPI.GetPowerByDisplayName(p.DisplayName,
                p.Powerset = p.pData != null?DatabaseAPI.GetPowersetByIndex(p.pData.PowerSetIndex) : null;

                p.Valid   = CheckValid(p.pData);
                PSlotsStr = m.Groups.Count > 3 ? m.Groups[3].Value.Trim() : string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PSlotsStr))
                    // Extract enhancement name and slot level ('A' for power inherent slot)
                    // Handle special enhancements with parenthesis like ExpRnf-+Res(Pets)(50)
                    PSlotsStr = Regex.Replace(PSlotsStr, @"\(([^A0-9]+)\)", "[$1]");
                    PSlots    = Regex.Split(PSlotsStr, @",\s");

                    for (i = 0; i < PSlots.Length; i++)
                        s = Regex.Split(PSlots[i], @"/[\(\)]");
                        s = Array.FindAll(s, e => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e));

                        sContentEnh =
                            s[0] == "Empty"
                                ? null
                                : ShortNamesConversion(s[0]); // Enhancement name (Enhancement.ShortName)
                            e.InternalName = s[0];
                            e.Level        = s[1] == "A"
                                ? 0
                                : Convert.ToInt32(s[1], null); // Slot level ("A" is the auto-granted one)
                            e.Boosters    = 0;                 // Not handled
                            e.HasCatalyst = false;
                            e.eData       = DatabaseAPI.GetEnhancementByUIDName(e.InternalName);
                        catch (FormatException) // if (isNaN(s[1]
                            e.InternalName = "Empty";
                            e.Level        = 0;
                            e.Boosters     = 0;
                            e.HasCatalyst  = false;
                            e.eData        = -1;

                if (p.Valid)
                    if (CheckValid(p.Powerset))
                    AddPowerToBuildSheet(p, ref listPowers);
