Exemplo n.º 1
         * @param tag
         * @param i
         * @param b
        private static void print(DataTypeIf tag, int size, bool right)
            String str = "";

            if (tag != null)
                str = tag.toString();
            print(str, size, right);
Exemplo n.º 2
         * This method creates a rpm data type out of a input stream and an
         * IndexEntry. The object must at the current position of the input stream.
         * The length is only needed for string objects; the string objects will
         * read length bytes of the input stream and will try to convert the data
         * into a rpm data type.
         * @param inputStream
         *            The input stream
         * @param indexEntry
         *            The IndexEntry that should be read
         * @param length
         *            The number of bytes to read for string objects
         * @return One of the rpm data types coresponding with the type contained in
         *         the IndexEntry.
         * @throws IOException
         *             if something was wrong during reading of the input stream
        public static DataTypeIf createFromStream(
            java.io.DataInputStream inputStream, IndexEntry indexEntry,
            long length)
        {//throws IOException {
            DataTypeIf ret = null;

            switch ((int)indexEntry.getType().getId())
            case RPMIndexType._NULL:
                ret = NULL.readFromStream(indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._CHAR:
                ret = CHAR.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._INT8:
                ret = INT8.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._INT16:
                ret = INT16.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._INT32:
                ret = INT32.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._INT64:
                ret = INT64.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._STRING:
                ret = STRING.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry, length);

            case RPMIndexType._BIN:
                ret = BIN.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry);

            case RPMIndexType._STRING_ARRAY:
                ret = STRING_ARRAY.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry, length);

            case RPMIndexType._I18NSTRING:
                ret = I18NSTRING.readFromStream(inputStream, indexEntry, length);

                // TODO: UNKNOWN

Exemplo n.º 3
         * Get a tag by id as a Long
         * @param tag A tag id as a Long
         * @return A data struct containing the data of this tag
        public DataTypeIf getTag(java.lang.Long tag)
            lock (this)
                DataTypeIf data = store.getTag(tag);

                // set the locale for all I18N strings
                if (data is I18NSTRING)

Exemplo n.º 4
         * Create a header structure from an input stream. <p/> The header
         * structure of a signature or a header can be read and also the index
         * entries containing the tags for this rpm section (signature or
         * header). <p/> Unless we have a raw header from headerUnload or the
         * database, a header is read consisting of the following fields:
         * <code><pre>
         * byte magic[3];      (3  byte)  (8e ad e8)
         * int version;        (1  byte)
         * byte reserved[4];   (4  byte)
         * long num_index;     (4  byte)
         * long num_data;      (4  byte)
         * </pre></code> <p/> Afterwards the index entries are read and then the tags
         * and the correspondig data entries are read.
         * @param inputStream
         *                An inputstream containing rpm file informations
         * @param rawHeader
         *                Are we a raw header (from headerUnload or rpmdb)
         * @throws IOException
         *                 if an error occurs on reading informations out of the
         *                 stream
        public Header(java.io.DataInputStream inputStream, bool rawHeader, Store store)
        {//throws IOException {
            this.store = store;

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                logger.finer("Start Reading Header");

            if (!rawHeader)
                // Read header
                size = HEADER_LENGTH;

                int magic = 0;

                    magic = inputStream.readUnsignedByte();
                    if (magic == 0)
                } while (magic == 0);

                check(magic == 0x8E, "Header magic 0x" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString(magic)
                      + " != 0x8E");
                magic = inputStream.readUnsignedByte();
                check(magic == 0xAD, "Header magic 0x" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString(magic)
                      + " != 0xAD");
                magic = inputStream.readUnsignedByte();
                check(magic == 0xE8, "Header magic 0x" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString(magic)
                      + " != 0xE8");
                version = inputStream.readUnsignedByte();

                if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                    logger.finer("version: " + version);

                // skip reserved bytes

            indexNumber = inputStream.readInt();

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                logger.finer("indexes available: " + indexNumber);

            indexDataSize = inputStream.readInt();

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                logger.finer("index data size: " + indexDataSize);

            // Read indexes
            // make sure to sort them in order of offset to
            // be able to read the store without jumping arround in
            // the file
            java.util.TreeSet <IndexEntry> _indexes = new java.util.TreeSet <IndexEntry>(new IAC_IndexesComparator());

            for (int i = 0; i < this.indexNumber; i++)
                IndexEntry index = new IndexEntry(inputStream);

                size += index.getSize();

            indexes = new IndexEntry[0];
            indexes = (IndexEntry[])_indexes.toArray(indexes);

            // Read store
            for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Length; i++)
                IndexEntry index = indexes[i];

                // if (index.getType().equals(RPMIndexType.STRING_ARRAY) ||
                // index.getType().equals(RPMIndexType.STRING) ||
                // index.getType().equals(RPMIndexType.I18NSTRING)) {
                // if (i < (indexes.length - 1)) {
                // IndexEntry next = indexes[i + 1];
                // length = next.getOffset() - index.getOffset();
                // } else {
                // length = indexDataSize - index.getOffset();
                // }
                // // and initialize temporary space for data
                // stringData = new byte[(int) length];
                // // and read it from stream
                // inputStream.readFully(stringData);
                // }
                DataTypeIf dataObject = null;

                if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                    logger.finer("Reading for tag '"
                                 + store.getTagNameForId(index.getTag()) + "' '"
                                 + index.getCount() + "' entries of type '"
                                 + index.getType().getName() + "'");

                dataObject = TypeFactory
                             .createFromStream(inputStream, index,
                                               (i < (indexes.Length - 1)) ? (indexes[i + 1]
                                                                             .getOffset() - index.getOffset())
                            : (indexDataSize - index.getOffset()));

                // adjust size
                size += dataObject.getSize();

                store.setTag(index.getTag(), dataObject);

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                logger.finer("Finished Reading Header");
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Set a tag by id as a long
  * @param tag
  *            A tag id as a long
  * @param data
  *            A data struct containing the data of this tag
 public void setTag(long tag, DataTypeIf data)
     setTag(new java.lang.Long(tag), data);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Set a tag by id as a Long
  * @param tag
  *            A tag id as a Long
  * @param data
  *            A data struct containing the data of this tag
 public void setTag(java.lang.Long tag, DataTypeIf data)
     store.put(tag, data);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Set a tag by id as a string
  * @param tagname
  *            A tag id as a string
  * @param data
  *            A data struct containing the data of this tag
 public void setTag(String tagname, DataTypeIf data)
     setTag(getTagIdForName(tagname), data);
Exemplo n.º 8
         * Read informations of a rpm file out of an input stream.
         * @param rpmInputStream The input stream representing the rpm file
         * @throws IOException if an error occurs during read of the rpm file
        private void readFromStream(java.io.InputStream rpmInputStream)
        {//throws IOException {
            ByteCountInputStream allCountInputStream = new ByteCountInputStream(

            java.io.InputStream inputStream = new java.io.DataInputStream(allCountInputStream);

            lead      = new RPMLead((java.io.DataInputStream)inputStream);
            signature = new RPMSignature((java.io.DataInputStream)inputStream, store);

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                logger.finer("Signature Size: " + signature.getSize());

            header = new RPMHeader((java.io.DataInputStream)inputStream, store);

            if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                logger.finer("Header Size: " + header.getSize());

            DataTypeIf payloadTag    = getTag("PAYLOADFORMAT");
            String     payloadFormat = payloadTag != null?payloadTag.toString()
                                           : "cpio";

            DataTypeIf payloadCompressionTag = getTag("PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR");
            String     payloadCompressor     = payloadCompressionTag != null?payloadCompressionTag
                                                   : "gzip";

            if (payloadFormat.equals("cpio"))
                if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                    logger.finer("PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR: " + payloadCompressor);

                if (payloadCompressor.equals("gzip"))
                    inputStream = new GzipCompressorInputStream(allCountInputStream);
                else if (payloadCompressor.equals("bzip2"))
                    inputStream = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(allCountInputStream);
                else if (payloadCompressor.equals("lzma"))
                        java.io.PipedOutputStream pout = new java.io.PipedOutputStream();
                        inputStream = new java.io.PipedInputStream(pout);
                        byte[] properties = new byte[5];
                        if (allCountInputStream.read(properties, 0, 5) != 5)
                            throw (new java.io.IOException("input .lzma is too short"));
                        SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Decoder decoder = new SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Decoder();
                        long outSize = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            int v = allCountInputStream.read();
                            if (v < 0)
                                throw (new java.io.IOException("lzma error : Can't Read 1"));
                            outSize |= ((long)v) << (8 * i);
                        if (outSize == -1)
                            outSize = java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE;

                        Decode decoderRunnable = new Decode(decoder,
                                                            allCountInputStream, pout, outSize);
                        java.lang.Thread t = new java.lang.Thread(decoderRunnable, "LZMA Decoder");
                    catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError)
                        String message = "No LZMA library found. Attach p7zip library to classpath (http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/)";
                        throw new java.io.IOException(message);
                else if (payloadCompressor.equals("none"))
                    inputStream = allCountInputStream;
                    throw new java.io.IOException("Unsupported compressor type "
                                                  + payloadCompressor);

                ByteCountInputStream    countInputStream = new ByteCountInputStream(inputStream);
                CpioArchiveInputStream  cpioInputStream  = new CpioArchiveInputStream(countInputStream);
                CpioArchiveEntry        readEntry;
                java.util.List <String> fileNamesList = new java.util.ArrayList <String>();
                String fileEntry;
                while ((readEntry = cpioInputStream.getNextCPIOEntry()) != null)
                    if (logger.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
                        logger.finer("Read CPIO entry: " + readEntry.getName()
                                     + " ;mode:" + readEntry.getMode());
                    if (readEntry.isRegularFile() || readEntry.isSymbolicLink() ||
                        fileEntry = readEntry.getName();
                        if (fileEntry.startsWith("./"))
                            fileEntry = fileEntry.substring(1);
                store.setTag("FILENAMES", TypeFactory.createSTRING_ARRAY((String[])fileNamesList.toArray(new String[fileNamesList.size()])));

                setHeaderTagFromSignature("ARCHIVESIZE", "PAYLOADSIZE");
                // check ARCHIVESIZE with countInputStream.getCount();
                Object archiveSizeObject = getTag("ARCHIVESIZE");
                if (archiveSizeObject != null)
                    if (archiveSizeObject is INT32)
                        int archiveSize = ((INT32)archiveSizeObject).getData()[0];
                        if (archiveSize != countInputStream.getCount())
                            new java.io.IOException("ARCHIVESIZE not correct");
                store.setTag("J_ARCHIVESIZE", TypeFactory
                             .createINT64(new long[] { countInputStream.getCount() }));
                throw new java.io.IOException("Unsupported Payload type " + payloadFormat);

            // filling in signatures
            // TODO: check signatures!
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGSIZE", "SIZE");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGLEMD5_1", "LEMD5_1");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGPGP", "PGP");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGLEMD5_2", "LEMD5_2");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGMD5", "MD5");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGGPG", "GPG");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SIGPGP5", "PGP5");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("DSAHEADER", "DSA");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("RSAHEADER", "RSA");
            setHeaderTagFromSignature("SHA1HEADER", "SHA1");

            store.setTag("J_FILESIZE", TypeFactory
                         .createINT64(new long[] { allCountInputStream.getCount() }));
