Exemplo n.º 1
 private void AddPointInChart(DataSeries lineSeries, string _xCategory, double _newYValue, bool _assignXCategory)
     int _countPoint = lineSeries.Count();
     if (_countPoint != 0)
         DataPoint _lastPoint = lineSeries[_countPoint - 1];
         if (_lastPoint.XCategory != _xCategory)
             if (_assignXCategory)
                 lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = _newYValue, XCategory = _xCategory });
                 //DataPoint _penultPoint = lineSeries[_countPoint - 2];
                 lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = _lastPoint.YValue, XCategory = _xCategory });
             if (_assignXCategory)
                 _lastPoint.YValue = _newYValue; 
                 _lastPoint.XCategory = _xCategory;
         if (_assignXCategory)
             lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = _newYValue, XCategory = _xCategory });
Exemplo n.º 2
        private LineSeries MetaSerieLag(DataType datatype, GrowthMeasurements growthMeasurements)
            if (!growthMeasurements.VariableMetaDatas.ContainsKey(datatype))

            var metaSerieLag = CreateMetaSerie(Colors.Violet, 8, ShapeType.Ellipse);
            var dataSeries   = new DataSeries <double, double>("Lag Macro Data");

            foreach (var metaData in growthMeasurements.VariableMetaDatas[datatype].Lag)
                foreach (var groundPoint in metaData.GroundPoints)
                    var point = new DataPoint <double, double>(groundPoint.Time, groundPoint.OD);
            foreach (var metaData in growthMeasurements.VariableMetaDatas[datatype].Lag)
                foreach (var slopePoint in metaData.SlopePoints)
                    var point = new DataPoint <double, double>(slopePoint.Time, slopePoint.OD);
            foreach (var metaData in growthMeasurements.VariableMetaDatas[datatype].Lag)
                var point = new DataPoint <double, double>(metaData.InterceptTime, metaData.InterceptOD);

            metaSerieLag.DataSeries = dataSeries;
 public static void FillWithSampleBubbleData(DataSeries series)
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 20, BubbleSize = 40 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 40, BubbleSize = 80 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 80, BubbleSize = 20 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 60, BubbleSize = 100 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 10, BubbleSize = 20 });
Exemplo n.º 4
        void generateProgress(A6WEntryDTO entry)
            var series = new DataSeries <string, double>();

            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>(A6WEntryStrings.usrA6WProgress_Completed, entry.MyTraining.PercentageCompleted));
            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>(A6WEntryStrings.usrA6WProgress_NotCompleted, 100 - entry.MyTraining.PercentageCompleted));
            MainChart.DataSeries = series;
Exemplo n.º 5
        //string _DeviceName;

        // Constructor
        public MainPage()
            Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true;

            //Line Graph
            //We need one data series for each chart series
            DataSeries <double, double> xData        = new DataSeries <double, double>("y=x");
            DataSeries <double, double> xSquaredData = new DataSeries <double, double>("y=x^2");
            DataSeries <double, double> xCubedData   = new DataSeries <double, double>("y=x^3");

            //Add the data points to the data series according to the correct equation
            for (double i = 0.0; i < 2; i += 0.01)
                xData.Add(new DataPoint <double, double>()
                    X = i, Y = i
                xSquaredData.Add(new DataPoint <double, double>()
                    X = i, Y = i * i
                xCubedData.Add(new DataPoint <double, double>()
                    X = i, Y = i * i * i

            //Finally, associate the data series with the chart series
            exampleChart.Series[0].DataSeries = xData;
            exampleChart.Series[1].DataSeries = xSquaredData;
            exampleChart.Series[2].DataSeries = xCubedData;

            //Pie Chart
            DataSeries <string, double> series = new DataSeries <string, double>();

            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>("F. Alonso", 10));
            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>("J. Button", 2));
            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>("L. Hamilton", 3));
            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>("S. Vettel", 5));
            series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>("M. Webber", 4));

            MainChart.DataSeries = series;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void NewHigh(int bar, double price)
            // If no low since last high and this high is higher,
            // the replace the last high point, else add it.
            if (highs.Count > 0 && lows.Count > 0 &&
                lows[0].X < highs[0].X)
                if (price > highs[0].Y)
                    // Make the replaced one Red.
                    Chart.DrawBox(Color.Red, (int)highs[0].X, highs[0].Y);
                    highs[0] = new ChartPoint(bar, price);
                    // Skip a lower high without a low in between.
                highs.Add(new ChartPoint(bar, price));
            Chart.DrawBox(Color.Blue, bar, price);

            if (highs.Count > 1 && lows.Count > 1)
                try {
                    ChartPoint point1 = highs[0];
                    ChartPoint point2 = FindPoint(lows, point1.X);
                    ChartPoint point3 = FindPoint(highs, point2.X);
                    if (point1.Y < point3.Y)
                        WideChannel wchannel = new WideChannel(Trend.Down, Bars);
                        wchannel.Chart = Chart;
                        //					Chart.DrawLine(Color.Red,highs[1].X,highs[1].Y,highs[0].X,highs[0].Y,LineStyle.Solid);
                } catch (ApplicationException) {
                    // Return if FindPoint failed.
Exemplo n.º 7
        private LineSeries MetaSerieRate(DataType datatype, GrowthMeasurements growthMeasurements, bool isFirstDeriv = false)
            if (!growthMeasurements.VariableMetaDatas.ContainsKey(datatype))

            var metaSerieRate = CreateMetaSerie(Colors.Red, 12, ShapeType.Cross);
            var dataSeries    = new DataSeries <double, double>("Rate Macro Data");

            foreach (var metaData in growthMeasurements.VariableMetaDatas[datatype].Rate)
                float od;
                if (isFirstDeriv)
                    od = growthMeasurements.GetMeasurements(DataType.FirstDerivative).First(m => Math.Abs(m.Time - metaData.Time) < double.Epsilon).OD;
                    od = metaData.OD;
                var point = new DataPoint <double, double>(metaData.Time, od);
            metaSerieRate.DataSeries = dataSeries;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void UpdateACFChart()
            Complex[] acf = m_contourInformation.Contour.ACF;

            var acfValueDataSeries    = new DataSeries <int, float>("ACF (absolute value)");
            var acfArgumentDataSeries = new DataSeries <int, float>("ACF (argument)");

            for (int i = 0; i < acf.Length; i++)
                acfValueDataSeries.Add(new DataPoint <int, float>(i, acf[i].AbsoluteValue()));

                float argument = acf[i].ArgumentDegrees();

                if (argument < 0)
                    argument += 360;

                acfArgumentDataSeries.Add(new DataPoint <int, float>(i, argument));

            ACFValueSeries.DataSeries = acfValueDataSeries;

            ACFArgumentSeries.YAxis      = ACFArgumentAxis;
            ACFArgumentSeries.DataSeries = acfArgumentDataSeries;
Exemplo n.º 9
    protected override void UpdateData(float[] data)
        // Update the DataSeries of each Line and add the last sampling of all Lines in a Dictionary.
        Dictionary <int, float> dataDict = new Dictionary <int, float>();
        Transform transf = PlotterGroup.transform;

        for (int idx = 0; idx < transf.childCount; idx++)
            string     name = MeshUtils.NameGenerator(Identifier, idx);
            GameObject obj  = transf.Find(name).gameObject;
            DataSeries pltr = obj.GetComponent <DataSeries>();
            // Sometimes the mData might have been changed during scheduledUpdate
            if (idx < data.Length)
                dataDict.Add(idx, data[idx]);

        // Rearranging the order of the legend due to the last sampling of each Line, from the Dictionary.
        List <KeyValuePair <int, float> > dataList = dataDict.ToList();

        dataList.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => { return(firstPair.Value.CompareTo(nextPair.Value)); });
        //string str = "";
        legendOrder = new int[dataList.Count];
        for (int i = dataList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            legendOrder[i] = dataList[i].Key;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void PlotProfitChart()
            string saveSort = tradeEstimateSource.Sort;

            tradeEstimateSource.Sort = "";
            data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable tbl = tradeEstimateSource.DataSource as data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable;
            DataSeries xSeries = new DataSeries();
            DataSeries ySeries = new DataSeries();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < tbl.Count; idx++)
                if (!allTransactionMenuItem.Checked && tbl[idx].ignored)

            //Handle bug in graph for curve with only on point ????
            if (ySeries.Count > 1)
                chartPnl.myGraphObj.SetSeriesX(xSeries.Values, Charts.AxisType.DateAsOrdinal);
                chartPnl.myGraphObj.ChartMarginTOP    = constProfitChartMarginTOP;
                chartPnl.myGraphObj.ChartMarginBOTTOM = constProfitChartMarginBOTTOM;

                CurveItem curveItem = chartPnl.myGraphObj.AddCurveBar("profit", ySeries.Values, Settings.sysChartVolumesColor, Settings.sysChartVolumesColor, 1);
            tradeEstimateSource.Sort = saveSort;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void Checkbox_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)sender;
            int      index    = (int)checkbox.Tag;

            if (checkbox.IsChecked == true)
                _frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes[index] = new Complex();
                _frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes[index] = _frequencyDomain[index];

            FFTW fftw = new FFTW();

            _ret = fftw.Backward(_frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes);

            DataSeries <double, double> points = new DataSeries <double, double>("Data");

            for (int c = 0; c < _ret.Length; c++)
                points.Add(new DataPoint <double, double> {
                    X = c, Y = _ret[c]

            dataChart.Series[0].DataSeries = points;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void SolveDiffEquation(double T, double b, double sigma, double f, int n)
                double[] u = new double[n + 1];
                u[0] = 0;
                u[n] = 0;
                var coefficients = FindCoefficients(T, b, sigma, f, n).Reverse().ToArray();
                for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                    double sum = 0;
                    for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                        double x = (double)i / n;
                        sum += coefficients[j - 1] * CourantFun(x, n, j);
                    u[i] = sum;

                DataSeries <double, double> fun = new DataSeries <double, double>("u(x)");
                for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
                    fun.Add(new DataPoint <double, double>()
                        X = (double)i / n, Y = u[i]
                exampleChart.Series[0].DataSeries = fun;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void SolveDiffEquation(double T, double b, double sigma, double f, int n)
                double[] u = new double[n + 1];
                u[0] = 0;
                u[n] = 0;
                var coefficients = FindCoefficients(T, b, sigma, f, n).Reverse().ToArray();
                for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                    double sum = 0;
                    for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                        double x = (double)i / n;
                        sum += coefficients[j - 1]*CourantFun(x, n, j);
                    u[i] = sum;

                DataSeries<double, double> fun = new DataSeries<double, double>("u(x)");
                for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
                    fun.Add(new DataPoint<double, double>() { X = (double)i / n, Y = u[i] });
                exampleChart.Series[0].DataSeries = fun;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 14
        private IDataSeries GenerateDataSeries(string filename, string legendName)
            //Create a data series with the appropriate name
            var series = new DataSeries <DateTime, float>(legendName);

            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(Helpers.GetApplicationResourceStream("Opentime/Data/" + filename).Stream))
                float rebaseValue = 0;

                while (streamReader.Peek() >= 0)
                    string   line  = streamReader.ReadLine();
                    string[] parts = line.Split(',');

                    //the files are formatted like so: "DD/MM/YYYY,VALUE"
                    String[] dateParts = parts[0].Split('/');
                    DateTime time      = new DateTime(int.Parse(dateParts[2]), int.Parse(dateParts[0]), int.Parse(dateParts[1]));
                    float    rate      = float.Parse(parts[1]);

                    //If it's the first data point, work out the rebase value
                    if (rebaseValue == 0)
                        rebaseValue = 100 / rate;

                    //rebase value to 0
                    rate = (rate * rebaseValue) - 100;

                    series.Add(new DataPoint <DateTime, float>(time, rate));

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void FillWithSampleData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems, int sum)
            int localSum = 0;

            Random random = new Random((int)(series.GetHashCode() + DateTime.Now.Ticks));

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                int randomNumber = 0;

                while (randomNumber <= 0)
                    randomNumber = random.Next(sum / numberOfItems - 3, sum / numberOfItems + 3);

                if (localSum + randomNumber > sum)
                    randomNumber = sum - localSum;

                if ((i == numberOfItems - 1) && (localSum + randomNumber < sum))
                    randomNumber = sum - localSum;

                localSum += randomNumber;

                DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint();
                dataPoint.YValue = randomNumber;

Exemplo n.º 16
        public MainPage()

            DataSeries lineSeries = new DataSeries();

            lineSeries.LegendLabel = "Monthly Sales";
            lineSeries.Definition  = new LineSeriesDefinition();
            Random r = new Random(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint()
                    YValue = i + r.Next(0, 20)


            string[] months = new string[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", };
            for (int i = 0; i < months.Length; i++)
                radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.TickPoints[i].Label = months[i];
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void fillChartByDistance(IList <GPSPointViewModel> points, LineSeries speedSeries, LineSeries altitudeSeries)
            var xAxis = new LinearAxis();

            xAxis.ShowMinorTicks     = false;
            xAxis.ShowMajorGridlines = false;
            XAxis       = xAxis;
            XAxis.Title = GPSStrings.GpsTrackerChart_XAxis_Distance;

            var speedData = new DataSeries <decimal, decimal>(GPSStrings.GpsTrackerChart_YAxis_Speed);

            speedSeries.DataSeries = speedData;
            var altitudeData = new DataSeries <decimal, decimal>(GPSStrings.GpsTrackerChart_YAxis_Altitude);

            altitudeSeries.DataSeries = altitudeData;

            for (int index = 0; index < points.Count; index++)
                var gpsPoint1 = points[index];
                if (gpsPoint1.Point.IsPoint())
                    var displayDistance = gpsPoint1.Distance.ToDisplayDistance();
                    var data            = new DataPoint <decimal, decimal>(displayDistance,
                    data.Tag = gpsPoint1;
                    var speed = new DataPoint <decimal, decimal>(displayDistance,
                    speed.Tag = gpsPoint1;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void FillWithSampleRangeData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems)
            Random    r    = new Random();
            DataPoint data = new DataPoint();

            data.Low  = r.Next(20, 70);
            data.High = data.Low + r.Next(20, 30);
            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                data = new DataPoint();
                int change = r.Next(0, 24) - 12;
                data.Low  = series[i - 1].Low + change;
                data.High = Math.Max(series[i - 1].High + change + r.Next(0, 12) - 6, data.Low + 4);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static void FillWithSampleBubbleData(DataSeries series)
     series.Add(new DataPoint {
         YValue = 20, BubbleSize = 40
     series.Add(new DataPoint {
         YValue = 40, BubbleSize = 80
     series.Add(new DataPoint {
         YValue = 80, BubbleSize = 20
     series.Add(new DataPoint {
         YValue = 60, BubbleSize = 100
     series.Add(new DataPoint {
         YValue = 10, BubbleSize = 20
Exemplo n.º 20
 public DailyHighLow()
     _highSeres            = (ValueDataSeries)DataSeries[0];
     _highSeres.Name       = "High";
     _highSeres.Color      = Color.FromArgb(255, 135, 135, 135);
     _highSeres.VisualType = VisualMode.Square;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private static DataSeries <double, double> CreateNewSeries(List <GrowthMeasurement> rawGrowthMeasurements, string title)
            var newRawGraph = new DataSeries <double, double>(title);

            foreach (var growthMeasurement in rawGrowthMeasurements)
                newRawGraph.Add(growthMeasurement.Time, growthMeasurement.OD);
Exemplo n.º 22
        protected bool NewChannel(int lastLineBar, Trend trend)
            Channel channel = new Channel(Bars);

            channel.LongColor  = LongColor;
            channel.ShortColor = ShortColor;
            int bar      = Bars.CurrentBar;
            int lookBack = 1;

            channel.InterceptBar = lastLineBar;

            for ( ; bar > Bars.CurrentBar - Bars.Capacity && bar >= lastLineBar; bar--)
                switch (trend)
                case Trend.Flat:
                    channel.addPoint(bar, Formula.Middle(Bars, Bars.CurrentBar - bar));

                case Trend.Up:
                    channel.addPoint(bar, Bars.Low[Bars.CurrentBar - bar]);
                    channel.addPoint2(bar, Bars.High[Bars.CurrentBar - bar]);

                case Trend.Down:
                    channel.addPoint(bar, Bars.High[Bars.CurrentBar - bar]);
                    channel.addPoint2(bar, Bars.Low[Bars.CurrentBar - bar]);
            if (channel.CountPoints > lookBack)
                // If new channel isn't in the direction expected
                // then forget it.
                if (trend == Trend.Up && !channel.IsUp)
                else if (trend == Trend.Down && !channel.IsDown)
                if (drawLines)
                    channel.DrawChannel(Chart, extend, drawDashedLines);
                hasNewChannel = true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public  void GenerateDataSeries(Dictionary<string,double> data, ChartBy chartBy)
            var series = new DataSeries<string, double>();

            foreach (var d in data)
                series.Add(new DataPoint<string, double>((chartBy == ChartBy.Cols ? "Column " : "Row ") + d.Key, d.Value));

            MainChart.DataSeries = series;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void GenerateDataSeries(Dictionary <string, double> data, ChartBy chartBy)
            var series = new DataSeries <string, double>();

            foreach (var d in data)
                series.Add(new DataPoint <string, double>((chartBy == ChartBy.Cols ? "Column " : "Row ") + d.Key, d.Value));

            MainChart.DataSeries = series;
Exemplo n.º 25
        //public static void LogTicks(long symbol, int quantity)
        //    symbols = new Dictionary<long, long>();
        //    LogTicks(symbol, quantity);
        //    foreach( var kvp in symbols)
        //    {
        //        var otherSymbol = kvp.Value;
        //        if( otherSymbol == symbol) continue;
        //        for( var i=0; i<nextMetricId; i++)
        //        {
        //            var metric = metrics[i];
        //            LogTicks(otherSymbol, metric, quantity);
        //        }
        //    }

        public static void AddTick(int metricId, ref TickBinary binary)
            var metric = metrics[metricId - 1];

            if (metric.Enabled)
                tickLog.Add(new DiagnoseTickEntry {
                    MetricId = metricId, TickBinary = binary
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static DataSeries SMAFilter(string path, int len)
            DataSeries f = new DataSeries("");

            Bars bars = new Bars("", BarScale.Daily, 0);

            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);

            while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                string   next_line = sr.ReadLine();
                string[] temp_ar   = next_line.Split('	');
                string   date      = temp_ar[0].Trim();
                string   open      = temp_ar[1].Trim();
                string   high      = temp_ar[2].Trim();
                string   low       = temp_ar[3].Trim();
                string   close     = temp_ar[4].Trim();
                string   volume    = temp_ar[5].Trim();

                if ((Convert.ToDouble(open) > 0) & (Convert.ToDouble(high) > 0) & (Convert.ToDouble(low) > 0) & (Convert.ToDouble(close) > 0))
                    bars.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(date), Convert.ToDouble(open), Convert.ToDouble(high), Convert.ToDouble(low), Convert.ToDouble(close), Convert.ToDouble(volume));


            for (int b = len; b < bars.Count; b++)
                if (bars.Close[b] > SMA.Value(b, bars.Close, len))
                    f.Add(0, bars.Date[b]);
                    f.Add(1, bars.Date[b]);

        public static void FillWithSampleData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems, int max, int deviation)
            Random random = new Random((int)(series.GetHashCode() + DateTime.Now.Ticks));

            if (deviation > max)
                deviation = max;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                series.Add(new DataPoint(random.Next(max - deviation, max)));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public RVI()
            : base(true)
            Panel = IndicatorDataProvider.NewPanel;

            ((ValueDataSeries)DataSeries[0]).Color = Colors.Green;

            DataSeries.Add(new ValueDataSeries("Signal")
                VisualType = VisualMode.Line
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void AddSeries(string key)
            var dataSerie = new SerialDataSerie()
                Name = key

            DictSeries.Add(key, dataSerie);

            MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(dataSerie, "NewDataSerie");
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static void FillWithSampleData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems)
            Random random = new Random((int)(series.GetHashCode() + DateTime.Now.Ticks));

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                int randomNumber = random.Next(30, 100);
                series.Add(new DataPoint {
                    YValue = randomNumber
Exemplo n.º 31
        private void addSerise()
            DataSeries series = new DataSeries();
            series.Definition = new LineSeriesDefinition();
            series.LegendLabel = "温度";

            for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
                series.Add(new DataPoint(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(i).ToString("HH:mm:00"), i * i));
Exemplo n.º 32
        private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true)
                TextBox_InputName.Text = ofd.FileName;

                FFTW fftw = new FFTW();
                _input = DataLoader.Load(ofd.FileName);
                double[] inputCopy = new double[_input.Length];
                _input.CopyTo(inputCopy, 0);

                _frequencyDomain = fftw.Forward(inputCopy);
                _frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes = new Complex[_frequencyDomain.Length];

                _frequencyDomain.CopyTo(_frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes, 0);

                DataSeries <double, double> points = new DataSeries <double, double>("Magnitudes");
                TheList = new ObservableCollection <CheckBoxBinder>();
                List <CheckBoxBinder> mags = new List <CheckBoxBinder>();
                for (int c = 0; c < _frequencyDomain.Length; c++)
                    points.Add(new DataPoint <double, double> {
                        X = c, Y = _frequencyDomain[c].Magnitude
                    mags.Add(new CheckBoxBinder {
                        TheValue = _frequencyDomain[c].Magnitude, Index = c

                foreach (CheckBoxBinder d in mags.OrderByDescending(m => m.TheValue))

                exampleChart.Series[0].DataSeries = points;
                this.DataContext = this;

                DataSeries <double, double> data = new DataSeries <double, double>("Data");
                for (int c = 0; c < _input.Length; c++)
                    data.Add(new DataPoint <double, double> {
                        X = c, Y = _input[c]

                dataChart.Series[0].DataSeries = data;

Exemplo n.º 33
        private void addSerise()
            DataSeries series = new DataSeries();

            series.Definition  = new LineSeriesDefinition();
            series.LegendLabel = "温度";

            for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
                series.Add(new DataPoint(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(i).ToString("HH:mm:00"), i * i));
Exemplo n.º 34
        public MainPage() //MainWindow() in WPF

            DataSeries series = new DataSeries();

            series.Definition = new CustomCandleStickSeriesDefinition()
                ItemStyle = this.LayoutRoot.Resources["CustomCandleStickStyle"] as Style
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 10, High = 30, Low = 5, Close = 15
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 15, High = 40, Low = 10, Close = 20
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 20, High = 35, Low = 15, Close = 30
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 10, High = 25, Low = 5, Close = 18
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 15, High = 40, Low = 10, Close = 20
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 20, High = 35, Low = 9, Close = 30
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 10, High = 25, Low = 5, Close = 15
            series.Add(new DataPoint()
                Open = 15, High = 30, Low = 7, Close = 25

            RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartLegend.Visibility     = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
            RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.Title      = "Experiment No";
            RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.Title      = "Results";
            RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.LayoutMode = AxisLayoutMode.Inside;
Exemplo n.º 35
        private void Data()
            DataSeries series = new DataSeries();
            series.Definition = new Pie3DSeriesDefinition();// DoughnutSeriesDefinition();// Doughnut3DSeriesDefinition();// PieSeriesDefinition();// Pie3DSeriesDefinition();
            radChart.Width = 600;
            radChart.Height = 300;

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                series.Add(new DataPoint(i, i * i));
Exemplo n.º 36
        public virtual void removePointsBefore(double x)
            DataSeries <ChartPoint> newCoord = Factory.Engine.Series <ChartPoint>();

            for (int i = coord.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (coord[i].X >= x || i < 3)
            coord = newCoord;
 public static void FillWithSampleBubbleMixedData(DataSeries series)
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 75, BubbleSize = -60 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 10, BubbleSize = 40 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 40, BubbleSize = -60 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 20, BubbleSize = 50 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 50, BubbleSize = 80 });
     series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = 30, BubbleSize = -40 });
Exemplo n.º 38
        private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true)
                TextBox_InputName.Text = ofd.FileName;

                FFTW fftw = new FFTW();
                _input = DataLoader.Load(ofd.FileName);
                double[] inputCopy = new double[_input.Length];
                _input.CopyTo(inputCopy, 0);

                _frequencyDomain = fftw.Forward(inputCopy);
                _frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes = new Complex[_frequencyDomain.Length];

                _frequencyDomain.CopyTo(_frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes, 0);

                DataSeries<double, double> points = new DataSeries<double, double>("Magnitudes");
                TheList = new ObservableCollection<CheckBoxBinder>();
                List<CheckBoxBinder> mags = new List<CheckBoxBinder>();
                for (int c = 0; c < _frequencyDomain.Length; c++)
                    points.Add(new DataPoint<double, double> { X = c, Y = _frequencyDomain[c].Magnitude });
                    mags.Add(new CheckBoxBinder { TheValue = _frequencyDomain[c].Magnitude, Index = c });

                foreach (CheckBoxBinder d in mags.OrderByDescending(m => m.TheValue))

                exampleChart.Series[0].DataSeries = points;
                this.DataContext = this;

                DataSeries<double, double> data = new DataSeries<double, double>("Data");
                for (int c = 0; c < _input.Length; c++)
                    data.Add(new DataPoint<double, double> { X = c, Y = _input[c] });

                dataChart.Series[0].DataSeries = data;

Exemplo n.º 39
		public MainPage()

			DataSeries lineSeries = new DataSeries();
			lineSeries.LegendLabel = "Monthly Sales";
			lineSeries.Definition = new LineSeriesDefinition();
			Random r = new Random(0);
			for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
				lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = i + r.Next(0, 20) });


			string[] months = new string[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", };
			for (int i = 0; i < months.Length; i++)
				radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.TickPoints[i].Label = months[i];
Exemplo n.º 40
		public void processCransData(Chart CurrentChart, List<int>Crans) {

			DateTime min = DateTime.MaxValue;
			DateTime max = DateTime.MinValue;

			foreach (CranTaskInfo task in CurrentFilter.Data) {
				if (!task.Allowed) {
					if (task.NeedStartDate < min)
						min = task.NeedStartDate;
					if (task.NeedEndDate > max)
						max = task.NeedEndDate;
				if (task.Allowed) {
					if (task.AllowDateStart < min)
						min = task.AllowDateStart;
					if (task.AllowDateEnd > max)
						max = task.AllowDateEnd;

			LineSeries nulSer = new LineSeries();
			DataSeries<DateTime, double> nulP = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>();
			nulP.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(min, 0.5));
			nulP.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(max, 0.5));

			nulSer.DataSeries = nulP;

			LineSeries ser15 = new LineSeries();
			DataSeries<DateTime, double> p15 = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>();
			p15.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(min, 1.5));
			p15.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(max, 1.5));
			ser15.DataSeries = p15;

			LineSeries ser3 = new LineSeries();
			DataSeries<DateTime, double> p3 = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>();
			p3.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(min, 2.5));
			p3.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(max, 2.5));
			ser3.DataSeries = p3;


			int i = 1;
			foreach (int cran in Crans){
        private void clearChart()
            // graph
            //We need one data series for each chart series
            DataSeries<int, double> cc1 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc1legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc2 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc2legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc3 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc3legend);

            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                cc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = 0 });
                cc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = 0 });
                cc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = 0 });

            //Finally, associate the data series with the chart series
            userchart.Series[0].DataSeries = cc1;
            userchart.Series[1].DataSeries = cc2;
            userchart.Series[2].DataSeries = cc3;

            criticalComponent1.Text = "";
            criticalComponent1.Text = "";
            criticalComponent1.Text = "";
Exemplo n.º 42
        private void Checkbox_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)sender;
            int index = (int)checkbox.Tag;

            if (checkbox.IsChecked == true)
                _frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes[index] = new Complex();
                _frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes[index] = _frequencyDomain[index];

            FFTW fftw = new FFTW();
            _ret = fftw.Backward(_frequencyDomainLinkedToCheckboxes);

            DataSeries<double, double> points = new DataSeries<double, double>("Data");
            for (int c = 0; c < _ret.Length; c++)
                points.Add(new DataPoint<double, double> { X = c, Y = _ret[c] });

            dataChart.Series[0].DataSeries = points;
        private void reconstructGraph()
            // graph
            //We need one data series for each chart series
            DataSeries<int, double> cc1 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc1legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc2 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc2legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc3 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc3legend);

            String MyDocs = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            String ProjectLocation = "Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Kinect-Tracking-Project\\MatlabPrototypes\\FeatureDetection";

            StreamReader FileStreamReader;

            FileStreamReader = File.OpenText(System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation) + "\\results.csv");

            int i = 1;

            while (FileStreamReader.Peek() != -1)
                string[] words;
                words = FileStreamReader.ReadLine().Split(',');

                double test = double.Parse(words[0]);

                if (test == -1)

                double cc1v = test;
                double cc2v = double.Parse(words[1]);
                double cc3v = double.Parse(words[2]);

                if (cc1v == 0)
                    cc1v = 0.05;
                if (cc2v == 0)
                    cc2v = 0.05;
                if (cc3v == 0)
                    cc3v = 0.05;

                cc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc1v });
                cc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc2v });
                cc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc3v });

                i = i + 1;

            //Finally, associate the data series with the chart series
            userchart.Series[0].DataSeries = cc1;
            userchart.Series[1].DataSeries = cc2;
            userchart.Series[2].DataSeries = cc3;
Exemplo n.º 44
        private void ExportChart(DataSet sheet)
            graph.Width = 800;
            graph.Height = 600;
            graph.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(graph.Width, graph.Height));
            graph.Arrange(new System.Windows.Rect(graph.DesiredSize));
            graph.DefaultView.ChartArea.EnableAnimations = false;
            string semester = onBeginSheet ? " Beginning" : " End";
            int num;
            if (onBeginSheet)
                string name = sheet.Tables[0].Columns[LeftToExportBegin].ColumnName.ToString();
                foreach (char c in name)
                    if (int.TryParse(c.ToString(), out num))
                        name = name.Remove(name.IndexOf(c));
                name = name.Trim();
                graph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = name + semester + " of Semester Results";
                string name = sheet.Tables[0].Columns[LeftToExportEnd].ColumnName.ToString();
                foreach (char c in name)
                    if (int.TryParse(c.ToString(), out num))
                        name = name.Remove(name.IndexOf(c));
                name = name.Trim();
                graph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = name + semester + " of Semester Results";
            graph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            graph.DefaultView.ChartLegend.UseAutoGeneratedItems = true;
            DataSeries barSeries = new DataSeries();
            barSeries.LegendLabel = "Results";
            barSeries.Definition = new BarSeriesDefinition();

            string complete, very, moderate, somewhat, notatall, norating;
            if (onBeginSheet)
                complete = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphBegin][LeftToExportBegin].ToString();
                very = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphBegin + 1][LeftToExportBegin].ToString();
                moderate = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphBegin + 2][LeftToExportBegin].ToString();
                somewhat = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphBegin + 3][LeftToExportBegin].ToString();
                notatall = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphBegin + 4][LeftToExportBegin].ToString();
                norating = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphBegin + 5][LeftToExportBegin].ToString();
                complete = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphEnd][LeftToExportEnd].ToString();
                very = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphEnd + 1][LeftToExportEnd].ToString();
                moderate = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphEnd + 2][LeftToExportEnd].ToString();
                somewhat = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphEnd + 3][LeftToExportEnd].ToString();
                notatall = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphEnd + 4][LeftToExportEnd].ToString();
                norating = sheet.Tables[0].Rows[startGraphEnd + 5][LeftToExportEnd].ToString();

            barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = Convert.ToDouble(complete), XCategory = "Completely" });
            barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = Convert.ToDouble(very), XCategory = "Very" });
            barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = Convert.ToDouble(moderate), XCategory = "Moderately" });
            barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = Convert.ToDouble(somewhat), XCategory = "Somewhat" });
            barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = Convert.ToDouble(notatall), XCategory = "Not At All" });
            barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = Convert.ToDouble(norating), XCategory = "No Rating" });

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                string filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + @"\Bar Charts\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath + graph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content.ToString() + ".png"))
                    if (onBeginSheet)
                        graph.ExportToImage(fs, new PngBitmapEncoder());
                        if (LeftToExportBegin == 1)
                            ExportBtn.IsEnabled = false;
                            if (importTwoGraphs)
                                onBeginSheet = false;
                            LeftToExportText.Text = "Graphs successfully exported!";
                        graph.ExportToImage(fs, new PngBitmapEncoder());
                        if (LeftToExportEnd == 1)
                            ExportBtn.IsEnabled = false;
                            LeftToExportText.Text = "Graphs successfully exported!";
            }), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, null);
Exemplo n.º 45
        private void Data()
            DataSeries series = new DataSeries();
            series.Definition = new HorizontalBarSeriesDefinition();
            radChart.Width = 600;
            radChart.Height = 300;

            for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
                series.Add(new DataPoint(i, i * i));
        private void chartMostRecent()
            // graph
            //We need one data series for each chart series
            DataSeries<int, double> cc1 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc1legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc2 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc2legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc3 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc3legend);

            IMongoSortBy sort = SortBy.Descending("time");

            MongoCollection<BsonDocument> history = exerHist.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("history");
            var query = Query.And(Query.EQ("exercise", exercisesCB.SelectedValue.ToString()), Query.EQ("name", user.Content.ToString()));

            int i = 1;
            bool perfect1 = true;
            bool perfect2 = true;
            bool perfect3 = true;

            bool pass = false;

            DateTime dateSearch = new DateTime();

            foreach (BsonDocument rep in history.Find(query).SetSortOrder(sort))
                dateSearch = (DateTime)rep["timeid"];
                pass = true;

            if (pass)
                var query1 = Query.And(Query.EQ("exercise", exercisesCB.SelectedValue.ToString()), Query.EQ("name", user.Content.ToString()), Query.EQ("timeid", dateSearch));

                foreach (BsonDocument rep in history.Find(query1).SetSortOrder(sort))

                    double cc1v = (double)rep["cc1"];
                    double cc2v = (double)rep["cc2"];
                    double cc3v = (double)rep["cc3"];

                    if (cc1v == 0)
                        cc1v = 0.05;
                    if (cc2v == 0)
                        cc2v = 0.05;
                    if (cc3v == 0)
                        cc3v = 0.05;

                    if (perfect1 & (cc1v == 0.05 | cc1v == 1))
                        perfect1 = false;
                    if (perfect2 & (cc2v == 0.05 | cc2v == 1))
                        perfect2 = false;
                    if (perfect3 & (cc3v == 0.05 | cc3v == 1))
                        perfect3 = false;

                    cc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc1v });
                    cc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc2v });
                    cc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc3v });


            if (i == 1)
                //// plot nothing
                //for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                //    cc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = j, Y = 0 });
                //    cc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = j, Y = 0 });
                //    cc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = j, Y = 0 });
                criticalComponent1.Text = "";
                criticalComponent1.Text = "";
                criticalComponent1.Text = "";
                date.Content = "N/A";
                if (perfect1)
                    criticalComponent1.Text = cc1legend + ": Excellent!";
                    buttoncc1.IsEnabled = false;
                    criticalComponent1.Text = criticalComponent1Feedback;
                    buttoncc1.IsEnabled = true;
                if (perfect2)
                    criticalComponent2.Text = cc2legend + ": Excellent!";
                    buttoncc2.IsEnabled = false;
                    criticalComponent2.Text = criticalComponent2Feedback;
                    buttoncc2.IsEnabled = true;
                if (perfect3)
                    criticalComponent3.Text = cc3legend + ": Excellent!";
                    buttoncc3.IsEnabled = false;
                    criticalComponent3.Text = criticalComponent3Feedback;
                    buttoncc3.IsEnabled = true;
                date.Content = dateSearch.AddHours(-4).ToLongDateString() + " " + dateSearch.AddHours(-4).ToShortTimeString();

            //Finally, associate the data series with the chart series
            userchart.Series[0].DataSeries = cc1;
            userchart.Series[1].DataSeries = cc2;
            userchart.Series[2].DataSeries = cc3;

Exemplo n.º 47
		public MainWindow()
			telerikChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.IsInverse = true;
			telerikChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.IsInverse = true;

			//Line Chart
			DataSeries lineSeries = new DataSeries();
			lineSeries.LegendLabel = "Turnover";
			lineSeries.Definition = new LineSeriesDefinition();
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 154, XCategory = "Jan" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 138, XCategory = "Feb" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 143, XCategory = "Mar" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 120, XCategory = "Apr" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 135, XCategory = "May" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 125, XCategory = "Jun" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 179, XCategory = "Jul" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 170, XCategory = "Aug" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 198, XCategory = "Sep" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 187, XCategory = "Oct" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 193, XCategory = "Nov" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 176, XCategory = "Dec" });

			//Bar Chart
			DataSeries barSeries = new DataSeries();
			barSeries.LegendLabel = "Expenses";
			barSeries.Definition = new BarSeriesDefinition();
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 45, XCategory = "Jan" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 48, XCategory = "Feb" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 53, XCategory = "Mar" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 41, XCategory = "Apr" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 32, XCategory = "May" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 28, XCategory = "Jun" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 63, XCategory = "Jul" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 74, XCategory = "Aug" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 77, XCategory = "Sep" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 85, XCategory = "Oct" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 89, XCategory = "Nov" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 80, XCategory = "Dec" });
 public static void FillWithSampleRangeData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems)
     Random r = new Random();
     DataPoint data = new DataPoint();
     data.Low = r.Next(20, 70);
     data.High = data.Low + r.Next(20, 30);
     for (int i = 1; i < numberOfItems; i++)
         data = new DataPoint();
         int change = r.Next(0, 24) - 12;
         data.Low = series[i - 1].Low + change;
         data.High = Math.Max(series[i - 1].High + change + r.Next(0, 12) - 6, data.Low + 4);
Exemplo n.º 49
		public MainWindow()
			RadChart telerikChart = new RadChart();    //Chart Title
			telerikChart.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = "Year 2009";
			telerikChart.DefaultView.ChartTitle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;    //Chart Legend
			telerikChart.DefaultView.ChartLegend.UseAutoGeneratedItems = true;
			//Line Chart
			DataSeries lineSeries = new DataSeries();
			lineSeries.LegendLabel = "Turnover";
			lineSeries.Definition = new LineSeriesDefinition();
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 154, XCategory = "Jan" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 138, XCategory = "Feb" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 143, XCategory = "Mar" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 120, XCategory = "Apr" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 135, XCategory = "May" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 125, XCategory = "Jun" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 179, XCategory = "Jul" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 170, XCategory = "Aug" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 198, XCategory = "Sep" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 187, XCategory = "Oct" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 193, XCategory = "Nov" });
			lineSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 176, XCategory = "Dec" });
			//Bar Chart
			DataSeries barSeries = new DataSeries();
			barSeries.LegendLabel = "Expenses";
			barSeries.Definition = new BarSeriesDefinition();
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 45, XCategory = "Jan" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 48, XCategory = "Feb" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 53, XCategory = "Mar" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 41, XCategory = "Apr" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 32, XCategory = "May" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 28, XCategory = "Jun" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 63, XCategory = "Jul" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 74, XCategory = "Aug" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 77, XCategory = "Sep" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 85, XCategory = "Oct" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 89, XCategory = "Nov" });
			barSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { YValue = 80, XCategory = "Dec" });

        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (comboBox2.SelectedValue != null)
                example.Series[0].DataSeries = null;
                example.Series[1].DataSeries = null;
                example.Series[2].DataSeries = null;

                var query = new QueryDocument();

                MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create();
                MongoDatabase exerHist = server.GetDatabase("exerHist");
                MongoCollection<BsonDocument> exercises = exerHist.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("exercises");
                MongoCollection<BsonDocument> hostory = exerHist.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("hostory");

                int b = 0;
                while (b < 200)
                    Random random = new Random();
                    int randomNumber1 = random.Next(0, 3);
                    int randomNumber2 = random.Next(0, 3);
                    int randomNumber3 = random.Next(0, 3);
                    BsonDocument experiments = new BsonDocument { {"name", "Mehrad"}, {"exercise", "Squat"}, {"cc1",randomNumber1 } , {"cc2", randomNumber2},
                    {"cc3", randomNumber3}, {"time",RandomDay() }};

                DataSeries<DateTime, double> cc1 = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>(comboBox1.Items[0].ToString());
                DataSeries<DateTime, double> cc2 = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>(comboBox1.Items[1].ToString());
                DataSeries<DateTime, double> cc3 = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>(comboBox1.Items[2].ToString());

                // var sortBy = SortBy.Ascending("time");

                // hostory.Find().SetSortOrder(sortBy.Descending("time"));
                IMongoSortBy sort = SortBy.Descending("time");

                var querytest2 = Query.And(Query.EQ("exercise", comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString()), Query.EQ("name", "Mehrad"));

                foreach (BsonDocument instance in hostory.Find(querytest2).SetSortOrder(sort))
                    cc1.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>() { Y = instance["cc1"].ToInt32(), X = instance["time"].AsDateTime });
                    cc2.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>() { Y = instance["cc2"].ToInt32(), X = instance["time"].AsDateTime });
                    cc3.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>() { Y = instance["cc3"].ToInt32(), X = instance["time"].AsDateTime });

                if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    example.Series[0].DataSeries = cc1;
                else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    example.Series[1].DataSeries = cc2;
                else if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2)
                    example.Series[2].DataSeries = cc3;
                    example.Series[0].DataSeries = cc1;
                    example.Series[1].DataSeries = cc2;
                    example.Series[2].DataSeries = cc3;
                cc1 = null;
                cc2 = null;
                cc3 = null;
                MessageBox.Show("Please select an exercise");

Exemplo n.º 51
 public void refresh(ChartDataSerie serieData)
     int count=0;
     switch (silverChartControl.XAxesType) {
         case XAxisTypeEnum.numeric:
             DataSeries<double,double> dataSeries=new DataSeries<double, double> { Title = Name };
             foreach (ChartDataPoint point in serieData.Points) {
                 dataSeries.Add(new DataPoint<double, double>(point.XValDouble, point.YVal));
             if (Enabled) {
                 Serie.DataSeries = dataSeries;
             SeriesData = dataSeries;
         case XAxisTypeEnum.datetime:
             DataSeries<DateTime,double> dataSeriesDate=new DataSeries<DateTime, double> { Title = Name };
             foreach (ChartDataPoint point in serieData.Points) {
                 dataSeriesDate.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(point.XVal, point.YVal));
             if (Enabled) {
                 Serie.DataSeries = dataSeriesDate;
             SeriesData = dataSeriesDate;
 public static void FillWithSampleData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems)
     Random random = new Random((int)(series.GetHashCode() + DateTime.Now.Ticks));
     for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
         int randomNumber = random.Next(30, 100);
         series.Add(new DataPoint { YValue = randomNumber });
Exemplo n.º 53
		public void processSingleCran(int cranNumber,Chart CurrentChart,int cranVal) {
			Dictionary<DateTime, CranTaskInfo> crans = new Dictionary<DateTime, CranTaskInfo>();	

			foreach (CranTaskInfo task in CurrentFilter.Data) {
				DateTime date = task.NeedEndDate;
				if (task.Allowed)
					date = task.AllowDateEnd;
				if (task.CranNumber==cranNumber){
					while (crans.ContainsKey(date))
			IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<DateTime,CranTaskInfo>> sorted= crans.OrderBy(task => task.Key);

			double diffA = 0;
			double diffD = 0.05;

			CranTaskInfo prevTaskA = null;
			CranTaskInfo prevTaskD = null;

			foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime,CranTaskInfo> de in sorted) {
				CranTaskInfo task = de.Value;
				LineSeries serie = new LineSeries();
				DataSeries<DateTime, double> Points = new DataSeries<DateTime, double>();
				serie.Name = String.Format("order_{0}", task.Number);
				serie.MouseLeftButtonUp += serie_MouseLeftButtonUp;
				serie.LineStrokeThickness = 5;
				serie.PointShape = Visiblox.Charts.Primitives.ShapeType.Rectangle;
				serie.PointSize = 15;
				serie.ShowPoints = true;

				if (task.Allowed) {
					if (prevTaskA != null && task.AllowDateStart > prevTaskA.AllowDateEnd) {
							diffA = 0;
					if (!task.Finished) {
						Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.AllowDateStart, cranVal + diffA));
						Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.AllowDateEnd, cranVal + diffA));
					else {
						Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.RealDateStart, cranVal + diffA));
						Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.RealDateEnd, cranVal + diffA));
					serie.LineStroke = new SolidColorBrush(!task.Finished?Colors.Green:Colors.Blue);
					serie.PointFill = new SolidColorBrush(!task.Finished ? Colors.Green : Colors.Blue);
					diffA += 0.05;
					prevTaskA = task;

				else if (task.Denied) {
					if (prevTaskD != null && task.NeedStartDate > prevTaskD.NeedEndDate) {
						diffD = 0.05;
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.NeedStartDate, cranVal - diffD));
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.NeedEndDate, cranVal - diffD));

					serie.LineStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
					serie.PointFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
					diffD += 0.05;
					prevTaskD = task;

				else if (task.Cancelled) {
					if (prevTaskD != null && task.NeedStartDate > prevTaskD.NeedEndDate) {
						diffD = 0.05;
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.NeedStartDate, cranVal - diffD));
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.NeedEndDate, cranVal - diffD));

					serie.LineStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
					serie.PointFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
					diffD += 0.05;
					prevTaskD = task;

				else if (task.Finished) {
					if (prevTaskA != null && task.AllowDateStart > prevTaskA.AllowDateEnd) {
						diffA = 0;
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.AllowDateStart, cranVal + diffA));
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.AllowDateEnd, cranVal + diffA));
					serie.LineStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
					serie.PointFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
					diffA += 0.05;
					prevTaskA = task;

				else  {
					if (prevTaskD != null && task.NeedStartDate > prevTaskD.NeedEndDate) {
						diffD = 0.05;
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.NeedStartDate, cranVal - diffD));
					Points.Add(new DataPoint<DateTime, double>(task.NeedEndDate, cranVal - diffD));

					serie.LineStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
					serie.PointFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
					diffD += 0.05;
					prevTaskD = task;

				serie.DataSeries = Points;
        public static void FillWithSampleData(DataSeries series, int numberOfItems, int sum)
            int localSum = 0;

            Random random = new Random((int)(series.GetHashCode() + DateTime.Now.Ticks));

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
                int randomNumber = 0;

                while (randomNumber <= 0)
                    randomNumber = random.Next(sum / numberOfItems - 3, sum / numberOfItems + 3);

                if (localSum + randomNumber > sum)
                    randomNumber = sum - localSum;

                if ((i == numberOfItems - 1) && (localSum + randomNumber < sum))
                    randomNumber = sum - localSum;

                localSum += randomNumber;

                DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint();
                dataPoint.YValue = randomNumber;

        private void chartCurrent(string[] scores, DateTime dateTime)
            MongoCollection<BsonDocument> history = exerHist.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("history");

            // graph
            //We need one data series for each chart series
            DataSeries<int, double> cc1 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc1legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc2 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc2legend);
            DataSeries<int, double> cc3 = new DataSeries<int, double>(cc3legend);

            bool perfect1 = true;
            bool perfect2 = true;
            bool perfect3 = true;

            int j = 0;

            for(int i = 1; i <=10; i++)
                double cc1v = double.Parse(scores[(i*3)-3]);
                double cc2v = double.Parse(scores[(i*3)-2]);
                double cc3v = double.Parse(scores[(i*3)-1]);

                if (cc1v == -1 | cc1v == -2)
                    j = i;

                if (cc1v == 0)
                    cc1v = 0.05;
                if (cc2v == 0)
                    cc2v = 0.05;
                if (cc3v == 0)
                    cc3v = 0.05;

                BsonDocument rep = new BsonDocument {
                { "name", user.Content.ToString() },
                { "exercise", exercisesCB.SelectedValue.ToString() },
                { "cc1", cc1v },
                { "cc2", cc2v },
                { "cc3", cc3v },
                { "time", dateTime.AddSeconds(i)},
                {"timeid", dateTime}
                var options = new MongoInsertOptions(history) { SafeMode = SafeMode.True };
                history.Save(rep, options);

                if (perfect1 & (cc1v == 0.05 | cc1v == 1))
                    perfect1 = false;
                if (perfect2 & (cc2v == 0.05 | cc2v == 1))
                    perfect2 = false;
                if (perfect3 & (cc3v == 0.05 | cc3v == 1))
                    perfect3 = false;

                cc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc1v });
                cc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc2v });
                cc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = i, Y = cc3v });

            if (j == 1)
                // plot nothing
                for (int k = 1; k <= 5; k++)
                    cc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = k, Y = 0 });
                    cc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = k, Y = 0 });
                    cc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, double>() { X = k, Y = 0 });
                criticalComponent1.Text = "";
                criticalComponent1.Text = "";
                criticalComponent1.Text = "";
                date.Content = "N/A";
                if (perfect1)
                    criticalComponent1.Text = cc1legend + ": Excellent!";
                    buttoncc1.IsEnabled = false;
                    criticalComponent1.Text = criticalComponent1Feedback;
                    buttoncc1.IsEnabled = true;
                if (perfect2)
                    criticalComponent2.Text = cc2legend + ": Excellent!";
                    buttoncc2.IsEnabled = false;
                    criticalComponent2.Text = criticalComponent2Feedback;
                    buttoncc2.IsEnabled = true;
                if (perfect3)
                    criticalComponent3.Text = cc3legend + ": Excellent!";
                    buttoncc3.IsEnabled = false;
                    criticalComponent3.Text = criticalComponent3Feedback;
                    buttoncc3.IsEnabled = true;
                date.Content = dateTime.ToLongDateString() + " " + dateTime.ToShortTimeString(); ;

            //Finally, associate the data series with the chart series
            userchart.Series[0].DataSeries = cc1;
            userchart.Series[1].DataSeries = cc2;
            userchart.Series[2].DataSeries = cc3;
        private void calendar2_SelectedDatesChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (comboBox2.SelectedValue != null)
                DataSeries<int, int> Dcc1 = new DataSeries<int, int>(comboBox1.Items[0].ToString());
                DataSeries<int, int> Dcc2 = new DataSeries<int, int>(comboBox1.Items[1].ToString());
                DataSeries<int, int> Dcc3 = new DataSeries<int, int>(comboBox1.Items[2].ToString());

                string connectionstring = "mongodb://CHEICS-PC";
                MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(connectionstring);
                MongoDatabase exerHist = server.GetDatabase("exerHist");
                MongoCollection<BsonDocument> exercises = exerHist.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("exercises");
                MongoCollection<BsonDocument> hostory = exerHist.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("hostory");

                var query = new QueryDocument();
                int cc11 = 0, cc12 = 0, cc10 = 0, cc20 = 0, cc21 = 0, cc22 = 0, cc30 = 0, cc31 = 0, cc32 = 0;

                var querytest1 = Query.And(Query.EQ("exercise", comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString()), Query.EQ("name", "Mehrad"));

                foreach (BsonDocument instance in hostory.Find(querytest1))
                    string date = null;
                    string selecteddate = null;
                    DateTime daymonth;
                    DateTime selecteddaymonth;

                    daymonth = instance["time"].AsDateTime;
                    date = daymonth.Day.ToString() + "/" + daymonth.Month.ToString() + "/" + daymonth.Year.ToString();
                    selecteddaymonth = calendar2.SelectedDate.Value;
                    selecteddate = selecteddaymonth.Day.ToString() + "/" + selecteddaymonth.Month.ToString() + "/" + selecteddaymonth.Year.ToString();

                    if (date == selecteddate)
                        if (instance["cc1"].ToInt32() == 0)
                        if (instance["cc1"].ToInt32() == 1)
                        if (instance["cc1"].ToInt32() == 2)
                        if (instance["cc2"].ToInt32() == 0)
                        if (instance["cc2"].ToInt32() == 1)
                        if (instance["cc2"].ToInt32() == 2)
                        if (instance["cc3"].ToInt32() == 0)
                        if (instance["cc2"].ToInt32() == 1)
                        if (instance["cc2"].ToInt32() == 2)

                Dcc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc10, X = 0 });
                Dcc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc11, X = 1 });
                Dcc1.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc12, X = 2 });

                Dcc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc20, X = 0 });
                Dcc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc21, X = 1 });
                Dcc2.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc22, X = 2 });

                Dcc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc30, X = 0 });
                Dcc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc31, X = 1 });
                Dcc3.Add(new DataPoint<int, int>() { Y = cc32, X = 2 });

                DataSeries<String, int> cc1 = new DataSeries<String, int>();
                DataSeries<String, int> cc2 = new DataSeries<string, int>();
                DataSeries<string, int> cc3 = new DataSeries<string, int>();

                cc1.Add(new DataPoint<String, int>("Bad", cc10));
                cc1.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Good", cc11));
                cc1.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Perfect", cc12));

                cc2.Add(new DataPoint<String, int>("Bad", cc20));
                cc2.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Good", cc21));
                cc2.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Perfect", cc22));

                cc3.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Bad", cc30));
                cc3.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Good", cc31));
                cc3.Add(new DataPoint<string, int>("Perfect", cc32));

                cc1chart.DataSeries = cc1;
                cc2chart.DataSeries = cc2;
                cc3chart.DataSeries = cc3;

                cc1chart.Title = comboBox1.Items[0].ToString();
                cc2chart.Title = comboBox1.Items[1].ToString();
                cc3chart.Title = comboBox1.Items[2].ToString();
                cc1chart.ShowLabels = false;
                cc2chart.ShowLabels = false;
                cc3chart.ShowLabels = false;
                MessageBox.Show("Please select an exercise");
            //MainChart.DataSeries = test1;
            //MainChart.Title = "random";

Exemplo n.º 57
        public void ExportBubbleGraph()
            BubbleGraph.Width = 800;
            BubbleGraph.Height = 600;
            BubbleGraph.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(BubbleGraph.Width, BubbleGraph.Height));
            BubbleGraph.Arrange(new System.Windows.Rect(BubbleGraph.DesiredSize));
            BubbleGraph.DefaultView.ChartArea.EnableAnimations = false;

            BubbleGraph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = onBeginSheet ? "Beginning of Semester Evaluation" : "End of Semester Evaluation";

            BubbleGraph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            BubbleGraph.DefaultView.ChartLegend.UseAutoGeneratedItems = true;
            DataSeries bubbleSeries = new DataSeries();
            bubbleSeries.LegendLabel = "Evaluation";
            bubbleSeries.Definition = new BubbleSeriesDefinition();

            foreach (BubblePoints b in AllPoints)
                bubbleSeries.Add(new DataPoint() { XValue = b.X, YValue = b.Y, BubbleSize = b.total * .25 });


            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                string filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + @"\Bubble Graphs\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath + BubbleGraph.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content.ToString() + ".png"))
                    if (importTwoGraphs && !SecondChartExported)
                        BubbleGraph.ExportToImage(fs, new PngBitmapEncoder());
                        BubbleGraph.ExportToImage(fs, new PngBitmapEncoder());
            }), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, null);