Exemplo n.º 1
        public void UpsertSucceedsWhenETagsMatch()
            // Arrange
            const string ETAG1 = "ETag 001";
            const string ETAG2 = "ETag 002";

            // Record in storage
            var existingSimulation = new SimulationModel {
                Id = SIMULATION_ID
            var existingRecord = new DataRecord
                Id   = SIMULATION_ID,
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(existingSimulation)


            // Record to write
            var newSimulation = new SimulationModel
                Id   = SIMULATION_ID,
                ETag = existingRecord.GetETag()

            // Record after writing to storage
            var updatedRecord = new DataRecord {
                Id = SIMULATION_ID


            this.simulationsStorage.Setup(x => x.GetAsync(SIMULATION_ID))
            this.simulationsStorage.Setup(x => x.UpsertAsync(It.IsAny <IDataRecord>(), It.IsAny <string>()))

            // Act
            var result = this.target.UpsertAsync(newSimulation, false)

            // Assert
            Assert.Matches(ETAG2, result.ETag);