// Field validation is checked before completing. When completed the work order is moved to the
        // work order history table.
        // Expected state return value: processState*, New, Error
        private Control.State ProcessCompleteWorkOrder(Control.State processState)
            Control.State result = processState;

            if (processState == Control.State.Completed)
                if (cboItemCode.SelectedItem == null)
                    erpItemCode.SetError(cboItemCode, "An Item must be selected");

                    result = processState;

                    DataProcess completeOrder = new DataProcess(ActiveSession.CompanyODBC);

                    string won = txtWorkOrderNo.Text;
                    string prt = cboProductType.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    string prl = cboProductionLine.SelectedItem.ToString();

                    string whs = cboWarehouse.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    string itc = cboItemCode.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    string itd = txtItemDescription.Text;

                    string plu = txtPlannedUOM.Text;
                    string plq = txtPlannedQuantity.Text;
                    string pld = dtpPlannedDate.Text;
                    string pls = txtPlannedShift.Text;

                    string plc = txtProductionLineCapacity.Text;
                    string mil = txtReOrderPoint.Text;
                    string bas = txtBatchSize.Text;
                    string nob = txtBatchNo.Text;

                    string cun = (cboCustomerOrderNo.SelectedIndex == -1) ? "" : cboCustomerOrderNo.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    string fgo = (cboFGWorkOrderNo.SelectedIndex == -1) ? "" : cboFGWorkOrderNo.SelectedItem.ToString();

                    string sta = nameof(Control.Status.Okay);
                    string amq = txtActualManufacturedQty.Text;
                    string acs = txtActualShift.Text;
                    string acd = dtpActualDate.Text;

                    string com = txtComments.Text;
                    string crd = txtCreatedDate.Text;
                    string cru = txtCreatedUser.Text;
                    string lmd = txtLastModifiedDate.Text;
                    string lmu = txtLastModifiedUser.Text;

                    List <string> validateErrors = completeOrder.Validate(
                        won, prt, prl,
                        whs, itc, itd,
                        plu, plq, pld, pls,
                        plc, mil, nob, bas,
                        cun, fgo, sta, amq, acs, acd,
                        com, crd, cru, lmd, lmu

                    if (validateErrors.Count > 0)
                        string errors = "The following fields did not pass data validation:\n";
                        foreach (string s in validateErrors)
                            errors = string.Format("{0}\n{1}", errors, s);
                        Utilities.ShowError(errors, "Data Validation Error");

                        result = processState;
                        if (completeOrder.AddHistory())
                            ProcessRecordLogHistory(completeOrder, Log);
                            Utilities.ShowMessage(string.Format("Work Order {0} completed.", won), "Add");

                            result = Control.State.New;
                            Utilities.ShowMessage(string.Format("Work Order {0} was not completed.", won), "Failed");
                            ActiveState = Control.State.Error;

                            result = processState;
                result = Control.State.Error;
