Exemplo n.º 1
        public static DataMatrix PredictRatings(PrefRelations PR_train,
                                                DataMatrix R_unknown, int K, SimilarityData neighborsByUser)
            Debug.Assert(PR_train.UserCount == R_unknown.UserCount);
            Debug.Assert(PR_train.ItemCount == R_unknown.ItemCount);

            // This matrix stores predictions
            DataMatrix R_predicted = new DataMatrix(R_unknown.UserCount, R_unknown.ItemCount);

            // This can be considered as the R_train in standard UserKNN
            SparseMatrix positionMatrix            = PR_train.GetPositionMatrix();
            DataMatrix   ratingMatrixFromPositions = new DataMatrix(positionMatrix);

            Vector <double> meanByUser = ratingMatrixFromPositions.GetUserMeans();
            Vector <double> meanByItem = ratingMatrixFromPositions.GetItemMeans();
            double          globalMean = ratingMatrixFromPositions.GetGlobalMean();

            // Predict positions for each test user
            // Appears to be very fast, parallel.foreach is unnecessary
            foreach (Tuple <int, Vector <double> > user in R_unknown.Users)
                int             indexOfUser             = user.Item1;
                Vector <double> indexesOfUnknownRatings = user.Item2;

                Utils.PrintEpoch("Predicting user/total", indexOfUser, PR_train.UserCount);

                // Note that there are more than K neighbors in the list (sorted by similarity)
                // we will use the top-K neighbors WHO HAVE RATED THE ITEM
                // For example we have 200 top neighbors, and we hope there are
                // K neighbors in the list have rated the item. We can't keep
                // everyone in the neighbor list because there are too many for large data sets
                var topNeighborsOfUser = neighborsByUser[indexOfUser];

                double meanOfUser = meanByUser[indexOfUser];

                // Loop through each position to be predicted
                foreach (Tuple <int, double> unknownRating in indexesOfUnknownRatings.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip))
                    int indexOfUnknownItem = unknownRating.Item1;

                    // Compute the position of this item for the user
                    // by combining neighbors' positions on this item
                    double weightedSum      = 0;
                    double weightSum        = 0;
                    int    currentTopKCount = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> neighbor in topNeighborsOfUser)
                        int    indexOfNeighbor        = neighbor.Key;
                        double similarityOfNeighbor   = neighbor.Value;
                        double itemPositionOfNeighbor = ratingMatrixFromPositions[indexOfNeighbor, indexOfUnknownItem];

                        // We count only if the neighbor has seen this item before
                        if (itemPositionOfNeighbor != 0)
                            // Recall that we use a constant to hold position value 0
                            // we revert it back here
                            if (itemPositionOfNeighbor == Config.ZeroInSparseMatrix)
                                Debug.Assert(true, "By using the PositionShift constant, we should not be in here.");
                                itemPositionOfNeighbor = 0;
                            weightSum   += similarityOfNeighbor;
                            weightedSum += (itemPositionOfNeighbor - meanByUser[indexOfNeighbor]) * similarityOfNeighbor;
                            if (currentTopKCount >= K)

                    // If any neighbor has seen this item
                    if (currentTopKCount != 0)
                        // TODO: Add user mean may improve the performance
                        R_predicted[indexOfUser, indexOfUnknownItem] = meanOfUser + weightedSum / weightSum;
                        R_predicted[indexOfUser, indexOfUnknownItem] = globalMean;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void PredictRatings(DataMatrix R_train, DataMatrix R_unknown,
                                   HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > strongSimilarityIndicators,
                                   Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, List <double> > OMFDistributions,
                                   double regularization, double learnRate, int maxEpoch, int ratingLevels,
                                   out DataMatrix R_predicted_expectations, out DataMatrix R_predicted_mostlikely)
            *   Parameterization and Initialization
            #region Parameterization and Initialization
            int userCount = R_train.UserCount;
            int itemCount = R_train.ItemCount;
            meanByUser               = R_train.GetUserMeans(); // Mean value of each user
            meanByItem               = R_train.GetItemMeans(); // Mean value of each item
            this.R_train             = R_train;
            this.OMFDistributions    = OMFDistributions;
            R_predicted_expectations = new DataMatrix(R_unknown.UserCount, R_unknown.ItemCount);
            R_predicted_mostlikely   = new DataMatrix(R_unknown.UserCount, R_unknown.ItemCount);

            // Initialize the weights
            this.strongSimilarityIndicators = strongSimilarityIndicators;
            featureWeightByItemItem         = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, double>(strongSimilarityIndicators.Count);

            // Initialize all strong item-item features
            Random rnd = new Random(Config.Seed);

            foreach (var strongSimilarityPair in strongSimilarityIndicators)
                double randomWeight = rnd.NextDouble() * 0.01;
                featureWeightByItemItem[strongSimilarityPair] = randomWeight;

            // We cache here which items have been rated by the given user
            // it will be reused in every feature update
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > itemsByUser = R_train.GetItemsByUser();

            // TODO: we actually stored more features, because some items may not be co-rated by any user
            Utils.PrintValue("# of item-item features", (featureWeightByItemItem.Count / 2).ToString());


            *   Learn weights from training data R_train
            #region Learn weights from training data R_train
            double likelihood_prev = -double.MaxValue;
            for (int epoch = 0; epoch < maxEpoch; epoch++)
                *   Apply Eq. 23 and 24
                #region Apply Eq. 23 and 24
                // Unlike NMF which uses each rating as the input for training,
                // here the set of ratings by each user is the input for each pass
                foreach (var user in R_train.Users)
                    int             indexOfUser   = user.Item1;
                    Vector <double> ratingsOfUser = user.Item2;
                    Debug.Assert(ratingsOfUser.Storage.IsDense == false, "The user ratings should be stored in a sparse vector.");

                    List <int> itemsOfUser = itemsByUser[indexOfUser];   // Cache the items rated by this user

                    // Now we select one rating r_ui from the user's ratings R_u,
                    // and use this rating to combine with each other rating r_uj in R_u
                    // so that we can refine the weight associated to i-j item pair co-rated by this user
                    foreach (var item_i in ratingsOfUser.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip))
                        int    indexOfItem_i = item_i.Item1;
                        int    r_ui          = (int)R_train[indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i]; // The R_train should be all integers
                        double meanOfItem_i  = meanByItem[indexOfItem_i];

                        // Find out the neighbors of item_i, i.e., "\vec{r}_u\r_ui" in Eq. 21
                        List <int> neighborsOfItem_i = new List <int>(itemsOfUser.Count);

                        //neighborsOfItem_i.Remove(indexOfItem_i);    // It is not a neighbor of itself

                        // Keep strong neighbors
                        foreach (int indexOfNeighbor in itemsOfUser)
                            if (strongSimilarityIndicators.Contains(new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfItem_i, indexOfNeighbor)) &&
                                indexOfNeighbor != indexOfItem_i)
                            //else if(indexOfItem_i!=indexOfNeighbor)
                            //    double pearson = Correlation.Pearson((SparseVector)R_train.Matrix.Column(indexOfItem_i),
                            //        (SparseVector)R_train.Matrix.Column(indexOfNeighbor));
                            //    Debug.Assert(pearson < 0.2);

                        // Partition function Z_ui
                        double        Z_ui             = 0;
                        List <double> localLikelihoods = new List <double>(ratingLevels);

                        Object lockMe = new object();
                        for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                            double Z_ui_level = OMFDistributions[new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i)][targetRating - 1]
                                                * ComputePotential(targetRating, indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i, neighborsOfItem_i);
                            lock (lockMe)
                                Z_ui += Z_ui_level;

                        for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                            //for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                            // The reason we need to compute the local likelihood for every i-j pair
                            // instead of once for i is that the weights are changing
                            // TODO: however, it seems that the changed weights are not related to
                            // this locallikelihood, which means it can be put outside of the i-j loop?
                            // Because after we updated i, i should never be updated again by this user in this epoch
                            // TODO: so we try move it out side the j loop
                            // Experiment shows we are correct
                            double localLikelihoodOfTargetRating = ComputeLocalLikelihood(targetRating, indexOfUser,
                                                                                          indexOfItem_i, neighborsOfItem_i, Z_ui);
                            lock (lockMe)

                        // For each neighbor item with strong correlation to item_i,
                        // update the weight w_ij
                        foreach (int indexOfItem_j in neighborsOfItem_i)
                            // As i-j and j-i correspond to the same feature,
                            // so we train only if i < j to avoid double training
                            if (indexOfItem_i > indexOfItem_j)

                            // If the similarity is zero then it is a weak feature and we skip it
                            // recall that we have set weak similarity to zero
                            // if (similarityByItemItem[indexOfItem_i, indexOfItem_j] == SparseMatrix.Zero) { continue; }
                            // we don't need to do this now, the filtering has been done before the loop

                            // Compute gradient Eq. 24
                            #region Compute gradients
                            double r_uj         = R_train[indexOfUser, indexOfItem_j];
                            double meanOfItem_j = meanByItem[indexOfItem_j];

                            // Compute the first term in Eq.24
                            double gradientFirstTerm = ComputeCorrelationFeature(r_ui, meanOfItem_i, r_uj, meanOfItem_j);

                            // Compute the second term in Eq. 24
                            double gradientSecondTerm = 0.0;
                            for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                                // The reason we need to compute the local likelihood for every i-j pair
                                // instead of once for i is that the weights are changing
                                // TODO: however, it seems that the changed weights are not related to
                                // this locallikelihood, which means it can be put outside of the i-j loop?
                                // Because after we updated i, i should never be updated again by this user in this epoch
                                // TODO: so we try move it out side the j loop once the algorithm is table
                                //double localLikelihoodOfTargetRating = ComputeLocalLikelihood(targetRating, indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i, neighborsOfItem_i, Z_ui);

                                double localLikelihoodOfTargetRating = localLikelihoods[targetRating - 1];
                                double correlationFeature            = ComputeCorrelationFeature(targetRating, meanOfItem_i, r_uj, meanOfItem_j);
                                gradientSecondTerm += localLikelihoodOfTargetRating * correlationFeature;

                            // Merge all terms
                            double gradient = gradientFirstTerm - gradientSecondTerm;


                            #region Update weights

                            // Add regularization penalty, it should be shown in either Eq. 23 or Eq. 24
                            double weight = featureWeightByItemItem[new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfItem_i, indexOfItem_j)];
                            gradient -= regularization * weight;
                            double step = learnRate * gradient; // Add learning rate

                            // Update the weight with gradient
                            featureWeightByItemItem[new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfItem_i, indexOfItem_j)] += step;

                            // The weights are mirrored
                            featureWeightByItemItem[new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfItem_j, indexOfItem_i)] += step;


                *   Compute the regularized sum of log local likelihoods, Eq. 20
                *   see if it converges
                #region Compute sum of regularized log likelihood see if it converges

                if (epoch == 0 || epoch == maxEpoch - 1 || epoch % (int)Math.Ceiling(maxEpoch * 0.1) == 4)
                //if (true)
                    double likelihood_curr = 0;
                    // We compute user by user so that Z_ui can be reused
                    double sumOfLogLL = 0.0;   // sum of log local likelihoods, first term in Eq. 20
                    foreach (var user in R_train.Users)
                        int             indexOfUser   = user.Item1;
                        Vector <double> ratingsOfUser = user.Item2;
                        Debug.Assert(ratingsOfUser.Storage.IsDense == false, "The user ratings should be stored in a sparse vector.");

                        List <int> itemsOfUser = itemsByUser[indexOfUser]; // Cache the items rated by this user
                        double     logLLOfUser = 0.0;                      // The sum of all Eq. 21 of the current user

                        foreach (var item_i in ratingsOfUser.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip))
                            int    indexOfItem_i = item_i.Item1;
                            int    r_ui          = (int)R_train[indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i]; // The R_train should be all integers
                            double meanOfItem_i  = meanByItem[indexOfItem_i];

                            // Find out the neighbors of item_i, i.e., "\vec{r}_u\r_ui" in Eq. 21
                            //List<int> neighborsOfItem_i = new List<int>(itemsOfUser);
                            List <int> neighborsOfItem_i = new List <int>(itemsOfUser.Count);

                            //neighborsOfItem_i.Remove(indexOfItem_i);    // It is not a neighbor of itself

                            // Remove weak neighbors
                            foreach (int indexOfNeighbor in itemsOfUser)
                                if (strongSimilarityIndicators.Contains(new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfItem_i, indexOfNeighbor)) &&
                                    indexOfNeighbor != indexOfItem_i)

                            // Partition function Z_ui
                            double Z_ui = 0;
                            for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                                Z_ui += OMFDistributions[new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i)][targetRating - 1]
                                        * ComputePotential(targetRating, indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i, neighborsOfItem_i);

                            // Eq. 21 for the current item i, that is for r_ui
                            double localLikelihoodOfRating_ui = ComputeLocalLikelihood(r_ui, indexOfUser, indexOfItem_i, neighborsOfItem_i, Z_ui);
                            logLLOfUser += Math.Log(localLikelihoodOfRating_ui);
                        sumOfLogLL += logLLOfUser;

                    // Eq. 20
                    double regularizedSumOfLogLL = sumOfLogLL - regularization
                                                   * featureWeightByItemItem.Sum(x => x.Value * x.Value);// featureWeightByItemItem.SquaredSum();
                    likelihood_curr = regularizedSumOfLogLL;
                    Utils.PrintEpoch("Epoch", epoch, maxEpoch, "Reg sum of log LL", regularizedSumOfLogLL.ToString("0.000"));

                    double improvment = Math.Abs(likelihood_prev) - Math.Abs(likelihood_curr);
                    if (improvment < 0.001)
                        Console.WriteLine("Improvment less than 0.0001, learning stopped.");

                    likelihood_prev = likelihood_curr;

                 * if(epoch==0)
                 * {
                 *  likelihood_prev = likelihood_curr;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  double improvment = likelihood_curr - likelihood_prev;
                 *  if(!(improvment < 0 && likelihood_prev < 0 && Math.Abs(improvment) > 0.001))
                 *  {
                 *  }
                 *  if (Math.Abslikelihood_curr - likelihood_prev < 0.0001)
                 *  {
                 *      Console.WriteLine("Improvment less than 0.0001, learning stopped.");
                 *      break;
                 *  }
                 * }


            *   Make predictions
            #region Make predictions

            foreach (var user in R_unknown.Users)
                int             indexOfUser          = user.Item1;
                Vector <double> unknownRatingsOfUser = user.Item2;
                List <int>      itemsOfUser          = itemsByUser[indexOfUser];

                foreach (var unknownRating in unknownRatingsOfUser.EnumerateIndexed(Zeros.AllowSkip))
                    int indexOfItem = unknownRating.Item1;

                    List <int> neighborsOfItem = new List <int>(itemsOfUser.Count);
                    //neighborsOfItem.Remove(indexOfItem);    // It is not a neighbor of itself
                    // Remove weak neighbors
                    foreach (int indexOfNeighbor in itemsOfUser)
                        if (strongSimilarityIndicators.Contains(new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfItem, indexOfNeighbor)) &&
                            indexOfNeighbor != indexOfItem)

                    // Partition function Z
                    double Z_ui = 0;
                    for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                        Z_ui += OMFDistributions[new Tuple <int, int>(indexOfUser, indexOfItem)][targetRating - 1] * ComputePotential(targetRating, indexOfUser, indexOfItem, neighborsOfItem);

                    double sumOfLikelihood      = 0.0;
                    double currentMaxLikelihood = 0.0;
                    double mostlikelyRating     = 0.0;
                    double expectationRating    = 0.0;
                    for (int targetRating = 1; targetRating <= ratingLevels; targetRating++)
                        double likelihoodOfTargetRating = ComputeLocalLikelihood(targetRating, indexOfUser, indexOfItem, neighborsOfItem, Z_ui);

                        // Compute the most likely rating for MAE
                        if (likelihoodOfTargetRating > currentMaxLikelihood)
                            mostlikelyRating     = targetRating;
                            currentMaxLikelihood = likelihoodOfTargetRating;

                        // Compute expectation for RMSE
                        expectationRating += targetRating * likelihoodOfTargetRating;

                        sumOfLikelihood += likelihoodOfTargetRating;

                    // The sum of likelihoods should be 1, maybe not that high precision though
                    Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(sumOfLikelihood - 1.0) < 0.0001);

                    R_predicted_expectations[indexOfUser, indexOfItem] = expectationRating;
                    R_predicted_mostlikely[indexOfUser, indexOfItem]   = mostlikelyRating;
