Exemplo n.º 1
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // create some sample data to represent test scores
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] scoresA = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 35, 85, 5);
                double[] scoresB = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 42, 87, 3);
                double[] scoresC = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 23, 92, 3);

                // collect multiple populations into a PopulationSeries
                var poulations = new Statistics.Population[] {
                    new Statistics.Population(scoresA),
                    new Statistics.Population(scoresB),
                    new Statistics.Population(scoresC)

                // Plot these as a single series (all styled the same, appearing once in legend)
                var popSeries = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(poulations);

                plt.PlotPopulations(popSeries, "scores");

                // improve the style of the plot
                plt.Title($"Test Scores by Class");
                plt.XTicks(new string[] { "Class A", "Class B", "Class C" });
                plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false);
Exemplo n.º 2
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // generate random data to plot
                Random rand       = new Random(0);
                int    pointCount = 10;

                double[] xs   = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
                double[] ys1  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 20, 5);
                double[] ys2  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 20, 5);
                double[] err1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 5, 2);
                double[] err2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 5, 2);

                // add both bar plots with a careful widths and offsets
                plt.PlotBar(xs, ys1, err1, "data A", barWidth: .3, xOffset: -.2);
                plt.PlotBar(xs, ys2, err2, "data B", barWidth: .3, xOffset: .2);

                // customize the plot to make it look nicer
                plt.Axis(y1: 0);
                plt.Grid(enableVertical: false, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
                plt.Axis(y1: 0);
                plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.upperRight);

                // apply custom axis tick labels
                string[] labels = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten" };
                plt.XTicks(xs, labels);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Test_Bar_MultiSeries()
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            string[] groupNames  = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };
            string[] seriesNames = { "alpha", "beta", "gamma" };

            int groupCount = groupNames.Length;

            double[] xs   = DataGen.Consecutive(groupCount);
            double[] ys1  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
            double[] ys2  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
            double[] ys3  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
            double[] err1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);
            double[] err2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);
            double[] err3 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);

            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400);

                groupLabels: groupNames,
                seriesLabels: seriesNames,
                ys: new double[][] { ys1, ys2, ys3 },
                yErr: new double[][] { err1, err2, err3 });

            plt.Axis(y1: 0);
            plt.Grid(enableVertical: false, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
            plt.Legend(location: Alignment.UpperRight);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create an extremely noisy signal with a subtle sine wave beneath it
            Random rand       = new Random(0);
            int    pointCount = 100_000;

            double[] signal1 = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, 3);
            double[] noise   = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 0, 5);
            double[] data    = new double[pointCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                data[i] = signal1[i] + noise[i];

            // plot the noisy signal using the traditional method
            var sp1 = plt.AddSignal(data);

            sp1.OffsetY = -40;
            sp1.Color   = Color.Red;

            // use a custom colors to display data of different densities
            string[] colorCodes = { "#440154", "#39568C", "#1F968B", "#73D055" };
            Color[]  colors     = colorCodes.Select(x => ColorTranslator.FromHtml(x)).ToArray();

            var sp2 = plt.AddSignal(data);

            sp2.DensityColors = colors;

            plt.Title("Color by Density vs. Solid Color");
            plt.AxisAuto(0, .1);
Exemplo n.º 5
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // generate random data to plot
                string[] groupNames  = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };
                string[] seriesNames = { "alpha", "bravo", "charley" };
                int      groupCount  = groupNames.Length;
                Random   rand        = new Random(0);

                double[] ys1  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
                double[] ys2  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
                double[] ys3  = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
                double[] err1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);
                double[] err2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);
                double[] err3 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);

                    groupLabels: groupNames,
                    seriesLabels: seriesNames,
                    ys: new double[][] { ys1, ys2, ys3 },
                    yErr: new double[][] { err1, err2, err3 });

                // customize the plot to make it look nicer
                plt.Grid(enableVertical: false, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
                plt.Legend(location: legendLocation.upperRight);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] values = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
            var      hist   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values, min: 0, max: 100);

            // plot the bins as a bar graph (on the primary Y axis)
            var bar = plt.AddBar(hist.counts, hist.bins);

            bar.BarWidth        = hist.binSize * 1.2; // oversize to reduce render artifacts
            bar.BorderLineWidth = 0;
            bar.YAxisIndex      = 0;
            plt.YAxis.Label("Count (#)");

            // plot the mean curve as a scatter plot (on the secondary Y axis)
            var sp = plt.AddScatter(hist.bins, hist.countsFracCurve);

            sp.MarkerSize = 0;
            sp.LineWidth  = 2;
            sp.YAxisIndex = 1;

            // decorate the plot
            plt.XAxis2.Label("Normal Random Data", bold: true);
            plt.XAxis.Label("Value (units)");
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand       = new Random(0);
            int    pointCount = 1_000_000;

            double[] sine  = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, 3);
            double[] noise = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 0, 0.5);
            double[] ys    = sine.Zip(noise, (s, n) => s + n).ToArray();
            double[] xs    = new double[pointCount];

            double currentX = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                if ((i % 100000) < 10)
                    currentX += 10;
                    currentX += 0.0001;
                xs[i] = currentX;

            plt.AddSignalXY(xs, ys);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static Plot CreateAdvancedStatisticsPlot()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400);

            // create some sample data to represent test scores
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] scores = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 250, 85, 5);

            // create a Population object from the data
            var pop = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(scores);

            // display the original values scattered vertically
            double[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pop.values.Length, stdDev: .15);
            plt.PlotScatter(pop.values, ys, markerSize: 10,
                            markerShape: MarkerShape.openCircle, lineWidth: 0);

            // display the bell curve for this distribution
            double[] curveXs = DataGen.Range(pop.minus3stDev, pop.plus3stDev, .1);
            double[] curveYs = pop.GetDistribution(curveXs);
            plt.PlotScatter(curveXs, curveYs, markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2);

            // improve the style of the plot
            plt.Title($"Test Scores (mean: {pop.mean:0.00} +/- {pop.stDev:0.00}, n={pop.n})");
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create sample data for two datasets
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] values1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
            double[] values2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 45, stdDev: 25);
            var      hist1   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values1, min: 0, max: 100);
            var      hist2   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values2, min: 0, max: 100);

            // display datasets as step plots
            var sp1 = plt.AddScatter(hist1.bins, hist1.cumulativeFrac);

            sp1.Label       = "Sample A";
            sp1.StepDisplay = true;
            sp1.MarkerSize  = 0;

            var sp2 = plt.AddScatter(hist2.bins, hist2.cumulativeFrac);

            sp2.Label       = "Sample B";
            sp2.StepDisplay = true;
            sp2.MarkerSize  = 0;

            // decorate the plot
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0, yMax: 1);
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
            plt.Title("Cumulative Probability Histogram");
            plt.XAxis.Label("Probability (fraction)");
            plt.YAxis.Label("Value (units)");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create sample data to represent test scores
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] valuesA = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 35, 85, 5);
            double[] valuesB = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 42, 87, 3);
            double[] valuesC = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 23, 92, 3);

            // create population objects for each set of data values
            var popA = new Statistics.Population(valuesA);
            var popB = new Statistics.Population(valuesB);
            var popC = new Statistics.Population(valuesC);

            // combine several populations into an array and plot it
            var poulations = new Statistics.Population[] { popA, popB, popC };

            string[] populationNames = { "Group A", "Group B", "Group C" };

            // customize the data display format
            var popPlot = plt.AddPopulations(poulations);

            popPlot.DistributionCurve = false;
            popPlot.DataFormat        = ScottPlot.Plottable.PopulationPlot.DisplayItems.ScatterOnBox;
            popPlot.DataBoxStyle      = ScottPlot.Plottable.PopulationPlot.BoxStyle.BarMeanStDev;

            // improve the style of the plot
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // generate random data to plot
            int    groupCount = 5;
            Random rand       = new(0);

            double[] values1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
            double[] values2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
            double[] values3 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 20, 5);
            double[] errors1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);
            double[] errors2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);
            double[] errors3 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, groupCount, 5, 2);

            // group all data together
            string[]   groupNames     = { "Group A", "Group B", "Group C", "Group D", "Group E" };
            string[]   seriesNames    = { "Series 1", "Series 2", "Series 3" };
            double[][] valuesBySeries = { values1, values2, values3 };
            double[][] errorsBySeries = { errors1, errors2, errors3 };

            // add the grouped bar plots and show a legend
            plt.AddBarGroups(groupNames, seriesNames, valuesBySeries, errorsBySeries);
            plt.Legend(location: Alignment.UpperRight);

            // adjust axis limits so there is no padding below the bar graph
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
Exemplo n.º 12
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand       = new Random(0);
                int    pointCount = 20;

                // random data points
                double[] dataX  = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
                double[] dataY1 = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, offset: 6);
                double[] dataY2 = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, offset: 3);
                double[] dataY3 = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, offset: 0);

                // random errorbar sizes
                double[] errorYPositive = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);
                double[] errorXPositive = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);
                double[] errorYNegative = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);
                double[] errorXNegative = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);

                // plot different combinations of errorbars
                plt.PlotErrorBars(dataX, dataY1, errorXPositive, errorXNegative, errorYPositive, errorYNegative, label: "Asymmetric X and Y errors");
                plt.PlotErrorBars(dataX, dataY2, errorXPositive, null, errorYPositive, null, label: "Positive errors only");
                plt.PlotErrorBars(dataX, dataY3, null, errorXNegative, null, errorYNegative, label: $"Negative errors only");

                plt.Title("Error Bars with Asymmetric X and Y Values");
Exemplo n.º 13
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // create some sample data to represent test scores
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] scoresA = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 35, 85, 5);
                double[] scoresB = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 42, 87, 3);
                double[] scoresC = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 23, 92, 3);

                // create a unique PopulationSeries for each set of scores
                var seriesA = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(new Statistics.Population[] { new Statistics.Population(scoresA) }, "Class A");
                var seriesB = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(new Statistics.Population[] { new Statistics.Population(scoresB) }, "Class B");
                var seriesC = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(new Statistics.Population[] { new Statistics.Population(scoresC) }, "Class C");

                // create a MultiSeries from all the individual series
                var multiSeries = new Statistics.PopulationMultiSeries(new Statistics.PopulationSeries[] { seriesA, seriesB, seriesC });


                // improve the style of the plot
                plt.Title($"Test Scores by Class");
                plt.Ticks(displayTicksX: false);
                plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false);
Exemplo n.º 14
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand       = new Random(0);
                int    pointCount = 20;

                // random data points
                double[] dataX  = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
                double[] dataY1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, mean: 20, stdDev: 2);
                double[] dataY2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, mean: 10, stdDev: 2);
                double[] dataY3 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, mean: 0, stdDev: 2);

                // random errorbar sizes
                double[] errorYPositive = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);
                double[] errorXPositive = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);
                double[] errorYNegative = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);
                double[] errorXNegative = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);

                // plot different combinations of errorbars
                var err1 = plt.PlotErrorBars(dataX, dataY1, errorXPositive, errorXNegative, errorYPositive, errorYNegative);
                var err2 = plt.PlotErrorBars(dataX, dataY2, errorXPositive, null, errorYPositive, null);
                var err3 = plt.PlotErrorBars(dataX, dataY3, null, errorXNegative, null, errorYNegative);

                // draw scatter plots on top of the errorbars
                plt.PlotScatter(dataX, dataY1, color: err1.Color, label: "Both");
                plt.PlotScatter(dataX, dataY2, color: err2.Color, label: "Positive");
                plt.PlotScatter(dataX, dataY3, color: err3.Color, label: $"Negative");

                plt.Title("Error Bars with Asymmetric X and Y Values");
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            double[] values  = DataGen.RandomNormal(0, 12, 5, 10);
            double[] offsets = Enumerable.Range(0, values.Length).Select(x => values.Take(x).Sum()).ToArray();

            var bar = plt.AddBar(values);

            bar.ValueOffsets      = offsets;
            bar.FillColorNegative = Color.Red;
            bar.FillColor         = Color.Green;
Exemplo n.º 16
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                //Some noisy data centred around the middle
                int[] xs = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
                int[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                //Each cell is a square with side-length of 4
                double[,] intensities = Tools.XYToIntensities(Tools.IntensityMode.density, xs, ys, 50, 50, 4);
Exemplo n.º 17
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                //Some noisy data centred around the middle
                int[] xs = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
                int[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                //Standard Deviation of 4
                double[,] intensities = Tools.XYToIntensities(Tools.IntensityMode.gaussian, xs, ys, 50, 50, 4);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void PlotHeatmapGaussianNoise(Plot plt, Colormap cmap)
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            int[] xs = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
            int[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            double[,] intensities = Tools.XYToIntensities(Tools.IntensityMode.gaussian, xs, ys, 50, 50, 4);

            plt.PlotHeatmap(intensities, cmap);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            int[] xs = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
            int[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 10000, 25, 10).Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            double[,] intensities = Tools.XYToIntensities(mode: IntensityMode.Gaussian,
                                                          xs: xs, ys: ys, width: 50, height: 50, sampleWidth: 4);

            var hm = plt.AddHeatmap(intensities);
            var cb = plt.AddColorbar(hm);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand       = new Random(0);
            int    pointCount = 20;

            double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
            double[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, mean: 20, stdDev: 2);

            double[] yErr = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount).Select(e => Math.Abs(e)).ToArray();

            plt.AddScatter(xs, ys, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
            plt.AddErrorBars(xs, ys, null, yErr, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
Exemplo n.º 21
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] values = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
                var      hist   = new Statistics.Histogram(values, min: 0, max: 100);

                plt.PlotBar(hist.bins, hist.countsFrac);
                plt.PlotScatter(hist.bins, hist.countsFracCurve, markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2, color: Color.Black);
                plt.Title("Normal Random Data");
                plt.YLabel("Frequency (fraction)");
                plt.XLabel("Value (units)");
                plt.Axis(null, null, 0, null);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand       = new Random(0);
            int    pointCount = 51;

            double[] xs1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 1);
            double[] xs2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 3);
            double[] ys1 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 5);
            double[] ys2 = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 7);

            plt.AddScatter(xs1, ys1, markerSize: 0, label: "lines only");
            plt.AddScatter(xs2, ys2, lineWidth: 0, label: "markers only");
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            var rand       = new Random(0);
            int pointCount = 1_000_000;

            double[] sine  = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, 3);
            double[] noise = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 0, 0.5);
            double[] ys    = sine.Zip(noise, (s, n) => s + n).ToArray();
            double[] xs    = Enumerable.Range(0, pointCount)
                             .Select(x => (double)x)
                             .Select(x => x > 500_000 ? x + 1_000_000 : x)
                             .Select(x => x > 200_000 ? x + 100_000 : x)

            plt.AddSignalXY(xs, ys);
Exemplo n.º 24
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] values = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount: 1000, mean: 50, stdDev: 20);
                var      hist   = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram(values, min: 0, max: 100);

                double barWidth = hist.binSize * 1.2; // slightly over-side to reduce anti-alias rendering artifacts

                plt.PlotBar(hist.bins, hist.countsFrac, barWidth: barWidth, outlineWidth: 0);
                plt.PlotScatter(hist.bins, hist.countsFracCurve, markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2, color: Color.Black);
                plt.Title("Normal Random Data");
                plt.YLabel("Frequency (fraction)");
                plt.XLabel("Value (units)");
                plt.Axis(null, null, 0, null);
                plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
Exemplo n.º 25
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // generate random monthly data
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] monthProfits = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 12, 5, 10);
                double[] monthNumbers = DataGen.Consecutive(12);
                string[] monthNames   = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                                          "Jul",   "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

                plt.PlotWaterfall(monthNumbers, monthProfits,
                                  fillColor: Color.Green, negativeColor: Color.Red);

                plt.YLabel("Valuation (million USD)");
                plt.Title("Company Value in 2020");
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create sample data to represent test scores
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] scoresA = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 35, 72, 7);
            double[] scoresB = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 42, 57, 10);
            double[] scoresC = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 23, 79, 5);

            // To create a population series we need to start with an array of populations.
            // In this example each population series just has one population in it.
            var popsA = new Statistics.Population[] { new Statistics.Population(scoresA) };
            var popsB = new Statistics.Population[] { new Statistics.Population(scoresB) };
            var popsC = new Statistics.Population[] { new Statistics.Population(scoresC) };

            // create a PopulationSeries for each set of scores, naming it in the process
            var seriesA     = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(popsA, "Class A");
            var seriesB     = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(popsB, "Class B");
            var seriesC     = new Statistics.PopulationSeries(popsC, "Class C");
            var seriesArray = new Statistics.PopulationSeries[] { seriesA, seriesB, seriesC };

            // create a MultiSeries object by passing in the array of series objects and plot it
            var multiSeries = new Statistics.PopulationMultiSeries(seriesArray);
            var popPlot     = plt.AddPopulations(multiSeries);

            // now customize its public fields to extensively customize its display options
            popPlot.DistributionCurve          = true;
            popPlot.DistributionCurveLineStyle = LineStyle.Dash;
            popPlot.ScatterOutlineColor        = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            popPlot.DataFormat   = ScottPlot.Plottable.PopulationPlot.DisplayItems.ScatterAndBox;
            popPlot.DataBoxStyle = ScottPlot.Plottable.PopulationPlot.BoxStyle.BarMeanStDev;

            // colors are managed at the population series level:
            foreach (var popSeries in popPlot.MultiSeries.multiSeries)
                popSeries.color = Tools.GetRandomColor(rand);

            // improve the style of the plot
            plt.Legend(location: Alignment.LowerLeft);
            plt.YAxis.MajorGrid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
            plt.SetAxisLimits(yMin: 0);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Layout()
            mainPlot  = this.Find <AvaPlot>("mainPlot");
            rightPlot = this.Find <AvaPlot>("rightPlot");
            lowerPlot = this.Find <AvaPlot>("lowerPlot");

            // generate sample data
            Random rand = new Random(0);
            int[]  xs   = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 3000, 20, 10).Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
            int[]  ys   = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 3000, 20, 10).Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();
            double[,] intensities = Tools.XYToIntensities(mode: IntensityMode.Gaussian,
                                                          xs: xs, ys: ys, width: 100, height: 70, sampleWidth: 4);

            // main plot
            var hmc = mainPlot.Plot.AddHeatmap(intensities, lockScales: false);
            var cb  = mainPlot.Plot.AddColorbar(hmc);
            mainPlot.Plot.Margins(0, 0);
            mainPlot.Plot.Title("Control Rod\nTemperature");
            mainPlot.Plot.XLabel("Horizontal Position");
            mainPlot.Plot.YLabel("Vertical Position");

            // right plot
            double[] rowSums   = SumHorizontally(intensities).Reverse().ToArray();
            var      rightBars = rightPlot.Plot.AddBar(rowSums);
            rightBars.Orientation    = Orientation.Horizontal;
            rightBars.PositionOffset = .5;
            rightPlot.Plot.Margins(0, 0);

            // lower plot
            double[] colSums   = SumVertically(intensities);
            var      lowerBars = lowerPlot.Plot.AddBar(colSums);
            lowerBars.PositionOffset = .5;
            lowerPlot.Plot.Margins(0, 0);


            mainPlot.AxesChanged += MainPlot_AxesChanged;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            int    pointCount = 20;
            Random rand       = new Random(0);

            double[] xs   = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
            double[] ys   = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount);
            double[] xErr = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, .2);
            double[] yErr = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount);

            var sp = plt.AddScatter(xs, ys);

            sp.XError         = xErr;
            sp.YError         = yErr;
            sp.ErrorCapSize   = 3;
            sp.ErrorLineWidth = 1;
            sp.LineStyle      = LineStyle.Dot;
Exemplo n.º 29
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // generate random data to plot
                Random rand       = new Random(0);
                int    pointCount = 10;

                double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
                double[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, 20, 5);

                // let's round the values to simplify display
                ys = Tools.Round(ys, 1);

                // add both bar plot
                plt.PlotBar(xs, ys, showValues: true);

                // customize the plot to make it look nicer
                plt.Grid(enableVertical: false, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);
Exemplo n.º 30
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // create some sample data to represent test scores
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] scores = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 35, 85, 5);

                // create a Population object and plot it
                var pop = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(scores);

                plt.PlotPopulations(pop, "scores");

                // improve the style of the plot
                plt.Title($"Test Scores (mean: {pop.mean:0.00} +/- {pop.stDev:0.00}, n={pop.n})");
                plt.Ticks(displayTicksX: false);
                plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false);