         * A command used to update the verified field. Update should be followed by an select.
         * Has parameters that match PrimaryKeyField and a parameter called '@verified'
         * Example:
         * UPDATE    EDS_CatC
         * SET              verified = @verified
         * WHERE     (CatCkey = @catckey);
         *                 SELECT     *
         *                  FROM         eds_catc
         *                  WHERE     catckey = @catckey;
        protected SqlCommand GetUpdateVerifiedSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (UpdateVerifiedSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(UpdateVerifiedSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                    string _sqlUpdateVerified = "UPDATE " + dec.DatabaseTable + " SET " + dec.VerifiedField + " = @" +
                                                dec.VerifiedField + " WHERE (" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + "); ";

                    _sqlUpdateVerified += "SELECT t.*,  st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlUpdateVerified += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlUpdateVerified += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    _sqlUpdateVerified += " WHERE " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @" + dec.PrimaryKeyField;

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlUpdateVerified, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void FormatSingleEntered(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show Insert, Entry, and Read-only fields.  Only Entry fields should
             * be enabled.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true || c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;
                if (c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Enabled = true;

            // show mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public virtual void FormatCorrectingDoubleEntering(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show Insert, Entry, and Read-only fields.  Only Double-Entry fields with
             * verification errors are enabled.
             * If there were validation errors (FormError == true) then don't show
             * override check boxes.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                c.OverrideCheckBoxVisible = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true || c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;
                if (c.IsDoubleEntryField == true && c.VerifyError == true)
                    c.Enabled = true;
                if (c.IsDoubleEntryField == true && c.VerifyError == true && dec.FormError == false)
                    c.OverrideCheckBoxVisible = true;

            // show mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
         * A select statement using PrimaryKeyField:
         * SELECT     EDS_CatC.*
         * FROM         EDS_CatC
         * WHERE     (CatCkey = @catckey)
        protected SqlCommand GetSelectSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (SelectSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(SelectSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                    string _sqlSelect = "SELECT t.*, st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  ";
                    _sqlSelect += " , uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnGetSubjIDFromIDAndStudymeasID(ID, sm.studymeasID) as subjID ";
                    _sqlSelect += " FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlSelect += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlSelect += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    _sqlSelect += " WHERE  ID in (select ID from uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnSEC_Allowed_TRACKING_IDs_by_User())   AND " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @" + dec.PrimaryKeyField;

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlSelect, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 5
         * Execute sqlCommand.
         * Read values returned by command back into fields.
        protected void DoCommand(DataEntryController dec,
                                 SqlCommand sqlCommand)
            // execute the query
            if (DBConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
            SqlDataReader r = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();


            //loop over fields and fetch values from columns of resultset
            foreach (DataFieldControl dfc in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                dfc.FieldTextBoxText = r[dfc.DatabaseField].ToString();

            // save value of primary key
            dec.PrimaryKeyVal = (int)r[dec.PrimaryKeyField];

            // save studymeasname
            dec.StudyMeasName = r["studymeasname"].ToString();

            // save studymeasid
            dec.StudyMeasID = (int)r["studymeasid"];

            dec.SubjID = (int)r["subjID"];

            // save value of study subject ID string.  It's the value
            // in the field whose name is stored in the LookupField1 controller property.
            dec.StudySubjectIDString = r[dec.LookupField1].ToString();

            // save the value of the indexnum.  If used indexnum is the
            // value in the field whose name is stored in LookupField2
            if (dec.LookupTextBox2Visible)
                dec.StudyMeasureIndexnum = (int)r[dec.LookupField2];

            //if last updated and last scored fields are specified get their values.
            //If the value for either in the table is NULL set to DateTime.MinValue
            //if (dec.LastScoredDateField != string.Empty && dec.LastUpdatedDateField != string.Empty)
            //    if (r[dec.LastUpdatedDateField] != DBNull.Value)
            //        dec.LastUpdatedDate = (DateTime)r[dec.LastUpdatedDateField];
            //    else
            //        dec.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            //    if (r[dec.LastScoredDateField] != DBNull.Value)
            //        dec.LastScoredDate = (DateTime)r[dec.LastScoredDateField];
            //    else
            //        dec.LastScoredDate = DateTime.MinValue;

Exemplo n.º 6
    protected void LoadLayout(string measID)
        //GridSections1.Visible = true;
        panelDEMainBody.Visible = true;


        AutoLayout.LoadFields_for_layout(measID, panelDEMainBody, "Layout", panelDEInsert);         //, popupPanel);

        DataEntryController dec = (DataEntryController)this.FindControlRecursive("DataEntryController1");

        if (dec != null)
            dec.FormState     = FormStates.EDITING_LAYOUT;
            dec.StudyMeasName = ddlMeas.SelectedItem.Text;

            foreach (Control ctl in dec.Controls)
                Debug.Write(ctl.ID + "  " + ctl.GetType().ToString());
        //Grid1.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private SqlConnection GetSqlConnection(DataEntryController dec, string componentName)
            IDesignerHost idh = null;

            idh = (IDesignerHost)dec.Page.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));

            SqlConnection sc = null;

            if (idh != null)
                foreach (Object c in idh.Container.Components)
                    sc = c as SqlConnection;
                    if (sc != null)
                        if (sc.Site.Name == componentName)
                            sc = null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public virtual void FormatDoubleEntered(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show Insert, Entry, and Read-only fields.  Only Entry fields should
             * be enabled.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields)
                // clear any verification errors left
                // over from verification state
                c.VerifyError = false;

                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true || c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;
                if (c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Enabled = true;

            // show mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = true;
        public virtual void DoInsert(DataEntryController dec)
            //trap any exceptions
                //user must select a studymeasure
                if (dec.SelectedNewStudyMeasID == -1)
                    dec.Notifications.Add("Select a study measure.");
                    dec.FormError = true;
                // do basic field validation first
                else if (dec.Validator.ValidateForInsert(dec.InsertDataFields, dec.Notifications) == false)
                    dec.FormError = true;
                    dec.FormError = false;

                    // do insert
                    SqlCommand insertSqlCommand = GetInsertSqlCommand(dec);
                    DoCommand(dec, insertSqlCommand, dec.InsertDataFields, dec.SelectedNewStudyMeasID, Verified.CREATED);

            catch (SqlException sqlEx)
                string sErrMsg = string.Empty;
                if (sqlEx.Number == 2601)
                    // Duplicate key violation
                    sErrMsg = "A measure with the same ID already exists.";
                else if (sqlEx.Number == 2627)
                    // violation of unique index
                    sErrMsg = "A measure with the same ID and indexnum already exists.";
                    sErrMsg = sqlEx.Message;

                //add error to notifications and let controller know
                //an error occured
                dec.Notifications.Add(string.Format("An error occurred: {0}", sErrMsg));
                dec.FormError = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add error to notifications and let controller know
                //an error occured
                dec.Notifications.Add(string.Format("An error occurred: {0}", ex.Message));
                dec.FormError = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
         * Execute sqlCommand after setting primary key as parameter.
         * Read values returned by command back into form fields.
        protected void DoCommand(DataEntryController dec,
                                 SqlCommand sqlCommand,
                                 int primaryKeyVal)
            // set primary key parameter
            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + dec.PrimaryKeyField, primaryKeyVal);

            // execute
            DoCommand(dec, sqlCommand);
Exemplo n.º 11
         * The InsertSqlCommand must contain one parameter for each data entry control
         * with IsInsertField == true.  It also should have a parameter for @verified.
         * It must also follow the insert command with a select command using
         * @@IDENTITY to return the newly inserted row.
         * For Example:
         * INSERT INTO EDS_CatC
         *             (edsid, indexnum, catcdate, catcclin, timepoint, verified)
         * VALUES     (@edsid, @indexnum, @catcdate, @catcclin, @timepoint, @verified);
         *                 SELECT     *
         *                  FROM         eds_catc
         *                  WHERE     catckey = @@IDENTITY;
        protected SqlCommand GetInsertSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (InsertSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(InsertSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty ||
                    dec.SelectedNewStudyMeasID == -1)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable, Study Measure and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                    // build and return sqlInsert SqlCommand object
                    string _sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO " + dec.DatabaseTable + " (";
                    bool   first      = true;
                    foreach (DataFieldControl d in dec.InsertDataFields.Values)
                        _sqlInsert += ((!first)?",":"") + d.DatabaseField;
                        first       = false;

                    _sqlInsert += "," + dec.VerifiedField + ", studymeasid";
                    _sqlInsert += ") VALUES (";

                    first = true;
                    foreach (DataFieldControl d in dec.InsertDataFields.Values)
                        _sqlInsert += ((!first)?",":"") + "@" + d.DatabaseField;
                        first       = false;
                    _sqlInsert += ", @" + dec.VerifiedField + ",@studymeasid";
                    _sqlInsert += ");";

                    _sqlInsert += " SELECT t.*, st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  , uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnGetSubjIDFromIDAndStudymeasID(ID, sm.studymeasID) as subjID  ";
                    _sqlInsert += "  FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlInsert += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlInsert += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    //_sqlInsert += " WHERE " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @@IDENTITY;";
                    _sqlInsert += " WHERE  ID in (select ID from uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnSEC_Allowed_TRACKING_IDs_by_User())   AND " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = scope_identity();";

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlInsert, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 12
         * Execute sqlCommand setting values passed in ArrayList and
         * verified as parameters.
         * Read values returned by command back into fields.
        protected void DoCommand(DataEntryController dec,
                                 SqlCommand sqlCommand,
                                 ArrayList paramFields,
                                 Verified verified)
            // add field parameters
            AddParameters(sqlCommand.Parameters, paramFields);

            // set verified parameter
            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@verified", verified);

            // execute
            DoCommand(dec, sqlCommand);
Exemplo n.º 13
         * Execute sqlCommand setting values passed in ArrayList and
         * verified as parameters.
         * Read values returned by command back into fields.
        protected void DoCommand(DataEntryController dec,
                                 SqlCommand sqlCommand,
                                 Dictionary <string, DataFieldControl> paramFields,
                                 Verified verified)
            // add field parameters
            AddParameters(sqlCommand.Parameters, paramFields);

            // set verified parameter
            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@verified", verified);

            // execute
            DoCommand(dec, sqlCommand);
Exemplo n.º 14
         * The UpdateSqlCommand must contain one parameter for every data entry field
         * with IsEntryField == true. It also should have a parameter for @verified.
         * AND must have an additional parameter that matches
         * the user supplied PrimaryKeyField controller setting.
         * The update SQL must be followed by a select statement that returns the contents of the updated row.
         * In the following example PrimaryKeyField = catckey:
         * UPDATE    EDS_CatC
         * SET              timepoint = @timepoint, catcdate = @catcdate, catcclin = @catcclin, catc01cu = @catc01cu, catc01ev = @catc01ev, catc02cu = @catc02cu,
         *             catc02ev = @catc02ev, catc03cu = @catc03cu, catc03ev = @catc03ev, catc04cu = @catc04cu, catc04ev = @catc04ev, catc05cu = @catc05cu,
         *             catc05ev = @catc05ev, catc06cu = @catc06cu, catc06ev = @catc06ev, catc07cu = @catc07cu, catc07ev = @catc07ev, catc08cu = @catc08cu,
         *             catc08ev = @catc08ev, catc10 = @catc10, catc11 = @catc11, catc12 = @catc12, catc13 = @catc13, catccmt = @catccmt, verified = @verified
         * WHERE     (CatCkey = @CatCkey);
         *                 SELECT     *
         *                  FROM         eds_catc
         *                  WHERE     (CatCkey = @CatCkey);
        protected SqlCommand GetUpdateSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (UpdateSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(UpdateSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                    // make sqlUpdate SqlCommand
                    string _sqlUpdate = "UPDATE " + dec.DatabaseTable + " SET ";
                    bool   first      = true;
                    foreach (DataFieldControl d in dec.EntryDataFields.Values)
                        _sqlUpdate += ((!first)?",":"") + d.DatabaseField + "=@" + d.DatabaseField;
                        first       = false;

                    _sqlUpdate += "," + dec.VerifiedField + "=@" + dec.VerifiedField + " ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " WHERE " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + "=@" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + "; ";

                    //Add sql to call scoring sp after saving, if requested
                    if (dec.ScoreAfterSave)
                        _sqlUpdate += " exec spDEF_ScoreAfterSave '" + dec.DatabaseTable + "', @" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + "; ";

                    //Update the reliability data if studymeasID is a reliability measure
                    _sqlUpdate += " exec spSummarizeReliability_if_Rel_studymeas " + dec.StudyMeasID;

                    _sqlUpdate += " SELECT t.*,  st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname , uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnGetSubjIDFromIDAndStudymeasID(ID, sm.studymeasID) as subjID  FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " WHERE  ID in (select ID from uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnSEC_Allowed_TRACKING_IDs_by_User())   AND " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @" + dec.PrimaryKeyField;

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlUpdate, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public virtual void FormatInserting(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show only controls that are insert fields or are read-only. Insert fields
             * should be enabled.  Read-only fields should be disabled. Clear all fields.
             * Set all fields to default value, if any.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                 * clear field controls if not re-entering
                 * state because of an error. This is needed
                 * to reset all form fields when arriving in the INSERTING
                 * state after a lookup or create new.
                if (dec.FormError == false)
                    c.OverrideCheckBoxChecked = false;
                    c.OverrideCheckBoxVisible = false;
                    c.VerifyError             = false;

                    // initialize insert/read-only fields
                    if (c.IsInsertField == true || c.IsReadOnly == true)
                        c.FieldTextBoxText = c.FieldTextBoxTextDefault;

                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;
                if (c.IsInsertField == true)
                    c.Enabled = true;

            // hide mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 16
         * A select command with parameters corresponding to
         * LookupField1 and optionally LookupField2
         * In this Example LookupField1 = edsid and LookupField2 = indexnum (indexnum is optional):
         * SELECT     EDS_CatC.*
         * FROM         EDS_CatC
         * WHERE     (edsid = @edsid) AND (indexnum = @indexnum OR
         *             @indexnum IS NULL)
        protected SqlCommand GetLookupSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (LookupSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(LookupSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                     * string _sqlLookup = "SELECT t.*, st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                     * _sqlLookup +=  " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                     * _sqlLookup += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                     * _sqlLookup += " WHERE (" + dec.LookupField1 + " = @" + dec.LookupField1 + ") " +
                     *      ((dec.LookupField2 != string.Empty)? " AND (" + dec.LookupField2 + "= @" + dec.LookupField2 +
                     *      " OR @" + dec.LookupField2 + " IS NULL) ":" ");
                     * _sqlLookup += " AND t.studymeasid=@studymeasid ";
                     * _sqlLookup += " AND (" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @pk OR @pk IS NULL) ";

                    string _sqlLookup = "SELECT t.*, st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  ";
                    _sqlLookup += " , uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnGetSubjIDFromIDAndStudymeasID(ID, sm.studymeasID) as subjID ";
                    _sqlLookup += " FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlLookup += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlLookup += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    _sqlLookup += " WHERE  ID in (select ID from uwautism_research_backend.dbo.fnSEC_Allowed_TRACKING_IDs_by_User())   AND  (" + dec.LookupField1 + " = @" + dec.LookupField1 + " OR @" + dec.LookupField1 + " IS NULL) ";
                    _sqlLookup += ((dec.LookupField2 != string.Empty)? " AND (" + dec.LookupField2 + "= @" + dec.LookupField2 +
                                   " OR @" + dec.LookupField2 + " IS NULL) ":" ");
                    _sqlLookup += " AND (t.studymeasid=@studymeasid OR @studymeasid IS NULL) ";
                    _sqlLookup += " AND (" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @pk OR @pk IS NULL) ";

                    //JM to see the SQL string:   throw new Exception(_sqlLookup);

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlLookup, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 17
    protected void btnDuplicate_click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("data");

        DataEntryController dec = (DataEntryController)this.DataEntryController1;
        string tblname          = dec.DatabaseTable;
        var    smID             = dec.StudyMeasID;
        var    pkfld            = dec.PrimaryKeyField;
        int    pkval            = dec.PrimaryKeyVal;
        string id       = dec.StudySubjectIDString;
        int    indexnum = dec.StudyMeasureIndexnum;

        DataTable dtflds = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring("select fldname from def.fld where tblpk = " + Environment.NewLine +
                                                        " (select tblpk from def.tbl where tblname='" + tblname + "') and fldname not in ('" + pkfld + "')");

        int maxindexnum = sql.IntScalar_from_SQLstring("select max(indexnum) from " + tblname + Environment.NewLine +
                                                       " where id = '" + id + "' and studymeasID=" + smID.ToString());
        int nextindexnum = maxindexnum + 1;

        List <string> flds = dtflds.AsEnumerable().Select(f => f.Field <string>("fldname")).ToList();

        string flds_csv = String.Join(",", flds).ToLower();

        string newflds_csv = flds_csv.Replace(",studymeasid,", ",4984 as studymeasid,");

        newflds_csv = newflds_csv.Replace(",indexnum,", "," + nextindexnum.ToString() + " as indexnum,");

        string sqlcode = String.Format("insert into all_currchecklist({0}) " + Environment.NewLine +
                                       " select {1} " + Environment.NewLine +
                                       " from all_currchecklist where ccl_pk={2}"
                                       , flds_csv, newflds_csv, pkval);


        int maxindexnum2 = sql.IntScalar_from_SQLstring("select max(indexnum) from " + tblname + Environment.NewLine +
                                                        " where id = '" + id + "' and studymeasID=" + smID.ToString());

        if (maxindexnum2 > maxindexnum)
            lblNewrec.Text = String.Format("indexnum={0} inserted", maxindexnum2);

Exemplo n.º 18
         * A select command with parameters corresponding to
         * LookupField1 and optionally LookupField2
         * In this Example LookupField1 = edsid and LookupField2 = indexnum (indexnum is optional):
         * SELECT     EDS_CatC.*
         * FROM         EDS_CatC
         * WHERE     (edsid = @edsid) AND (indexnum = @indexnum OR
         *             @indexnum IS NULL)
        protected SqlCommand GetLookupSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (LookupSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(LookupSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                     * string _sqlLookup = "SELECT t.*, st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                     * _sqlLookup +=  " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                     * _sqlLookup += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                     * _sqlLookup += " WHERE (" + dec.LookupField1 + " = @" + dec.LookupField1 + ") " +
                     *      ((dec.LookupField2 != string.Empty)? " AND (" + dec.LookupField2 + "= @" + dec.LookupField2 +
                     *      " OR @" + dec.LookupField2 + " IS NULL) ":" ");
                     * _sqlLookup += " AND t.studymeasid=@studymeasid ";
                     * _sqlLookup += " AND (" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @pk OR @pk IS NULL) ";

                    string _sqlLookup = "SELECT t.*, st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname  FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlLookup += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlLookup += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    _sqlLookup += " WHERE (" + dec.LookupField1 + " = @" + dec.LookupField1 + " OR @" + dec.LookupField1 + " IS NULL) ";
                    _sqlLookup += ((dec.LookupField2 != string.Empty)? " AND (" + dec.LookupField2 + "= @" + dec.LookupField2 +
                                   " OR @" + dec.LookupField2 + " IS NULL) ":" ");
                    _sqlLookup += " AND (t.studymeasid=@studymeasid OR @studymeasid IS NULL) ";
                    _sqlLookup += " AND (" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @pk OR @pk IS NULL) ";

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlLookup, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 19
    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataEntryController dec = (DataEntryController)this.DataEntryController1;
        int smID = dec.StudyMeasID;

        btnDuplicate.Visible = (smID == 4984) ? true : false;

        if (Request.QueryString["pk"] != null)
            SQL_utils sql     = new SQL_utils("data");
            int       db_smID = sql.IntScalar_from_SQLstring("select studymeasID from all_currchecklist where ccl_pk = " + Request.QueryString["pk"]);

            if (db_smID == 4984)
                btnDuplicate.Visible = true;
        private void GetFields(DataEntryController dec)
            IDesignerHost idh = null;

            idh = (IDesignerHost)dec.Page.Site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));

            if (idh != null)
                DataFieldControl dfc = null;
                foreach (Object c in idh.Container.Components)
                    dfc = c as DataFieldControl;

                    if (dfc != null)
                        _fields.Add(new DataFieldColumn(dfc));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override bool EditComponent(ITypeDescriptorContext context,
                                           object component,
                                           IWin32Window owner)
            DataEntryController dec = component as DataEntryController;

            if (dec == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Component must be a DataEntryController object", "component");

            bool changed = false;

            //throw an exception if all required designer properties aren't set before showing designer
            // HACK: really should have a way to set these in the designer, but I'll do that later
            //throw an error if any required controller property ismissing
            if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                throw new Exception("The controller is missing some required properties: PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable, and LookupField1 are required.");

            SqlConnection conn = GetSqlConnection(dec, Settings.SQL_CONNECTION_COMPONENTNAME);

            if (conn == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Add a SqlConnection component to the form called {0}.", Settings.SQL_CONNECTION_COMPONENTNAME));

            //DataEntryControllerComponentEditorForm form = new DataEntryControllerComponentEditorForm(dec, _cd);
            DataEntryControllerComponentEditorForm form = new DataEntryControllerComponentEditorForm(dec);

            if (form.ShowDialog(owner) == DialogResult.OK)
                changed = true;

        public DataEntryControllerFieldEditorForm(DataEntryController dec)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // wire up tab index reorder button handlers
            this.btnFirst.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnReorder_Click);
            this.btnUp.Click    += new System.EventHandler(this.btnReorder_Click);
            this.btnDown.Click  += new System.EventHandler(this.btnReorder_Click);
            this.btnLast.Click  += new System.EventHandler(this.btnReorder_Click);

            _dec = dec;


Exemplo n.º 23
        public virtual void FormatEntering(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show Insert, Entry, and Read-only fields.  Only Entry fields should
             * be enabled.
             * Initialize fields with default values if not entering as result of error.
             * Only initialize fields that are entry fields.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true || c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;
                if (c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Enabled = true;

                if (dec.FormError == false)
                    // initialize entry fields, leave fields that are also insert fields alone
                    if (c.IsEntryField == true && c.IsInsertField == false)
                        c.FieldTextBoxText = c.FieldTextBoxTextDefault;

            // show mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public virtual void DoNoData(DataEntryController dec)
                if (dec.Validator.ValidateForNoData(dec.AllDataFields, dec.Notifications) == false)
                    dec.FormError = true;
                    dec.FormError = false;

                    SqlCommand updateVerifiedSqlCommand = GetUpdateVerifiedSqlCommand(dec);
                    DoCommand(dec, updateVerifiedSqlCommand, Verified.NO_DATA, dec.PrimaryKeyVal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                dec.FormError = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public virtual void FormatNoData(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show only controls that are insert fields or are read-only. All fields
             * are disabled.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;

            // show mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 26
         * The UpdateSqlCommand must contain one parameter for every data entry field
         * with IsEntryField == true. It also should have a parameter for @verified.
         * AND must have an additional parameter that matches
         * the user supplied PrimaryKeyField controller setting.
         * The update SQL must be followed by a select statement that returns the contents of the updated row.
         * In the following example PrimaryKeyField = catckey:
         * UPDATE    EDS_CatC
         * SET              timepoint = @timepoint, catcdate = @catcdate, catcclin = @catcclin, catc01cu = @catc01cu, catc01ev = @catc01ev, catc02cu = @catc02cu,
         *             catc02ev = @catc02ev, catc03cu = @catc03cu, catc03ev = @catc03ev, catc04cu = @catc04cu, catc04ev = @catc04ev, catc05cu = @catc05cu,
         *             catc05ev = @catc05ev, catc06cu = @catc06cu, catc06ev = @catc06ev, catc07cu = @catc07cu, catc07ev = @catc07ev, catc08cu = @catc08cu,
         *             catc08ev = @catc08ev, catc10 = @catc10, catc11 = @catc11, catc12 = @catc12, catc13 = @catc13, catccmt = @catccmt, verified = @verified
         * WHERE     (CatCkey = @CatCkey);
         *                 SELECT     *
         *                  FROM         eds_catc
         *                  WHERE     (CatCkey = @CatCkey);
        protected SqlCommand GetUpdateSqlCommand(DataEntryController dec)
            if (UpdateSqlCommandText != string.Empty)
                return(new SqlCommand(UpdateSqlCommandText, DBConnection));
                //throw error if any required inputs are missing
                if (dec.PrimaryKeyField == string.Empty || dec.VerifiedField == string.Empty ||
                    dec.DatabaseTable == string.Empty || dec.LookupField1 == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("PrimaryKeyField, VerifiedField, DatabaseTable and at least LookupField1 controller properties are required.");

                    // make sqlUpdate SqlCommand
                    string _sqlUpdate = "UPDATE " + dec.DatabaseTable + " SET ";
                    bool   first      = true;
                    foreach (DataFieldControl d in dec.EntryDataFields)
                        _sqlUpdate += ((!first)?",":"") + d.DatabaseField + "=@" + d.DatabaseField;
                        first       = false;

                    _sqlUpdate += "," + dec.VerifiedField + "=@" + dec.VerifiedField + " ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " WHERE " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + "=@" + dec.PrimaryKeyField + "; ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " SELECT t.*,  st.studyname + ': ' + sm.studymeasname as studymeasname FROM " + dec.DatabaseTable + " t join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudymeas sm ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " on t.studymeasid=sm.studymeasid ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " join uwautism_research_backend..tblstudy st on st.studyid=sm.studyid ";
                    _sqlUpdate += " WHERE " + dec.PrimaryKeyField + " = @" + dec.PrimaryKeyField;

                    return(new SqlCommand(_sqlUpdate, DBConnection));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public virtual void DoVerify(DataEntryController dec)
                if (dec.Validator.ValidateForVerify(dec.DoubleEntryDataFields, dec.Notifications) == false)
                    dec.FormError = true;
                    dec.FormError = false;

                    // setup sqlcommand for call to Validator.Verify
                    SqlCommand selectSqlCommand = GetSelectSqlCommand(dec);
                    selectSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + dec.PrimaryKeyField, dec.PrimaryKeyVal);

                    if (dec.Validator.Verify(selectSqlCommand, dec.DoubleEntryDataFields, dec.Notifications) == false)
                    {                           // There were verification errors
                        dec.VerifyError = true;
                        // No verification errors
                        dec.VerifyError = false;

                        SqlCommand updateVerifiedSqlCommand = GetUpdateVerifiedSqlCommand(dec);
                        DoCommand(dec, updateVerifiedSqlCommand, Verified.DOUBLE_ENTERED, dec.PrimaryKeyVal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                dec.FormError = true;
                dec.Notifications.Add(string.Format("Unexpected error in DoVerify() event handler: {0}", ex.Message));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public virtual void DoSaveDoubleEntered(DataEntryController dec)
            // trap any exceptions
                if (dec.Validator.ValidateForSaveDoubleEntered(dec.EntryDataFields, dec.Notifications) == false)
                    dec.FormError = true;
                    dec.FormError = false;

                    // do update
                    SqlCommand updateSqlCommand = GetUpdateSqlCommand(dec);
                    DoCommand(dec, updateSqlCommand, dec.EntryDataFields, Verified.DOUBLE_ENTERED, dec.PrimaryKeyVal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                dec.Notifications.Add(string.Format("Unexpected error in DoSaveDoubleEntered() event handler: {0}", ex.Message));
                dec.FormError = true;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public DataEntryControllerComponentEditorFormX(DataEntryController component, System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner designer)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

//			_dec = component;
//			_designer = designer;
//			label1.Text = "Editing: " + _dec.ID.ToString();
//			textBox1.Text = _dec.PrimaryKeyField;

            txtConnectString.Text = "packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=\"autism-SQL\";persist security info=False;initial catalog=uwautism_research_data";
            txtSqlTable.Text      = "edst3_ppvt";

            //wireup check box event handler
            chkIsInsertField.CheckedChanged         += new EventHandler(this.FieldTypeCheckedHandler);
            chkIsInsertValueRequired.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.FieldTypeCheckedHandler);
            chkIsEntryField.CheckedChanged          += new EventHandler(this.FieldTypeCheckedHandler);
            chkIsEntryValueRequired.CheckedChanged  += new EventHandler(this.FieldTypeCheckedHandler);
            chkIsReadOnly.CheckedChanged            += new EventHandler(this.FieldTypeCheckedHandler);
            chkIsDoubleEntryField.CheckedChanged    += new EventHandler(this.FieldTypeCheckedHandler);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public virtual void FormatDoubleEntering(DataEntryController dec)
             * Show Insert, Entry, and Read-only fields.  Only Double-Entry fields should
             * be enabled.
             * Double-Entry fields must be a subset of entry fields. Clear any
             * existing contents of double entry fields  (or set them to default if any)
             * unless re-entering state because of an error.
            foreach (DataFieldControl c in dec.AllDataFields.Values)
                c.Visible = false;
                c.Enabled = false;
                if (c.IsReadOnly == true || c.IsInsertField == true || c.IsEntryField == true)
                    c.Visible = true;
                if (c.IsDoubleEntryField == true)
                    c.Enabled = true;
                    if (dec.FormError == false)
                        c.FieldTextBoxText = string.Empty;
                        c.FieldTextBoxText = c.FieldTextBoxTextDefault;

            // show mainPanel, if it exists
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel mainPanel = dec.Parent.FindControl("mainPanel") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel;
            if (mainPanel != null)
                mainPanel.Visible = true;