Exemplo n.º 1
            internal bool ReadFullFile(out DataBlockCollection blocks)
                if (IsDisposed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                blocks = new DataBlockCollection();

                if (!File.Exists(archive.FilePath))

                if (!headerLoaded)
                    if (!loadHeader())
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Header is missing from file.");

                    //blocks = new DataBlockCollection();
                    readAllBlocks(ref blocks);
                catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the <see cref="EEDID"/> given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance"><see cref="EEDID"/> instance to parse.</param>
        public void Parse(EEDID instance)
            // Prints raw data.
            ParserHelper.PrintsRawData(Logger, instance.GetRawData());

            // Prints blocks.
            int index = 0;
            DataBlockCollection blocks = instance.Blocks;

            foreach (DataBlock block in blocks)
                ParserHelper.PrintsBlock(Logger, block, index);
Exemplo n.º 3
            private void readAllBlocks(ref DataBlockCollection blocks)
                int position;
                int length;

                byte[] data;

                foreach (string fileName in header.HeaderOrder.Values)
                    header.TryGet(fileName, out position, out length);
                    //readBlock(position, length, out data);
                    readRawBlock(position, length, out data);
                    blocks.Append(fileName, data);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the <see cref="EEDID"/> given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance"><see cref="EEDID"/> instance to parse.</param>
        public void Parse(EEDID instance)
            // Instance raw data.
            ReadOnlyCollection <byte> rawData = instance.GetRawData();

            // Prints raw data.
            ParserHelper.PrintsRawData(Logger, rawData);

            // Prints blocks.
            DataBlockCollection blocks = instance.Blocks;

            foreach (DataBlock block in blocks)
                ParserHelper.PrintsBlock(Logger, block);
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            EEDID[] instances = EEDID.Instance;
            foreach (var instance in instances)
                //EEDID instance = EEDID.Parse(MacBookPro2018.IntegratedLaptopPanelEdidTable3);

                Console.WriteLine(@" Implemented Blocks");
                Console.WriteLine(@" ══════════════════");

                DataBlockCollection blocks = instance.Blocks;
                foreach (KnownDataBlock block in blocks.ImplementedBlocks)
                    Console.WriteLine($@" │ {block}");

                foreach (DataBlock block in blocks)
                    var blockLiteral = $@"{block.Key} Block";

                    Console.WriteLine($@" {blockLiteral}");
                    Console.WriteLine($@" {new string('═', blockLiteral.Length)}");

                    Console.WriteLine(@" Implemented Sections");
                    Console.WriteLine(@" ┌───────────────────");
                    var implSections = instance.Blocks[block.Key].Sections.ImplementedSections;
                    foreach (Enum section in implSections)
                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ {GetFriendlyName(section)}");

                    Console.WriteLine(@" Sections");
                    Console.WriteLine(@" ┌───────");
                    BaseDataSectionCollection sections = block.Sections;
                    foreach (DataSection section in sections)
                        var sectionLiteral = $"{GetFriendlyName(section.Key) } Section";

                        Console.WriteLine($@" │");
                        Console.WriteLine($@" ├ {sectionLiteral}");
                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ ┌{new string('─', sectionLiteral.Length - 1)}");

                        IEnumerable <IPropertyKey> properties = section.ImplementedProperties;
                        foreach (IPropertyKey property in properties)
                            string       friendlyName = property.GetPropertyName();
                            PropertyUnit valueUnit    = property.PropertyUnit;
                            string       unit         = valueUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : valueUnit.ToString();

                            QueryPropertyResult queryResult  = section.GetProperty(property);
                            PropertyItem        propertyItem = queryResult.Value;
                            object value = propertyItem.Value;
                            if (value == null)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: NULL");

                            if (value is string)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                            else if (value is bool)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                            else if (value is double)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                            else if (value is byte)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X2}h]");
                            else if (value is short)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is ushort)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is int)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is uint)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is long)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X8}h]");
                            else if (value is ulong)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X8}h]");
                            else if (value is PointF)
                                var pointLiteral = $"{ friendlyName }";
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {pointLiteral}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', pointLiteral.Length - 1)}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ X: {((PointF)value).X}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ Y: {((PointF)value).Y}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │");
                            else if (value is StandardTimingIdentifierDescriptorItem)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {(StandardTimingIdentifierDescriptorItem)value}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <byte>))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {string.Join(", ", (ReadOnlyCollection<byte>)value)}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                                var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)value;
                                foreach (string item in items)
                                    Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {item}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <MonitorResolutionInfo>))
                                var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <MonitorResolutionInfo>)value;
                                foreach (MonitorResolutionInfo item in items)
                                    Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {item}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(SectionPropertiesTable))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                                var dataBlockProperties = (SectionPropertiesTable)value;
                                foreach (PropertyItem dataBlockProperty in dataBlockProperties)
                                    IPropertyKey dataBlockPropertyKey  = (PropertyKey)dataBlockProperty.Key;
                                    string       dataBlockPropertyName = dataBlockPropertyKey.GetPropertyName();

                                    PropertyUnit dataBlockPropertyUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit;
                                    string       dataUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : dataBlockPropertyUnit.ToString();

                                    object dataBlockPropertyValue = dataBlockProperty.Value;
                                    if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <byte>))
                                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {string.Join(" ", (ReadOnlyCollection<byte>)dataBlockPropertyValue)}");
                                    else if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                        var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)dataBlockPropertyValue;
                                        foreach (string item in items)
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {item}");
                                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {dataBlockPropertyValue} {dataUnit}");

                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(List <SectionPropertiesTable>))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                                var sectionPropertiesCollection = (List <SectionPropertiesTable>)value;
                                foreach (SectionPropertiesTable sectionProperty in sectionPropertiesCollection)
                                    foreach (PropertyItem dataBlockProperty in sectionProperty)
                                        IPropertyKey dataBlockPropertyKey  = (PropertyKey)dataBlockProperty.Key;
                                        string       dataBlockPropertyName = dataBlockPropertyKey.GetPropertyName();

                                        PropertyUnit dataBlockPropertyUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit;
                                        string       dataUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : dataBlockPropertyUnit.ToString();

                                        object dataBlockPropertyValue = dataBlockProperty.Value;
                                        if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}");
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ ┌{new string('─', dataBlockPropertyName.Length - 1)}");
                                            var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)dataBlockPropertyValue;
                                            foreach (string item in items)
                                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ │ {item}");
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {dataBlockPropertyValue} {dataUnit}");

                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName} > {value}{unit}");


            Console.WriteLine(@" > Gets A Single Property Directly From Parsed EDID Data");
            EEDID     parsed    = EEDID.Parse(MacBookPro2018.IntegratedLaptopPanelEdidTable);
            DataBlock edidBlock = parsed.Blocks[KnownDataBlock.EDID];
            BaseDataSectionCollection edidSections  = edidBlock.Sections;
            DataSection         basicDisplaySection = edidSections[(int)KnownEdidSection.BasicDisplay];
            QueryPropertyResult gammaResult         = basicDisplaySection.GetProperty(EedidProperty.Edid.BasicDisplay.Gamma);

            if (gammaResult.Success)
                Console.WriteLine($@"   > Gamma > {gammaResult.Value.Value}");

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the <see cref="EEDID"/> given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance"><see cref="EEDID"/> instance to parse.</param>
        public void Parse(EEDID instance)
            Logger.Info(@" Implemented Blocks");
            Logger.Info(@" ══════════════════");

            DataBlockCollection blocks = instance.Blocks;

            foreach (KnownDataBlock block in blocks.ImplementedBlocks)
                Logger.Info($@" │ {block}");

            foreach (DataBlock block in blocks)
                var blockLiteral = $@"{block.Key} Block";

                Logger.Info($@" {blockLiteral}");
                Logger.Info($@" {new string('═', blockLiteral.Length)}");

                Logger.Info(@" Implemented Sections");
                Logger.Info(@" ┌───────────────────");
                var implSections = instance.Blocks[block.Key].Sections.ImplementedSections;
                foreach (Enum section in implSections)
                    Logger.Info($@" │ {section.AsFriendlyName()}");

                Logger.Info(@" Sections");
                Logger.Info(@" ┌───────");
                BaseDataSectionCollection sections = block.Sections;
                foreach (DataSection section in sections)
                    var sectionLiteral = $"{section.Key.AsFriendlyName()} Section";

                    Logger.Info($@" │");
                    Logger.Info($@" ├ {sectionLiteral}");
                    Logger.Info($@" │ ┌{new string('─', sectionLiteral.Length - 1)}");

                    IEnumerable <IPropertyKey> properties = section.ImplementedProperties;
                    foreach (IPropertyKey property in properties)
                        string       friendlyName = property.GetPropertyName();
                        PropertyUnit valueUnit    = property.PropertyUnit;
                        string       unit         = valueUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : valueUnit.ToString();

                        QueryPropertyResult queryResult  = section.GetProperty(property);
                        PropertyItem        propertyItem = queryResult.Result;
                        object value = propertyItem.Value;
                        if (value == null)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: NULL");

                        if (value is string)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                        else if (value is bool)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                        else if (value is double)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                        else if (value is byte)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X2}h]");
                        else if (value is short)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                        else if (value is ushort)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                        else if (value is int)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                        else if (value is uint)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                        else if (value is long)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X8}h]");
                        else if (value is ulong)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X8}h]");
                        else if (value is PointF)
                            var pointLiteral = $"{ friendlyName }";
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {pointLiteral}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', pointLiteral.Length - 1)}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ X: {((PointF)value).X}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ Y: {((PointF)value).Y}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │");
                        else if (value is StandardTimingIdentifierDescriptorItem)
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {(StandardTimingIdentifierDescriptorItem)value}");
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <byte>))
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {string.Join(", ", (ReadOnlyCollection<byte>)value)}");
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                            var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)value;
                            foreach (string item in items)
                                Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ {item}");
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <MonitorResolutionInfo>))
                            var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <MonitorResolutionInfo>)value;
                            foreach (MonitorResolutionInfo item in items)
                                Logger.Info($@" │ │ {item}");
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(SectionPropertiesTable))
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                            var dataBlockProperties = (SectionPropertiesTable)value;
                            foreach (PropertyItem dataBlockProperty in dataBlockProperties)
                                IPropertyKey dataBlockPropertyKey  = (PropertyKey)dataBlockProperty.Key;
                                string       dataBlockPropertyName = dataBlockPropertyKey.GetPropertyName();

                                PropertyUnit dataBlockPropertyUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit;
                                string       dataUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : dataBlockPropertyUnit.ToString();

                                object dataBlockPropertyValue = dataBlockProperty.Value;
                                if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <byte>))
                                    Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {string.Join(" ", (ReadOnlyCollection<byte>)dataBlockPropertyValue)}");
                                else if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                    var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)dataBlockPropertyValue;
                                    foreach (string item in items)
                                        Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ {item}");
                                    Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {dataBlockPropertyValue} {dataUnit}");

                            Logger.Info($@" │ │");
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(List <SectionPropertiesTable>))
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                            var sectionPropertiesCollection = (List <SectionPropertiesTable>)value;
                            foreach (SectionPropertiesTable sectionProperty in sectionPropertiesCollection)
                                foreach (PropertyItem dataBlockProperty in sectionProperty)
                                    IPropertyKey dataBlockPropertyKey  = (PropertyKey)dataBlockProperty.Key;
                                    string       dataBlockPropertyName = dataBlockPropertyKey.GetPropertyName();

                                    PropertyUnit dataBlockPropertyUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit;
                                    string       dataUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : dataBlockPropertyUnit.ToString();

                                    object dataBlockPropertyValue = dataBlockProperty.Value;
                                    if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                        Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}");
                                        Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ ┌{new string('─', dataBlockPropertyName.Length - 1)}");
                                        var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)dataBlockPropertyValue;
                                        foreach (string item in items)
                                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ │ {item}");
                                        Logger.Info($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {dataBlockPropertyValue} {dataUnit}");

                            Logger.Info($@" │ │");
                            Logger.Info($@" │ │ {friendlyName} > {value}{unit}");