Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Change the information based on the URL information
    /// </summary>
    public override void changeURL()
        int parseable;
        if (url.Contains("="))
            profileId = Request.QueryString["profile"];

        service = new MatchyService();
        if (Int32.TryParse(profileId, out parseable))
                CvMapping mapping = new CvMapping();
                Cv = mapping.mapFromService(service.GetCv(Convert.ToInt32(profileId))[0]);
                Session["CvObject"] = Cv;
                User newUser = (User)Session["UserObjectOwn"];
                user.UserCv = Cv;
                newUser = (User)Session["UserObjectOwn"];
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if all the fields were Valid and sends it to the service to add the user if valid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void Reg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsGroupValid(regButton.ValidationGroup))
            UserMapping mapping = new UserMapping();
            User userRegister = new User();
            UserCv cv = null;
            UserCompany company = null;
            userRegister.Email = regMail.Text;
            userRegister.Pass = regPassword.Text;
            userRegister.BirthDay = YearTemp.Text + "-" + MonthTemp.Text + "-" + DayTemp.Text;

            if (cv_companyRadio.SelectedValue.Equals("Particulier"))
                cv = new UserCv();
                cv.Name = regFN.Text + " " + regLN.Text;
                cv.Age = Convert.ToInt32(cvAgeDropDown.SelectedValue);
                cv.City = cvCity.Text;
                cv.Email = userRegister.Email;
                cv.Province = cvProvince.Text;
                cv.Sex = (cvSexOption.SelectedValue).Substring(0, 1);
                cv.Personal = cvPersonal.Text;
                cv.Interests = cvInterests.Text;

                Education educationLevel = new Education();
                educationLevel.EducationId = Convert.ToInt32(cvEducationDropDown.SelectedValue);
                cv.EducationLevel = educationLevel;
                cv.EducationHistory = cvEducation.Text;

                cv.Hours = cvWorkTime.SelectedValue;
                cv.Profession = cvProfession.Text;
                cv.Discipline = cvDiscipline.Text;
                cv.JobRequirements = cvJobRequirements.Text;
                cv.WorkExperience = cvWorkExperience.Text;

                cv.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                Source source = new Source();
                source.Description = "Geregistreerd";
                cv.Source = source;

                userRegister.UserCv = cv;
            else if (cv_companyRadio.SelectedValue.Equals("Bedrijf"))
                company = new UserCompany();

                company.CompanyName = companyName.Text;
                company.CompanyCity = companyCity.Text;
                company.CompanyEmail = companyEmail.Text;
                company.CompanyTel = companyPhone.Text;
                company.CompanyDescription = companyDescription.Text;

                company.CompanyDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                userRegister.UserCompany = company;
                int returnType = service.AddUser(mapping.mapToService(userRegister));

                if (returnType == 0)
                    errorMessage.InnerHtml = "<span>De gebruiker kon niet aangemaakt worden probeer het later nog een keer</span>";
                else if (returnType == 1)
                    errorMessage.InnerHtml = "<span>De gebruiker bestaat al</span>";
                    regMail.Style["border"] = "1px solid red";
            catch (System.Net.WebException)
                errorMessage.InnerHtml = "<span>Er kon geen verbinding gemaakt worden met de webservice<br />Probeer het later nog eens</span>";
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Makes an search to the backend based on the information that is filled
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Search searchObject = new Search();
        SearchMapping searchMapping = new SearchMapping();
        searchObject = getSearchValues();
        service = new MatchyService();

        if (userOwn.UserCv.CvID != 0)
            JobMapping jobMapping = new JobMapping();
            MatchyBackend.Job[] searchEmployee = service.SearchByEmployee(searchMapping.MapToService(searchObject));
            searchJobs = new Job[searchEmployee.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < searchEmployee.Length; i++)
                searchJobs[i] = jobMapping.mapFromService(searchEmployee[i]);

            Session["SearchList"] = searchJobs;

        else if (userOwn.UserCompany.CompanyID != 0)
            CvMapping cvMapping = new CvMapping();
            MatchyBackend.Cv[] searchCompany = service.SearchByCompany(searchMapping.MapToService(searchObject));
            searchCvs = new Cv[searchCompany.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < searchCompany.Length; i++)
                searchCvs[i] = cvMapping.mapFromService(searchCompany[i]);

            Session["SearchList"] = searchCvs;