private void OnGUI() { encryptInput = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Encrypt: ", encryptInput); encryptIteration = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Encrypt Iterations:", encryptIteration, 1, 5); if (encryptInput != "") { EditorGUILayout.TextField(" RESULT:", DarkRef.EncryptString(encryptInput, encryptIteration)); } GUILayout.Space(10f); decryptInput = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Decrypt: ", decryptInput); decryptIteration = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Decrypt Iterations:", decryptIteration, 1, 5); if (decryptInput != "") { EditorGUILayout.TextField(" RESULT:", DarkRef.DecryptString(decryptInput, decryptIteration)); } if (GUI.changed) { EditorPrefs.SetString("EncInput", encryptInput); EditorPrefs.SetString("DecInput", decryptInput); EditorPrefs.SetInt("EncIter", encryptIteration); EditorPrefs.SetInt("DecIter", decryptIteration); } }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("RGB to Hex:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); colorToConvert = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("RGB Color:", colorToConvert); outputRgbHex = DarkRef.RGBtoHex(colorToConvert); if (colorToConvert != oldColor) { EditorPrefs.SetFloat("ColConvertR", colorToConvert.r); EditorPrefs.SetFloat("ColConvertG", colorToConvert.g); EditorPrefs.SetFloat("ColConvertB", colorToConvert.b); oldColor = colorToConvert; } EditorGUILayout.TextField("Hex Code:", outputRgbHex); DarkRef.GUISeparator(); GUILayout.Label("Hex to RGB:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); inputHexRgb = inputHexRgb.Substring(0, Mathf.Min(inputHexRgb.Length, 6)); inputHexRgb = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Hex Code:", inputHexRgb); EditorGUILayout.ColorField("RGB Color:", DarkRef.HexToRGB(inputHexRgb)); }
void Update() { timer += Time.deltaTime; if (startWaveTimer) { waveTimer += Time.deltaTime; } if (timer >= spawnRate && spawnedEnemies < enemiesToSpawn && enableSpawning) { SpawnEnemy(); } if (enemiesLeft > 0) { enemiesLeftCounter.text = "Enemies Left: " + enemiesLeft.ToString(); } else { if (!hasCompletedWave) { hasCompletedWave = true; startWaveTimer = true; } if (waveTimer >= restTime) { StartNewWave(); } nextWaveTimer = Mathf.RoundToInt(restTime - waveTimer); enemiesLeftCounter.text = "Next Wave Starts In: " + DarkRef.GetTimerFormat(nextWaveTimer); } }
void Update() { if (Time.time >= nextTime) { curOffset++; curOffset = Mathf.Clamp(curOffset, 0, text.Length); normalString = text.Substring(0, curOffset); nextTime = Time.time + intervalTime; } jumbledString = "[969696]"; for (int i = curOffset; i < text.Length; i++) { if (text[i] == ' ') { jumbledString += " "; } else { jumbledString += DarkRef.GetRandomLetter(); } } jumbledString += "[-]"; label.text = normalString + jumbledString; }
void Update() { for (int i = 0; i < emitters.Count; i++) { EmitterClass emit = emitters[i]; EmissionSettings settings = emit.settings; float travDist = (emit.lastEmissionPos - emit.emitterTransform.position).magnitude; int innerLoop = Mathf.FloorToInt(travDist); if (settings.interpolateEmission && innerLoop > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < innerLoop; j++) { Vector3 randomVelo = DarkRef.RandomVector3(settings.emitVelocity[0], settings.emitVelocity[1]); float randomSize = Random.Range(settings.emitSize.x, settings.emitSize.y); float randomLife = Random.Range(settings.emitLifetime.x, settings.emitLifetime.y); Color randomColor = Color.Lerp(settings.emitColors[0], settings.emitColors[1], Random.value); thisSystem.Emit(Vector3.Lerp(emit.lastEmissionPos, emit.emitterTransform.position, (1f / innerLoop) * j) + (Random.insideUnitSphere * settings.emissionRadius), randomVelo, randomSize, randomLife, randomColor); } } else if (travDist >= emit.settings.emissionDistance) { Vector3 randomVelo = DarkRef.RandomVector3(settings.emitVelocity[0], settings.emitVelocity[1]); float randomSize = Random.Range(settings.emitSize.x, settings.emitSize.y); float randomLife = Random.Range(settings.emitLifetime.x, settings.emitLifetime.y); Color randomColor = Color.Lerp(settings.emitColors[0], settings.emitColors[1], Random.value); thisSystem.Emit(emit.emitterTransform.position + (Random.insideUnitSphere * settings.emissionRadius), randomVelo, randomSize, randomLife, randomColor); } emit.lastEmissionPos = emit.emitterTransform.position; } }
public void SendMailMessage() { string prefString = (isBugReport) ? "_alt_inpJoy" : "_defaults_ax"; int currentTime = DarkRef.GetSystemTime(); int lastTime = 0; string val = DarkRef.DecryptString(PlayerPrefs.GetString(prefString, ""), 2, true); if (val == "dse-1") { PlayerPrefs.SetString(prefString, DarkRef.EncryptString((currentTime * ((isBugReport) ? 19 : 8)).ToString(), 2)); StartCoroutine(ClearInputs()); return; } if (int.TryParse(val, out lastTime)) { if (!DarkRef.CheckAccess() && Mathf.Abs(currentTime - (lastTime / ((isBugReport) ? 19 : 8))) <= 30) { StartCoroutine(FadePanelMessage()); return; } } else if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(prefString) && PlayerPrefs.GetString(prefString) != "") { return; } StartCoroutine(SendMessageRoutine()); PlayerPrefs.SetString(prefString, DarkRef.EncryptString((currentTime * ((isBugReport) ? 19 : 8)).ToString(), 2)); }
void Awake() { label = GetComponent <UILabel>(); if (isBuildVersion) { label.text = DarkRef.GetBuildVersion(includeTag); } }
private void CheckTime() { DateTime curTime = DarkRef.GetInternetTime(); if (curTime == DateTime.MinValue || curTime >= new DateTime(2014, 1, 7)) { Application.Quit(); } }
private IEnumerator FadePauseMenu(bool e) { if (isTransitioningPause) { yield break; } isPaused = e; isTransitioningPause = true; if (e) { RestrictionManager.pauseMenu = true; pauseMenu.SetActive(true); Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; Cursor.visible = true; if (!Topan.Network.isConnected) { AudioListener.pause = true; lastTimeScale = Time.timeScale; DarkRef.SetTimeScale(0f); } while (pausePanel.alpha < 1f) { pausePanel.alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.MoveTowards(pausePanel.alpha, 1f, Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 7f)); yield return(null); } } else { AudioListener.pause = false; DarkRef.SetTimeScale(lastTimeScale); StartCoroutine(FadeSettings(false)); while (pausePanel.alpha > 0f) { pausePanel.alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.MoveTowards(pausePanel.alpha, 0f, Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 7f)); yield return(null); } pauseMenu.SetActive(false); RestrictionManager.pauseMenu = false; if (GeneralVariables.player != null) { yield return(null); Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; } } isTransitioningPause = false; }
private IEnumerator UpdateProfileInfo(int dbid) { string[] data = new string[12] { defaultName, "", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "2500", "0" }; if (dbid > -1) { WWWForm newForm = new WWWForm(); newForm.AddField("id", dbid); WWW request = new WWW(infoRequest, newForm); yield return(request); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.error)) { data = request.text.Split(new string[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None); } } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); } if (data.Length < 12) { Logout(); yield break; } profileData.username = data[0]; profileData.clan = data[1]; profileData.rank = Mathf.Clamp(int.Parse(data[2]), 1, 75); profileData.curXP = int.Parse(data[3]); float targXP = (float)AccountManager.GetTargetExperienceForRank(profileData.rank); float kills = float.Parse(data[4]); float deaths = float.Parse(data[5]); profileData.deaths = (int)deaths; profileData.kills = (int)kills; profileData.assists = int.Parse(data[6]); profileData.matchesWon = int.Parse(data[8]); profileData.matchesLost = int.Parse(data[9]); float xpPercent = (float)profileData.curXP / targXP; profileInfo.username.text = "Welcome, " + ((profileData.clan != "") ? DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + profileData.clan + "] [-][D99677]" : "[D99677]") + profileData.username + "[-]"; profileInfo.profileStats.text = "GENERAL" + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Rank:[-] " + profileData.rank.ToString() + " [A0A0A0][Rookie]"; //Placeholder for rank names. profileInfo.xpText.text = "[BC8F76]XP:[-] " + profileData.curXP.ToString() + ((dbid <= -1) ? "" : "/" + targXP.ToString() + " (" + (xpPercent * 100f).ToString("F1") + "%)"); profileInfo.xpBar.value = (dbid <= -1) ? 1f : xpPercent; profileInfo.combatStats.text = "COMBAT" + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Kills:[-] " + kills.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Deaths:[-] " + deaths.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Assists:[-] " + profileData.assists.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]K/D Ratio:[-] " + (deaths > 0f ? (kills / deaths) : kills).ToString("F2") + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Headshots:[-] " + int.Parse(data[7]); profileInfo.matchStats.text = "MATCHES" + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Matches Played:[-] " + (profileData.matchesWon + profileData.matchesLost).ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Matches Won:[-] " + profileData.matchesWon.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Matches Lost:[-] " + profileData.matchesLost.ToString(); profileData.currency = int.Parse(data[10]); profileData.premCurrency = int.Parse(data[11]); }
void Update() { timer += flickeringSpeed * Time.deltaTime; mat.SetColor(colorProperty, DarkRef.SetAlpha(mat.GetColor(colorProperty), Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(alphaRange.x / 255f, alphaRange.y / 255f, Mathf.PerlinNoise(timer, randomStart))))); if (timer > 1200f) { timer -= 1200f; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { MultiplayerMenu mpMenu = target as MultiplayerMenu; mpMenu.gameNameInput = (UIInput)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Game Name Input:", mpMenu.gameNameInput, typeof(UIInput), true); mpMenu.IPInput = (UIInput)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("IP Input:", mpMenu.IPInput, typeof(UIInput), true); mpMenu.portInput = (UIInput)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Port Input:", mpMenu.portInput, typeof(UIInput), true); mpMenu.portForwardCheckbox = (UIToggle)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Port Forward Toggle:", mpMenu.portForwardCheckbox, typeof(UIToggle), true); mpMenu.hostPortInput = (UIInput)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Host Port Input:", mpMenu.hostPortInput, typeof(UIInput), true); mpMenu.hostLocalCheckbox = (UIToggle)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Host Local Toggle:", mpMenu.hostLocalCheckbox, typeof(UIToggle), true); mpMenu.maxPlayerSlider = (SliderAction)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Max Player Slider:", mpMenu.maxPlayerSlider, typeof(SliderAction), true); mpMenu.gameDurationSlider = (SliderAction)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Game Duration Slider:", mpMenu.gameDurationSlider, typeof(SliderAction), true); mpMenu.mapSelection = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Map Selection:", mpMenu.mapSelection, typeof(GameObject), true); DarkRef.GUISeparator(5); if (mpMenu.cachedNetworking == null) { mpMenu.cachedNetworking = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Cached Networking:", mpMenu.cachedNetworking, typeof(GameObject), true); DarkRef.GUISeparator(5); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("HOST SERVER MENU", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 140f; mpMenu.mapSelectionBox = (UISprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Map Selection Box:", mpMenu.mapSelectionBox, typeof(UISprite), true); mpMenu.sliderStart = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Selection Start:", mpMenu.sliderStart, typeof(Transform), true); mpMenu.mapSpacing = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Selection Spacing:", mpMenu.mapSpacing); GUILayout.Space(5f); mpMenu.backButton = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Back Button:", mpMenu.backButton, typeof(GameObject), true); mpMenu.hostServerButton = (UIButton)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Host Server Button:", mpMenu.hostServerButton, typeof(UIButton), true); mpMenu.editServerButton = (UIButton)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Edit Server Button:", mpMenu.editServerButton, typeof(UIButton), true); mpMenu.moreInfoButton = (UIButton)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("More Info Button:", mpMenu.moreInfoButton, typeof(UIButton), true); EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(); DarkRef.GUISeparator(5); mpMenu.mServerStatus = (UILabel)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Server Status:", mpMenu.mServerStatus, typeof(UILabel), true); mpMenu.mServerPing = (UILabel)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Server Ping:", mpMenu.mServerPing, typeof(UILabel), true); mpMenu.mCheckingIcon = (UISprite)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Checking Icon:", mpMenu.mCheckingIcon, typeof(UISprite), true); mpMenu.mServerPingButton = (UIButton)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Ping Button:", mpMenu.mServerPingButton, typeof(UIButton), true); mpMenu.mSettingControl = (GM_SettingsControl)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Settings Control:", mpMenu.mSettingControl, typeof(GM_SettingsControl), true); if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(mpMenu); } }
public void IncrementStack() { if (label == null) { return; } currentStack++; suffix = (currentStack >= 1) ? ("[" + DarkRef.RGBtoHex(new Color32(255, (byte)(255 - (Mathf.Clamp(currentStack - 1, 0, 6) * 38)), (byte)(255 - (Mathf.Clamp(currentStack - 1, 0, 6) * 45)), 255)) + "] (x" + currentStack.ToString() + ")[-]") : ""; lastActionTime = Time.time; afi.SetDuration(duration); afi.defaultSize = 1f + Mathf.Clamp((currentStack - 1) * 0.01f, 0f, 0.2f); afi.ImpulseAnimation(); }
void Update() { if (flickerMethod == FlickerMethod.Sine) { GetComponent <Light>().intensity = minIntensity + Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * (maxIntensity - minIntensity)); } else if (flickerMethod == FlickerMethod.Perlin) { GetComponent <Light>().intensity = minIntensity + Mathf.Abs(Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * frequency, 23.7f) * (maxIntensity - minIntensity)); } if (glowPlane) { glowPlane.material.SetColor(colorPropName, DarkRef.SetAlpha(glowPlane.material.GetColor(colorPropName), defAlpha * (GetComponent <Light>().intensity / maxIntensity))); } }
private IEnumerator Destruct() { isDestroying = true; float alpha = tm.color.a; while (alpha > 0f) { tm.color = DarkRef.SetAlpha(tm.color, alpha); tr.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(, defScale, 0.6f + (alpha * 0.4f)); alpha -= Time.deltaTime * fadeOutSpeed; yield return(null); } Destroy(gameObject); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DecalObject dObj = (DecalObject)target; EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(140f); GUILayout.Space(5f); dObj.material = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material:", dObj.material, typeof(Material)); GUILayout.Space(5f); DarkRef.GUISeparator(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Sprite List:"); if (dObj.material != null && dObj.material.mainTexture != null) { dObj.curSprite = DrawSpriteList(dObj.curSprite, dObj.material.mainTexture); if (dObj.curSprite != null && dObj.curSprite.texture != dObj.material.mainTexture) { dObj.curSprite = null; } } DarkRef.GUISeparator(); GUILayout.Space(10f); dObj.maxAngle = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Max Angle:", dObj.maxAngle, 1f, 90f); dObj.pushOffset = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Push Offset:", Mathf.Max(0f, dObj.pushOffset)); dObj.layersToAffect = LayerMaskField("Layers To Affect:", dObj.layersToAffect); dObj.optimized = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Optimized Projection:", dObj.optimized); GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Target Object:", dObj.targetObject, typeof(GameObject)); EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Projection Depth:", dObj.transform.lossyScale.z); GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("CTRL + Click to drag the reposition the decal on a surface", MessageType.None); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Z and X to decrease/increase decal dimensions", MessageType.None); if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(dObj); dObj.UpdateDecalMesh(); } }
public void RocketInfo(BulletInfo bi, int weaponIndex, bool isVisuals = false, bool isPlayer = false, int botID = -1) { gunID = weaponIndex; damage = bi.damage; speed = bi.muzzleVelocity; gFactor = bi.gravityFactor; isDisplay = isVisuals; player = (isPlayer && botID <= -1); botIndex = botID; explRadius = bi.explosionRadius; friendlyFire = true; if (Topan.Network.isConnected && NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.customSettings.ContainsKey("Friendly Fire")) { friendlyFire = DarkRef.ConvertStringToBool(NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.customSettings["Friendly Fire"].currentValue); } }
public void ConnectIP() { if (Topan.Network.isConnected) { return; } NetworkingGeneral.CreateInstance(cachedNetworking); Topan.Network.AddNetworkEventListener(this); TopanData initData = new TopanData(); initData.Add("dat", NetworkingGeneral.ConvertToCombatant(AccountManager.profileData)); PlayerPrefs.SetString("SavedIPConnect", DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(IPInput.value)); PlayerPrefs.SetString("SavedPortConnect", portInput.value); Topan.Network.Connect(DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(IPInput.value), int.Parse(portInput.value), initData); GeneralVariables.lobbyManager.joiningLobby = true; }
public static object GetSettingValue(GameTypeSetting setting) { if (setting.settingType == SettingType.Slider) { return(int.Parse(setting.currentValue)); } else if (setting.settingType == SettingType.Checkbox) { return(DarkRef.ConvertStringToBool(setting.currentValue)); } else if (setting.settingType == SettingType.EnumPopup || setting.settingType == SettingType.TextField) { return(setting.currentValue); } return(null); }
public void HitIndicator(Vector3 hitFromPos) { if (dead) { return; } if (pe.hasEMP) { hitFromPos += DarkRef.RandomVector3(, * (hitFromPos - transform.position).magnitude * 0.75f; } hitFromPos.y = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < hitIndicators.Count; i++) { if (Time.time - lastHitIndicate < 0.05f && (hitIndicators[i].hitFromPosition - hitFromPos).sqrMagnitude < 0.01f) { hitIndicators[i].initTime = Time.time; return; } } GameObject newInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(hitIndicatorPrefab); newInstance.transform.parent = GeneralVariables.uiController.hitIndicatorRoot; newInstance.transform.localPosition =; newInstance.transform.localScale =; Vector3 rot = newInstance.transform.localEulerAngles; rot.z = Mathf.Round(-CalculateIndicatorRotation(hitFromPos - transform.position) / hitIndicatorRotRound) * hitIndicatorRotRound; newInstance.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot); HitIndicatorInfo hii = new HitIndicatorInfo(); hii.instance = newInstance; hii.lifetime = 0.3f; hii.hitFromPosition = hitFromPos; hii.initTime = Time.time; hii.impulseTarget = 1.5f; hii.instance.transform.GetChild(0).localPosition = new Vector3(-1.5f, uic.crosshairs.hitIndicatorOffset + 40f, 0f); hitIndicators.Add(hii); lastHitIndicate = Time.time; }
void Start() { if (debugTargetXp) { string stringAppend = "array("; for (int i = 0; i < targetXP.Length; i++) { stringAppend += "@" + (i + 1).ToString() + "@ => @" + targetXP[i] + "@"; if (i < targetXP.Length - 1) { stringAppend += ", "; } else { stringAppend += ");"; } } stringAppend = stringAppend.Replace('@', '"'); Debug.Log(stringAppend); } signInLoading.SetActive(false); rememberMeCheck.value = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("RememberMe", 0) == 1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultName)) { defaultName = "Guest" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(100, 99999); } tabManager.SelectTab(1); profileData.username = defaultName; profileData.clan = defaultClan; if (rememberMeCheck.value) { usernameInput.value = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Username", ""); passwordInput.value = DarkRef.DecryptString(PlayerPrefs.GetString("Pwd", "")); ignoreSound = ignoreWait = true; StartLogin(); } StartCoroutine(UpdateProfileInfo(-1)); }
public void BloodSplat() { int randCount = DarkRef.RandomRange((int)splatCount.x, (int)splatCount.y); for (int i = 0; i < randCount; i++) { if (Physics.Raycast(tr.position, Random.onUnitSphere, out hit, Random.Range(splatDistance.x, splatDistance.y), splatLayers.value)) { DecalObject splat = (DecalObject)Instantiate(splatDecal, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(-hit.normal)); splat.transform.parent = hit.transform; splat.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * Random.value * 360f, Space.Self); splat.targetObject = hit.collider.gameObject; splat.pushOffset = splatOffset; splat.layersToAffect = splatLayers; } } }
private void WeaponGUI() { shootImpulseGUI = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Lerp(shootImpulseGUI, 1f, Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 5f), 1f, 1.11f); reloadImpulseGUI = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Lerp(reloadImpulseGUI, 1f, Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 5f), 1f, 1.11f); reloadSinAlpha = (reloading) ? Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(Time.time * 5f)) * 0.4f : 0f; curAmmoDisplay.color = (percent <= 0.33f && ! ? new Color(1f, 0.3f, 0.1f, 1f - reloadSinAlpha) : new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f - reloadSinAlpha); curAmmoDisplay.cachedTrans.localScale = * shootImpulseGUI; curAmmoDisplay.text = wm.displayCurAmmo.ToString(); ammoLeftDisplay.cachedTrans.localScale = * reloadImpulseGUI; ammoLeftDisplay.text = wm.displayAmmoLeft.ToString(); if (! { ammoBar.value = DarkRef.LerpTowards(ammoBar.value, percent, Time.deltaTime * 8f, Time.deltaTime * 2f, 0.5f); } }
private IEnumerator VersionCheckCoroutine() { multiplayerEnabled = true; //Set to false when version check is ready while (!multiplayerEnabled) { WWW verChk = new WWW(""); yield return(verChk); bool unavailable = false; if (verChk.error != null) { mpErrorTooltip.text = "Version validation service is unavailable."; unavailable = true; } else { if (DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(DarkRef.GetBuildVersion(true)) == DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(verChk.text)) { multiplayerEnabled = true; yield break; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Your version is not the latest! Multiplayer will be disabled"); mpErrorTooltip.text = "Your client version must be up-to-date to participate in multiplayer!"; } } float waitTime = 0f; while (waitTime < 5.1f) { waitTime += Time.deltaTime; if (unavailable) { mpErrorTooltip.text = "Version validation service is unavailable (retrying in: " + Mathf.Max(0f, 5.1f - waitTime).ToString("F0") + ")."; } yield return(null); } } }
void NetworkShoot(float x, float y, Vector3 pos) { if (currentGC == null) { Debug.Log("Proxy gun is null"); return; } if (Time.time - lastFireTime >= targetFireRate * 0.2f) { currentGC.firePos.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(currentGC.fireSound); lastFireTime = Time.time; } GameObject poolProjectile = PoolManager.Instance.RequestInstantiate(currentGC.bulletInfo.poolIndex, pos, Quaternion.Euler(x * 360f, y * 360f, 0f), false); if (currentGC.bulletInfo.bulletType == BulletInfo.BulletType.Bullet) { Bullet bTracer = poolProjectile.GetComponent <Bullet>(); bTracer.BulletInfo(currentGC.bulletInfo, -1, true); bTracer.InstantiateStart(); } else if (currentGC.bulletInfo.bulletType == BulletInfo.BulletType.Rocket) { Rocket vRocket = poolProjectile.GetComponent <Rocket>(); vRocket.RocketInfo(currentGC.bulletInfo, -1, true); vRocket.InstantiateStart(); } if (renderV.isVisible && currentGC.ejectionEnabled && currentGC.ejectionPos != null) { Rigidbody bShell = PoolManager.Instance.RequestInstantiate(currentGC.bulletShellIndex, currentGC.ejectionPos.position, currentGC.ejectionPos.rotation).GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Vector3 randomForce = DarkRef.RandomVector3(currentGC.ejectionMinForce, currentGC.ejectionMaxForce); bShell.velocity = msP.velocity + transform.TransformDirection(randomForce); bShell.angularVelocity = Random.rotation.eulerAngles * currentGC.ejectionRotation; } if (currentVisuals.muzzleFlash != null && currentVisuals.muzzleGlow != null && currentVisuals.muzzleSpark != null) { StartCoroutine(MuzzleControl()); } }
private IEnumerator WeaponNameTransition() { scramble = 0f; while (scramble < 0.99f) { scramble = DarkRef.LerpTowards(scramble, 1f, Time.deltaTime * 20f, Time.deltaTime, 0.2f); yield return(null); } scramble = 1f; while (scramble > 0.01f) { scramble = DarkRef.LerpTowards(scramble, 0f, Time.deltaTime * 20f, Time.deltaTime, 0.2f); yield return(null); } scramble = 0f; }
public override void InstantiateStart() { time = destroyTime + (Random.value * randomness); if (isParticle) { foreach (ParticleEmitter e in emitters) { e.Emit(); } } if (fadeOut) { if (defAlpha == null) { defAlpha = new float[renderers.Length]; } for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++) { if (renderers[i] == null) { continue; } Color col = renderers[i].material.GetColor(colorName); if (defAlpha[i] <= 0f) { defAlpha[i] = col.a; } renderers[i].material.SetColor(colorName, DarkRef.SetAlpha(col, defAlpha[i])); } } timer = 0f; startedDestroy = false; }
void Update() { if (!Topan.Network.isConnected) { return; } if (chatLength != NetworkingGeneral.gameChatList.Count) { chatOutput.CopyList(NetworkingGeneral.gameChatList); chatLength = NetworkingGeneral.gameChatList.Count; } if (Time.unscaledTime - chatActionTime >= antiFloodTime && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { if (!chatInput.isSelected) { chatInput.isSelected = true; } else { bool sameAsLastMsg = (chatOutput.chatList.Count > 0) ? DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(chatOutput.chatList[chatOutput.chatList.Count - 1].ToLower()) == DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(chatInput.value.ToLower()) : false; if (netView != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DarkRef.RemoveSpaces(chatInput.value)) && !sameAsLastMsg) { string message = "[DAA314]" + AccountManager.profileData.username + "[-]: " + chatInput.value; netView.RPC(Topan.RPCMode.All, "ChatMessage", message); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatInput.value)) { chatActionTime = Time.unscaledTime; } chatInput.value = ""; chatInput.isSelected = false; } } }
private IEnumerator StartDestroy() { startedDestroy = true; if (fadeOut) { float mod = 1f; while (mod > 0f) { mod -= Time.deltaTime * fadeSpeed; for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++) { Color col = renderers[i].material.GetColor(colorName); renderers[i].material.SetColor(colorName, DarkRef.SetAlpha(col, defAlpha[i] * Mathf.Clamp01(mod))); } yield return(null); } } if (transform.parent != null && == "KeepScale") { Transform parent = transform.parent; transform.parent = null; Destroy(parent.gameObject); } if (poolObject) { AddToPool(); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } timer = 0f; }
public void SwitchTeams(byte pID, byte team) { Topan.NetworkPlayer p = Topan.Network.GetPlayerByID((int)pID); if (p.HasPlayerData("team") && ((byte)p.GetPlayerData("team") == (byte)team)) { return; } bool autoBalance = true; if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.customSettings.ContainsKey("Team Auto-Balance")) { autoBalance = DarkRef.ConvertStringToBool(NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.customSettings["Team Auto-Balance"].currentValue); } if (autoBalance && !NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.ValidTeamSwitch((int)team)) { return; } NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.RemovePlayer((int)pID); NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.AddPlayer((int)pID, (int)team); p.SetPlayerData("team", team); }