Exemplo n.º 1
 public static bool QuantSeq <U>(Dafny.Sequence <U> seq, bool frall, System.Predicate <U> pred)
     foreach (var u in seq.Elements)
         if (pred(u) != frall)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /** Invoke PySSZ through an helper Python script to calculate the Merkle
         *  hash root of a Bitlist
         *  @param bitlist The bitlist as a raw sequence of bool (without the
         *                 bit used as a sentinel for the length)
         *  @param bitlistInBytes   The raw bitlist (i.e. without the bit used
         *                          as a sentinel for the length)encoded as a
         *                          sequence of bytes.
         *  @param limit The bitlist limit
         *  @returns The hashtree root of the supplied bitlist
         *  @note The reason for having both bitlist and bitlistInBytes parameters
         *  is that the former is used by the PySSZ bridge and the latter is used
         *  by the PrysmaticLab bridge.
        public static Dafny.Sequence <byte> BitlistRoot(Dafny.Sequence <bool> bitlist, Dafny.Sequence <byte> bitlistInBytes, BigInteger limit)
            // Convert bitlist into a byte array
            byte[] bl = new byte[bitlist.Elements.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < bitlist.Elements.Length; i++)
                if (bitlist.Elements[i])
                    bl[i] = 1;
                    bl[i] = 0;

            // Set command and command line
            ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();

            start.FileName  = "python3";
            start.Arguments = "PySszBitlistMerkleisation.py " + limit;

            // Set redirections for stdout and stdin
            start.UseShellExecute        = false;
            start.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            start.RedirectStandardInput  = true;

            // Start the process
            Process cmdProcess = new Process();

            cmdProcess.StartInfo = start;

            // Write to the process stdin in binary format and then closes
            // the stream
            var bw = new BinaryWriter(cmdProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream);



            // Read from the process stdout in binary format and store the
            // read data in a byte array
            var br = new BinaryReader(cmdProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream);

            byte[] retBytes = br.ReadBytes(32);

            // Convert the C# byte array containing the data read from the
            // process stdout to a Dafny sequence of byte
            return(Dafny.Sequence <byte> .FromElements(retBytes));
        public Result <Dafny.Sequence <char> > Get(Dafny.Sequence <char> key)
            String result;

            if (content.TryGetValue(key.ToString(), out result))
                return(Result <Dafny.Sequence <char> > .create_Success(
                           Dafny.Sequence <char> .FromString(result)));
                return(Result <Dafny.Sequence <char> > .create_Failure(
                           Dafny.Sequence <char> .FromString("key not found")));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Dafny.Sequence <byte> ListBytes32Root(Dafny.Sequence <Dafny.Sequence <byte> > listOfBytes32, BigInteger limit)
            // Build the list of arguments for the Python script
            List <String> arguments = new List <String>();

            foreach (Dafny.Sequence <byte> s in listOfBytes32.Elements)
                foreach (BigInteger n in s.Elements)

            // Set command and command line
            ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();

            start.FileName  = "python3";
            start.Arguments = "PySszListOfBytes32Merkleisation.py " + String.Join(" ", arguments.ToArray());

            // Set redirections for stdout and stdin
            start.UseShellExecute        = false;
            start.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

            // Start the process
            Process cmdProcess = new Process();

            cmdProcess.StartInfo = start;

            // Read from the process stdout in binary format and store the
            // read data in a byte array
            var br = new BinaryReader(cmdProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream);

            byte[] retBytes = br.ReadBytes(32);

            // Convert the C# byte array containing the data read from the
            // process stdout to a Dafny sequence of byte
            return(Dafny.Sequence <byte> .FromElements(retBytes));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /** Invoke PySSZ through an helper Python script to calculate the Merkle
         *  hash root of a Vector of Bytes
        public static Dafny.Sequence <byte> BytesRoot(Dafny.Sequence <byte> bs)
            ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();

            // Set command and command line
            start.FileName  = "python3";
            start.Arguments = "PySszBytesMerkleisation.py";

            // Set redirections for stdin and stdout
            start.UseShellExecute        = false;
            start.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            start.RedirectStandardInput  = true;

            // Start the process
            Process cmdProcess = new Process();

            cmdProcess.StartInfo = start;

            // Write to the process stdin in binary format and then closes
            // the stream
            var bw = new BinaryWriter(cmdProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream);


            // Read from the process stdout in binary format and store the
            // read data in a byte array
            var br = new BinaryReader(cmdProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream);

            byte[] retBytes = br.ReadBytes(32);

            // Convert the C# byte array containing the data read from the
            // process stdout to a Dafny sequence of byte
            return(Dafny.Sequence <byte> .FromElements(retBytes));
 public void Put(Dafny.Sequence <char> key, Dafny.Sequence <char> value)
     Console.WriteLine("C# Externs.StringMap.Put is called");
     this.content.Add(key.ToString(), value.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void readln(out Dafny.Sequence <char> line)
            string result = System.Console.ReadLine();

            line = new Dafny.Sequence <char>((result == null ? "\0" : result).ToCharArray());
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static int parse(Dafny.Sequence <char> str)
Exemplo n.º 9
        // hash calculates the SHA256 of `data`
        public static Dafny.Sequence <byte> hash(Dafny.Sequence <byte> data)
            SHA256 sha = SHA256.Create();

            return(Dafny.Sequence <byte> .FromElements(sha.ComputeHash(data.Elements)));
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void @get__random(BigInteger countb, out Dafny.Sequence<BigInteger> @result)
        int counti = (int)countb;

        BigInteger[] bary = new BigInteger[counti];
        for (int i = 0; i < counti; i++)
            int rand = rng.Next() & 0xff;
            bary[i] = new BigInteger(rand);
        @result = new Dafny.Sequence<BigInteger>(bary);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static void @CopySeqIntoArray <A>(Dafny.Sequence <A> src, ulong srcIndex, A[] dst, ulong dstIndex, ulong len)
     System.Array.Copy(src.Elements, (long)srcIndex, dst, (long)dstIndex, (long)len);