public bool Reset(int id, ref DTO.POL dtoItem, out Library.DTO.Notification notification) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void DTO2BD_POL(DTO.POL dtoItem, ref POL dbItem) { AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <DTO.POL, POL>(dtoItem, dbItem); }
public bool UpdateData(int id, ref object dtoItem, out Library.DTO.Notification notification) { notification = new Library.DTO.Notification() { Type = Library.DTO.NotificationType.Success }; DTO.POL dtoPOL = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)dtoItem).ToObject <DTO.POL>(); int number; string indexName; try { using (POLMngEntities context = CreateContext()) { POL dbItem = null; if (id == 0) { dbItem = new POL(); context.POL.Add(dbItem); } else { dbItem = context.POL.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PoLID == id); } if (dbItem == null) { notification.Message = "Port of Loading not found!"; return(false); } else { converter.DTO2BD_POL(dtoPOL, ref dbItem); context.SaveChanges(); dtoItem = GetData(dbItem.PoLID, out notification).Data; return(true); } } } catch (System.Data.DataException dEx) { notification.Type = Library.DTO.NotificationType.Error; Library.ErrorHelper.DataExceptionParser(dEx, out number, out indexName); if (number == 2601 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexName)) { if (indexName == "POLlUDUnique") { notification.Message = "This port of loading already exists"; } } else { notification.Message = dEx.Message; } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { notification.Type = Library.DTO.NotificationType.Error; notification.Message = ex.Message; return(false); } }