Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> > GetBtnInPage(DTO.Account.Pages oPage, int userTypeId)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    var command = @"Select A1.* 
                                        From Pages A1
                                        join Pages A2 on A1.ParentId=A2.Id
                                        join UserTypePages UTP on A1.Id = PageId and UTP.UserTypeId = @UserTypeId
                                        where A1.IsActive = 1 and A1.TypeID=3 ";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oPage.Link))
                        command += "and A2.Link like isnull(@Link,A2.Link) ";
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Link", "%" + oPage.Link + "%");
                    if (userTypeId > 0)
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserTypeId", userTypeId);
                    command        += "Order By 1";
                    cmd.CommandText = command;

                    var reader   = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    var lstPages = new List <DTO.Account.Pages>();

                    var oResult = new ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> >();
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var opPages = new DTO.Account.Pages();
                                opPages.Id        = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                                opPages.Name      = reader["Name"].ToString();
                                opPages.Link      = reader["Link"].ToString();
                                opPages.IsActive  = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsActive"].ToString());
                                opPages.InMenu    = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["InMenu"].ToString());
                                opPages.ForAdmin  = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["ForAdmin"].ToString());
                                opPages.ParentId  = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ParentId"].ToString());
                                opPages.NeedLogin = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["NeedLogin"].ToString());
                                opPages.Icon      = reader["Icon"].ToString();
                                opPages.TypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TypeId"]);
                    if (lstPages.Count > 0)
                        oResult.HasResult = true;
                        oResult.Results   = lstPages;
                        //oResult.RowCount = count;
        public static ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> > GetSelectedUserShortcuts(DTO.Account.UserAccounts user)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand())
                    comm.Connection  = conn;
                    comm.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM Pages p
                                        JOIN UserShortcuts ush
                                        ON (p.Id = ush.PageId AND ush.UserId = @userId)
                                        WHERE p.IsActive = 1 and p.IsDeleted = 0
                                        order by ush.OrderNo ";
                    comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", user.Id);
                    comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                    var oResult = new ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> >();
                    var lstPage = new List <DTO.Account.Pages>();
                    var reader  = comm.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var opPage = new DTO.Account.Pages();
                            opPage.Id   = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                            opPage.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();
                            opPage.Link = reader["Link"].ToString();
                            opPage.Icon = Convert.ToString(reader["Icon"]);
                        if (lstPage.Any())
                            oResult.HasResult = true;
                            oResult.Results   = lstPage;
                            oResult.HasResult = false;
                            oResult.Results   = new List <DTO.Account.Pages>();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static ModelResult <DTO.Account.Pages> DeletePage(DTO.Account.Pages oPage)
            var oResult = new ModelResult <DTO.Account.Pages>();

            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString))
                using (var cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection  = conn;
                    cmd.CommandText = "SP_PageDelete";
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", oPage.Id);

                    oPage.Id          = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    oResult.HasResult = true;
                    oResult.Results   = oPage;

        public static ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> > GetUserTypePages(DTO.Account.UserTypePages oUserTypePages, DTO.Account.Pages oPages)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    String command = "SP_GetAccountTypePages";
                    cmd.Connection  = conn;
                    cmd.CommandText = command;
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    if (oUserTypePages.UserTypeId != 0)
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserTypeId", oUserTypePages.UserTypeId);

                    if (oPages.InMenu.HasValue)
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InMenu", oPages.InMenu.Value);

                    if (oPages.ParentId.HasValue)
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParentId", oPages.ParentId.Value);

                    if (oPages.TypeId > 0)
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TypeId", oPages.TypeId);

                    var reader  = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    var lstPage = new List <DTO.Account.Pages>();

                    var oResult = new ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> >();
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var opPage = new DTO.Account.Pages();
                            opPage.Id       = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                            opPage.Name     = reader["Name"].ToString();
                            opPage.Icon     = reader["Icon"].ToString();
                            opPage.Link     = reader["Link"].ToString();
                            opPage.OrderId  = Convert.ToInt32(reader["OrderId"].ToString());
                            opPage.InMenu   = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["InMenu"].ToString());
                            opPage.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsActive"].ToString());
                            if (reader["ParentId"] != DBNull.Value)
                                opPage.ParentId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ParentId"]);
                            opPage.TypeId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TypeId"]);

                    if (lstPage.Count > 0)
                        oResult.HasResult = true;
                        oResult.Results   = lstPage;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static ModelResult <DTO.Account.Pages> PagesUpdate(DTO.Account.Pages oPages)
            var oResult = new ModelResult <DTO.Account.Pages>();
            var conn    = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString);

                using (conn)
                    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
                        cmd.Connection  = conn;
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        cmd.CommandText = "SP_PageUpdate";
                        if (oPages.Id > 0)
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", oPages.Id);
                        if (oPages.TypeId > 0)
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TypeId", oPages.TypeId);
                        if (oPages.InMenu.HasValue)
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InMenu", oPages.InMenu);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NeedLogin", oPages.NeedLogin);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", oPages.IsActive);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ForAdmin", oPages.ForAdmin);

                        if (oPages.ParentId >= 0)
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParentId", oPages.ParentId);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oPages.Icon))
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Icon", oPages.Icon);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oPages.Name))
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", oPages.Name);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oPages.Link))
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Link", oPages.Link);

                        oPages.Id         = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                        oResult.HasResult = true;
                        oResult.Results   = oPages;
            catch (Exception ex)
                oResult.Message   = ex.Message;
                oResult.HasResult = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> > PagesGet(DTO.Account.Pages oPages, bool IsTool)
            var oResult = new ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> >();
            var conn    = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString);

                using (conn)
                    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
                        cmd.Connection = conn;
                        #region SQLCOMMAND Builder
                        var command = "";
                        command = @"SELECT TBL1.* , TBL2.Name Parm1
                                    FROM Pages TBL1
                                    LEFT JOIN Pages TBL2 ON TBL1.ParentId = TBL2.Id
                                    WHERE 1=1 AND TBL1.IsDeleted = 0 ";

                        if (oPages.Id > 0)
                            command += " AND TBL1.Id = @Id";
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", oPages.Id);
                        if (oPages.ParentId >= 0)
                            command += " And TBL1.ParentId =@ParentId ";
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParentId", oPages.ParentId);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oPages.Name))
                            command += " And TBL1.Name Like @Name ";
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "%" + oPages.Name + "%");
                        if (IsTool)
                            command += " And TBL1.TypeId <> 3 ";
                        if (!oPages.IsList)
                            command += " order by @SortCol @SortType OFFSET(@Page - 1) * @RowsPerPage ROWS FETCH NEXT @RowsPerPage ROWS ONLY";
                            command  = command.Replace("@SortCol", oPages.SortCol);
                            command  = command.Replace("@SortType", oPages.SortType);
                            command  = command.Replace("@Page", oPages.Page.ToString());
                            command  = command.Replace("@RowsPerPage", oPages.RowPerPage.ToString());
                        if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                        cmd.CommandText = command;
                        SqlDataReader reader   = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        var           lstPages = new List <DTO.Account.Pages>();
                        if (reader.HasRows)
                            while (reader.Read())
                                #region Pages Parms
                                var obPages = new DTO.Account.Pages();
                                obPages.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                                if (reader["ParentId"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.ParentId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ParentId"]);
                                if (reader["Name"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.Name = Convert.ToString(reader["Name"]);
                                if (reader["Link"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.Link = Convert.ToString(reader["Link"]);
                                if (reader["OrderId"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["OrderId"]);
                                if (reader["InMenu"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.InMenu = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["InMenu"]);
                                if (reader["ForAdmin"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.ForAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["ForAdmin"]);
                                if (reader["NeedLogin"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.NeedLogin = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["NeedLogin"]);
                                if (reader["IsActive"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsActive"]);
                                if (reader["Icon"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.Icon = Convert.ToString(reader["Icon"]);
                                if (reader["TypeId"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obPages.TypeId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TypeId"]);

                                #region Parent Parms
                                var obParentPage = new DTO.Account.Pages();
                                if (reader["Parm1"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    obParentPage.Name = Convert.ToString(reader["Parm1"]);

                                obPages.OParentPage = obParentPage;

                        int count = 0;
                        if (!oPages.IsList)
                            using (SqlConnection connCount = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString))
                                using (var cmdCount = new SqlCommand())
                                    cmdCount.Connection = connCount;
                                    command             = @"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Pages WHERE 1=1 AND IsDeleted = 0";
                                    if (oPages.Id > 0)
                                        command += " AND Id = @Id";
                                        cmdCount.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", oPages.Id);
                                    if (oPages.ParentId >= 0)
                                        command += " And ParentId =@ParentId ";
                                        cmdCount.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParentId", oPages.ParentId);
                                    cmdCount.CommandText = command;
                                    if (connCount.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                                    count = Convert.ToInt32(cmdCount.ExecuteScalar());
                        if (lstPages.Count > 0)
                            oResult.HasResult = true;
                            oResult.Results   = lstPages;
                            oResult.RowCount  = count;
            catch (Exception ex)
                oResult.Message   = ex.Message;
                oResult.HasResult = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> > GetPages(DTO.Account.Pages oPage)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbConnection.ConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    var command = @"Select *
                                    From Pages P
                                    WHERE P.IsDeleted=0 ";
                    if (oPage.Id != 0)
                        command += "and P.Id =isnull(@Id,P.Id) ";
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", oPage.Id);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oPage.Name))
                        command += "and P.Name like isnull(@Name,P.Name) ";
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "%" + oPage.Name + "%");
                    if (oPage.IsActive.HasValue)
                        command += "and P.IsActive = isnull(@IsActive,P.IsActive) ";
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", oPage.IsActive.Value);
                    if (oPage.ParentId.HasValue)
                        command += "and P.ParentId = isnull(@ParentId,P.ParentId) ";
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParentID", oPage.ParentId.Value);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oPage.Link))
                        command += "and P.Link = isnull(@Link,P.Link) ";
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Link", oPage.Link);
                    command        += "Order By 1";
                    cmd.CommandText = command;

                    var reader   = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    var lstPages = new List <DTO.Account.Pages>();

                    var oResult = new ModelResult <List <DTO.Account.Pages> >();
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var opPages = new DTO.Account.Pages();
                                opPages.Id   = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
                                opPages.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();
                                if (reader["Link"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    opPages.Link = reader["Link"].ToString();
                                opPages.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsActive"].ToString());
                                opPages.InMenu   = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["InMenu"].ToString());
                                opPages.ForAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["ForAdmin"].ToString());
                                if (reader["ParentId"] != DBNull.Value)
                                    opPages.ParentId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ParentId"].ToString());
                                opPages.NeedLogin = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["NeedLogin"].ToString());
                                opPages.Icon      = reader["Icon"].ToString();
                                opPages.TypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(reader["TypeId"]);
                                //opPages.ModuleId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ModuleId"]);
                    if (lstPages.Count > 0)
                        oResult.HasResult = true;
                        oResult.Results   = lstPages;
                        //oResult.RowCount = count;