Exemplo n.º 1
    void eventDisplayCurrentDicom(object obj = null)
        DICOM3D dicom = DICOMLoader.instance.currentDICOMVolume;

        if (dicom != null)
            GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    /*! Set a volume DICOM which is to be rendered in 3D */
    public void SetDicom(DICOM3D dicom)
        Material mat = GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().sharedMaterial;

        Debug.Log("Min, max: " + (float)dicom.seriesInfo.minPixelValue + " " + (float)dicom.seriesInfo.maxPixelValue);
        mat.SetFloat("globalMinimum", (float)dicom.seriesInfo.minPixelValue);
        mat.SetFloat("globalMaximum", (float)dicom.seriesInfo.maxPixelValue);
        mat.mainTexture = dicom.getTexture3D();
        mat.SetVector("textureSize", new Vector3(dicom.texWidth, dicom.texHeight, dicom.texDepth));

        // ------------------------------------------------
        // Move the VolumeCube to the position where the 3D DICOM should be rendered:
        // (The VolumeCube's localPosition and localScale is in the DICOM's "patient coordinate system", so
        // adjusting its localPosition and localScale to fit with the DICOM's center and size will set it to
        // the correct position.)

        // Size which the volume should have at the end (in patient coordinates):
        Vector3 goalSize = dicom.boundingBox.size;
        // Position where the center of the rendered volume should be (in patient coordinates):
        Vector3 goalCenter = dicom.boundingBox.center;
        // Current (original) position and sizes of the mesh, because of the way it was generated:
        Vector3 minMesh  = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
        Vector3 maxMesh  = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        Vector3 meshSize = maxMesh - minMesh;
        // The padding factor takes into account that the DICOM volume may be smaller than the texture, since
        // Unity requires power-of-two textures, so the texture may be larger than the DICOM volume.
        Vector3 paddingFactor = new Vector3(
            (float)dicom.origTexWidth / (float)dicom.texWidth,
            (float)dicom.origTexHeight / (float)dicom.texHeight,
            (float)dicom.origTexDepth / (float)dicom.texDepth);

        // Part of the mesh which actually holds the DICOM volume:
        Vector3 paddedMeshSize = Vector3.Scale(paddingFactor, meshSize);

        // Center of the part of the mesh which is filled with the DICOM volume:
        Vector3 meshCenter = minMesh + paddedMeshSize * 0.5f;
        // Offset from the mesh original center (which is, because of the way the mesh was generated above, zero):
        Vector3 meshCenterOffset = Vector3.zero - meshCenter;

        // Inverse of paddedMeshSize:
        Vector3 invPaddedMeshSize = new Vector3(1f / paddedMeshSize.x, 1f / paddedMeshSize.y, 1f / paddedMeshSize.z);
        // The final scale is the goalSize/paddedMeshSize:
        Vector3 scale = Vector3.Scale(goalSize, invPaddedMeshSize);

        transform.localScale = scale;
        // Move the mesh center to its final position:
        transform.localPosition = goalCenter + Vector3.Scale(meshCenterOffset, scale);

        // ------------------------------------------------