Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Unlocked()
            LockEndTime   = DateTime.Now;
            _locked       = false;
            _lastWinState = WinEvntState.Unknown;
            TimeSpan lockedInterval = LockEndTime - LockStartTime;

            Console.WriteLine($"     ** UnLocked Writing Time: {LockEndTime} AppName: {Globals.LastWindowEvent.AppName} Title: {Globals.LastWindowEvent.WindowTitle} Project: {Globals.LastWindowEvent.DevProjectName}");

            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);
            lock (Globals.SyncLockObject)
                Globals.LastWindowEvent.EndTime = LockEndTime;
                var row = hlpr.InsertWindowEvent(Globals.LastWindowEvent);

                //next, create a new LastWindowEvent
                // 2) create a locked window event in database
                string displayName;
                    displayName = UserPrincipal.Current.DisplayName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    displayName = Environment.UserName;
                var item = new WindowEvent
                    ID          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    StartTime   = LockStartTime,
                    WindowTitle = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.AppName,
                    AppName     = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.AppName,
                    ModuleName  = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.AppName,
                    //EndTime = LockEndTime,
                    DevProjectName  = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.AppName,
                    ITProjectID     = string.Empty,
                    UserName        = Environment.UserName,
                    MachineName     = Environment.MachineName,
                    UserDisplayName = displayName
                Globals.LastWindowEvent = item;
                //var rows = hlpr.InsertWindowEvent(item);

        private void UpdateUnknownProjectNameForIDEMatch(string devProjectName, string appName, string unknownKey, string machineName, string userName)
            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);

            hlpr.UpdateUnknownProjectNameForIDEMatch(devProjectName, appName, unknownKey, machineName, userName);
        /// <summary>
        /// If log is null do not create a listvieew item, just log to database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        public WindowEvents(Process p, ListView log)
                var now = DateTime.Now; // time window changed
                Log = log;
                var title = GetActiveWindowTitle();
                Debug.WriteLine("**** " + title);
                if (title == null)

                var accessDenied = false;
                var moduleName   = string.Empty;
                    moduleName = p.MainModule.ModuleName;
                catch (Win32Exception ex)
                    // process access denied b/c it is running as admin
                    moduleName   = "Process-Access Denied";
                    accessDenied = true;
                string displayName;
                    displayName = UserPrincipal.Current.DisplayName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    displayName = Environment.UserName;

                if (Globals.LastWindowEvent == null)
                    Globals.StartTime = now;

                TimeSpan elapsedTime = now - Globals.StartTime;
                Globals.StartTime = now;  // current window change time

                var devPrjName = string.Empty;

                // We set some globals so the file watcher knows who is running
                    _currentApp = Globals.CurrentApp = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Globals.CurrentApp = "Unknown";

                bool writeDB = false;

                /* make project extraction generic with regex */
                // new code ***** NOTE: THE ideMATCHES TABLE SHOULD ONLY HAVE IDES AND SSMS ****
                IDEMatch ideMatchObject = null;

                //new evidence for mulltiple IDEMatch objects for the same IDE i.e., devenv
                // title = "Add New Item - BusinessObjects"
                // title = "Add Existing Item - BusinessObjects"
                // title = "Reference Manager - DevTrkrReports"

                // ssms failing to update project name here and the reason is that ide.DBUnknown is
                //  likely not set b/c ide switches when window changes, .^. some switch must reside in globals
                // that will persist between window changes.. and cache updates
                // i think that is what the index in the match table was
                // about and then I forgot its purpose and removed it

                //NOTE: simplifying problem by updating below for whichever app when we find a new match
                //bool foundIDE = false;
                foreach (var ide in Globals.IDEMatches)
                    if (!accessDenied && _currentApp.ToLower() == ide.AppName)
                        var pat = ide.Regex;
                        var m   = Regex.Match(title, pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        devPrjName = string.Empty;
                        if (m.Success && m.Groups[ide.RegexGroupName] != null &&
                            if (ide.AppName == "ssms")
                            // we found the ide match we are looking for
                            ideMatchObject = ide;

                            // if we are concatinating two fields in ssms to get server.dbname
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ide.ProjNameConcat))
                                string[] concats = ide.ProjNameConcat.Split('|');
                                for (var i = 0; i < concats.Length; i++)
                                    devPrjName += (i > 0 ? ide.ConcatChar : string.Empty) + m.Groups[concats[i]].Value;
                                devPrjName = m.Groups[ide.RegexGroupName].Value;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ide.ProjNameReplaces))
                                string[] replaces = ide.ProjNameReplaces.Split('|');
                                foreach (string s in replaces)
                                    devPrjName = devPrjName.Replace(s, string.Empty).Trim();

                            // NOTE: new logic for IDEMatch objects that have AlternateProjName
                            // if it is not null, replace devPrjName with it b/c altho we found a project name
                            // it is not one we want, so make it what we want (probably the same as the unknown value)
                            // so that it will be updated when we find the projname we want...
                            // e.g., ssms has master set so DBname = Server.master in table but new logic will be correctable
                            // e.g. ssms "not connected" can now have its own match object and will get set to unknow until
                            //       user connects to a database which they will have to do in order to do anything in ssms
                            if (ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName != null)
                                devPrjName = ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName;

                            // update project name in windowevents that were written with projname unknown
                            UpdateUnknownProjectNameForIDEMatch(devPrjName, ide.AppName, ide.UnknownValue, Environment.MachineName, Environment.UserName);

                            // since we have found and processed the ide that we wanted, get out
                            writeDB = true;
                            goto EndOfGenericCode;
                        else /// if (m.Success && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                            // ide has no project open yet set as unknown
                            devPrjName = ide.UnknownValue;;
                            //ide.DBUnknown = true;
                            writeDB = true;
                            continue;  // loop to see if another IDEMatch row will get the projectname
                        // *** removing so we loop to see if another IDEMatch will get the PrjName ...goto EndOfGenericCode;
                // if at this point we did not find an idematch just an unknown window
                // end new code

                #region old code

                /* strt of old cod
                 * if (!accessDenied && Globals.CurrentApp == AppWrapper.AppWrapper.devenv)
                 * {
                 *  var patt = "(?<PrjName>.*?)(?<spacer> - )*Microsoft Visual Studio|Microsoft Visual Studio";
                 *  var m = Regex.Match(title, patt);
                 *  devPrjName = string.Empty;
                 *  if (m.Success && m.Groups["PrjName"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                 *  {
                 *      devPrjName = m.Groups["PrjName"].Value.Replace("(Running)", string.Empty).Replace("(Debugging)", string.Empty).Trim();
                 *      if (Globals.VSUnknowns)
                 *      {
                 *          Globals.VSUnknowns = false;
                 *          UpdateUnknownProjectNameinVSCode(devPrjName, AppWrapper.AppWrapper.devenv, AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSUnknown);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  else // regex failed to get prjname
                 *  {
                 *      /* this is one place where project name can be set to devenv
                 * and should not be
                 *      //devPrjName = p.ProcessName;
                 *      devPrjName = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSUnknown; // "devenvUnKnown";
                 *      Globals.VSUnknowns = true;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else if (!accessDenied && Globals.CurrentApp == AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCode)
                 * {
                 *  // we are in VSCode
                 *  var pattVSCode = "^(?<FileName>.*?) - (?<PrjName>.*?) - Visual Studio Code|Welcome - Visual Studio Code|Open Folder";
                 *  var m = Regex.Match(title, pattVSCode);
                 *  devPrjName = string.Empty;
                 *  if (m.Success && m.Groups["PrjName"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                 *  {
                 *      devPrjName = m.Groups["PrjName"].Value;
                 *      if (Globals.VSCodeUnknowns)
                 *      {
                 *          Globals.VSCodeUnknowns = false;
                 *          UpdateUnknownProjectNameinVSCode(devPrjName, Globals.CurrentApp, AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCodeUnknown);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  else if (m.Success && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                 *  {
                 *      // in vscode the
                 *      // developer has not opened a folder yet so mark
                 *      // the project name unknown until VSCode opens a folder and then
                 *      // we can update the database records
                 *      devPrjName = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCodeUnknown;
                 *      Globals.VSCodeUnknowns = true;
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      devPrjName = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCodeUnknown;
                 *      Globals.VSCodeUnknowns = true;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  // current app is not VS or VSCode we will only be able to determine
                 *  // the project name if this app saves a file to a known project path
                 *  devPrjName = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;
                 *  if (devPrjName == "devenv")
                 *  {
                 *      devPrjName = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSUnknown;
                 *      Globals.VSUnknowns = true;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * end of generic changes */

                //appears to be so FileWatcher can pick it out to use in creating FileAnalyzer
                // could be set in Globals.LastWindowEvent object not in two places
                // below is wrong b/c it is updating the last window that we are no longer in
                //Globals.LastWindowEvent.DevProjectName = devPrjName;

                // in practice, if you do not record all events, you could later want
                // to see some that would not be recorded
                //if (title == "Window Change Log" || title == "Project Description" || p.ProcessName == "DevTracker" || p.ProcessName == "explorer")
                //    return;
                //var currApp = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;

                // see if we are interested in recording this window
                // if writeDB set, then we already know to write this window b/c of ideMatch found
                if (!writeDB)
                    var appConfig = Globals.ConfigOptions.Find(x => x.Name == "RECORDAPPS");
                    if (appConfig != null)
                        switch (appConfig.Value)
                        case "A":
                            writeDB = true;

                        case "S":
                            var interestingApp = Globals.NotableApplications.Find(o => o.AppName.ToLower() == _currentApp.ToLower());
                            writeDB = (interestingApp != null);

                if (_currentApp.ToLower() == "explorer")
                    writeDB = false; //  forget
                // if we are writing this window, and devProjectName not set yet
                // see if a known project name is being worked on by a non IDE
                //TODO in a large shop this may be time consuming
                if (writeDB && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devPrjName))
                    devPrjName = IsProjectInNonIDETitle(title);

                WindowEvent item;

                /* there are other threads, FileWatcher, changing this object
                 * and we want no conflict  */
                if (Globals.LastWindowEvent != null)
                    lock (Globals.LastWindowEvent)
                        item              = Globals.LastWindowEvent;
                        item.EndTime      = now;
                        Globals.StartTime = now;
                        if (writeDB)
                            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);
                            if (item.DevProjectName.Equals("devenv"))

                            if (ideMatchObject != null && !ideMatchObject.IsIde && !devPrjName.ToLower().Contains(".sql"))
                                // if next line true
                                if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName) && devPrjName == ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName) || devPrjName == ".")
                                    CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(devPrjName, ideMatchObject.UnknownValue, Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName, ideMatchObject.AppName);
                            int rows;
                            if (_currentApp.ToLower() == "explorer")
                                Debug.WriteLine("Dont write explorer");
                            rows = hlpr.InsertWindowEvent(item);

                var appNName = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;
                item = new WindowEvent
                    ID              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    StartTime       = now,
                    WindowTitle     = title,
                    AppName         = appNName,
                    ModuleName      = moduleName,
                    EndTime         = DateTime.MinValue,
                    DevProjectName  = devPrjName,
                    ITProjectID     = string.Empty,
                    UserName        = Environment.UserName,
                    MachineName     = Environment.MachineName,
                    UserDisplayName = displayName
                Globals.LastWindowEvent = item;

                const string comma = ",";
                Debug.Write("*******" + title + comma +
                            _startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + comma +
                            item.EndTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + comma +
                            item.AppName + comma +
                            item.ModuleName + comma +
                            devPrjName + Environment.NewLine);
            catch (Exception ex)
        //NOTE: new constructor
        public WindowEvents(/* blank constructor to process the queue  WinEventProcesss p, ListView log*/)
                WinEventProcesss wep;

                // get a queue item if it exists
                while (true)
                    lock (Globals.WinEventQueue)
                        if (Globals.WinEventQueue.Count.Equals(0))
                            Globals.WindowEventThreadRunning = false;

                        wep = Globals.WinEventQueue.Peek();

                var now   = wep.Starttime; // time window changed
                var title = wep.MyWindowEvent.WindowTitle;

                Debug.WriteLine("**** " + title);
                if (title == null)

                var    accessDenied = false;
                var    moduleName   = wep.MyWindowEvent.ModuleName;
                string displayName  = wep.MyWindowEvent.UserDisplayName;

                var devPrjName = string.Empty;

                // We set some globals so the file watcher knows who is running
                _currentApp = wep.MyWindowEvent.AppName;

                bool writeDB = false;

                /* make project extraction generic with regex */
                // new code ***** NOTE: THE ideMATCHES TABLE SHOULD ONLY HAVE IDES AND SSMS ****
                IDEMatch ideMatchObject = null;

                //new evidence for mulltiple IDEMatch objects for the same IDE i.e., devenv
                // title = "Add New Item - BusinessObjects"
                // title = "Add Existing Item - BusinessObjects"
                // title = "Reference Manager - DevTrkrReports"

                // ssms failing to update project name here and the reason is that ide.DBUnknown is
                //  likely not set b/c ide switches when window changes, .^. some switch must reside in globals
                // that will persist between window changes.. and cache updates
                // i think that is what the index in the match table was
                // about and then I forgot its purpose and removed it

                //NOTE: simplifying problem by updating below for whichever app when we find a new match
                //bool foundIDE = false;
                foreach (var ide in Globals.IDEMatches)
                    if (!accessDenied && _currentApp.ToLower() == ide.AppName)
                        var pat = ide.Regex;
                        var m   = Regex.Match(title, pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        devPrjName = string.Empty;
                        if (m.Success && m.Groups[ide.RegexGroupName] != null &&
                            if (ide.AppName == "ssms")
                            // we found the ide match we are looking for
                            ideMatchObject = ide;

                            // if we are concatinating two fields in ssms to get server.dbname
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ide.ProjNameConcat))
                                string[] concats = ide.ProjNameConcat.Split('|');
                                for (var i = 0; i < concats.Length; i++)
                                    devPrjName += (i > 0 ? ide.ConcatChar : string.Empty) + m.Groups[concats[i]].Value;
                                devPrjName = m.Groups[ide.RegexGroupName].Value;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ide.ProjNameReplaces))
                                string[] replaces = ide.ProjNameReplaces.Split('|');
                                foreach (string s in replaces)
                                    devPrjName = devPrjName.Replace(s, string.Empty).Trim();

                            // NOTE: new logic for IDEMatch objects that have AlternateProjName
                            // if it is not null, replace devPrjName with it b/c altho we found a project name
                            // it is not one we want, so make it what we want (probably the same as the unknown value)
                            // so that it will be updated when we find the projname we want...
                            // e.g., ssms has master set so DBname = Server.master in table but new logic will be correctable
                            // e.g. ssms "not connected" can now have its own match object and will get set to unknow until
                            //       user connects to a database which they will have to do in order to do anything in ssms
                            if (ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName != null)
                                devPrjName = ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName;

                            // update project name in windowevents that were written with projname unknown
                            UpdateUnknownProjectNameForIDEMatch(devPrjName, ide.AppName, ide.UnknownValue, Environment.MachineName, Environment.UserName);

                            // since we have found and processed the ide that we wanted, get out
                            writeDB = true;
                            goto EndOfGenericCode;
                        else /// if (m.Success && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                            // ide has no project open yet set as unknown
                            devPrjName = ide.UnknownValue;;
                            //ide.DBUnknown = true;
                            writeDB = true;
                            continue;  // loop to see if another IDEMatch row will get the projectname
                        // *** removing so we loop to see if another IDEMatch will get the PrjName ...goto EndOfGenericCode;
                // if at this point we did not find an idematch just an unknown window
                // end new code

                // see if we are interested in recording this window
                // NOTE: we may always want to write the window to DB b/c the company may want to know every app being used
                // especially if we want to run the Developer(user) Detail Report
                // if writeDB set, then we already know to write this window b/c of ideMatch found
                if (!writeDB)
                    var appConfig = Globals.ConfigOptions.Find(x => x.Name == "RECORDAPPS");
                    if (appConfig != null)
                        switch (appConfig.Value)
                        case "A":
                            writeDB = true;

                        case "S":
                            var interestingApp = Globals.NotableApplications.Find(o => o.AppName.ToLower() == _currentApp.ToLower());
                            writeDB = (interestingApp != null);

                if (_currentApp.ToLower() == "explorer")
                    writeDB = false; //  forget
                // if we are writing this window, and devProjectName not set yet
                // see if a known project name is being worked on by a non IDE
                //TODO in a large shop this may be time consuming
                if (writeDB && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devPrjName))
                    // check to see if the window title contains a known project name
                    devPrjName = IsProjectInNonIDETitle(title);
                    goto TopOfCode;

                WindowEvent item;

                /* Here, we are going to record the window in db
                 * there are other threads, FileWatcher, changing this object
                 * and we want no conflict  */
                if (Globals.LastWindowEvent != null)
                    lock (Globals.LastWindowEvent)
                        item              = Globals.LastWindowEvent;
                        item.EndTime      = now;
                        Globals.StartTime = now;
                        if (writeDB)
                            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);
                            if (item.DevProjectName.Equals("devenv"))

                            if (ideMatchObject != null && !ideMatchObject.IsIde && !devPrjName.ToLower().Contains(".sql"))
                                // if next line true
                                if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName) && devPrjName == ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName) || devPrjName == ".")
                                    if ("Connect.to_Repor._DevTrack.".Contains(devPrjName) || devPrjName.EndsWith("."))
                                        Debug.WriteLine("bad project name");
                                        CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(devPrjName, ideMatchObject.UnknownValue, Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName, ideMatchObject.AppName);
                            int rows;
                            if (_currentApp.ToLower() == "explorer")
                                Debug.WriteLine("Dont write explorer");
                            rows = hlpr.InsertWindowEvent(item);

                const string comma = ",";
                Debug.Write("******* " + title + comma +
                            _startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + comma +
                            wep.MyWindowEvent.EndTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + comma +
                            wep.MyWindowEvent.AppName + comma +
                            wep.MyWindowEvent.ModuleName + comma +
                            devPrjName + Environment.NewLine);

                goto TopOfCode; // check for more
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// NOTE: You can put breakpoints in here, but if you do, then writing becomes iffy in spite of
        /// all that I have done to queue and thread, there are still issues in debugging
        /// b/c stopping in here changes the window event
        /// </summary>
        public WindowEvents()
            WinEventProcesss wep;

                // get a queue item if it exists
                while (true)
                    lock (Globals.SyncLockObject)
                        if (Globals.WinEventQueue.Count.Equals(0))
                            Globals.WindowEventThreadRunning = false;

                        wep = Globals.WinEventQueue.Peek();

                var now   = wep.Starttime; // time window changed
                var title = wep.MyWindowEvent.WindowTitle;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))

                var    accessDenied = false;
                var    moduleName   = wep.MyWindowEvent.ModuleName;
                string displayName  = wep.MyWindowEvent.UserDisplayName;

                var devPrjName = string.Empty;
                var syncId     = string.Empty;

                // We set some properties so the file watcher knows who is running
                _currentApp = wep.MyWindowEvent.AppName.ToLower();

                bool writeDB = false;

                /* make project extraction generic with regex */
                // new code ***** NOTE: THE ideMATCHES TABLE SHOULD ONLY HAVE IDES AND SSMS (DBMGRs) ****
                IDEMatch ideMatchObject = null;

                // ssms failing to update project name here and the reason is that ide.DBUnknown is
                //  likely not set b/c ide switches when window changes, .^. some switch must reside in globals
                // that will persist between window changes.. and cache updates
                // i think that is what the index in the match table was
                // about and then I forgot its purpose and removed it

                //NOTE: cfp.GetProjectName also sets writeDB base on multiple checks
                // including the config option RECORDAPPS so the decision whether
                // to record this window is made there
                var cfp = new CheckForProjectName();
                Tuple <string, IDEMatch, bool, string> cfpObject = cfp.GetProjectName(title, accessDenied, _currentApp, writeDB);
                devPrjName               = cfpObject.Item1;
                writeDB                  = cfpObject.Item3;
                ideMatchObject           = cfpObject.Item2;
                wep.MyWindowEvent.SyncID = cfpObject.Item4;

                // if we are writing this window, and devProjectName not set yet
                // see if a known project name is being worked on by a non IDE
                if (writeDB)
                    // check to see if the window title contains a known project name
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devPrjName))
                        Tuple <string, string> prjObject = cfp.IsProjectInNonIDETitle(title);
                        if (prjObject != null)
                            devPrjName = prjObject.Item1;
                            wep.MyWindowEvent.SyncID = prjObject.Item2;
                    // one or more
                    goto TopOfCode;

                // try to get syncId from DevProjects
                var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents();
                if (/*ideMatchObject != null && !ideMatchObject.IsDBEngine && */ !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devPrjName))
                    MaintainProject mp = new MaintainProject();
                    // bypass next line until we get fw debugged
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wep.MyWindowEvent.SyncID))
                        wep.MyWindowEvent.SyncID = mp.GetProjectSyncIDForProjectName(devPrjName); //, _currentApp);
                    // here we should update any WindowEvents that have been created by this appname
                    // and for this project w/o a syncid
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wep.MyWindowEvent.SyncID))
                        hlpr.UpdateWindowEventsWithSyncID(devPrjName, _currentApp, wep.MyWindowEvent.SyncID);

                /* Here, we are going to record the window in db
                 * there are other threads, FileWatcher, changing this object
                 * and we want no conflict  */
                WindowEvent item = wep.MyWindowEvent;
                if (item.AppName == "ApplicationFrameHost" && item.WindowTitle.Contains("Solitaire"))
                    item.AppName = item.WindowTitle;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.DevProjectName) && item.DevProjectName.Equals("devenv"))
                    _ = new LogError($"WindowEvent, Bad Project Name of 'devenv' from Title: {item.WindowTitle}", false, "WindowEvents.ctor");

                if (ideMatchObject != null && devPrjName == "DevTracker" && ideMatchObject.AppName == "ssms")
                    _ = new LogError($"WindowEvents, 'Devtracker' should not be the project name for ssms, Title: {item.WindowTitle}", false, "WindowEvent.ctor");

                //NOTE: 4 / 27 / 2020 discontinued this doing anything...except writing bad data notes
                // Window events does not have devpath and therefore is not qualified to insert a project
                if (ideMatchObject != null && !ideMatchObject.IsIde && !devPrjName.ToLower().Contains(".sql"))
                    // if next line true
                    if (/*(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName) && devPrjName == ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName) || */ devPrjName == ".")
                        _ = new LogError($"WindowEvents, Bad Project Name: {devPrjName} from Title: {item.WindowTitle}", false, "WindowEvents.ctor");
                        // this is a check for convoluted name going to DevProjectName
                        if ("Connect.to_Repor._DevTrack.".Contains(devPrjName) || devPrjName.EndsWith("."))
                            _ = new LogError($"WindowEvents bad project name = {devPrjName} from Title: {item.WindowTitle}", false, "WindowEvents.ctor");

                        //NOTE: we should not set an unknown value in the devproject table
                        // the way the sproc is written, this call will insert a new project with unknown path
                        // if the project does not exist, and if it does exist, this call will not update
                        // the path b/c this call is passing xxUnknown as the the path,
                        // if this is the way a project gets created in DevProjects, it will only get the correct path
                        // from the save of a project file, which only get done when a new project is created
                        else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devPrjName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ideMatchObject.UnknownValue))
                            _ = new LogError($"WindowEvents, Missing Data, Project: {devPrjName}  Path: {ideMatchObject.UnknownValue} from Title: {item.WindowTitle}", false, "WindowEvents.ctor");
                            // we create projects for database servers here for two reasons
                            // 1) they don't have a path
                            // 2) they will get no files saved  with any relation to a path so FileAnalyzer won't create the project

                            // when development of DevTracker was begun, windowevents
                            // was the only way we had of possibly getting the project
                            // name, but it did not, nor does it now have a way to get
                            // the path.  FileAnalyzer on the other hand has an exact way of
                            // deriving the path to the projectFile .xxproj so Les has made
                            // the decision of stopping what is at best doing half the job
                            // except for database projects
                            //Debug.WriteLine($"**** Would have checked for writing {devPrjName} to DevProjects");

                            if (ideMatchObject != null && ideMatchObject.IsDBEngine && devPrjName != ideMatchObject.AlternateProjName)
                                var         mp  = new MaintainProject();
                                DevProjPath dpp = new DevProjPath
                                    DevProjectName  = devPrjName,
                                    DevProjectPath  = ideMatchObject.UnknownValue,
                                    IDEAppName      = item.AppName,
                                    DatabaseProject = ideMatchObject.IsDBEngine,
                                    CountLines      = false,
                                    ProjFileExt     = "sql",
                                    DevSLNPath      = string.Empty,
                                    GitURL          = devPrjName,
                                    Machine         = Environment.MachineName,
                                    UserName        = Environment.UserName,
                                    CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now
                                item.SyncID = mp.CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(dpp);

                if (item.AppName == "ssms" && item.DevProjectName == "Microsoft")
                    _ = new LogError($"WindowEvents, Bad Project name 'Microsoft' from Title: {item.WindowTitle}", false, "WindowEvents.ctor");
                item.DevProjectName = devPrjName;
                hlpr = new DHWindowEvents();
                int rows = hlpr.InsertWindowEvent(item);

                goto TopOfCode; // check for more queue entries
            catch (Exception ex)
                _ = new LogError(ex, false, "WindowEvents.ctor");
            goto TopOfCode;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public FileAnalyzer()
                FileChange fc;
                // get instance of Project/File handler
                MaintainProject mp = new MaintainProject();


                // get a queue item
                while (true)
                    // this lock is local to this machine, and protects the Queue
                    // b/c we are multithreaded and multiple cores (processing)
                    lock (Globals.SyncLockObject)
                        if (Globals.FileChangeQueue.Count.Equals(0))
                            Globals.FileAnalyzerThreadRunning = false;

                        fc = Globals.FileChangeQueue.Peek();

                //NOTE: the original reason for the FileWatcher is not to record files being manipulated,
                // Rather it is to help maintain the DevProjects Table with the best information posssible
                // so that the WindowEvents class can charge the project and to report back to the windowevents
                // LastWindowEvent the project being worked on by the currentapp
                string syncID           = null;
                var    ext              = Path.GetExtension(fc.FullPath).Replace(".", string.Empty).ToLower();
                var    devPath          = string.Empty;
                var    devProject       = string.Empty;
                var    relativeFileName = string.Empty; // filename past the pathname

                // but we should check to see if the file being saved is a .xxproj file,
                // we check for "CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath"
                var projFileObject = Globals.NotableFiles.Find(x => x.Extension == ext);
                var ideMatch       = Globals.IDEMatches.Find(x => x.AppName == fc.CurrentApp);

                // HERE, app is ide and we are Manupulating the Project File (.xxproj)
                if (ideMatch != null &&
                    ideMatch.IsIde &&
                    projFileObject != null &&
                    !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(projFileObject.IDEProjectExtension) &&
                    // yes, we are manipulating a development language project or sln file
                    // therefore the path is where the project file is saved and
                    // by definition, the filename is the name of the project
                    fc.ProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fc.FullPath);
                    devPath        = Path.GetDirectoryName(fc.FullPath);

                    // if devPath not in DevProjects path insert it, else update the pathname
                    DevProjPath dpp = new DevProjPath
                        DevProjectName  = fc.ProjectName,
                        DevProjectPath  = devPath,
                        IDEAppName      = fc.CurrentApp,
                        DatabaseProject = ideMatch.IsDBEngine,
                        CountLines      = projFileObject.CountLines,
                        ProjFileExt     = projFileObject.IDEProjectExtension
                    dpp.DevSLNPath = mp.FindSLNFileFromProjectPath(dpp);
                    dpp.SyncID     = syncID = mp.CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(dpp, fc.FullPath);

                    // the .sln may or may not be in the project table at the time the
                    // project is created, in fact it may never be there for a number of reasons,
                    // e.g., DLL project, etc., but a project may get a .sln at later time
                    // here we do not know whether the code above wrote to DevProjects
                    if (ext.Equals("sln"))

                    // since project files (.cs,.vb, etc.) could be created before
                    // the project file (.xxproj), now that we know for sure the
                    // name and path, update all the files that may be missing them
                    //NOTE: also, other project files will be saved after this but
                    // we will not update them here until all files are are saved in the
                    // project and the project file .xxproj get saved again which is
                    // unless we get a method to update all the files in a project .xxproj file
                    // which I just did so instead of the call below, we need to
                    // 1. Get a list of all files from the project file.
                    // 2. Loop thru the list of files from step 1.
                    // 3. Call InsertUpdateFileActivity(with fa.Filename = each file from step 2)
                    // We can do this without being concerned about time b/c this class runs on separate thread
                    // from the FileWatcher and is processing files in sequence as they are queued
                    // by FileWatcher class
                else if (ideMatch != null &&
                         ideMatch.IsIde &&
                         projFileObject != null &&
                    // this is an ide, but not saving a .xxproj file, but we know what the extension of the project file is
                    // here we are addressing the issue of existing projects when this application is installed
                    // look at FileAnalyzer saving code files for a project that has xxUnknown for a path
                    // it could try to find the project name and path by enhancing GetProjectPath() to look for the
                    // project file in the path somewhere

                    // NOTE: changing logic here to something more reliable 04/17/2020
                    DevProjPath pp = mp.IsFileInADevProjectPath(fc.FullPath);
                    // if pp not null, we have a known project
                    // **** and the following lines is not doing anything...
                    // b/c the project is already in devprojects and ChkforInsert..will do nothing
                    if (pp != null)
                        fc.ProjectName = pp.DevProjectName;
                        devPath        = pp.DevProjectPath;
                        syncID         = mp.CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(new DevProjPath
                            DevProjectName  = fc.ProjectName,
                            DevProjectPath  = devPath,
                            IDEAppName      = fc.CurrentApp,
                            DatabaseProject = ideMatch.IsDBEngine,
                            CountLines      = projFileObject.CountLines,
                            ProjFileExt     = projFileObject.IDEProjectExtension
                        // NOTE: if GetProjectPath returns project name and path it
                        // found the .xxproj file so we are sure that we can check for inserting
                        // a new project in DevProjects table
                        Tuple <string, string, string> tuple = mp.GetProjectFromDevFileSave(fc.FullPath, Globals.NotableFiles, ext);
                        if (tuple == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tuple.Item1))
                            goto TopOfCode;
                            //NOTE: if devenv is installing something don't let it fool
                            // us into creating a project
                            if ((fc.CurrentApp == "devenv" && tuple.Item2.ToLower().Contains("program files")) || tuple.Item1.ToLower().Contains("install"))
                                goto TopOfCode;

                            fc.ProjectName = tuple.Item1;
                            devPath        = tuple.Item2;
                            syncID         = mp.CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(
                                new DevProjPath
                                DevProjectName  = tuple.Item1,
                                DevProjectPath  = tuple.Item2,
                                IDEAppName      = fc.CurrentApp,
                                DatabaseProject = ideMatch.IsDBEngine,
                                CountLines      = projFileObject.CountLines,
                                ProjFileExt     = projFileObject.IDEProjectExtension
                            }, fc.FullPath);
                else if (fc.FullPath.ToLower().EndsWith(@"\.git\config"))
                    // we can try to get the project file name from git config file
                    // the config file will not get a URL until the local repo is pushed to the server
                    var url = mp.GetGitURLFromConfigFile(fc.FullPath);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
                        goto TopOfCode;

                    // get the repo name from the url, should be a projectname, may not be
                    var m             = Regex.Match(url, @".*/(?<PrjName>.*?)\.git");
                    var trialProjName =
                        m.Success && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value)
                        ? m.Groups["PrjName"].Value
                        : string.Empty;
                    // if the url does not contain a projectname quit
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trialProjName))
                        goto TopOfCode;

                    var exten = Globals.NotableFiles.Find(x => x.Extension == "config");
                    if (exten == null)
                        goto TopOfCode;
                    Tuple <string, string, string> projObj = mp.GetProjectFromGitConfigSaved(fc.FullPath, Globals.NotableFiles);
                    if (projObj == null)
                        goto TopOfCode;
                    fc.ProjectName = projObj.Item1;
                    devPath        = projObj.Item2;

                    syncID = mp.CheckForInsertingNewProjectPath(
                        new DevProjPath
                        DevProjectName  = projObj.Item1,
                        DevProjectPath  = projObj.Item2,
                        IDEAppName      = fc.CurrentApp,
                        DatabaseProject = false,     // above code found vs project extension
                        CountLines      = true,
                        ProjFileExt     = projObj.Item3
                    }, fc.FullPath);
                    // current app is not an IDE, or we don't have a projectFileExt type,
                    // so see if file is saved in
                    // a known current devprojectpath for this machine and user
                    DevProjPath pp = mp.IsFileInADevProjectPath(fc.FullPath);
                    if (pp == null)
                        goto TopOfCode;

                    // if this is a .sln file, check for updating the sln path in pp
                    if (ext == "sln" && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pp.DevSLNPath))
                        pp.DevSLNPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fc.FullPath);

                    // yes, this file is project file of a known DevProjects project
                    fc.ProjectName = pp.DevProjectName;
                    devPath        = pp.DevProjectPath;
                    syncID         = pp.SyncID;
                    pp.CountLines  = projFileObject.CountLines;
                    // we update files only here b/c we are not calling mp.CheckForInsertingProject
                    // as we do when we have an IDE above...
                    mp.UpdateProjectFiles(pp, fc.FullPath, new DHMisc());

                // NOTE: if we get here we have a file that is being updated
                // in a known development path, else we would have ignored the file before getting here
                // if devProject is not empty, update the windowevent so that the app that caused this
                // FW event can be charged to the project
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devPath))
                    lock (Globals.LastWindowEvent)
                        var hlpr2 = new DHWindowEvents();
                        if (Globals.LastWindowEvent.ID == fc.CurrentWindowID &&
                            Globals.LastWindowEvent.DevProjectName = fc.ProjectName;
                            Globals.LastWindowEvent.SyncID         = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(syncID) ? string.Empty : syncID;
                            // since the ID has changed in the last window event
                            // that means the current window changed before we could get
                            // here (somewhat unlikely), so the window event that saved the
                            // current file has already been written to database and the
                            // projName is incorrect, it should be the last row
                            // but not necessarily
                            WindowEvent we = hlpr2.GetLastWindowEventWritten(fc.CurrentWindowID);

                            if (we != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(we.DevProjectName))
                                // update the window event that was current when this file was modified
                                // with the correct proj name so work on this file gets charged
                                hlpr2.UpadateProjAndPathInWindowEvent(fc.CurrentWindowID, fc.ProjectName, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(syncID) ? string.Empty : syncID);
                        //update syncid in window events if syncid is known
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(syncID))
                            hlpr2.UpdateWindowEventsWithSyncID(fc.ProjectName, fc.CurrentApp, syncID);

                goto TopOfCode;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _ = new LogError(ex, false, "FileAnalyzer.ctor");
                Globals.FileAnalyzerThreadRunning = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private string CreateSQL(List <ProjectNameAndSync> projects, List <DeveloperNames> developers, DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime)
            var    hlpr            = new DHWindowEvents(string.Empty);
            string userName        = developers[0].UserName;
            string userDisplayName = hlpr.GetUserDisplayName(userName, Environment.MachineName);
            //DevProjectName, Hours, Minutes, UserDisplayName, Activity
            string sql = string.Empty;

            // **** Project related code ****
            sql += "SELECT DevProjectName, sum(TotalSeconds) / 3600 as Hours, " +
                   "(sum(TotalSeconds) % 3600) / 60 as Minutes, sum(TotalSeconds) % 60 as Seconds, UserDisplayName , 'Development' as Activity " +
                   "from " +
                   "(select DevProjectName, DateDiff(second, StartTime, EndTime) as TotalSeconds " +
                   //", Username, UserDisplayName " +
                   ", UserDisplayName " +
                   "from DevTrkr..WindowEvents w " +
                   "where 1 = 1 " +
                   GetListSQL(developers, "username") +
                   GetDateSQL(StartTime, EndTime, true) +
                   GetListSQL(projects) +
                   "and DevProjectName in (Select DevProjectName from DevTrkr..DevProjects with (nolock) where isnull(DatabaseProject,0)  != 1)" +
                   ") as x " +
                   "Group by UserDisplayName, DevProjectName  " +

                   "Union " +
                   // *** Meetings ****
                   "Select Subject as DevProjectName, sum(TotalSeconds) / 3600 as Hours, sum(TotalSeconds) % 3600 / 60 as Minutes, sum(TotalSeconds) % 60 as Seconds, " +
                   "UserDisplayName, 'Meeting' as Activity " +
                   //"Case Recurring = 1 then 'Meetings (Recurring)' Else 'Meetings (Scheduled)' End as Activity " +
                   "from " +
                   "(select [Subject] + ' (Organizer: ' + Organizer + '  Recurs: ' + Case when Recurring = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end + ')' as Subject, DATEDIFF(second, StartTime, EndTime) as TotalSeconds, " +
                   "UserDisplayName " +
                   "from DevTrkr..Meetings m with(nolock) " +
                   "where 1=1 " +
                   GetDateSQL(StartTime, EndTime, true) +
                   GetListSQL(developers, "username") +
                   //"and username = '******'" +
                   " ) as x " +
                   "Group by UserDisplayName, Subject  " +

                   "Union " +

                   // ****  Time spent in Email/Outlook Only ***
                   "Select DevProjectName, sum(TotalSeconds)/ 3600 as Hours, sum(TotalSeconds) % 3600 / 60 as Minutes, sum(TotalSeconds) % 60 as Seconds, " +
                   //"'" + userDisplayName + "' as UserDisplayName , 'EMail' as Activity " +
                   "UserDisplayName , 'EMail' as Activity " +
                   "from " +
                   "(select DevProjectName, DATEDIFF(second, StartTime, EndTime) as TotalSeconds, " +
                   "'" + userDisplayName + "' as UserDisplayName " +
                   "from DevTrkr..WindowEvents w with(nolock) Where 1=1 " +
                   GetListSQL(developers, "username") +
                   GetDateSQL(StartTime, EndTime, true) +
                   //"and username = '******' " +
                   "and AppName = 'outlook' " +
                   ") as x " +
                   "Group by UserDisplayName, DevProjectName  " +

                   "Union " +
                   // time spent in database work
                   "Select DevProjectName, sum(TotalSeconds)/ 3600 as Hours, sum(TotalSeconds) % 3600 / 60 as Minutes, sum(TotalSeconds) % 60 as Seconds, " +
                   //"'" + userDisplayName + "' as UserDisplayName, 'Database' as Activity " +
                   "UserDisplayName, 'Database' as Activity " +
                   "from " +
                   "(select DevProjectName, DATEDIFF(second, StartTime, EndTime) as TotalSeconds, " +
                   //"'" + userDisplayName + "' as UserDisplayName " +
                   "UserDisplayName " +
                   "from DevTrkr..WindowEvents w with(nolock) " +
                   "where 1=1 " +
                   GetListSQL(developers, "username") +
                   GetDateSQL(StartTime, EndTime, true) +
                   "and DevProjectName in (Select DevProjectName from DevTrkr..DevProjects with (nolock) where DatabaseProject  = 1)" +
                   ") as x " +
                   "Group by UserDisplayName, DevProjectName  " +

                   "Union " +
                   //TODO **** Documentation **** need generic code rather than hard coded appnames below
                   "Select DevProjectName, sum(TotalSeconds)/ 3600 as Hours, sum(TotalSeconds) % 3600 / 60 as Minutes, sum(TotalSeconds) % 60 as Seconds, " +
                   //"'" + userDisplayName + "' as UserDisplayName, 'Documentation' as Activity " +
                   "UserDisplayName, 'Documentation' as Activity " +
                   "from " +
                   "(select DevProjectName, DATEDIFF(second, StartTime, EndTime) as TotalSeconds, " +
                   //"'" + userDisplayName + "' as UserDisplayName " +
                   "UserDisplayName " +
                   "from DevTrkr..WindowEvents w with(nolock) " +
                   "where 1=1 " +
                   GetListSQL(developers, "username") +
                   //"and username = '******' " +
                   "and AppName in ('winword', 'notepad++', 'notepad', 'wordpad') " +
                   ") as x " +
                   "Group by UserDisplayName, DevProjectName  " +

                   "Union " +
                   // **** Computer Locked ******
                   "SELECT DevProjectName, sum(TotalSeconds) / 3600 as Hours, " +
                   "(sum(TotalSeconds) % 3600) / 60 as Minutes, sum(TotalSeconds) % 60 as Seconds, UserDisplayName , 'Development' as Activity " +
                   "from " +
                   "(select DevProjectName, DateDiff(second, StartTime, EndTime) as TotalSeconds " +
                   ", Username, UserDisplayName " +
                   "from DevTrkr..WindowEvents w " +
                   "where 1 = 1 " +
                   "and DevProjectName = 'ComputerLocked' " +
                   GetListSQL(developers, "username") +
                   GetDateSQL(StartTime, EndTime, true) +
                   ") as x " +
                   "Group by UserDisplayName, DevProjectName  " +
                   "Order by UserDisplayName, Activity, DevProjectName ";
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// If log is null do not create a listvieew item, just log to database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        public WindowEvents(Process p, ListView log)
                var now = DateTime.Now; // time window changed
                Log = log;
                var title = GetActiveWindowTitle();
                Debug.WriteLine("**** " + title);
                if (title == null)

                var accessDenied = false;
                var moduleName   = string.Empty;
                    moduleName = p.MainModule.ModuleName;
                catch (Win32Exception ex)
                    // process access denied b/c it is running as admin
                    moduleName   = "Process-Access Denied";
                    accessDenied = true;
                string displayName;
                    displayName = UserPrincipal.Current.DisplayName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    displayName = Environment.UserName;

                if (Globals.LastWindowEvent == null)
                    Globals.StartTime = now;

                TimeSpan elapsedTime = now - Globals.StartTime;
                Globals.StartTime = now;  // current window change time

                var devPrjName = string.Empty;

                // We set some globals so the file watcher knows who is running
                    Globals.CurrentApp = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Globals.CurrentApp = "Unknown";

                if (!accessDenied && Globals.CurrentApp == AppWrapper.AppWrapper.devenv)
                    var patt = "(?<PrjName>.*?)(?<spacer> - )*Microsoft Visual Studio|Microsoft Visual Studio";
                    var m    = Regex.Match(title, patt);
                    devPrjName = string.Empty;
                    if (m.Success && m.Groups["PrjName"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                        devPrjName = m.Groups["PrjName"].Value.Replace("(Running)", string.Empty).Replace("(Debugging)", string.Empty).Trim();
                        if (Globals.VSUnknowns)
                            Globals.VSUnknowns = false;
                            UpdateUnknownProjectNameinVSCode(devPrjName, AppWrapper.AppWrapper.devenv, AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSUnknown);
                    else /* regex failed to get prjname */
                        /* this is one place where project name can be set to devenv
                        * and should not be                                       */
                        //devPrjName = p.ProcessName;
                        devPrjName = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSUnknown; // "devenvUnKnown";
                else if (!accessDenied && Globals.CurrentApp == AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCode)
                    // we are in VSCode
                    var pattVSCode = "^(?<FileName>.*?) - (?<PrjName>.*?) - Visual Studio Code|Welcome - Visual Studio Code|Open Folder";
                    var m          = Regex.Match(title, pattVSCode);
                    devPrjName = string.Empty;
                    if (m.Success && m.Groups["PrjName"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                        devPrjName = m.Groups["PrjName"].Value;
                        if (Globals.VSCodeUnknowns)
                            Globals.VSCodeUnknowns = false;
                            UpdateUnknownProjectNameinVSCode(devPrjName, Globals.CurrentApp, AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCodeUnknown);
                    else if (m.Success && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["PrjName"].Value))
                        // in vscode the
                        // developer has not opened a folder yet so mark
                        // the project name unknown until VSCode opens a folder and then
                        // we can update the database records
                        devPrjName             = "UnKnown";
                        Globals.VSCodeUnknowns = true;
                        devPrjName             = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSCodeUnknown;
                        Globals.VSCodeUnknowns = true;
                    // current app is not VS or VSCode we will only be able to determine
                    // the project name if this app saves a file to a known project path
                    devPrjName = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;
                    if (devPrjName == "devenv")
                        devPrjName         = AppWrapper.AppWrapper.VSUnknown;
                        Globals.VSUnknowns = true;

                //appears to be so FileWatcher can pick it out to use in creating FileAnalyzer
                // could be set in Globals.LastWindowEvent object not in two places
                // below is wrong b/c it is updating the last window that we are no longer in
                //Globals.LastWindowEvent.DevProjectName = devPrjName;

                // in practice, if you do not record all events, you could later want
                // to see some that would not be recorded
                //if (title == "Window Change Log" || title == "Project Description" || p.ProcessName == "WindowChangeTracker" || p.ProcessName == "explorer")
                //    return;

                var currApp = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;

                // see if we are interested in recording this window
                var weCare  = Globals.NotableApplications.Find(o => o.AppName.ToLower() == currApp.ToLower());
                var writeDB = (weCare != null);
                if (currApp.ToLower() == "explorer") // && !title.StartsWith("File Explorer"))
                    writeDB = false;                 //  forget
                WindowEvent item;

                /* there are other threads, FileWatcher, changing this object
                 * and we want no conflict  */
                if (Globals.LastWindowEvent != null)
                    lock (Globals.LastWindowEvent)
                        item              = Globals.LastWindowEvent;
                        item.EndTime      = now;
                        Globals.StartTime = now;
                        if (writeDB)
                            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);
                            if (item.DevProjectName.Equals("devenv"))
                            var rows = hlpr.InsertWindowEvent(item);

                var appNName = !accessDenied ? p.ProcessName : AccessDenied;
                item = new WindowEvent
                    ID              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    StartTime       = now,
                    WindowTitle     = title,
                    AppName         = appNName,
                    ModuleName      = moduleName,
                    EndTime         = DateTime.MinValue,
                    DevProjectName  = devPrjName,
                    ITProjectID     = string.Empty,
                    UserName        = Environment.UserName,
                    MachineName     = Environment.MachineName,
                    UserDisplayName = displayName
                Globals.LastWindowEvent = item;

                const string comma = ",";
                Debug.Write("*******" + title + comma +
                            _startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + comma +
                            item.EndTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + comma +
                            item.AppName + comma +
                            item.ModuleName + comma +
                            devPrjName + Environment.NewLine);
                if (Log != null && writeDB)
                    ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(Globals.StartTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")); // starttime
                    lvi.SubItems.Add(title);                                                                // WindowTitle
                    lvi.SubItems.Add(item.AppName);                                                         // AppName
                    lvi.SubItems.Add(moduleName);                                                           // ModuleName
                    lvi.SubItems.Add(""); //ID
                    lvi.SubItems.Add(""); // desc
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void UpdateUnknownProjectNameinVSCode(string devProjectName, string appName, string unknownKey)
            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);

            hlpr.UpdateUnknownProjectNameinVSCode(devProjectName, appName, unknownKey);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void Locked()
            LockStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            var      accessDenied   = false;
            var      _currentApp    = Globals.LastWindowEvent.AppName;
            IDEMatch ideMatchObject = null;
            bool     writeDB        = false;

            //_locked = true;

            // turn off polling while locked, so we will not see any window change while locked
            // therefore LastWindowEvent should be the one created below when we detect unlock

            // Try to get the project name for the Globals.LastWindowEvent
            var cfp = new CheckForProjectName();
            Tuple <string, IDEMatch, bool, string> cfpObject = cfp.GetProjectName(Globals.LastWindowEvent.WindowTitle, accessDenied, Globals.LastWindowEvent.AppName, writeDB);
            string devProjectName = cfpObject.Item1;

            ideMatchObject = cfpObject.Item2;
            writeDB        = cfpObject.Item3;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Globals.LastWindowEvent.DevProjectName))
                Globals.LastWindowEvent.DevProjectName = devProjectName;

            var hlpr = new DHWindowEvents(AppWrapper.AppWrapper.DevTrkrConnectionString);

            lock (Globals.SyncLockObject)
                // now, make it look like the current window when the lock occurs is being moved away from
                // by writing it to database
                Globals.LastWindowEvent.EndTime = LockStartTime;

                // next, start a new LastWindowEvent called ComputerLocked
                // and put it in Globals.LastWindowEvent
                string displayName;
                    displayName = UserPrincipal.Current.DisplayName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    displayName = Environment.UserName;

                var item = new WindowEvent
                    ID              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    StartTime       = LockStartTime,
                    WindowTitle     = locked,
                    AppName         = locked,
                    ModuleName      = locked,
                    EndTime         = LockEndTime,
                    DevProjectName  = locked,
                    ITProjectID     = string.Empty,
                    UserName        = Environment.UserName,
                    MachineName     = Environment.MachineName,
                    UserDisplayName = displayName
                Globals.LastWindowEvent = item;