Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Reset()
     name           = "";
     side           = 0;
     Position       = new DcsPosition();
     LngLngPosition = new DCSLatLngPosition();
        public void UpdatePlayerPosition(DcsPosition dcsPosition, DCSLatLngPosition latLngPosition)
            PlayerCoaltionLocationMetadata.LngLngPosition = latLngPosition;
            PlayerCoaltionLocationMetadata.Position       = dcsPosition;

            DcsPlayerRadioInfo.pos    = dcsPosition;
            DcsPlayerRadioInfo.latLng = latLngPosition;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public SRSClientSyncHandler(string guid, DCSPlayerRadioInfo gameState, string name, int coalition, DCSLatLngPosition position)
     _guid          = guid;
     this.gameState = gameState;
     this.name      = name;
     this.coalition = coalition;
     this.position  = position;
 public void Reset()
     name     = "";
     pos      = new DcsPosition();
     latLng   = new DCSLatLngPosition();
     ptt      = false;
     selected = 0;
     unit     = "";
     simultaneousTransmission = false;
     LastUpdate = 0;
 public void Reset()
     name     = "";
     latLng   = new DCSLatLngPosition();
     ptt      = false;
     selected = 0;
     unit     = "";
     simultaneousTransmission        = false;
     simultaneousTransmissionControl = SimultaneousTransmissionControl.EXTERNAL_DCS_CONTROL;
     LastUpdate = 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Reset()
            name     = "";
            latLng   = new DCSLatLngPosition();
            ptt      = false;
            selected = 0;
            unit     = "";
            simultaneousTransmission        = false;
            simultaneousTransmissionControl = SimultaneousTransmissionControl.EXTERNAL_DCS_CONTROL;
            LastUpdate = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                radios[i] = new RadioInformation();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static double CalculateDistanceHaversine(DCSLatLngPosition myLatLng, DCSLatLngPosition clientLatLng)
            if (myLatLng.lat == clientLatLng.lat || myLatLng.lng == clientLatLng.lng)
                //the above will cause a divide by 0 error so this is protection against that....
                //should be *almost* impossible...

            const double r = 6371; // meters

            var sdlat = Math.Sin((clientLatLng.lat - myLatLng.lat) / 2);
            var sdlon = Math.Sin((clientLatLng.lng - myLatLng.lng) / 2);
            var q     = sdlat * sdlat + Math.Cos(myLatLng.lat) * Math.Cos(clientLatLng.lat) * sdlon * sdlon;
            var d     = 2 * r * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(q));

            return(Math.Abs(PythagDistance(d, myLatLng.alt - clientLatLng.alt)));
        public static double CalculateDistanceHaversine(DCSLatLngPosition myLatLng, DCSLatLngPosition clientLatLng)
            if (myLatLng.lat == clientLatLng.lat || myLatLng.lng == clientLatLng.lng)
                //the above will cause a divide by 0 error so this is protection against that....
                //should be *almost* impossible...
                return(Math.Abs(myLatLng.alt - clientLatLng.alt));

            const double R  = 6371e3; // meters
            var          φ1 = DegreeToRadian(myLatLng.lat);
            var          φ2 = DegreeToRadian(clientLatLng.lat);
            var          Δφ = DegreeToRadian(clientLatLng.lat - myLatLng.lat);
            var          Δλ = DegreeToRadian(clientLatLng.lng - myLatLng.lng);

            var a = Math.Sin(Δφ / 2) * Math.Sin(Δφ / 2) +
                    Math.Cos(φ1) * Math.Cos(φ2) *
                    Math.Sin(Δλ / 2) * Math.Sin(Δλ / 2);
            var c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));
            var d = R * c;

            return(Math.Abs(PythagDistance(d, myLatLng.alt - clientLatLng.alt)));
        public void Start()
            MessageHub.Instance.Subscribe <ReadyMessage>(ReadyToSend);
            MessageHub.Instance.Subscribe <DisconnectedMessage>(Disconnected);

            gameState = new DCSPlayerRadioInfo();
            gameState.radios[1].modulation = modulation[0];
            gameState.radios[1].freq       = freq[0]; // get into Hz
            gameState.radios[1].name       = opts.Name;

            Logger.Info($"Starting with params:");
            for (int i = 0; i < freq.Length; i++)
                Logger.Info($"Frequency: {freq[i]} Hz - {modulation[i]} ");

            DCSLatLngPosition position = new DCSLatLngPosition()
                alt = opts.Altitude,
                lat = opts.Latitude,
                lng = opts.Longitude

            var srsClientSyncHandler = new SRSClientSyncHandler(Guid, gameState, opts.Name, opts.Coalition, position);

            srsClientSyncHandler.TryConnect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, opts.Port));

            //wait for it to end
            Logger.Info("Finished - Closing");

