Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <SumModel> GetWithTags(DateTime?FROM_DATE = null, DateTime?TO_DATE = null)
            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                List <SumModel>        sums       = this.Get(FROM_DATE, TO_DATE);
                ISumTagConnRepo        stcRepo    = new SumTagConnRepo();
                List <SumTagConnModel> sumTagConn = stcRepo.Get_OrderBySumId_DepthTag();
                foreach (SumModel sumItem in sums)
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < sumTagConn.Count && sumTagConn[i].SumId < sumItem.Id)
                    while (i < sumTagConn.Count && sumTagConn[i].SumId == sumItem.Id)
                        if (sumTagConn[i].Tag == null)
                            throw new Exception("Property tag shouldn't be null!");

                        sumTagConn.RemoveAt(i); // i is "increased" because RemoveAt

Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <IntellisenseModel> GetOnLike(string like)
            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                List <IntellisenseModel> ret = (from d in context.Intellisense
                                                where (d.State == "Y" && d.Title.Contains(like))
                                                orderby d.Id ascending
                                                select new IntellisenseModel()
                    Id = d.Id,
                    Title = d.Title,
                    SumTitle = d.SumTitle,
                    SumDescription = d.SumDescription,
                    SumSum = d.SumSum,
                    SumInputDate = d.SumInputDate,
                    SumAccountDate = d.SumAccountDate,
                    SumDueDate = d.SumDueDate,
                    Tags = null,
                    CreateDate = d.CreateDate,
                    CreateBy = d.CreateBy,
                    ModifyDate = d.ModifyDate,
                    ModifyBy = d.ModifyBy

                ret = AssembleWithTags(ret);

                // Strip models to JSON conversion
                foreach (IntellisenseModel item in ret)
                    item.IntellisenseTagConn = null;

Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Includes: properties, TAG
 /// Ordered: SUM_ID ASC
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List <SumTagConnModel> Get_OrderBySumId_DepthTag()
     using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
         return((from d in context.SumTagConn
                 orderby d.SumId ascending
                 select new SumTagConnModel()
             Id = d.Id,
             SumId = d.SumId,
             TagId = d.TagId,
             Tag = new TagModel()
                 Id = d.Tag.Id,
                 Title = d.Tag.Title,
                 Description = d.Tag.Description,
                 Icon = d.Tag.Icon,
                 QuickbarPlace = d.Tag.QuickbarPlace,
                 CreateDate = d.Tag.CreateDate,
                 CreateBy = d.Tag.CreateBy,
                 ModifyDate = d.Tag.ModifyDate,
                 ModifyBy = d.Tag.ModifyBy,
                 State = d.Tag.State
Exemplo n.º 4
 public List <SumModel> Get(DateTime?FROM_DATE = null, DateTime?TO_DATE = null)
     using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
         return((from d in context.Sum
                 where (
                     (d.State == "Y") &&
                     (FROM_DATE == null || d.InputDate >= FROM_DATE) &&
                     (TO_DATE == null || d.InputDate <= TO_DATE)
                 orderby d.Id ascending
                 select new SumModel()
             Id = d.Id,
             Title = d.Title,
             Sum = d.Sum,
             InputDate = d.InputDate,
             AccountDate = d.AccountDate,
             DueDate = d.DueDate,
             CreateDate = d.CreateDate,
             CreateBy = d.CreateBy,
             ModifyDate = d.ModifyDate,
             ModifyBy = d.ModifyBy,
             State = d.State
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void TmpCalc1()
     using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
         var b = (from d in context.Dates
                  join s in context.Sum on d.Date equals s.InputDate into ds
                  select new {
             Date = d.Date,
             ItemCount = ds.ToList().Count
                         //Items = (from item in ds
                         //         select new {
                         //             Title = item.Title,
                         //             Sum = item.Sum
                         //         })
Exemplo n.º 6
        public TagModel Save(TagModel TAG)
            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                TagModel tag = context.Tag.Where(x => x.Id == TAG.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                if (tag == null)
                    tag = new TagModel()
                        Id            = TAG.Id,
                        Title         = TAG.Title,
                        Description   = TAG.Description,
                        Icon          = TAG.Icon,
                        QuickbarPlace = TAG.QuickbarPlace,
                        CreateDate    = now,
                        CreateBy      = tmpUserId,
                        ModifyDate    = now,
                        ModifyBy      = tmpUserId,
                        State         = "Y"
                    tag.Title         = TAG.Title;
                    tag.Description   = TAG.Description;
                    tag.Icon          = TAG.Icon;
                    tag.QuickbarPlace = TAG.QuickbarPlace;
                    tag.ModifyDate    = now;
                    tag.ModifyBy      = tmpUserId;

                if (context.SaveChanges() >= 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
 public bool Delete(int ID)
     using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
         IntellisenseModel model = context.Intellisense.Where(x => x.Id == ID).FirstOrDefault();
         if (model != null)
             DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
             model.ModifyBy   = tmpUserId;
             model.ModifyDate = now;
             model.State      = "N";
             throw new Exception("Record not found for deletion.");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public IntellisenseModel Save(IntellisenseModel input)
            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                IntellisenseModel model = context.Intellisense.Where(x => x.Id == input.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                DateTime          now   = DateTime.Now;
                if (model == null)
                    model = new IntellisenseModel()
                        Title          = input.Title,
                        SumSum         = input.SumSum,
                        SumAccountDate = input.SumAccountDate,
                        SumInputDate   = input.SumInputDate,
                        SumDueDate     = input.SumDueDate,
                        CreateDate     = now,
                        CreateBy       = tmpUserId,
                        ModifyDate     = now,
                        ModifyBy       = tmpUserId,
                        State          = "Y"
                    model.Title      = input.Title;
                    model.SumSum     = input.SumSum;
                    model.ModifyDate = now;
                    model.ModifyBy   = tmpUserId;

                if (context.SaveChanges() >= 1)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public List <TagModel> Get()
     using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
         return((from d in context.Tag
                 where d.State == "Y"
                 orderby d.Id ascending
                 select new TagModel()
             Id = d.Id,
             Title = d.Title,
             Description = d.Description,
             Icon = d.Icon,
             QuickbarPlace = d.QuickbarPlace,
             CreateDate = d.CreateDate,
             CreateBy = d.CreateBy,
             ModifyDate = d.ModifyDate,
             ModifyBy = d.ModifyBy,
             State = d.State
Exemplo n.º 10
        // from, to
        // month1
        //   tag1   income   expense   flow   prevMonthDelta with up/down icon    prevMonth and thisMonth átlDelta with u/d-i
        //   tag2   income   expense   flow   prevMonthDelta with up/down icon    prevMonth and thisMonth átlDelta with u/d-i
        // month2
        //   ...

        #region MonthlySumups
        // from, to
        // 2016, december    income      expense     flow       cumulatedFlow       up/down icon
        // 2017, january     income      expense     flow       cumulatedFlow       up/down icon
        // 2017, february    income      expense     flow       cumulatedFlow       up/down icon
        // ...
        public List <MonthlyResult> MonthlySumups(int FROM_YEAR, int FROM_MONTH, int TO_YEAR, int TO_MONTH, bool fakeData)
            DateTime fromDate = new DateTime(FROM_YEAR, FROM_MONTH, 1);
            DateTime toDate   = new DateTime(TO_YEAR, TO_MONTH, 1);

            toDate = toDate.AddMonths(1);
            List <SumModel> sums = new List <SumModel>();

            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                sums = (from d in context.Sum
                        where (
                            (d.State == "Y") &&
                            d.InputDate >= fromDate &&
                            d.InputDate < toDate
                        orderby d.InputDate ascending
                        select new SumModel()
                    Id = d.Id,
                    Title = d.Title,
                    Sum = d.Sum,
                    InputDate = d.InputDate

            List <MonthlyResult> ret = new List <MonthlyResult>();
            int     prevYear         = -1;
            int     prevMonth        = -1;
            int     id            = 1;
            decimal cumulatedFlow = 0; // starts with 0
            decimal income        = 0;
            decimal expense       = 0;

            ret.Add(new MonthlyResult());

            foreach (SumModel sum in sums)
                int thisYear  = sum.InputDate.Value.Year;
                int thisMonth = sum.InputDate.Value.Month;

                if (fakeData)
                    sum.Sum = CalculationRepo.RND.Next(-150000, 150000);

                if (prevYear != -1 && prevMonth != -1)
                    if (thisMonth != prevMonth || thisYear != prevYear) // new month
                        // Set last month
                        this.SetMonthlyResult(ret[ret.Count - 1], id++, prevYear, prevMonth, expense, income, cumulatedFlow);

                        // Add new month
                        ret.Add(new MonthlyResult());

                        // If month(s) are missing
                        // 2010-10 -> 2011-03 => add 11, 12, 1, 2
                        // ||
                        // 2010-09 -> 2010-12 => 10, 11
                        if ((thisYear != prevYear && prevMonth - thisMonth != 11) ||
                            (thisYear == prevYear && thisMonth - prevMonth != 1))
                            while ((thisYear != prevYear && prevMonth - thisMonth != 11) ||
                                   (thisYear == prevYear && thisMonth - prevMonth != 1))
                                // Increase date (by 1 month)
                                if (prevMonth == 12)
                                    prevMonth = 1;

                                // Set last dummy month
                                this.SetMonthlyResult(ret[ret.Count - 1], id++, prevYear, prevMonth, 0, 0, cumulatedFlow);

                                // Add new month
                                ret.Add(new MonthlyResult());

                        // Reset
                        income  = 0;
                        expense = 0;

                // Set
                prevYear  = thisYear;
                prevMonth = thisMonth;

                // Add SumModel
                ret[ret.Count - 1].sums.Add(sum);

                // Add up
                if (sum.Sum < 0)
                    expense += Math.Abs(sum.Sum.Value);
                    income += sum.Sum.Value;
                cumulatedFlow += sum.Sum.Value;
            // Set last month
            this.SetMonthlyResult(ret[ret.Count - 1], id, prevYear, prevMonth, expense, income, cumulatedFlow);

Exemplo n.º 11
        // a TagTotalResult-on lehet javítani.
        // (1) Ne az egész időszak napjaira és hónapjaira ossza le, hanem első megjelenésétől kezdve utolsó megjelenéséig.
        // (2) fix és monthly tageknél pontosan tudjuk az összeget és hogy havonta fordul elő. Pontosabb perDay, perMonth értékeket tudunk adni.
        // (3) monthly tagnél a kimaradt hónapokat kihagyhatjuk a monthCount-ból

        #region TagTotalResult
        // from, to
        // tag1     income      expense     flow    átl/month
        // tag2     income      expense     flow    átl/month
        // ...
        public List <TagTotalResult> TagTotalResult(int FROM_YEAR, int FROM_MONTH, int FROM_DAY, int TO_YEAR, int TO_MONTH, int TO_DAY, bool fakeData)
            DateTime FROM             = new DateTime(FROM_YEAR, FROM_MONTH, FROM_DAY);
            DateTime TO               = new DateTime(TO_YEAR, TO_MONTH, TO_DAY);
            List <TagTotalResult> ret = new List <TagTotalResult>();

            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                List <SumTagConnModel> sumTagConns = (from d in context.SumTagConn
                                                      orderby d.TagId ascending
                                                      select new SumTagConnModel()
                    Id = d.Id,
                    SumId = d.SumId,
                    TagId = d.TagId,
                    Tag = (from f in context.Tag
                           where f.Id == d.TagId
                           select new TagModel()
                        Id = f.Id,
                        Title = f.Title,
                        Description = f.Description,
                        Icon = f.Icon,
                        State = f.State
                    Sum = (from g in context.Sum
                           where g.Id == d.SumId
                           select new SumModel()
                        Id = g.Id,
                        Title = g.Title,
                        Sum = g.Sum,
                        InputDate = g.InputDate,
                        State = g.State

                decimal  prevTagId    = 0;
                decimal  income       = 0;
                decimal  expense      = 0;
                decimal  dayDiff      = (decimal)(TO - FROM).TotalDays;
                decimal  monthDiff    = ((TO.Year - FROM.Year) * 12) + (TO.Month - FROM.Month); // TODO ellenőrizni, tényleg jó-e
                decimal  monthDiffAvg = Math.Floor(dayDiff / 30m);
                TagModel lastTag      = null;

                ret.Add(new TagTotalResult());
                foreach (SumTagConnModel sumTagConn in sumTagConns)
                    if (sumTagConn.Tag.State != "Y" ||
                        sumTagConn.Sum.State != "Y" ||
                        sumTagConn.Sum.InputDate < FROM ||
                        sumTagConn.Sum.InputDate >= TO)

                    decimal thisTagId = sumTagConn.TagId;

                    // New tag
                    if (prevTagId > 0 && thisTagId != prevTagId)
                        this.SetTagTotalResult(ret[ret.Count - 1], lastTag, income, expense, dayDiff, monthDiff, monthDiffAvg);

                        // Set next tag
                        ret.Add(new TagTotalResult());

                        // Reset properties
                        income  = 0;
                        expense = 0;

                    // Fake data
                    if (fakeData)
                        sumTagConn.Sum.Sum = CalculationRepo.RND.Next(-150000, 150000);

                    // Cumulate props for next tag
                    if (sumTagConn.Sum.Sum > 0)
                        income += sumTagConn.Sum.Sum.Value;
                    else if (sumTagConn.Sum.Sum < 0)
                        expense += Math.Abs(sumTagConn.Sum.Sum.Value);

                    // Set locals
                    prevTagId = thisTagId;
                    lastTag   = sumTagConn.Tag;
                // last one
                this.SetTagTotalResult(ret[ret.Count - 1], lastTag, income, expense, dayDiff, monthDiff, monthDiffAvg);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public SumModel SaveGetSum(SumModel p_sum)
            using (DBSHYMONEYV1Context context = new DBSHYMONEYV1Context())
                SumModel sum = context.Sum.Where(x => x.Id == p_sum.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                if (sum == null)
                    sum = new SumModel()
                        Title       = p_sum.Title,
                        Sum         = p_sum.Sum,
                        AccountDate = p_sum.AccountDate,
                        InputDate   = p_sum.InputDate,
                        DueDate     = p_sum.DueDate,
                        CreateDate  = now,
                        CreateBy    = tmpUserId,
                        ModifyDate  = now,
                        ModifyBy    = tmpUserId,
                        State       = "Y",
                        IsPayed     = "Y"
                    this.ResolveDateTypeDefaults(sum, p_sum);
                    List <SumTagConnModel> stcList = context.SumTagConn.Where(x => x.SumId == sum.Id).ToList();

                    sum.Title      = p_sum.Title;
                    sum.Sum        = p_sum.Sum;
                    sum.ModifyDate = now;
                    sum.ModifyBy   = tmpUserId;
                    this.ResolveDateTypeDefaults(sum, p_sum);

                    // remove old tag connections
                    if (stcList.Count > 0)

                // TODO Valamiért elrontja, ha vannak tagek
                // add tag connections
                if (p_sum.Tags != null)
                    foreach (TagModel tag in p_sum.Tags)
                        context.SumTagConn.Add(new SumTagConnModel()
                            SumId = sum.Id,
                            TagId = tag.Id

                if (context.SaveChanges() >= 1)