Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void LoginDB(DB db, LoginResponse response, string username, string roles, string ip4)
            // We now create an account with an empty password and the specified roles.
            // Note that it is not possible to log into an account with an empty password
            // using the normal login procedure.

            DBPerson open_person = null;

            using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand()) {
                cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM Person WHERE login = @login;";
                DB.CreateParameter(cmd, "login", username);
                using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                    if (reader.Read())
                        open_person = new DBPerson(reader);

            if (open_person == null)
                open_person       = new DBPerson();
                open_person.login = username;
                open_person.roles = roles;
                // only save if something has changed
                if (open_person.roles != roles)
                    open_person.roles = roles;
            WebServiceLogin login = new WebServiceLogin();

            login.Ip4  = ip4;
            login.User = open_person.login;
            db.Audit(login, "DBLogin_Extensions.Login (username: {0}, ip4: {1})", username, ip4);

            var result = new DBLogin();

            result.person_id = open_person.id;
            result.ip4       = ip4;
            result.cookie    = CreateCookie();
            result.expires   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

            response.User      = username;
            response.UserName  = username;
            response.UserRoles = open_person.Roles;
            response.Cookie    = result.cookie;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void LoginOpenId(DB db, LoginResponse response, string email, string ip4)
            Logger.Log(2, "DBLogin.LoginOpenId ({0}, {1})", email, ip4);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.OpenIdProvider))
                throw new Exception("No OpenId provider available");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.OpenIdRoles))
                throw new Exception("No OpenId roles specified");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                throw new Exception("OpenId authentication requires an email");

            string [] specs = Configuration.OpenIdRoles.Split(';');
            foreach (var spec in specs)
                // email:role1,role2
                string [] split = spec.Split(':');
                if (split.Length != 2)
                    Logger.Log("AuthenticateOpenId: Invalid role spec: {0}", spec);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(split [1]))
                    Logger.Log("AuthenticateOpenId: No roles specified for {0}", split [0]);

                if (!Regex.IsMatch(email, split [0]))

                // We now create an account with an empty password and the specified roles.
                // Note that it is not possible to log into an account with an empty password
                // using the normal login procedure.

                DBPerson open_person = null;

                using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand()) {
                    cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM Person WHERE login = @login;";
                    DB.CreateParameter(cmd, "login", email);
                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                        if (reader.Read())
                            open_person = new DBPerson(reader);

                if (open_person == null)
                    open_person       = new DBPerson();
                    open_person.login = email;
                    open_person.roles = split [1];
                    // only save if something has changed
                    if (open_person.roles != split [1])
                        open_person.roles = split [1];

                var result = new DBLogin();
                result.person_id = open_person.id;
                result.ip4       = ip4;
                result.cookie    = CreateCookie();
                result.expires   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

                response.User      = email;
                response.UserName  = email;
                response.UserRoles = open_person.Roles;
                response.Cookie    = result.cookie;


            throw new Exception("The provided email address is not allowed to log in");