static void Main(string[] args) { DbContextOptions <JusticePortalContext> x = new DbContextOptions <JusticePortalContext>(); db = new DBFuncs(new JusticePortalContext()); var rec = db.GetBlock(int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SebraBlockId"])); var json = JObject.Parse(rec.Jsonvalues); var docArr = json["docs"] as JArray; int days = 0; if (!int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["days"], out days)) { days = 3; } var today = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-days).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //"2020-07-02" var currentDoc = (docArr ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()).FirstOrDefault(x => x["date"].Value <string>() == today); if (currentDoc == null) { return; } var docRec = db.GetBlob(currentDoc["docId"].Value <string>()); File.WriteAllBytes(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pathForExport"], docRec.Content); }
public void AutoLogIn() { if (loadedRememberMe) { DBFuncs.LogIn(loadedUsername, loadedPwhash, true); } }
void OnregBtnClick() { nameStr = UIManager.GetInputStr("nameInput"); pwdStr = UIManager.GetInputStr("pwdInput"); //PlaySE MusicManager.PlaySe("click"); if (nameStr == "" || pwdStr == "") { GameFuncs.CreateMsg("用户名或密码不能为空!"); return; } else { if (DBFuncs.FindPlayer(nameStr, pwdStr)) { //弹出对话框"用户名已存在!" GameFuncs.CreateMsg("用户名已存在!"); } else { //Register DBFuncs.AddPlayer(nameStr, pwdStr); GameFuncs.CreateMsg("注册成功!请点击登录进入游戏"); } } }
public void TryToSignUp() { EverythingOff(); waitingDisplay.SetActive(true); cancelContainer.SetActive(true); DBFuncs.CreateAccount(signUp_UsernameText.text, signUp_Password.text, signUp_Email.text); }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { //update db //update player if (Globals.player != null) { DBFuncs.UpdatePlayer(); JsonFuncs.StoreHeroes(); JsonFuncs.StoreDresses(); JsonFuncs.StoreItems(); JsonFuncs.StoreRoom(); } }
void Start() { DBFuncs.InitAllLists(); Globals.lastScene = "Login"; Button loginBtn = UIManager.GetButton("loginBtn"); loginBtn.onClick.AddListener(OnloginBtnClick); Button regBtn = UIManager.GetButton("regBtn"); regBtn.onClick.AddListener(OnregBtnClick); //PlayBGM MusicManager.PlayBgm("normal"); }
void OnloginBtnClick() { nameStr = UIManager.GetInputStr("nameInput"); pwdStr = UIManager.GetInputStr("pwdInput"); //PlaySE MusicManager.PlaySe("click");; //Formal //Globals.isFirst = DBFuncs.FindSingle<int>("Players", "isFirst"); if (nameStr == "" || pwdStr == "") { GameFuncs.CreateMsg("用户名或密码不能为空!"); return; } else { if (DBFuncs.FindPlayer(nameStr, pwdStr)) { //Enter Loading->Chat/Main if (Globals.player.isFirst) { Globals.player.isFirst = false; //Test Globals.currentDialog = "test"; Globals.nextScene = "Main"; GameFuncs.GoToSceneAsync("Chat"); } else { //Load Globals.items&Globals.heroes GameFuncs.GoToSceneAsync("Main"); } } else { //弹出对话框"用户名或密码错误!" GameFuncs.CreateMsg("用户名或密码错误!"); } } }
public void TryToLogIn() { offlineContainer.SetActive(false); onlineContainer.SetActive(false); cancelContainer.SetActive(true); LogInMenu.SetActive(false); LogInContainer.SetActive(false); SignUpContainer.SetActive(false); ForgotPwContainer.SetActive(false); popup.SetActive(false); waitingDisplay.SetActive(true); if (RememberMeToggle.isOn) { Debug.Log("Hash: " + loadedPwhash); DBFuncs.LogIn(loadedUsername, loadedPwhash, true); } else { DBFuncs.LogIn(logIn_UsernameText.text, logIn_Password.text); } }
void Awake() { self = this; }
public BaseController(JusticePortalContext jpc) { this.db = new DBFuncs(jpc); }
private void Console(MyContext db) { Field <GamesDataType>( "newConsole", description: "Issue a new console command to a game", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <NewConsoleInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <NewConsoleDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play."); } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConsoleCommands), input.command)) { throw new ExecutionError("The command you issued was unrecognized. This shouldn't happen if you issued the request through the official front end."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this game id exist? var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (game == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } if (game.Closed) { throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further actions are possible."); } //For some reason, `.Any(x => x.OwnerId.Equals(user.OwnerId))` is not working. I don't know why yet. if (!game.GamesDataPlayers.Select(x => x.Owner).Contains(user)) { throw new ExecutionError("You're not participating in this game and so cannot issue console commands."); } //Command-specific error checks switch ((ConsoleCommands)input.command) { case ConsoleCommands.DRAW: break; case ConsoleCommands.FREEZE: if (game.ClockFrozen) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The clocks are already frozen."); } break; case ConsoleCommands.THAW: if (!game.ClockFrozen) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The clocks are not frozen."); } break; } var consolekey = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(); var cmd = new Consoles { EntryId = consolekey, GameId = game.EntryId, Game = game, OwnerId = user.OwnerId, Owner = user, Command = input.command }; db.Consoles.Add(cmd); var vote = new ConsolesVotes { EntryId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(), ConsoleId = consolekey, Voter = user.OwnerId, VoterNavigation = user, Vote = true }; db.ConsolesVotes.Add(vote); db.SaveChanges(); return(game); } ); Field <GamesDataType>( "withdrawConsole", description: "Withdraw a console command", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <WithdrawConsoleInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <WithdrawConsoleDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The command ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this console command exist? var cmd = db.Consoles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (cmd == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The command id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } if (cmd.OwnerId != user.OwnerId) { throw new ExecutionError("Only the person who issued the command can withdraw it."); } GamesData game = cmd.Game; db.Consoles.Remove(cmd); db.SaveChanges(); return(game); } ); Field <GamesDataType>( "voteConsole", description: "Vote on a console command", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <VoteConsoleInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <VoteConsoleDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The command ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this console command exist? var cmd = db.Consoles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (cmd == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The command id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } GamesData game = cmd.Game; //Delete any existing votes by this user db.ConsolesVotes.RemoveRange(db.ConsolesVotes.Where(x => x.ConsoleId.Equals(cmd.EntryId) && x.Voter.Equals(user.OwnerId))); //Set their vote var vote = new ConsolesVotes { EntryId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(), ConsoleId = cmd.EntryId, Console = cmd, Voter = user.OwnerId, VoterNavigation = user, Vote = }; db.ConsolesVotes.Add(vote); db.SaveChanges(); //Check if all the votes are in and execute if so if (db.ConsolesVotes.Where(x => x.ConsoleId.Equals(cmd.EntryId)).ToArray().Length == game.GamesDataPlayers.Count) { //Load the latest game state Game gameobj; try { gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } var args = new ExecuteCommandInput { Gameobj = gameobj, Gamerec = game, Console = cmd }; DBFuncs.ExecuteCommand(db, args); db.Consoles.Remove(cmd); } db.SaveChanges(); return(game); } ); }
private void Challenges(MyContext db) { Field <ChallengeType>( "issueChallenge", description: "Issue a new challenge", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <NewChallengeInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <NewChallengeDTO>("input"); var game = db.GamesMeta.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Shortcode.Equals(; if (game == null) { throw new ExecutionError("Could not find a game with the name " + + "."); } //Validate numPlayers int[] counts = game.PlayerCounts.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray(); if (!counts.Contains(input.numPlayers)) { throw new ExecutionError("The number of players you requested (" + input.numPlayers.ToString() + ") is not supported by " + game.Name + ". Only the following are acceptable: " + game.PlayerCounts + "."); } //Set clock to default if necessary if ((input.clockStart == null) || (input.clockStart < 1)) { input.clockStart = 72; } if ((input.clockInc == null) || (input.clockInc < 1)) { input.clockInc = 24; } if ((input.clockMax == null) || (input.clockMax < 1)) { input.clockMax = 240; } //Validate variants List <string> vars = game.GamesMetaVariants.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); vars.Add("Unrated"); vars.Add("Hard Time"); foreach (var variant in input.variants) { if (!vars.Contains(variant)) { throw new ExecutionError("The variant '" + variant + "' is not supported by " + game.Name + "."); } } //Validate any challengees (including seat) foreach (var player in input.challengees) { if (!db.Owners.Any(x => x.OwnerId.Equals(GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(player)))) { throw new ExecutionError("Could not find player ID " + player + "."); } } //Build record var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You do not appear to have a user profile. You must create a profile before playing."); } byte[] challengeId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(); var rec = new Challenges { ChallengeId = challengeId, GameId = game.GameId, OwnerId = user.OwnerId, NumPlayers = (byte)input.numPlayers, Notes = input.notes, ClockStart = (ushort)input.clockStart, ClockInc = (ushort)input.clockInc, ClockMax = (ushort)input.clockMax, }; if (input.variants.Length > 0) { rec.Variants = String.Join('\n', input.variants); } //Add issuer var issuer = new ChallengesPlayers { EntryId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(), ChallengeId = challengeId, OwnerId = user.OwnerId, Confirmed = true }; bool seated = false; if ( != null) { if (input.numPlayers != 2) { throw new ExecutionError("The 'seat' field is only meaningful in two-player games."); } if (( != 1) && ( != 2)) { throw new ExecutionError("The only valid values of 'seat' are '1' and '2'."); } seated = true; issuer.Seat = (byte); } rec.ChallengesPlayers.Add(issuer); foreach (var player in input.challengees) { var node = new ChallengesPlayers { EntryId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(), ChallengeId = challengeId, OwnerId = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(player), Confirmed = false }; if (seated) { node.Seat = (byte)(( % 2) + 1); } rec.ChallengesPlayers.Add(node); } db.Challenges.Add(rec); db.SaveChanges(); return(rec); } ); Field <ChallengeType>( "respondChallenge", description: "Confirm or withdraw from a pending challenge", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <RespondChallengeInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <RespondChallengeDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! You must create a profile before you can play."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The challenge ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } var challenge = db.Challenges.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ChallengeId.Equals(binaryid)); if (challenge == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The challenge '" + + "' does not appear to exist."); } var player = db.ChallengesPlayers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ChallengeId.Equals(challenge.ChallengeId) && x.OwnerId.Equals(user.OwnerId)); //challenge.ChallengesPlayers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.OwnerId.Equals(user.OwnerId)); //if confirming if (input.confirmed) { //They were directly invited and so are already in the database if ((player != null) && (!player.Confirmed)) { player.Confirmed = true; db.ChallengesPlayers.Update(player); } //otherwise, add them else if (player == null) { var node = new ChallengesPlayers { EntryId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(), ChallengeId = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(, OwnerId = user.OwnerId, Confirmed = true, Seat = null }; db.ChallengesPlayers.Add(node); } //Check for full challenge and create game if necessary if (challenge.ChallengesPlayers.Where(x => x.Confirmed).Count() == challenge.NumPlayers) { //Prepare the variant and player lists for the game factory string[] variants; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(challenge.Variants)) { variants = new string[0]; } else { variants = challenge.Variants.Split('\n'); } string[] players; if (challenge.NumPlayers == 2) { var plist = new List <string>(); var parray = challenge.ChallengesPlayers.ToArray(); //only one of the players will have a defined seat if ((parray[0].Seat == 1) || (parray[1].Seat == 2)) { plist.Add(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(parray[0].Owner.PlayerId)); plist.Add(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(parray[1].Owner.PlayerId)); } else if ((parray[0].Seat == 2) || (parray[1].Seat == 1)) { plist.Add(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(parray[1].Owner.PlayerId)); plist.Add(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(parray[0].Owner.PlayerId)); } else { foreach (var o in challenge.ChallengesPlayers.Select(x => (Owners)x.Owner)) { plist.Add(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(o.PlayerId)); } plist.Shuffle(); } players = plist.ToArray(); } else { var plist = new List <string>(); foreach (var o in challenge.ChallengesPlayers.Select(x => (Owners)x.Owner)) { plist.Add(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(o.PlayerId)); } plist.Shuffle(); players = plist.ToArray(); } //Now create the game object. If it fails, then everything aborts. Game gameobj; try { gameobj = GameFactory.CreateGame(challenge.Game.Shortcode, players, variants); } catch (ArgumentException e) { throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to create the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } //Everything appears to be in order, so now we create the various DB objects and store them var ngdata = new NewGameInput { Gameobj = gameobj, Shortcode = challenge.Game.Shortcode, ClockStart = challenge.ClockStart, ClockMax = challenge.ClockMax, ClockInc = challenge.ClockInc, Variants = challenge.Variants }; var newgame = DBFuncs.NewGame(db, ngdata); //Delete the challenge db.Challenges.Remove(challenge); } } //if withdrawing and the player entry already exists else if (player != null) { //Is it the challenge issuer who's withdrawing? if (player.OwnerId.SequenceEqual(challenge.OwnerId)) { db.Challenges.Remove(challenge); } //Or someone else? else { db.ChallengesPlayers.Remove(player); } } db.SaveChanges(); return(challenge); } ); }
public HomeController(JusticePortalContext jpc, ICielaComm cielaComm, IConfiguration config) { this.db = new DBFuncs(jpc); this.cielaComm = cielaComm; this.config = config; }
private void GamesData(MyContext db) { Field <GamesDataType>( "moveGame", description: "Submit a move to a game", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <MoveGameInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <MoveGameDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this game id exist? var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (game == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } if (game.Closed) { throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further moves are possible."); } //Load the latest game state Game gameobj; try { gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } //Is the move legal? Game newgameobj; try { newgameobj = gameobj.Move(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(user.PlayerId), input.move); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("Your move was not accepted. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } //Build game object var uginput = new UpdateGameInput { Gameobj = newgameobj, Gamerec = game, Mover = user.OwnerId }; DBFuncs.UpdateGame(db, uginput); db.SaveChanges(); return(game); } ); Field <GamesDataPreviewType>( "moveGamePreview", description: "Preview a move to a game", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <MoveGameInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <MoveGameDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this game id exist? var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (game == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } if (game.Closed) { throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further moves are possible."); } //Load the latest game state Game gameobj; try { gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } //Is the move legal? Game newgameobj; try { newgameobj = gameobj.Move(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(user.PlayerId), input.move); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("Your move was not accepted. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } return(newgameobj); } ); Field <GamesDataChatType>( "newChat", description: "Post a new chat message to a game", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <NewChatInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <NewChatDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can chat in games."); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this game id exist? var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (game == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } var rec = new GamesDataChats { ChatId = GuidGenerator.GenerateSequentialGuid(), GameId = binaryid, OwnerId = user.OwnerId, Message = input.message }; db.GamesDataChats.Add(rec); db.SaveChanges(); return(rec); } ); Field <GamesDataType>( "resignGame", description: "Resign from a game in progress", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResignGameInputType> > { Name = "input" } ), resolve: _ => { var context = (UserContext)_.UserContext; var input = _.GetArgument <ResignGameDTO>("input"); var user = db.Owners.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CognitoId.Equals(context.cognitoId)); if (user == null) { throw new ExecutionError("You don't appear to have a user account! Only registered users can play."); } if (!input.confirmed) { throw new ExecutionError("You must set `confirmed` to `true` to proceed. This action cannot be undone!"); } byte[] binaryid; try { binaryid = GuidGenerator.HelperStringToBA(; } catch { throw new ExecutionError("The game ID you provided is malformed. Please verify and try again."); } //Does this game id exist? var game = db.GamesData.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EntryId.Equals(binaryid)); if (game == null) { throw new ExecutionError("The game id you provided (" + + ") does not appear to exist."); } if (game.Closed) { throw new ExecutionError("This game has ended. No further moves are possible."); } //Load the latest game state Game gameobj; try { gameobj = GameFactory.LoadGame(game.GameMeta.Shortcode, game.GamesDataStates.Last().State); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("An error occurred while trying to load the game. Please alert the administrators. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } //Is the move legal? Game newgameobj; try { newgameobj = gameobj.Resign(GuidGenerator.HelperBAToString(user.PlayerId)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionError("The resignation failed. The game code said the following: " + e.Message); } //Build game object var uginput = new UpdateGameInput { Gameobj = newgameobj, Gamerec = game, Mover = user.OwnerId }; DBFuncs.UpdateGame(db, uginput); db.SaveChanges(); return(game); } ); }