Exemplo n.º 1
        private void btnSaveDBInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int port = 0;

            if (Logger.DebugMode)
                Logger.LogTrace("Method: btnSaveDBInfo_Click");
            DBConnectionDetails _tempObject = new DBConnectionDetails();

            _tempObject.DBUsername = txtDBUsername.Text;
            _tempObject.DBPassword = txtDBPassword.Text;
            _tempObject.DBServer   = txtDBServer.Text;
            _tempObject.DBCatalog  = txtDBCatalog.Text;
            _tempObject.DBPort     = int.TryParse(txtDBPort.Text, out port) ? port : -1;
            _tempObject.DBType     = (SupportedDatabases)Enum.Parse(typeof(SupportedDatabases), cmbDatabaseType.Text);

            if (!DatabaseUtils.TestDBConnection(_tempObject, Logger))
                DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to the database with selected info, would \n" +
                                                            "you like to save the connection details anyway?", "Connection Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                    ODL.Common.DatabaseUtils.Save(_tempObject, Logger);
                ODL.Common.DatabaseUtils.Save(_tempObject, Logger);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static IEnumerable <dynamic> GetPfsIds(DBConnectionDetails conn, IEnumerable <int> posIds)
            string posStr = string.Join(",", posIds);
            var    query  = string.Format("select posId, externalId from externalPositionMap where posId in ({0})", posStr);

            return(DbUtils.ExecuteReader(conn, query, p => p, (r, i) => new { posId = r.GetInt32(0), pfsId = r.GetString(1) }, 30));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, double> > ReadFXHist(DBConnectionDetails conn, int fromDate)
            var query = string.Format(@"select eod_date, frgn_curr_code CCY, calc_bid fxrate from ARCH..CDM_currency_rates_arch where eod_date>={0}", fromDate);
            var res   = DbUtils.ExecuteReader(conn, query,
                                              ri => new
                EodDate = ri.GetOrdinal("eod_date"),
                CCY     = ri.GetOrdinal("CCY"),
                Fx      = ri.GetOrdinal("fxrate")
                                              (r, ri) => new
                EodDate = r.GetInt32(ri.EodDate),
                CCY     = r.GetString(ri.CCY),
                Fx      = r.GetDouble(ri.Fx)
                                              30).ToList().GroupBy(du => du.EodDate).ToDictionary(du => du.Key, du => du.ToDictionary(d => d.CCY, d => d.Fx));

            var lastDate = res.Keys.OrderByDescending(d => d).First();
            var today    = Utility.DateToRover8(DateTime.Today);

            if (!res.ContainsKey(today))
                res.Add(today, res[lastDate]);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static int GetPfsSecId(DBConnectionDetails conn, string pfsId)
     if (pfsId == null)
     return(DbUtils.ObtainCmdAndEval(conn.ConnectionString(), cmd => (int?)DbUtils.ExecuteScalar(false, cmd, "select secId from externalPositionMap where externalId = '" + pfsId + "'", null)) ?? -1);
        private static IDatabaseProxy GetDatabaseProxyInstance(DBConnectionDetails dbDetails)
            switch (dbDetails.DBType)
            case "MongoDB": return(new MongoDBConnector(dbDetails));

            case "LocalDB": return(LocalDB.Instance);

            default: return(FindCustomDatabaseProxy(dbDetails));
        private static IDatabaseProxy FindCustomDatabaseProxy(DBConnectionDetails dbDetails)
            Type iDatabaseProxyType = typeof(IDatabaseProxy);

            Assembly[] assemblies  = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
            Type       dbProxyType = assemblies
                                     .SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes())
                                     .SingleOrDefault(p => iDatabaseProxyType.IsAssignableFrom(p) && p.Name.Equals(dbDetails.DBType));

            if (dbProxyType == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find db of type {dbDetails.DBType}");

            return((IDatabaseProxy)Activator.CreateInstance(dbProxyType, dbDetails));
        public MongoDBConnector(DBConnectionDetails connectionDetails)
            ConnectionDetails = connectionDetails;
            Settings          = new MongoClientSettings()
                ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Automatic,
                Server         = connectionDetails.Port == 0
                    ? new MongoServerAddress(connectionDetails.Host)
                    : new MongoServerAddress(connectionDetails.Host, connectionDetails.Port)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionDetails.Username))
                Settings.Credential = MongoCredential.CreateCredential("admin",
                                                                       connectionDetails.Username, connectionDetails.Password);
                Settings.UseTls           = true;
                Settings.AllowInsecureTls = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LogHandler LogObject = new LogHandler();

            ODL.Common.DBConnectionDetails DbConnectionInf = new DBConnectionDetails()
                DBServer   = "",
                DBCatalog  = "",
                DBUsername = "",
                DBPassword = "",
                DBType     = SupportedDatabases.PostgreSQL,
                DBPort     = 0
            String FileName = "C:\\Users\\Zach\\Downloads\\productDownload_2020-10-01T101650.zip";
            //String FileName = "C:\\Users\\Zach\\Downloads\\NYSTATE_EVAL_2014.zip";
            IngestBase x = new USCensusS0901(LogObject, DbConnectionInf, FileName);

Exemplo n.º 9
 public static string GetUnderlyer(DBConnectionDetails conn, int posId)
     return(DbUtils.ObtainCmdAndEval(conn.ConnectionString(), cmd => (string)DbUtils.ExecuteScalar(false, cmd, @"
         --select 'A/C='+pd.firmAccount + ', RIC='+ric.altId + ', Uccy='+undfi.currency + ', RIC2='+ric2.altId + ', FutMult='+cast(fut.multiplier as varchar(20)) + ', CB {type='+ct.mnem + ', initConvPrc='+cast(c.initialConversionPrice as varchar(20)) + ', FaceVal='+cast(c.faceValue as varchar(20)) + ', tradesGross='+c.tradesGross + '}'
         select 'A/C='+pd.firmAccount + ', RIC='+ric.altId + ', RIC2='+ric2.altId + ', FutMult='+cast(fut.multiplier as varchar(20)) + ', CB {type='+ct.mnem + ', initConvPrc='+cast(c.initialConversionPrice as varchar(20)) + ', FaceVal='+cast(c.faceValue as varchar(20)) + ', tradesGross='+c.tradesGross + '}'
           from externalPositionMap epm
           join positionDescription pd on pd.posId=epm.posId
           join ETSderivative der on der.derId = epm.secId
         --  join ETSfinancialInstrument undfi on undfi.id = der.undId and undfi.validUntil=99999999
           left outer join ETSforward fut on fut.id=der.undId and fut.validUntil=99999999
           left outer join ETSalternativeIdentifier ric on ric.id=der.undId and ric.type='RIC'
           --left outer join ETSalternativeIdentifier cus on cus.id=der.undId and cus.type='CUS'
           left outer join ETSderivative der2 on der2.derId = der.undId
           left outer join ETSalternativeIdentifier ric2 on ric2.id=der2.undId and ric2.type='RIC'
           left outer join CDM_basket_detail bd on bd.secId=der.undId
           left outer join CDM_basket_list bl on bl.bskt_name=bd.bskt_name
           left outer join ETSconvertible c on c.id=bl.undId and c.validUntil=99999999
           left outer join ETSconvertibleType ct on ct.code=c.type
          where epm.posId = " + posId,
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static string GetPfsId(DBConnectionDetails conn, int posId)
     return(DbUtils.ObtainCmdAndEval(conn.ConnectionString(), cmd => (string)DbUtils.ExecuteScalar(false, cmd, "select externalId from externalPositionMap where posId = " + posId, null)));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static List <PaaData> ReadPaaData(DBConnectionDetails conn, int posId, int fromDate, int tillDate = 0)
            if (tillDate < fromDate)
                tillDate = Utility.DateToRover8(DateTime.Today);

            var query = string.Format(@"select pq.eodDate, pq.posId, pq.quantity, r.spot, r.delta, r.theta, r.markOK
                , pl.fairValue, pl.averageCost, pl.interest, pl.coupon, pl.dividend, pl.realised, pl.commission, pl.extraordinary EOPL, pl.thetaPL, pl.plOK
                , pla.averageCost avgCostA, pla.realised rlsdA, pla.commission commA
                , ple.extraordinary EOPLE, plrd.accruedInterest AccIntPLRD, plrd.coupon couponPLRD, plrd.dividend DivPLRD
                , pl.currency CCY
                , dc.result DayCount, lr.result LiborRate, lp.result LiborPrem, ep.result EquityPrem, dp.result DivPrem
                from ARCH..pfsTradedQuantity pq
                join ARCH..risk r on r.eodDate = pq.eodDate and r.posId=pq.posId
                join ARCH..profitLoss pl on pl.eodDate = pq.eodDate and pl.posId=pq.posId
                left outer join ARCH..plArchive pla on pla.eodDate = pq.eodDate and pla.posId=pq.posId
                left outer join ARCH..profitLossExtraordinary ple on ple.eodDate = pq.eodDate and ple.posId=pq.posId
                left outer join ARCH..profitLossRawData plrd on plrd.eodDate = pq.eodDate and plrd.posId=pq.posId
                left outer join ARCH..flexibleModelResults dc on dc.eodDate = pq.eodDate and dc.posId=pq.posId and dc.resultId = 170
                left outer join ARCH..flexibleModelResults lr on lr.eodDate = pq.eodDate and lr.posId=pq.posId and lr.resultId = 13
                left outer join ARCH..flexibleModelResults lp on lp.eodDate = pq.eodDate and lp.posId=pq.posId and lp.resultId = 8
                left outer join ARCH..flexibleModelResults ep on ep.eodDate = pq.eodDate and ep.posId=pq.posId and ep.resultId = 9
                left outer join ARCH..flexibleModelResults dp on dp.eodDate = pq.eodDate and dp.posId=pq.posId and dp.resultId = 5
                where pq.eodDate between {1} and {2} 
                and pq.posId={0}
                order by pq.eodDate
                ", posId, fromDate, tillDate);

            return(DbUtils.ExecuteReader(conn, query,
                                         ri => new
                EodDate = ri.GetOrdinal("eodDate"),
                PosId = ri.GetOrdinal("posId"),
                Quantity = ri.GetOrdinal("quantity"),
                Spot = ri.GetOrdinal("spot"),
                Delta = ri.GetOrdinal("delta"),
                Theta = ri.GetOrdinal("theta"),
                MOK = ri.GetOrdinal("markOK"),
                FairValue = ri.GetOrdinal("fairValue"),
                AverageCost = ri.GetOrdinal("averageCost"),
                Interest = ri.GetOrdinal("interest"),
                Coupon = ri.GetOrdinal("coupon"),
                Dividend = ri.GetOrdinal("dividend"),
                Realised = ri.GetOrdinal("realised"),
                Commission = ri.GetOrdinal("commission"),
                EOPL = ri.GetOrdinal("EOPL"),
                ThetaPL = ri.GetOrdinal("thetaPL"),
                PLOK = ri.GetOrdinal("plOK"),
                AvgCostA = ri.GetOrdinal("avgCostA"),
                RlsdA = ri.GetOrdinal("rlsdA"),
                CommA = ri.GetOrdinal("commA"),
                EOPLE = ri.GetOrdinal("EOPLE"),
                AccIntPLRD = ri.GetOrdinal("AccIntPLRD"),
                CouponPLRD = ri.GetOrdinal("couponPLRD"),
                DivPLRD = ri.GetOrdinal("DivPLRD"),
                CCY = ri.GetOrdinal("CCY"),
                DayCount = ri.GetOrdinal("DayCount"),
                LiborRate = ri.GetOrdinal("LiborRate"),
                LiborPrem = ri.GetOrdinal("LiborPrem"),
                EquityPrem = ri.GetOrdinal("EquityPrem"),
                DivPrem = ri.GetOrdinal("DivPrem"),
                                         (r, ri) =>
                return new PaaData
                    EodDate = r.GetInt32(ri.EodDate),
                    PosId = r.GetInt32(ri.PosId),
                    Quantity = r.GetDouble(ri.Quantity),
                    Spot = Math.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Spot), 4),
                    Delta = r.GetDouble(ri.Delta),
                    Theta = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Theta)),
                    MOK = r.GetString(ri.MOK),
                    FairValue = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.FairValue)),
                    AverageCost = Math.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.AverageCost), 6),
                    Interest = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Interest)),
                    Coupon = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Coupon)),
                    Dividend = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Dividend)),
                    Realised = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Realised)),
                    Commission = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.Commission)),
                    EOPL = Utility.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.EOPL)),
                    EOPLE = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.EOPLE) ? 0.0 : r.GetDouble(ri.EOPLE)),
                    ThetaPL = Utility.Round(r.GetFloat(ri.ThetaPL)),
                    PLOK = r.GetString(ri.PLOK),
                    AvgCostA = (r.IsDBNull(ri.AvgCostA) ? 0.0 : Math.Round(r.GetDouble(ri.AvgCostA), 6)),
                    RlsdA = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.RlsdA) ? 0.0 : r.GetFloat(ri.RlsdA)),
                    CommA = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.CommA) ? 0.0 : r.GetFloat(ri.CommA)),
                    AccIntPLRD = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.AccIntPLRD) ? 0.0 : r.GetFloat(ri.AccIntPLRD)),
                    //CouponPLRD = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.CouponPLRD) ? 0.0 : r.GetFloat(ri.CouponPLRD)),
                    DivPLRD = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.DivPLRD) ? 0.0 : r.GetFloat(ri.DivPLRD)),
                    CCY = r.GetString(ri.CCY),
                    DayCount = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.DayCount) ? 0.0 : r.GetDouble(ri.DayCount)),
                    LiborRate = (r.IsDBNull(ri.LiborRate) ? 0.0 : r.GetDouble(ri.LiborRate)),
                    LiborPrem = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.LiborPrem) ? 0.0 : r.GetDouble(ri.LiborPrem)),
                    EquityPrem = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.EquityPrem) ? 0.0 : r.GetDouble(ri.EquityPrem)),
                    DivPrem = Utility.Round(r.IsDBNull(ri.DivPrem) ? 0.0 : r.GetDouble(ri.DivPrem)),