Exemplo n.º 1
    public void Start()
        dropdown        = GetComponent <Dropdown>();
        instantDropdown = GetComponent <CustomUnityDropdown>();


        titleText.text = title;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Dropdown dropdown = GetComponent <Dropdown>();

        if (dropdown)
            foreach (Dropdown.OptionData data in dropdown.options)
                for (int i = 10; i >= 0; --i)
                    string oldValue = "\\t" + i;
                    string newValue = string.Empty;

                    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
                        newValue += "\t";

                    data.text = data.text.Replace(oldValue, newValue);

        CustomUnityDropdown instantDropdown = GetComponent <CustomUnityDropdown>();

        if (instantDropdown)
            foreach (CustomUnityDropdown.OptionData data in instantDropdown.options)
                for (int i = 10; i >= 0; --i)
                    string oldValue = "\\t" + i;
                    string newValue = string.Empty;

                    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
                        newValue += "\t";

                    data.text = data.text.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Dropdown dropdown = GetComponent <Dropdown>();

        if (dropdown)
            foreach (Dropdown.OptionData data in dropdown.options)
                stringsToLocalise.Add(new StringElement()
                    stringId = data.text, element = data

        CustomUnityDropdown instantDropdown = GetComponent <CustomUnityDropdown>();

        if (instantDropdown)
            foreach (CustomUnityDropdown.OptionData data in instantDropdown.options)
                stringsToLocalise.Add(new StringElement()
                    stringId = data.text, element = data

        var text = GetComponent <Text>();

        if (text)
            stringsToLocalise.Add(new StringElement()
                stringId = text.text, element = text

    // Update is called once per frame
    public override void OnServiceUpdate()
        bool menuBarObjectUnderMouse = false;

        if (Globals.applicationMode != Globals.ApplicationMode.Loading && inUIBar)
            // Get a list of all the objects currently under the mouse to get past the blocker
            GameObject[] currentHoveringObjects = GetObjectsUnderMouse();

            // Check if mouse is hovering over an associated object
            foreach (GameObject objectUnderPointer in currentHoveringObjects)
                for (int i = 0; i < uiElements.Length; ++i)
                    if ((uiElements[i] == objectUnderPointer) || objectUnderPointer.transform.parent.gameObject == uiElements[i])
                        currentElement          = i;
                        menuBarObjectUnderMouse = true;

                if (menuBarObjectUnderMouse)

            // Exit if not in a dropdown associated with the collected gameobjects or not hovering over an associated object
            if (!menuBarObjectUnderMouse)
                currentElement = -1;
            else if (prevElement != currentElement)
                Dropdown            dropdown        = null;
                CustomUnityDropdown instantDropdown = null;

                // Auto-switch dropdown on hover
                if (lastShownDropdown && lastShownDropdown.gameObject != uiElements[currentElement].gameObject)
                    Dropdown            lastDropdown        = lastShownDropdown.GetComponentInParent <Dropdown>();
                    CustomUnityDropdown lastInstantDropdown = lastShownDropdown.GetComponentInParent <CustomUnityDropdown>();

                    if (lastDropdown)

                    if (lastInstantDropdown)


                dropdown        = uiElements[currentElement].GetComponentInParent <Dropdown>();
                instantDropdown = uiElements[currentElement].GetComponentInParent <CustomUnityDropdown>();

                if (dropdown)
                    lastShownDropdown = dropdown;

                if (instantDropdown)
                    lastShownDropdown = instantDropdown;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !inUIBar)
            GameObject[] currentHoveringObjects = GetObjectsUnderMouse();

            GameObject foundObject = null;
            // Check if mouse is hovering over an associated object
            foreach (GameObject objectUnderPointer in currentHoveringObjects)
                for (int i = 0; i < uiElements.Length; ++i)
                    if ((uiElements[i] == objectUnderPointer) || objectUnderPointer.transform.parent.gameObject == uiElements[i])
                        currentElement = i;
                        foundObject    = uiElements[i];

                if (foundObject)

            if (foundObject)
                inUIBar = true;

                // Set the last shown dropdown
                Dropdown dropdown = foundObject.GetComponentInParent <Dropdown>();
                if (dropdown)
                    lastShownDropdown = dropdown;

                CustomUnityDropdown instantDropdown = foundObject.GetComponentInParent <CustomUnityDropdown>();
                if (instantDropdown)
                    lastShownDropdown = instantDropdown;

            mouseUpBlock = true;
        // Properly deselect dropdown
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) /* && (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject || !menuBarObjectUnderMouse)*/)
            if (mouseUpBlock)
                mouseUpBlock = false;
                inUIBar        = false;
                currentElement = -1;


        prevElement = currentElement;