Exemplo n.º 1
        partial void OnTaken(object sender, BusinessRulesEventArgs <SDFile> e)
            var queryOr = e.ContextRequest.CustomParams.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "queryOr");

            if (queryOr != null && (e.Item != null || e.Items.Count > 0))
                if (e.Item == null)
                    e.Item = e.Items[0];

                CustomQuery customQuery = (CustomQuery)queryOr.Value;
                if (customQuery.SelectedFields.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "FileData") != null)
                    bool saveInBlob = false;
                    if (e.ContextRequest != null && e.ContextRequest.Company != null)
                        saveInBlob = (bool)SFSdotNet.Framework.Configuration.ModuleAppSettings.GetValue("save-files-blob", "SFSServiceDesk", "Boolean", false, false);
                    if (saveInBlob == true && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Item.FileStorage))
                        SFSdotNet.Framework.Data.StaticStorage storage = new SFSdotNet.Framework.Data.StaticStorage("SFSServiceDesk".ToLower());

                        storage.GuidCompany = e.ContextRequest.Company.GuidCompany;

                        e.Item.FileData = storage.GetDataByteArray(e.Item.FileStorage);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void DisposingTwoTimesShouldBeOk()
            var query = new CustomQuery <SingleKeyParentTable>(this.Fixture.Connector, this.Fixture.SelectClause);

Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes a query and return the results.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TResultType">The result type.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="connector">The database connector.</param>
 /// <param name="query">A custom commandText string. The select columns should be mapped to the <see cref="TResultType"/></param>
 /// /// <param name="whereClause">A where filter clause. Do not add the "WHERE" keyword to it. If you need to pass parameters, pass using @1, @2, @3.</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">A list of parameter values.</param>
 /// <returns>A list of <see cref="TResultType"/></returns>
 /// <seealso cref="Querying.CustomQuery{TResultType}"/>
 public static async Task <List <TResultType> > CustomQueryAsync <TResultType>(this IDatabaseConnector connector, string query, string whereClause = null, params object[] parameters) where TResultType : class, new()
     using (var customQuery = new CustomQuery <TResultType>(connector, query))
         return(await customQuery.ExecuteAsync(whereClause, parameters));
Exemplo n.º 4
            public override bool Equals(Object obj)
                if (this == obj)
                if (!base.Equals(obj))
                if (GetType() != obj.GetType())
                CustomQuery other = (CustomQuery)obj;

                if (term == null)
                    if (other.term != null)
                else if (!term.equals(other.term))
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void Load()
        string      filter = string.Format("userId eq '{0}'", _client.User.user.userId);
        CustomQuery query  = new CustomQuery(filter);

        Debug.Log("Load data for UserId: " + _client.User.user.userId + " query:" + query);

        StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Inventory> (query, OnLoadCompleted));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void DisposingTwoTimesShouldBeOk()
            var query = new CustomQuery <SingleKeyParentTable>(Fixture.Connector, Fixture.SelectClause);

            var result = query.Execute();

Exemplo n.º 7
        private static System.Data.DataTable QueryOnBase()
            var extractCustomQueryName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["extractCustomQueryName"];

            if (!Int32.TryParse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["numberOfDaysExtracted"], out Int32 numberOfDaysExtracted))
                Log.Logger.Warning("numberOfDaysExtracted in Config is invalid! Defaulting to 30 days!");
                numberOfDaysExtracted = 30;

            if (!Int32.TryParse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxQueryDocuments"], out Int32 maxQueryDocuments))
                Log.Logger.Warning("maxQueryDocuments in Config is invalid! Defaulting to 10,000 documents!");
                maxQueryDocuments = 10000;

            System.Data.DataTable table = SetupTable();

            using (Application obApp = OnBaseConnect())
                DocumentQuery docQuery = obApp.Core.CreateDocumentQuery();

                CustomQuery extractCQ = obApp.Core.CustomQueries.Find(extractCustomQueryName);

                if (extractCQ != null)
                    Log.Logger.Debug(String.Format("Custom Query Found: {0}", extractCustomQueryName));

                    DateTime endTime   = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime startTime = endTime.AddDays(-1 * numberOfDaysExtracted);
                    docQuery.AddDateRange(startTime, endTime);

                    DocumentList docList = docQuery.Execute(maxQueryDocuments);

                    foreach (Document doc in docList)
                        Log.Logger.Debug("Doc: {docId} - {docName}", doc.ID, doc.Name);

                        Form form = obApp.Core.GetDocumentByID(doc.ID).UnityForm;

                        if (form != null)
                            HomeEquityApplication heApplication = new HomeEquityApplication(doc, form);
                    Log.Logger.Error("Custom Query NOT Found: {extractCustomQueryName}", extractCustomQueryName);

    public void GetUsernameHighscore()
        Highscore   score   = GetScore();
        string      filter  = string.Format("username eq '{0}'", score.username);
        string      orderBy = "score desc";
        CustomQuery query   = new CustomQuery(filter, orderBy);

Exemplo n.º 9
    public void GetAzureUserData()
        //		ResetList ();
        Userdata userdata = PrepareUserData();
        string   filter   = string.Format("username eq '{0}'", GameManager.Instance.profileName);
        //string orderBy = "score desc";
        CustomQuery query = new CustomQuery(filter);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ShouldNotUseDisposedQueryObject()
            var query = new CustomQuery <SingleKeyParentTable>(this.Fixture.Connector, this.Fixture.SelectClause);


            Action executeQuery = () => query.Execute();

            executeQuery.ShouldThrow <NullReferenceException>();
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void QueryObjectMustBeReutilizable()
            var query = new CustomQuery <SingleKeyParentTable>(this.Fixture.Connector, this.Fixture.SelectClause);

            var result  = query.Execute();
            var result2 = query.Execute();

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static Request <Models.MatchmakingBrowseResult> Browse(string pool, CustomQuery customQuery = null)
            if (Core.IsInitialized())
                return(new Request <Models.MatchmakingBrowseResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Browse(
                                                                        customQuery != null ? customQuery.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero

Exemplo n.º 13
        public static Request EnqueueRoom(UInt64 roomID, CustomQuery customQuery = null)
            if (Core.IsInitialized())
                return(new Request(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_EnqueueRoom(
                                       customQuery != null ? customQuery.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero

Exemplo n.º 14
    public void GetTopHighscores()
        DateTime today  = DateTime.Today;
        string   day    = today.ToString("s");
        string   filter = string.Format("createdAt gt '{0}Z'", day);

        Debug.Log("filter:" + filter);
        string      orderBy = "score desc";
        CustomQuery query   = new CustomQuery(filter, orderBy, 10);

        internal Tuple <DataTable, string> GetAllContactsCustomQuery()
            CustomQuery custom = new CustomQuery(UserConnection, "Select Id, Name, Phone, Email from Contact");

            DataTable dt;

            using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection(QueryKind.General))
                using (IDataReader reader = custom.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
                    dt = reader.ReadToDataTable("Contact");
            custom.BuildParametersAsValue = true;
            return(new Tuple <DataTable, string>(dt, custom.GetSqlText()));
Exemplo n.º 16
    // Use this to run the queries for anomaly detection
    public void AnomalyDetection()
        ring.GetComponent <ProgressRing>().ResetFill();
        ProgressRing.flag3 = true;
        drop.GetComponent <Dropdown>().options.Clear();
        anomSkip = 0;
        filt     = string.Format("eventprocessedutctime ge '{0}' and eventprocessedutctime le '{1}' and prediction eq 1",
                                 start, end);
        sel = "deviceid";
        CustomQuery anomalyQuery = new CustomQuery(filt, "", 50, anomSkip, sel);

        StartCoroutine(_anomalies.Query <Anomaly>(anomalyQuery, AnomalyQuery));
Exemplo n.º 17
    private void DeviceQuery(IRestResponse <NestedResults <Telemetry> > response)
        if (!response.IsError)
            Telemetry[] items = response.Data.results;
            if (deviceSkip != 0)
                device = items.ToList(); // set for first page of results

            deviceSkip += 50;
            if (deviceSkip < response.Data.count)
                CustomQuery deviceQuery = new CustomQuery(filter, "eventprocessedutctime, deviceid", 50, deviceSkip, select);
                StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Telemetry>(deviceQuery, DeviceQuery));
                ProgressRing.flag2 = false;
                if (device.Count() == 0)
                    flag = false;
                    foreach (string element in attributes)
                        graphVals[element] = dataPoints(device, element);
                    GetStats(4, graphVals);

                    TextToSpeechControl.Speech(getNumAnomalies(device).ToString() + " anomalous data points detected");
                    /*textToSpeech.SpeakText(getNumAnomalies(device).ToString() + " anomalous data points detected");*/
            Debug.LogWarning("Read Nested Results Error Status:" + response.StatusCode.ToString() + " Url: " + response.Url);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static Request <Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResultAndRoom> CreateAndEnqueueRoom(
            string pool,
            uint maxUsers,
            bool subscribeToNotifications = false,
            CustomQuery customQuery       = null)
            if (Core.IsInitialized())
                return(new Request <Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResultAndRoom>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_CreateAndEnqueueRoom(
                                                                                customQuery != null ? customQuery.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach the model and view to the presenter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to attach</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view to attach</param>
        /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The presenter to attach to</param>
        public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter)
            this.query    = model as CustomQuery;
            this.view     = view as CustomQueryView;
            this.explorer = explorerPresenter;

            this.view.OnRunQuery   += RunQuery;
            this.view.OnLoadFile   += LoadFile;
            this.view.OnWriteTable += WriteTable;

            // If the model contains sql, update the view to display it
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Sql))
                this.view.Sql       = query.Sql;
                this.view.Filename  = query.Filename;
                this.view.Tablename = query.Tablename;
                RunQuery(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static string ExecuteSQL(string script, UserConnection userConnection)
            script = script.Replace("|nl|", Environment.NewLine);
            var query = new CustomQuery(userConnection, script);
            var isChangeStateScript = GetIsChangeStateScript(script);

            if (isChangeStateScript)
                var count = query.Execute();
            var records   = query.ExecuteReader(userConnection.EnsureDBConnection());
            var dataTable = new DataTable {
                TableName = "bpmcliTable"

            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataTable, Formatting.Indented));
Exemplo n.º 21
    // Runs the queries. Accepts a boolean which represents whether live mode is on.
    public void RunQueries(bool live)
        ring.GetComponent <ProgressRing>().ResetFill();
        ProgressRing.flag  = true;
        ProgressRing.flag2 = true;

        // Check if up-to-date data is needed. Otherwise, include an end time for query results.
        if (live)
            filter = string.Format("eventprocessedutctime ge '{0}' and deviceid eq '{1}'",
                                   start, ID);
            filter2 = string.Format("eventprocessedutctime ge '{0}'",
            filter = string.Format("eventprocessedutctime ge '{0}' and eventprocessedutctime le '{1}' and deviceid eq '{2}'",
                                   start, end, ID);
            filter2 = string.Format("eventprocessedutctime ge '{0}' and eventprocessedutctime le '{1}'",
                                    start, end);

        foreach (string element in attributes)
            select += element + ", ";

        // This will change based on what the variable for the time element of the telemetry is called
        select += "eventprocessedutctime, prediction";

        // Send queries for both the device and globally. Order the results by the timestamp and the deviceid.
        CustomQuery deviceQuery = new CustomQuery(filter, "eventprocessedutctime, deviceid", 50, deviceSkip, select);

        StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Telemetry>(deviceQuery, DeviceQuery));
        CustomQuery globalQuery = new CustomQuery(filter2, "eventprocessedutctime, deviceid", 50, globalSkip, select);

        StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Telemetry>(globalQuery, GlobalQuery));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void TestHighlightCustomQuery()
            String s1 = "I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so,";

            // Verify that a query against the default field results in text being
            // highlighted
            // regardless of the field name.

            CustomQuery q = new CustomQuery(new Term(FIELD_NAME, "world"));

            String expected = "I call our <B>world</B> Flatland, not because we call it so,";
            String observed = highlightField(q, "SOME_FIELD_NAME", s1);

            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("Expected: \"" + expected + "\n" + "Observed: \""
                                  + observed);
                "Query in the default field results in text for *ANY* field being highlighted",
                expected, observed);

            // Verify that a query against a named field does not result in any
            // highlighting
            // when the query field name differs from the name of the field being
            // highlighted,
            // which in this example happens to be the default field name.
            q = new CustomQuery(new Term("text", "world"));

            expected = s1;
            observed = highlightField(q, FIELD_NAME, s1);
            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("Expected: \"" + expected + "\n" + "Observed: \""
                                  + observed);
                "Query in a named field does not result in highlighting when that field isn't in the query",
                s1, highlightField(q, FIELD_NAME, s1));
Exemplo n.º 23
    private void GlobalQuery(IRestResponse <NestedResults <Telemetry> > response)
        if (!response.IsError)
            Telemetry[] items = response.Data.results;
            if (globalSkip != 0)
                global = items.ToList(); // set for first page of results

            globalSkip += 50;
            if (globalSkip < response.Data.count)
                CustomQuery globalQuery = new CustomQuery(filter2, "eventprocessedutctime, deviceid", 50, globalSkip, select);
                StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Telemetry>(globalQuery, GlobalQuery));
                ProgressRing.flag = false;
                if (global.Count() != 0)
                    foreach (string element in attributes)
                        telGlobal[element] = dataPoints(global, element);
                    GetStats(0, telGlobal);
            Debug.LogWarning("Read Nested Results Error Status:" + response.StatusCode.ToString() + " Url: " + response.Url);
Exemplo n.º 24
    private void AnomalyQuery(IRestResponse <NestedResults <Anomaly> > response)
        if (!response.IsError)
            Anomaly[] items = response.Data.results;
            if (anomSkip != 0)
                anoms = items.ToList(); // set for first page of results

            anomSkip += 50;
            if (anomSkip < response.Data.count)
                CustomQuery anomalyQuery = new CustomQuery(filt, "", 50, anomSkip, sel);
                StartCoroutine(_anomalies.Query <Anomaly>(anomalyQuery, AnomalyQuery));
                ProgressRing.flag3 = false;
                if (anoms.Count() != 0)
                    anomDevices = (from element in anoms select element.deviceid).Distinct().ToList <string>();
                    anomDevices.Add("0 Anomalies");
            Debug.LogWarning("Read Nested Results Error Status:" + response.StatusCode.ToString() + " Url: " + response.Url);
        public static TimeSpan GetRessult(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Guid calendarId, string calendarTimeZone, string userTimeZone, UserConnection userConnection)
            if (startDate > endDate)
                return(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));

            TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfoKazahstan = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(calendarTimeZone);
            TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfoLocal     = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(userTimeZone);
            TimeSpan     additionHours         = timeZoneInfoKazahstan.BaseUtcOffset - timeZoneInfoLocal.BaseUtcOffset;

            startDate += additionHours;
            endDate   += additionHours;

            DayOfWeek startTimeDayOfWeek = startDate.DayOfWeek;
            DayOfWeek endTimeDayOfWeek   = endDate.DayOfWeek;

            TimeSpan startTime = new TimeSpan(startDate.Hour, startDate.Minute, startDate.Second);
            TimeSpan endTime   = new TimeSpan(endDate.Hour, endDate.Minute, endDate.Second);

            //startDate = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day + 1);
            //Вот именно в мессте + 1 и ошибка. Сегодня тот самый последний день в календаре для месяца.
            //32 числа в июле нету. Внимательно посмотрите на 76 строку и только так добавляте в будущем дни, месяца и года, часы, минуты и т.д.
            startDate = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day);
            startDate = startDate.AddDays(1);
            endDate   = new DateTime(endDate.Year, endDate.Month, endDate.Day);

            //var userConnection = (UserConnection)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserConnection"];
            //var userConnection = new UserConnection(new AppConnection());

            //место для запроса
            var sqlQuery = string.Format(@"Select  c.Id as CId,
                                            c.Name as CName, 
                                            c.TimeZoneId as CTimeZoneId , 
                                            c.Depth  as CDepth , 
                                            c.AroundClock as CAroundClock , 
                                            c.WithoutDayOff as CWithoutDayOff,  
											dic.DayTypeId  as DICDayTypeId  ,
											dic.DayOfWeekId as DICDayOfWeekId, 
											dic.Date as DICDay,
											dow.Name as DOWNAme,  
											dow.Code as DOWCode,
											dow.Number as DOWNumber,
											dt.Name as DTName, 
											dt.IsWeekend as DTIsWeekend, 
											dt.NonWorking as DTNonWorking , 
											wti.DayOffId as WTIDayOffId , 
											wti.[From] as WTIfROM , 
											wti.[To] AS WTITo
											from [DayInCalendar] dic
											join [Calendar] as c on c.Id = dic.CalendarId
											join [DayOfWeek] as dow on dow.Id =  dic.DayOfWeekId
											join [DayType] as dt on dt.Id = dic.DayTypeId
											join [WorkingTimeInterval] as wti on wti.DayInCalendarId= dic.Id
											where dic.CalendarId = '{0}'  
											Order by   dow.Number asc"                                            , calendarId);

            var sqlQueryDayOff = string.Format(@"Select top 20 do.Date as DODate,
                                            dt.Name as DTName, 
                                            wti.[From] as WTIfROM ,
                                            wti.[To] AS WTITo
                                            from [DayOff] do 
                                            left join [DayType] as dt on dt.Id = do.DayTypeId
                                            left join [WorkingTimeInterval] as wti on wti.DayOffId= do.Id
                                            where do.CalendarId = '{0}'", calendarId);

            List <UsrDayInCalendar> usrDays    = new List <UsrDayInCalendar>();
            List <UsrDayOff>        usrDaysOff = new List <UsrDayOff>();

            var resultQuery = new CustomQuery(userConnection, sqlQuery);

            using (var dbExecutor = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
                using (var reader = resultQuery.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        usrDays.Add(new UsrDayInCalendar()
                            CId            = reader["CId"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["CId"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            CName          = reader["CName"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["CName"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            CTimeZoneId    = reader["CTimeZoneId"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["CTimeZoneId"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            CDepth         = reader["CDepth"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["CDepth"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            CAroundClock   = reader["CAroundClock"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["CAroundClock"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            CWithoutDayOff = reader["CWithoutDayOff"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["CWithoutDayOff"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DICDayTypeId   = reader["DICDayTypeId"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DICDayTypeId"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DICDayOfWeekId = reader["DICDayOfWeekId"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DICDayOfWeekId"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DICDay         = reader["DICDay"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DICDay"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DOWNAme        = reader["DOWNAme"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DOWNAme"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DOWCode        = reader["DOWCode"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DOWCode"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DOWNumber      = reader["DOWNumber"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)reader["DOWNumber"] : 0,
                            DTName         = reader["DTName"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DTName"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DTIsWeekend    = reader["DTIsWeekend"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DTIsWeekend"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            DTNonWorking   = reader["DTNonWorking"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DTNonWorking"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            WTIDayOffId    = reader["WTIDayOffId"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["WTIDayOffId"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            WTIfROM        = reader["WTIfROM"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["WTIfROM"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            WTITo          = reader["WTITo"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["WTITo"].ToString() : string.Empty

                                             //Quantity = reader["Quantity"] != DBNull.Value ? (decimal)reader["Quantity"] : 0

            var resultQueryDayOff = new CustomQuery(userConnection, sqlQueryDayOff);

            using (var dbExecutor = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
                using (var reader = resultQueryDayOff.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        usrDaysOff.Add(new UsrDayOff()
                            DODate  = reader["DODate"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)reader["DODate"] : new DateTime(2000, 1, 1),
                            DTName  = reader["DTName"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["DTName"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            WTIfROM = reader["WTIfROM"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["WTIfROM"].ToString() : string.Empty,
                            WTITo   = reader["WTITo"] != DBNull.Value ? reader["WTITo"].ToString() : string.Empty

            //Расчет часов для каждого дня недели
            List <UsrDayOn> usrDaysOn = new List <UsrDayOn>();

            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Wednesday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Thursday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
            usrDaysOn.Add(new UsrDayOn()
                dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday, allDayHours = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)

            foreach (var currentDayOfWeek in usrDaysOn)
                foreach (var item in usrDays.Where(t => t.DOWCode == currentDayOfWeek.dayOfWeek.ToString()))
                    currentDayOfWeek.allDayHours += TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo) - TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);

            TimeSpan TSRessult = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0);

            //Расчет первой и последней даты

            //Если первая и последняя даты тот же день
            if (endDate == startDate.AddDays(-1))
                //Сокращенный или праздничный день
                if (usrDaysOff.Where(h => h.DODate == endDate).Count() > 0)
                    //Сокращенный день
                    foreach (var item in usrDaysOff.Where(t => t.DODate == endDate && (t.DTName == "Сокращенный" || t.DTName == "Рабочий день")))
                        TimeSpan from = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TimeSpan to   = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo);

                        if (endTime > startTime)
                            if (endTime <= from || to <= startTime)
                            else if (startTime <= from && from < endTime && endTime <= to)
                                TSRessult += endTime - from;
                            else if (startTime <= from && to <= endTime)
                                TSRessult += to - from;
                            else if (from <= startTime && endTime <= to)
                                TSRessult += endTime - startTime;
                            else if (from <= startTime && startTime < to && to <= endTime)
                                TSRessult += to - startTime;
                else // обычный день
                    foreach (var item in usrDays.Where(t => t.DOWCode == startTimeDayOfWeek.ToString()))
                        TimeSpan from = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TimeSpan to   = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo);

                        if (endTime > startTime)
                            if (endTime <= from || to <= startTime)
                            else if (startTime <= from && from < endTime && endTime <= to)
                                TSRessult += endTime - from;
                            else if (startTime <= from && to <= endTime)
                                TSRessult += to - from;
                            else if (from <= startTime && endTime <= to)
                                TSRessult += endTime - startTime;
                            else if (from <= startTime && startTime < to && to <= endTime)
                                TSRessult += to - startTime;
            else //Если последняя дата > первой
                //Расчет часов начальной даты
                //Сокращенный день или праздник
                if (usrDaysOff.Where(h => h.DODate == startDate.AddDays(-1)).Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var item in usrDaysOff.Where(t => t.DODate == startDate.AddDays(-1) && (t.DTName == "Сокращенный" || t.DTName == "Рабочий день")))
                        TimeSpan from = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TimeSpan to   = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo);

                        if (startTime <= from)
                            TSRessult += to - from;
                        else if (startTime > from && startTime < to)
                            TSRessult += to - startTime;
                else // Обычный день
                    foreach (var item in usrDays.Where(t => t.DOWCode == startTimeDayOfWeek.ToString()))
                        TimeSpan from = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TimeSpan to   = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo);

                        if (startTime <= from)
                            TSRessult += to - from;
                        else if (startTime > from && startTime < to)
                            TSRessult += to - startTime;

                //Расчет часов конечной даты
                //Сокращенный день или праздник
                if (usrDaysOff.Where(h => h.DODate == endDate).Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var item in usrDaysOff.Where(t => t.DODate == endDate && (t.DTName == "Сокращенный" || t.DTName == "Рабочий день")))
                        TimeSpan from = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TimeSpan to   = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo);

                        if (endTime <= from)
                        else if (endTime > from && endTime < to)
                            TSRessult += endTime - from;
                            TSRessult += to - from;
                else //обычный день
                    foreach (var item in usrDays.Where(t => t.DOWCode == endTimeDayOfWeek.ToString()))
                        TimeSpan from = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TimeSpan to   = TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo);

                        if (endTime <= from)
                        else if (endTime > from && endTime < to)
                            TSRessult += endTime - from;
                            TSRessult += to - from;

            //Расчет срединного промежутка
            if (startDate < endDate)
                for (DateTime currentDate = startDate; currentDate < endDate; currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(1))
                    if (usrDaysOff.Where(h => h.DODate == currentDate).Count() > 0)
                        foreach (var item in usrDaysOff.Where(t => t.DODate == currentDate && (t.DTName == "Сокращенный" || t.DTName == "Рабочий день")))
                            TSRessult += TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTITo) - TimeSpan.Parse(item.WTIfROM);
                        TSRessult += usrDaysOn.Where(f => f.dayOfWeek == currentDate.DayOfWeek).FirstOrDefault().allDayHours;
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the filter for the current SearchValues.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An SQL filter.</returns>
        public string GetFilter()
            string retval = "";

            switch (Kind)
            case Data.SIMPLE_TEXT:
            case Data.YES_NO:
            case Data.OPTIONS:
            case Data.CHECKBOX:
            case Data.MULTI_TEXT:
            case Data.EMAIL:
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomQuery))
                        string searchItem = SearchValue;
                        if (FriendlyOptions.Count != 0)
                                searchItem = FriendlyOptions[SearchValue];
                            catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { }
                        searchItem = Common.RemoveIntrusiveChars(searchItem);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchItem))
                            retval = CustomQuery.Replace("#SEARCH_VALUE#", Common.SQSF(searchItem));
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND Value LIKE '%" + Common.SQSF(SearchValue) + "%')";

            case Data.TREE:
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue))
                    retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND Value LIKE '" + Common.SQSF(SearchValue) + "%')";

            case Data.INTEGER:
            case Data.FLOAT:
            case Data.SLIDER:
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValueAux))
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValueAux))
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND CAST(Value AS Float) >= " + Common.SQSF(SearchValue) + ")";
                    else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue))
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND CAST(Value AS Float) <= " + Common.SQSF(SearchValueAux) + ")";
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND CAST(Value AS Float) >= " + Common.SQSF(SearchValue) + " AND CAST(Value AS Float) <= " + Common.SQSF(SearchValueAux) + ")";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomQuery))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue))
                            SearchValue = "-999999";
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValueAux))
                            SearchValueAux = "999999";
                        retval = CustomQuery.Replace("#SEARCH_VALUE#", Common.SQSF(SearchValue)).Replace("#SEARCH_VALUE2#", Common.SQSF(SearchValueAux));

            case Data.DATE:
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValueAux))
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValueAux))
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND CONVERT(DATETIME, Value, 103) >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + Common.SQSF(SearchValue) + "', 103))";
                    else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue))
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND CONVERT(DATETIME, Value, 103) <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + Common.SQSF(SearchValueAux) + "', 103))";
                        retval = "IdUser IN (SELECT IdUser FROM UserData WHERE IdData = " + IdData + " AND CONVERT(DATETIME, Value, 103) BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + Common.SQSF(SearchValue) + "', 103) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + Common.SQSF(SearchValueAux) + "', 103))";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomQuery))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValue))
                            SearchValue = "01/01/1900";
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchValueAux))
                            SearchValueAux = "01/01/2500";
                        retval = CustomQuery.Replace("#SEARCH_VALUE#", Common.SQSF(SearchValue)).Replace("#SEARCH_VALUE2#", Common.SQSF(SearchValueAux));
Exemplo n.º 27
 private void Query(CustomQuery query)
     StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Highscore> (query, OnReadCompleted));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public Stream GenerateSalaryReport(string key)
            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
            var          UserConnection = (UserConnection)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserConnection"];
            MemoryStream stream         = new MemoryStream();
            var          filters        = (Dictionary <string, string>)UserConnection.ApplicationCache[key];


            string StartDate     = filters["StartDate"];
            string DueDate       = filters["DueDate"];
            string location      = filters["location"];
            string ServicesScope = filters["services"];

            ////////////////////////Attributes for sql filter///////////////////////////////////////////
            string subId2 = ";";
            int    mi1    = 0;
            int    mi2;
            int    k = 1;
            string ServiceItemName;
            string quot      = "'";
            string sqlfilter = "";
            string teststr   = ServicesScope;

            ////////////////////////Attributes for sql filter end///////////////////////////////////////////
            ////////////////////////SQL FILTER BY SERVICE ITEM///////////////////////////////////////////
            if (teststr != String.Empty)
                sqlfilter = " and ServiceItemId in (select Id from ServiceItem where Name = ";
                while (teststr != String.Empty)
                    mi2             = teststr.IndexOf(subId2);
                    ServiceItemName = teststr.Substring(mi1, mi2);
                    teststr         = teststr.Remove(mi2, 1);
                    teststr         = teststr.Remove(0, ServiceItemName.Length);
                    if (k == 1)
                        sqlfilter = sqlfilter + quot + ServiceItemName + quot;
                    else if (k > 1)
                        sqlfilter = sqlfilter + " or Name = " + quot + ServiceItemName + quot;
                //if (teststr != String.Empty) {
                //    goto parse;
                sqlfilter = sqlfilter + ")";
            ////////////////////////SQL FILTER BY SERVICE ITEM END///////////////////////////////////////////

            string StrStartDate = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss}", StartDate);
            string StrDueDate   = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss}", DueDate);

            var dateFilter = "WHERE a.CreatedOn BETWEEN '" + StrStartDate + "' AND '" + StrDueDate + "'";

            var userConnection = (UserConnection)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserConnection"];
            var select         = string.Empty;
            int CountActivity  = 0;

            int    flag      = 1;
            string errorText = "";

                //------------------------Считать кол-во всех обращений за период----------------------//
                var sqlQuery = string.Format(@"SELECT 
					Count(a.Id) AS  [CountActivity]
					FROM [Case] a WITH(NOLOCK)
					{0} "                    , dateFilter);
                select = sqlQuery;                 //проверка запроса
                flag   = 2;
                var resultQuery = new CustomQuery(userConnection, sqlQuery);
                flag = 3;

                using (var dbExecutor = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
                    using (var reader = resultQuery.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
                        while (reader.Read())
                            flag          = 4;
                            CountActivity = reader["CountActivity"] != DBNull.Value  ? (int)reader["CountActivity"] : 0;
                            flag          = 5;

                //------------------------Считать кол-во всех обращений c плохой оценкой за период----------------------//
                var dateFilterb = "WHERE a.CreatedOn BETWEEN '" + StrStartDate + "' AND '" + StrDueDate + "'";
                var sqlQueryb   = string.Format(@"SELECT 
					Count(a.Id) AS  [CountActivity]
					FROM [Case] a WITH(NOLOCK)
					{0} "                    , dateFilterb);
                select = sqlQueryb;                 //проверка запроса
                var resultQueryb   = new CustomQuery(userConnection, sqlQueryb);
                int CountActivityb = 0;

                using (var dbExecutorb = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
                    using (var readerb = resultQueryb.ExecuteReader(dbExecutorb))
                        while (readerb.Read())
                            CountActivityb = readerb["CountActivity"] != DBNull.Value  ? (int)readerb["CountActivity"] : 0;

                var dateFilterb2a = "WHERE a.CreatedOn BETWEEN '" + StrStartDate + "' AND '" + StrDueDate + "'";
                var sqlQueryb2a   = string.Format(@"SELECT 
					Count(a.Id) AS  [CountActivity]
					FROM [Case] a WITH(NOLOCK)
					{0} "                    , dateFilterb2a);
                select = sqlQueryb2a;                 //проверка запроса
                var resultQueryb2a   = new CustomQuery(userConnection, sqlQueryb2a);
                int CountActivityb2a = 0;

                using (var dbExecutorb2a = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
                    using (var readerb2a = resultQueryb2a.ExecuteReader(dbExecutorb2a))
                        while (readerb2a.Read())
                            CountActivityb2a = readerb2a["CountActivity"] != DBNull.Value  ? (int)readerb2a["CountActivity"] : 0;

                using (var wb = new XLWorkbook())
                    flag = 6;
                    //------------------------Первая страница----------------------//
                    var ws   = wb.Worksheets.Add("Статистика");
                    var row1 = ws.Row(3);

                    ws.Row(1).Cell(1).Value = "Отчетная статистика c " + StrStartDate.ToString() + " по " + StrDueDate.ToString();
                    row1.Cell(1).Value      = "Качественно и своевременно решенные обращения";

                    var row3 = ws.Row(5);
                    row3.Cell(1).Value = teststr;
                    row3.Cell(4).Value = sqlfilter;
                    var row4 = ws.Row(6);
                    var row5 = ws.Row(7);
                    var row6 = ws.Row(8);
                    row4.Cell(1).Value = "Имеющие плохую оценку: ";
                    row4.Cell(4).Value = CountActivityb.ToString();
                    row5.Cell(1).Value = "Имеющие просроченность по разрешению: ";
                    row5.Cell(4).Value = CountActivityb2a.ToString();
                    row6.Cell(1).Value = "Качественно решенные обращения за период: ";
                    row6.Cell(4).Value = Convert.ToString(CountActivity);


                    //-----------------------Настройка стилей-----------------------//
                    //-----------------------Первая страница-----------------------//
                    ws.Row(1).Cell(1).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Row(3).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical         = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Column(4).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical      = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Columns().AdjustToContents(1, 8);
                    ws.Column(1).Width = 26.00;
                    ws.Column(2).Width = 26.00;
                    ws.Column(3).Width = 26.00;
                    ws.Column(3).Width = 4.00;
                    ws.Row(5).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(6).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(7).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(8).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(1).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(3).CellsUsed().Style.Font.FontSize = 14;
                    ws.Row(3).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;

                    ws.Row(10).Cell(1).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Row(12).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical         = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Row(14).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(15).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(16).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(12).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(12).CellsUsed().Style.Font.FontSize = 14;

                    ws.Row(19).Cell(1).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Row(21).Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center).Alignment.Vertical         = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center;
                    ws.Row(23).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(24).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(25).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(21).CellsUsed().Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                    ws.Row(21).CellsUsed().Style.Font.FontSize = 14;

                    ws.Cell(3, 1).Style.Font.FontColor  = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1);
                    ws.Cell(12, 1).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1);
                    ws.Cell(21, 1).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1);

                    var memStream = new MemoryStream();
                    memStream.Position = 0;

                    if (WebOperationContext.Current != null)
                        WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType   = "application/octet-stream";
                        WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentLength = memStream.Length;
                                                                                 "attachment; filename=\"" + "CaseReport" + ".xlsx\"");
            catch (Exception ex)
                using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook())
                    var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Exception");
                    var row1      = worksheet.Row(1);
                    row1.Cell("A").Value = " - " + flag + " - " + select;
                    var row2 = worksheet.Row(2);
                    row2.Cell("A").Value = ex.Message;

                    var row5 = worksheet.Row(5);
                    row5.Cell("A").Value = "errorText: " + errorText;

                    var memStream = new MemoryStream();
                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    if (WebOperationContext.Current != null)
                        WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType   = "application/octet-stream";
                        WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentLength = memStream.Length;
                                                                                 "attachment; filename=\"" + "CaseReport" + ".xlsx\"");
Exemplo n.º 29
    private void GetPageHighscores()
        CustomQuery query = new CustomQuery("", "score desc", _noPageResults, _skip, "id,username,score");

        StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Highscore> (query, OnReadNestedResultsCompleted));
Exemplo n.º 30
                private State <TId, TData> HandleCustomQuery(State <TId, TData> state, CustomQuery <TId, TData> request)
