Exemplo n.º 1
 //	* Overwritten Method: Draw Editable Values Options
 protected override void DrawEditableValuesOptions()
     Target.m_fFadeinAudioTime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Audio Fadein Time: ", "How long will it take for the Audio to Fadein when Subscene is activated?"), Target.m_fFadeinAudioTime);
     if (Target.m_rAssignedSubsceneTutorial != null)
         Target.m_iTutorialStartPoint = CustomEditor_TutorialManager_Base <TutorialManager_Base> .DrawTutorialPointSelectionEnum(new GUIContent("Tutorial Start Point:", "The tutorial area to start at when \"autoplaying\" tutorial"), Target.m_iTutorialStartPoint, Target.m_rAssignedSubsceneTutorial);
Exemplo n.º 2
    //	* Overwritten Method: Draw Editable Values Options
    protected override void DrawEditableValuesOptions()
        Target.m_eContinueType = (Button_TutorialPointOfInterest.ContinueType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Tutorial Continue Type: ", "If NEXT_TUTORIAL_POINT:\nThe tutorial will move on to the next phase as listed in the Tutorial System itself.\n\nIf SELECTIVE\nA new option will be available that will allow you to select which specific tutorial point to move on to when this \"Point of Interest\" is clicked"), Target.m_eContinueType);
        if (Target.m_eContinueType == Button_TutorialPointOfInterest.ContinueType.SELECTIVE && Target.m_rTutorialManager != null)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1;
                Target.m_iSelectedNextTutorialPointID = CustomEditor_TutorialManager_Base <TutorialManager_Base> .DrawTutorialPointSelectionEnum(new GUIContent("Next Tutorial Point:", "The selected tutorial point will be the next shown tutorial point if this \"TutorialPointOfInterest\" is clicked"), Target.m_iSelectedNextTutorialPointID, Target.m_rTutorialManager);

            EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
 //	* Overwritten Method: Draw Editable Values Options
 protected override void DrawEditableValuesOptions()
     Target.m_iTutorialStartPointID = CustomEditor_TutorialManager_Base <TutorialManager_Base> .DrawTutorialPointSelectionEnum(new GUIContent("TutorialPoint Selection:", "The Tutorial Point to Start From"), Target.m_iTutorialStartPointID, Target.m_rTutorialManager);