void WindowFunction(int windowID)
        GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 20, 100, 50), windowText);

        Vector2 pos = cursorController.GetCursorPosition();

        if (windowExpandable)
            var testRect = new Rect(10, 70, 100, 100);
            GUI.Button(testRect, "Sphere Left");
            testRect = new Rect(testRect.x + windowRect.x, testRect.y + windowRect.y, testRect.width, testRect.height);
            if (testRect.Contains(pos) && cursorController.CursorClicked())            //if cursor over button and clicked
                GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("TestSphere");
                Vector3    vec  = temp.transform.position;
                vec.x -= 0.1f;
                temp.transform.position = vec;

        var testRect2 = new Rect(150, 0, 50, 50);

        GUI.Button(testRect2, "X");
        testRect2 = new Rect(testRect2.x + windowRect.x, testRect2.y + windowRect.y, testRect2.width, testRect2.height);
        if (testRect2.Contains(pos) && cursorController.CursorClicked())        //if cursor over button and clicked
            showWindow = false;