Exemplo n.º 1
        public GatheredObject GatherDependencies(Curation.Data.Plugin plugin)
            var root = new GatheredObject(plugin);

            foreach (var lma in plugin.LoadModuleAssemblies)
                root.Children.Add(new GatheredObject(lma));

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UploadFile(IRDMPPlatformRepositoryServiceLocator repositoryLocator, ICheckNotifier checkNotifier, FileInfo toCommit, Version pluginVersion, Version rdmpDependencyVersion)
            // delete EXACT old versions of the Plugin
            var oldVersion = repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <Curation.Data.Plugin>().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(toCommit.Name) && p.PluginVersion == pluginVersion);

            if (oldVersion != null)
                throw new Exception("There is already a plugin called " + oldVersion.Name);

                var plugin = new Curation.Data.Plugin(repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, toCommit, pluginVersion, rdmpDependencyVersion);
                //add the new binary
                new LoadModuleAssembly(repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, toCommit, plugin);
            catch (Exception e)
                checkNotifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Failed processing plugin " + toCommit.Name,
                                                                  CheckResult.Fail, e));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public int Run(IRDMPPlatformRepositoryServiceLocator repositoryLocator, IDataLoadEventListener listener, ICheckNotifier checkNotifier, GracefulCancellationToken token)
            var toCommit = new FileInfo(_packOpts.File);

            if (!toCommit.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find file '" + toCommit + "'");

            if (toCommit.Extension.ToLowerInvariant() != PluginPackageSuffix)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Plugins must be packaged as " + PluginPackageSuffix);

            //the version of the plugin e.g. MyPlugin.nupkg version
            Version pluginVersion;

            //the version of rdmp on which the package depends on (e.g. 3.0)
            Version rdmpDependencyVersion;

            //find the manifest that lists name, version etc
            using (var zf = ZipFile.OpenRead(toCommit.FullName))
                var manifests = zf.Entries.Where(e => e.FullName.EndsWith(PluginPackageManifest)).ToArray();

                if (manifests.Length != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Found " + manifests.Length + " files in plguin with the extension " + PluginPackageManifest);

                using (var s = manifests[0].Open())
                    var doc = XDocument.Load(s);

                    var ns          = doc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();// XNamespace.Get("http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd");
                    var versionNode = doc.Root.Element(ns + "metadata").Element(ns + "version");

                    if (versionNode == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find version tag");

                    pluginVersion = new Version(versionSuffix.Replace(versionNode.Value, ""));

                    var rdmpDependencyNode = doc.Descendants(ns + "dependency").FirstOrDefault(e => e.Attribute("id").Value == "HIC.RDMP.Plugin");

                    if (rdmpDependencyNode == null)
                        throw new Exception("Expected a single <dependency> tag with id = HIC.RDMP.Plugin (in order to determine plugin compatibility).  Ensure your nuspec file includes a dependency on this package.");

                    rdmpDependencyVersion = new Version(versionSuffix.Replace(rdmpDependencyNode.Attribute("version").Value, ""));

            var runningSoftwareVersion = new Version(FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion);

            if (!rdmpDependencyVersion.IsCompatibleWith(runningSoftwareVersion, 2))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Plugin version {0} is incompatible with current running version of RDMP ({1}).", pluginVersion, runningSoftwareVersion));

            // delete EXACT old versions of the Plugin
            var oldVersion = repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <Curation.Data.Plugin>().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(toCommit.Name) && p.PluginVersion == pluginVersion);

            if (oldVersion != null)
                throw new Exception("There is already a plugin called " + oldVersion.Name);

                var plugin = new Curation.Data.Plugin(repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, toCommit, pluginVersion, rdmpDependencyVersion);
                //add the new binary
                new LoadModuleAssembly(repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, toCommit, plugin);
            catch (Exception e)
                checkNotifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Failed processing plugin " + toCommit.Name,
                                                                  CheckResult.Fail, e));
