public void AddNewSound(string cueName) { Cue cue = AEM.soundBank.GetCue(cueName); cue.Play(); playedSounds.Add(cue); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); if (gamePadState.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); fpsCam.Update(mouseState, keyState, gamePadState); float time = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0f; Vector3 startingPos = new Vector3(0, 0, -10); Matrix rotMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationY(time); modelPos = Vector3.Transform(startingPos, rotMatrix); UpdateSoundPosition(cue1, modelPos, fpsCam.Position, fpsCam.Forward, fpsCam.UpVector); if (cue1.IsPrepared) { cue1.Play(); } audioEngine.Update(); base.Update(gameTime); }
public void PlaySong(string name) { Cue c = sounds.GetCue(name); songs.Add(name, c); c.Play(); }
/// <summary> /// Plays a sound /// </summary> /// <param name="cueName">Which sound to play</param> /// <returns>XACT cue to be used if you want to stop this particular looped /// sound. Can be ignored for one shot sounds</returns> public Cue Play(string cueName) { Cue returnValue = soundbank.GetCue(cueName); returnValue.Play(); return(returnValue); }
public static Cue PlaySound(string soundName) { Cue sound = instance.soundBank.GetCue(soundName); sound.Play(); return(sound); }
/// <summary> /// Plays a sound /// </summary> /// <param name="sound">Which sound to play</param> /// <returns>XACT cue to be used if you want to stop this particular looped sound. Can NOT be ignored. If the cue returned goes out of scope, the sound stops!!</returns> public static Cue Play(Sounds sound) { Cue returnValue = soundbank.GetCue(cueNames[(int)sound]); returnValue.Play(); return(returnValue); }
public override void Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) { if (welcome) { if (welcomeCue.IsStopped) { bgCue.Play(); welcome = false; } } GUIManager.Instance.DrawTexture(this.backgroundTexture, Vector2.Zero, 1.0f, this.invertedAspectRatio); GUIManager.Instance.DrawText(this.font, "11 - DEATH TV", this.channelPos, this.normalColor); GUIManager.Instance.DrawTexture(this.logoTexture, this.logoOnePos, 0.05f, 0.07f); GUIManager.Instance.DrawTexture(this.logoTexture, this.logoTwoPos, 0.05f, 0.07f); GUIManager.Instance.DrawText(this.font, "TRASH SOUP", this.namePos, Color.Red); if (this.menuState == MenuStateEnum.MainMenu) { this.DrawMainMenu(); } else if (this.menuState == MenuStateEnum.Credits) { this.DrawCredits(); } }
public Cue PlaySound(string soundName) { Cue result = GetCue(soundName); result.Play(); return(result); }
protected override void Initialize() { // Game Menu menu = new Menu(); MenuItem newGame = new MenuItem("Новая Игра"); MenuItem resumeGame = new MenuItem("Продолжить"); MenuItem exitGame = new MenuItem("Выход"); resumeGame.Active = false; newGame.Click += new EventHandler(newGame_Click); resumeGame.Click += new EventHandler(resumeGame_Click); exitGame.Click += new EventHandler(exitGame_Click); this.IsMouseVisible = true; menu.Items.Add(newGame); menu.Items.Add(resumeGame); menu.Items.Add(exitGame); // Audio Engine Initialize engine = new AudioEngine("Content\\test.xgs"); waveBank = new WaveBank(engine, "Content\\Wave Bank.xwb"); soundBank = new SoundBank(engine, "Content\\Sound Bank.xsb"); music = soundBank.GetCue("music"); music.Play(); base.Initialize(); }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { GameState gs = ResourceMgr.Instance.Game.State; if (gs == GameState.RUNNING && !ISOVER) { Cue c = ResourceMgr.Instance.Game.ActiveMusic; if (c.IsPrepared) { c.Play(); } tabuleiro.Update(gameTime); _surface.Update(gameTime); if (Player.Instance.CurrentMissionPoints >= maxScore) { ResourceMgr.Instance.Game.State = GameState.MISSION_END; Statistics.Instance.RemainingPiecesAt(ResourceMgr.Instance.Game.Board.NumPieces); HUD.Instance.RemoveAllMessages(); Text3DManager.Instance.ClearAllTexts(); return; } } if (gs == GameState.MISSION_END) { tabuleiro.UpdateAfterEnd(gameTime); _surface.Update(gameTime); } }
/// <summary> /// Plays a sound immediately /// </summary> /// <param name="soundName">The name of the sound in the XACT project</param> /// <param name="soundBankFile">The name of the sound bank to retrieve the sound from</param> #endregion public static Cue PlaySound(String soundName, string soundBankFile) { Cue soundCue = null; try { soundCue = mXnaSoundBanks[soundBankFile].GetCue(soundName); //NM: Wait for the sound to be preapred if necessary //I have timed this and the time to prepare is negligible and it ensures the song will actually play and not just fail silently. while (!soundCue.IsPrepared) { mXnaAudioEngine.Update(); } soundCue.Play(); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException( "\"" + soundName + "\" is not a cue name in the specified sound bank.", e); } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { throw new KeyNotFoundException( "The sound bank \"" + soundBankFile + "\" has not been loaded. Did you forget to add the sound bank to the Audio Manager?", e); } return(soundCue); }
/// <summary> /// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); if (!backgroundMusic.IsPlaying) { backgroundMusic = AudioManager.BackgroundSoundBank.GetCue(backgroundMusic.Name); backgroundMusic.SetVariable("Volume", 4.0f); backgroundMusic.Play(); } spriteBatch.Begin(); switch (menu.DrawScreen) { case ScreenType.Game: level.Draw(spriteBatch); break; default: menu.Draw(spriteBatch); break; } spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
public override void keyPressed(Keys key) { if (key == Keys.Left) { // Left arrow is pressed leftPressed = true; optionOver = game.soundBank.GetCue("optionover"); optionOver.Play(); } else if (key == Keys.Right) { // Right arrow is pressed rightPressed = true; optionOver = game.soundBank.GetCue("optionover"); optionOver.Play(); } else if (key == Keys.Enter) { // Select track optionSelected = game.soundBank.GetCue("optionselected"); optionSelected.Play(); GameState gameState = (GameState)game.states[Type.GAME]; gameState.levelName = TrackManager.tracks[selectedTrack].filename; gameState.laps = TrackManager.tracks[selectedTrack].laps; Log.log(Log.Type.INFO, "Time for this track: " + TrackManager.tracks[selectedTrack].time); gameState.totalTime = TrackManager.tracks[selectedTrack].time; game.changeState(Type.GAME); } }
protected override void LoadContent() { AudioEngine = new AudioEngine(@"Content\audio\GameAudio.xgs"); WaveBank = new WaveBank(AudioEngine, @"Content\audio\Wave Bank.xwb"); SoundBank = new SoundBank(AudioEngine, @"Content\audio\Sound Bank.xsb"); var w = new WorldGrid(); BasicManager.AddBasic(w); var p = new PlayerModel { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0) }; BasicManager.AddBasic(p); var e = new SimpleEnemy { Position = new Vector3(-10, 2, 10) }; BasicManager.AddBasic(e); Camera.Following = p; TrackCue = SoundBank.GetCue("music"); TrackCue.Play(); StateManager.StupidLoadContent(); }
/// <summary> /// Load your graphics content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Load content belonging to the screen manager. ContentManager content = Game.Content; spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); font = content.Load <SpriteFont>("menufont"); blankTexture = content.Load <Texture2D>("blank"); screenInCounter = 0; originalViewport = GraphicsDevice.Viewport; audioEngine = new AudioEngine("Content\\Sounds.xgs"); soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, "Content\\SoundBank.xsb"); waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, "Content\\WaveBank.xwb", 0, 64); while (!waveBank.IsPrepared) { audioEngine.Update(); } musicCategory = audioEngine.GetCategory("Music"); musicCategory.SetVolume(1); shipchosenBool1 = false; shipchosenBool2 = false; currentShipChoosing = 1; mainMenu = soundBank.GetCue("MainMenu"); mainMenu.Play(); // Tell each of the screens to load their content. foreach (GameScreen screen in screens) { screen.Activate(false); } }
private void jump() { if ((double)this.minecartDY >= 1.0 || this.respawnCounter > 0) { return; } if (!this.isJumping) { this.movingOnSlope = 0; this.minecartPositionBeforeJump = this.mineCartYPosition; this.isJumping = true; if (this.minecartLoop != null) { this.minecartLoop.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } if (Game1.soundBank != null) { Cue cue = Game1.soundBank.GetCue("pickUpItem"); string name = "Pitch"; double num = 200.0; cue.SetVariable(name, (float)num); cue.Play(); } } if (this.reachedJumpApex) { return; } this.minecartDY = Math.Max(-4.5f, this.minecartDY - 0.6f); if ((double)this.minecartDY > -4.5) { return; } this.reachedJumpApex = true; }
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------------* /// <summary>1フレーム分の更新処理を実行します。</summary> /// /// <param name="entity">この状態を適用されているオブジェクト。</param> /// <param name="privateMembers"> /// オブジェクトと状態クラスのみがアクセス可能なフィールド。 /// </param> /// <param name="gameTime">前フレームが開始してからの経過時間。</param> public override void update( CAudio entity, CAudio.CPrivateMembers privateMembers, GameTime gameTime) { List <Cue> cueList = privateMembers.cueList; List <string> reservedList = privateMembers.reservedList; for (int i = cueList.Count; --i >= 0;) { Cue cue = cueList[i]; if (cue.IsStopped) { // Cueクラスは使いまわすことができない cue.Dispose(); cueList.RemoveAt(i); } } for (int i = reservedList.Count; --i >= 0;) { string name = reservedList[i]; Cue cue = entity.find(name); if (cue == null || cue.GetVariable("AttackTime") >= entity.loopInterval) { Cue newCue = entity.soundBank.GetCue(name); newCue.Play(); cueList.Add(newCue); reservedList.RemoveAt(i); } } privateMembers.engineUpdate(); }
public override void farmerAdjacentAction(GameLocation location) { if ( == null || this.isTemporarilyInvisible) { return; } if ("Block") && (this.pit != + menu.gro || this.dur != menu.dur || this.sou != menu.labels[menu.labelIndex])) { this.pit = musicIndex.ContainsKey( + menu.gro) ? + menu.gro : null; this.dur = menu.dur; this.sou = menu.labels[menu.labelIndex]; } if ((this.cue == null || Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds - this.lastNoteBlockSoundTime >= 1000) && sou != null && pit != null && dur != null) { if (cueInternal != null && cueInternal.IsPlaying) { cueInternal.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); } cue = ModEntry.soundBank.GetCue(musicIndex[] + musicIndex[sou] + musicIndex[dur] + musicIndex[pit]); cue.SetVariable("Volume", menu.value / 2.1f); if (menu.whetherToStopNextTime) { cueInternal = cue; cueInternal.Play(); } else { cue.Play(); } this.scale.Y = 1.3f; this.shakeTimer = 200; this.lastNoteBlockSoundTime = (int)Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; return; } }
/// <summary> /// Play a sound. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public static Cue PlayCue(string name) { Cue sound = m_soundBank.GetCue(name); sound.Play(); return(sound); }
/// <summary> /// Begins playback of this sound, or resumes playback (if it has been paused) /// </summary> #endregion public void Play() { if (mCue.IsDisposed || mCue.IsStopped) { // Get the cue again, since it has gone out of scope mCue = AudioManager.GetCue(mCueName, mSoundBankFile); // Setting this will reset the variables. Variables.Cue = mCue; if (OnCueRetrieved != null) { OnCueRetrieved(); } } if (mCue.IsPaused) { mCue.Resume(); } else if (!mCue.IsPlaying && mCue.IsPrepared) { if (OnCueRetrieved != null) { OnCueRetrieved(); } mCue.Play(); } }
public void StartCategoryTransition(bool toInGame) { transition = true; if (toInGame) { oldCategory = menuCategory; currentCategory = graphXPackCategory; currentCategory.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); oldMusic = currentMusic; currentPlaylist = graphXPackPlaylist; currentMusic = soundBank.GetCue(GetRandomTrack(currentPlaylist)); popUpText.Text = currentPlaylist[currentMusic.Name]; StartPopUp(); } else { oldCategory = graphXPackCategory; currentCategory = menuCategory; currentCategory.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); oldMusic = currentMusic; currentPlaylist = playList; currentMusic = soundBank.GetCue(GetRandomTrack(currentPlaylist)); popUpText.Text = currentPlaylist[currentMusic.Name]; StartPopUp(); } currentVolume = 0; currentCategory.SetVolume(currentVolume); currentMusic.Apply3D(new AudioListener(), new AudioEmitter()); currentMusic.Play(); }
public static void PlayAmbience(string sound) { if (!HasAudioDevice) { return; } Cue cue; if (!ActiveCues.TryGetValue(sound, out cue)) { cue = SoundBank.GetCue(sound); ActiveCues[sound] = cue; } try { if (!cue.IsPlaying && !cue.IsStopped && !cue.IsStopping) { cue.Play(); } else if (cue.IsStopped) { Cue newCue = SoundBank.GetCue(sound); newCue.Play(); ActiveCues[sound] = newCue; } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Cue newCue = SoundBank.GetCue(sound); newCue.Play(); ActiveCues[sound] = newCue; } }
// Token: 0x06000D40 RID: 3392 RVA: 0x0010C3A8 File Offset: 0x0010A5A8 private void jump() { if (this.minecartDY < 1f && this.respawnCounter <= 0) { if (!this.isJumping) { this.movingOnSlope = 0; this.minecartPositionBeforeJump = this.mineCartYPosition; this.isJumping = true; if (this.minecartLoop != null) { this.minecartLoop.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } if (Game1.soundBank != null) { Cue expr_68 = Game1.soundBank.GetCue("pickUpItem"); expr_68.SetVariable("Pitch", 200f); expr_68.Play(); } } if (!this.reachedJumpApex) { this.minecartDY = Math.Max(-4.5f, this.minecartDY - 0.6f); if (this.minecartDY <= -4.5f) { this.reachedJumpApex = true; } } } }
public override void keyPressed(Keys key) { if (key == Keys.Enter) { optionSelected = game.soundBank.GetCue("optionselected"); optionSelected.Play(); if (selected == Options.MENU) { game.changeState(Type.MENU); } else { game.changeState(Type.GAME); } } if (key == Keys.Up) { selected = selected == Options.MENU ? Options.RETRY : Options.MENU; optionOver = game.soundBank.GetCue("optionover"); optionOver.Play(); } else if (key == Keys.Down) { selected = selected == Options.MENU ? Options.RETRY : Options.MENU; optionOver = game.soundBank.GetCue("optionover"); optionOver.Play(); } }
public static Cue Play(string Name) { Cue returnValue = soundbank.GetCue(Name); returnValue.Play(); return(returnValue); }
protected void UpdateInput() { KeyboardState key = Keyboard.GetState(); if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { if (engineSound == null) { engineSound = soundBank.GetCue("engine_2"); engineSound.Play(); } else if (engineSound.IsPaused) { engineSound.Resume(); } } viper.Update(key); // In case you get lost, press A to warp back to the center. if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) { viper.position = Vector3.Zero; viper.velocity = Vector3.Zero; viper.Rotation = 0.0f; } }
public static void RaceStart(int count) { BeatShift.engine.SetGlobalVariable("Countdown", count); Cue temp = soundBank.GetCue("countdown"); temp.Play(); }
public void currentState(GameState state) { if (this.state != state) { bool isLoop = (state == GameState.anim_idle || state == GameState.anim_walk || state == GameState.anim_run || state == GameState.anim_attackidle); bool lastIsLoop = (this.state == GameState.anim_idle || this.state == GameState.anim_walk || this.state == GameState.anim_run || this.state == GameState.anim_attackidle); bool isAttackState = (state == GameState.anim_attack1 || state == GameState.anim_attack2 || state == GameState.anim_attack3); if (!lastIsLoop) { if (model.isAnimated()) { model.playClip((short)state, isLoop); this.state = state; } } else { model.playClip((short)state, isLoop); this.state = state; } if (isAttackState) { model.playClip((short)state, isLoop); this.state = state; if (model != null) { Random rand = new Random(); audioEmitter.Position = model._Position; Cue cue = audioSystem.getSoundBank().GetCue("att-0." + rand.Next(1, 2)); cue.Apply3D(audioSystem.getAudioListener(), audioEmitter); cue.Play(); } } } }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); if (gamePadState.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState(); if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || (gamePadState.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if ((cue1 == null) || (cue1.IsStopped)) { cue1 = soundBank.GetCue("audio1"); cue1.Play(); } } if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) || (gamePadState.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (cue1 != null) { cue1.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } } audioEngine.Update(); base.Update(gameTime); }
public void PlayMusic(string i_SoundEffectName) { if (!m_IsMusicMutted) { Cue soundCue = r_SoundBank.GetCue(i_SoundEffectName); soundCue.Play(); } }
public void PrevSong() { if (SongList.Count == 0) return; if (currentSongCue != null && currentSongCue.IsPlaying) currentSongCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); currentSongId = (--currentSongId + SongList.Count) % SongList.Count; #if !USE_XACT gameHasControl = MediaPlayer.GameHasControl; if (gameHasControl) { currentMediaPlayerSong = songs[SongList[currentSongId]]; try { MediaPlayer.Play(currentMediaPlayerSong); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; } catch { } } #else currentSongCue = currentSoundBank.GetCue(SongList[currentSongId]); currentSongCue.Play(); #endif }
public Cue PlaySong(string name, float delayTime) { if (currentSongCue != null && currentSongCue.IsPlaying) currentSongCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); #if !USE_XACT currentMediaPlayerSong = songs[name]; if (delayTime <= 0.0f) { gameHasControl = MediaPlayer.GameHasControl; if (gameHasControl) { try { MediaPlayer.Play(currentMediaPlayerSong); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; } catch { } } } else { currentSongDelayTime = delayTime; currentSongDelayTimeTotal = delayTime; } return null; #else currentSongCue = currentSoundBank.GetCue(name); if (delayTime <= 0.0f) { currentSongDelayTime = -1.0f; currentSongCue.Play(); } else { currentSongDelayTime = delayTime; } return currentSongCue; #endif }
/// <summary> /// Starts a new combat stage. Called right after the stage changes. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The stage never changes into NotStarted.</remarks> protected override void StartStage() { switch (stage) { case CombatActionStage.Preparing: // called from Start() { // play the animations combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("SpellCast"); spellSpritePosition = Combatant.Position; spell.SpellSprite.PlayAnimation("Creation"); // remove the magic points Combatant.PayCostForSpell(spell); } break; case CombatActionStage.Advancing: { // play the animations spell.SpellSprite.PlayAnimation("Traveling"); // calculate the projectile destination projectileDirection = Target.Position - Combatant.OriginalPosition; totalProjectileDistance = projectileDirection.Length(); projectileDirection.Normalize(); projectileDistanceCovered = 0f; // determine if the projectile is flipped if (Target.Position.X > Combatant.Position.X) { projectileSpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } else { projectileSpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None; } // get the projectile's cue and play it projectileCue = AudioManager.GetCue(spell.TravelingCueName); if (projectileCue != null) { projectileCue.Play(); } } break; case CombatActionStage.Executing: { // play the animation spell.SpellSprite.PlayAnimation("Impact"); // stop the projectile sound effect if (projectileCue != null) { projectileCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } // apply the spell effect to the primary target bool damagedAnyone = ApplySpell(Target); // apply the spell to the secondary targets foreach (Combatant targetCombatant in CombatEngine.SecondaryTargetedCombatants) { // skip dead or dying targets if (targetCombatant.IsDeadOrDying) { continue; } // apply the spell damagedAnyone |= ApplySpell(targetCombatant); } // play the impact sound effect if (damagedAnyone) { AudioManager.PlayCue(spell.ImpactCueName); if (spell.Overlay != null) { spell.Overlay.PlayAnimation(0); spell.Overlay.ResetAnimation(); } } } break; case CombatActionStage.Returning: // play the animation combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("Idle"); break; case CombatActionStage.Finishing: // play the animation combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("Idle"); break; case CombatActionStage.Complete: // play the animation combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("Idle"); // make sure that the overlay has stopped spell.Overlay.StopAnimation(); break; } }