Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// add activity about a user to the site's activity log for content managers to review
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="core"></param>
 /// <param name="Message"></param>
 /// <param name="ByMemberID"></param>
 /// <param name="SubjectMemberID"></param>
 /// <param name="SubjectOrganizationID"></param>
 /// <param name="Link"></param>
 /// <param name="VisitorID"></param>
 /// <param name="VisitID"></param>
 public static void addSiteActivity(CoreController core, string Message, int ByMemberID, int SubjectMemberID, int SubjectOrganizationID, string Link = "", int VisitorId = 0, int VisitId = 0)
     try {
         if (Message.Length > 255)
             Message = Message.Substring(0, 255);
         if (Link.Length > 255)
             Message = Link.Substring(0, 255);
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             if (csData.insert("Activity Log"))
                 csData.set("MemberID", SubjectMemberID);
                 csData.set("OrganizationID", SubjectOrganizationID);
                 csData.set("Message", Message);
                 csData.set("Link", Link);
                 csData.set("VisitorID", VisitorId);
                 csData.set("VisitID", VisitId);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the link for a Content Record by its ContentRecordKey
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ContentRecordKey"></param>
        /// <param name="DefaultLink"></param>
        /// <param name="IncrementClicks"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string getContentWatchLinkByKey(string ContentRecordKey, string DefaultLink, bool IncrementClicks)
            string result = "";

            try {
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    if (csData.open("Content Watch", "ContentRecordKey=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(ContentRecordKey), "", false, 0, "Link,Clicks"))
                        result = csData.getText("Link");
                        if (GenericController.encodeBoolean(IncrementClicks))
                            csData.set("Clicks", csData.getInteger("clicks") + 1);
                        result = GenericController.encodeText(DefaultLink);
                return(GenericController.encodeVirtualPath(result, core.appConfig.cdnFileUrl, appRootPath, core.webServer.requestDomain));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
            try {
                LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, viewingsummary");
                // -- there is a bug and I need to move on.

                // Page View Summary
                    DateTime datePtr = default;
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        if (!csData.openSql(core.db.getSQLSelect("ccviewingsummary", "DateNumber", "TimeDuration=24 and DateNumber>=" + env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout.Date.ToOADate(), "DateNumber Desc", "", 1)))
                            datePtr = env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
                            datePtr = DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(csData.getInteger("DateNumber"));
                    if (datePtr < env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout)
                        datePtr = env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
                    pageViewSummary(core, datePtr, env.yesterday, 24, core.siteProperties.dataBuildVersion, env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, grouprules");
         // GroupRules with bad ContentID
         //   Handled record by record removed to prevent CDEF reload
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting Group Rules with bad ContentID.");
         string sql = "Select ccGroupRules.ID"
                      + " From ccGroupRules LEFT JOIN ccContent on ccContent.ID=ccGroupRules.ContentID"
                      + " WHERE (ccContent.ID is null)";
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             while (csData.ok())
                 MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Group Rules", csData.getInteger("ID"));
         // GroupRules with bad GroupID
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting Group Rules with bad GroupID.");
         sql = "delete ccGroupRules"
               + " From ccGroupRules"
               + " LEFT JOIN ccgroups on ccgroups.ID=ccGroupRules.GroupID"
               + " WHERE (ccgroups.ID is null)";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// set property
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propertyName"></param>
 /// <param name="propertyValue"></param>
 /// <param name="keyId">keyId is like vistiId, vistorId, userId</param>
 public void setProperty(string propertyName, string propertyValue, int keyId)
     try {
         if (!propertyCacheLoaded)
         int Ptr = -1;
         if (propertyCacheCnt > 0)
             Ptr = propertyCache_nameIndex.getPtr(propertyName);
         if (Ptr < 0)
             Ptr = propertyCacheCnt;
             propertyCacheCnt += 1;
             string[,] tempVar = new string[3, Ptr + 1];
             if (propertyCache != null)
                 for (int Dimension0 = 0; Dimension0 < propertyCache.GetLength(0); Dimension0++)
                     int CopyLength = Math.Min(propertyCache.GetLength(1), tempVar.GetLength(1));
                     for (int Dimension1 = 0; Dimension1 < CopyLength; Dimension1++)
                         tempVar[Dimension0, Dimension1] = propertyCache[Dimension0, Dimension1];
             propertyCache         = tempVar;
             propertyCache[0, Ptr] = propertyName;
             propertyCache[1, Ptr] = propertyValue;
             propertyCache_nameIndex.setPtr(propertyName, Ptr);
             // insert a new property record, get the ID back and save it in cache
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 if (csData.insert("Properties"))
                     propertyCache[2, Ptr] = csData.getText("ID");
                     csData.set("name", propertyName);
                     csData.set("FieldValue", propertyValue);
                     csData.set("TypeID", (int)propertyType);
                     csData.set("KeyID", keyId.ToString());
         else if (propertyCache[1, Ptr] != propertyValue)
             propertyCache[1, Ptr] = propertyValue;
             int    RecordId = GenericController.encodeInteger(propertyCache[2, Ptr]);
             string SQLNow   = DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable);
             // save the value in the property that was found
             core.db.executeNonQuery("update ccProperties set FieldValue=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(propertyValue) + ",ModifiedDate=" + SQLNow + " where id=" + RecordId);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static string main_GetRemoteQueryKey(CoreController core, string SQL, string dataSourceName = "default", int maxRows = 1000)
            string remoteKey = "";

            if (maxRows == 0)
                maxRows = 1000;
            using (var cs = new CsModel(core)) {
                cs.insert("Remote Queries");
                if (cs.ok())
                    remoteKey = getGUIDNaked();
                    cs.set("remotekey", remoteKey);
                    cs.set("datasourceid", MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, "Data Sources", dataSourceName));
                    cs.set("sqlquery", SQL);
                    cs.set("maxRows", maxRows);
                    cs.set("dateexpires", DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.doc.profileStartTime.AddDays(1)));
                    cs.set("QueryTypeID", QueryTypeSQL);
                    cs.set("VisitId", core.session.visit.id);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Replace with main_GetPageArgs()
        // Used Interally by main_GetPageLink to main_Get the TemplateID of the parents
        internal int getPageDynamicLink_GetTemplateID(int PageID, string UsedIDList)
            int result = 0;

            try {
                int ParentID   = 0;
                int templateId = 0;
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    if (csData.openRecord("Page Content", PageID, "TemplateID,ParentID"))
                        templateId = csData.getInteger("TemplateID");
                        ParentID   = csData.getInteger("ParentID");
                // Chase page tree to main_Get templateid
                if (templateId == 0 && ParentID != 0)
                    if (!GenericController.isInDelimitedString(UsedIDList, ParentID.ToString(), ","))
                        result = getPageDynamicLink_GetTemplateID(ParentID, UsedIDList + "," + ParentID);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static string getActiveEditor(CoreController core, string ContentName, int RecordID, string FieldName, string FormElements = "")
            int    ContentID      = 0;
            string Copy           = null;
            string Stream         = "";
            string ButtonPanel    = null;
            string EditorPanel    = null;
            string PanelCopy      = null;
            string intContentName = null;
            int    intRecordId    = 0;
            string strFieldName   = null;

            intContentName = GenericController.encodeText(ContentName);
            intRecordId    = GenericController.encodeInteger(RecordID);
            strFieldName   = GenericController.encodeText(FieldName);
            EditorPanel = "";
            ContentID   = Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, intContentName);
            if ((ContentID < 1) || (intRecordId < 1) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFieldName)))
                PanelCopy   = SpanClassAdminNormal + "The information you have selected can not be accessed.</span>";
                EditorPanel = EditorPanel + core.html.getPanel(PanelCopy);
                intContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ContentID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(intContentName))
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open(intContentName, "ID=" + intRecordId);
                        if (!csData.ok())
                            PanelCopy   = SpanClassAdminNormal + "The information you have selected can not be accessed.</span>";
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + core.html.getPanel(PanelCopy);
                            Copy        = csData.getText(strFieldName);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("Type", FormTypeActiveEditor);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("cid", ContentID);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("ID", intRecordId);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("fn", strFieldName);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + GenericController.encodeText(FormElements);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + core.html.getFormInputHTML("ContentCopy", Copy, "3", "45", false, true);
                            ButtonPanel = core.html.getPanelButtons(ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSave);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + ButtonPanel;
            Stream = Stream + core.html.getPanelHeader("Contensive Active Content Editor");
            Stream = Stream + core.html.getPanel(EditorPanel);
            Stream = HtmlController.form(core, Stream);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static string getWhatsRelated(CoreController core)
     try {
         CPClass cp = core.cpParent;
         if (core.doc.pageController.page.id == 0)
         StringBuilder items = new StringBuilder();
         using (var cs = new CsModel(core)) {
             string sql = "select rp.id,rp.name,rp.menuheadline,rp.briefFilename"
                          + " from ccpagecontenttopicrules sr"
                          + " left join ccpagecontenttopicrules rr on rr.topicid=sr.topicid"
                          + " left join ccpagecontent rp on rp.id=rr.pageid"
                          + " group by rp.id,rp.name,rp.menuheadline,rp.briefFilename"
                          + " order by count(rp.id)";
             if (cs.openSql(sql))
                     int pageId = cs.getInteger("id");
                     if (!pageId.Equals(core.doc.pageController.page.id))
                         string link = cp.Content.GetPageLink(pageId);
                         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(link))
                             if (!link.Contains("://"))
                                 link = core.webServer.requestProtocol + link;
                             string menuHeadline  = cs.getText("menuheadline");
                             string content       = HtmlController.a(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(menuHeadline) ? cs.getText("name") : menuHeadline, link);
                             string briefFilename = cs.getText("briefFilename");
                             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(briefFilename))
                                 content += HtmlController.div(cp.CdnFiles.Read(briefFilename), "ccListCopy");
                             items.Append(HtmlController.li(content, "wrItem"));
                 } while (cs.ok());
         if (items.Length > 0)
             return(HtmlController.div(HtmlController.h4("Whats Related") + HtmlController.ul(items.ToString(), "ccList"), "ccWhatsRelated"));
         if (cp.User.IsEditing(""))
             return(HtmlController.div(HtmlController.h4("Whats Related") + HtmlController.ul("<li>[empty list]</li>", "ccList"), "ccWhatsRelated"));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Go through all Content Definitions and create appropriate tables and fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string returnValue = "";

            try {
                Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel metadata = null;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string[,] ContentNameArray = null;
                int    ContentNameCount = 0;
                string TableName        = null;
                string ButtonList;
                ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Synchronize Tables to Content Definitions", "This tools goes through all Content Definitions and creates any necessary Tables and Table Fields to support the Definition."));
                if (core.docProperties.getText("Button") != "")
                    //   Run Tools
                    Stream.add("Synchronizing Tables to Content Definitions<br>");
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open("Content", "", "", false, 0, "id");
                        if (csData.ok())
                                metadata  = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, csData.getInteger("id"));
                                TableName = metadata.tableName;
                                Stream.add("Synchronizing Content " + metadata.name + " to table " + TableName + "<br>");
                                using (var db = new DbController(core, metadata.dataSourceName)) {
                                    if (metadata.fields.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (var keyValuePair in metadata.fields)
                                            ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                                            Stream.add("...Field " + field.nameLc + "<br>");
                                            db.createSQLTableField(TableName, field.nameLc, field.fieldTypeId);
                            } while (csData.ok());
                            ContentNameArray = csData.getRows();
                            ContentNameCount = ContentNameArray.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
                returnValue = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 11
 // Print the See Also listing
 //   ContentName is the name of the parent table
 //   RecordID is the parent RecordID
 public static string getSeeAlso(CoreController core)
     try {
         if (core.doc.pageController.page.id == 0)
         int    SeeAlsoCount = 0;
         string result       = "";
         using (var cs = new CsModel(core)) {
             if (cs.open("See Also", "(RecordID=" + core.doc.pageController.page.id + ")"))
                     string link = cs.getText("Link");
                     if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(link)) && (!link.Contains("://")))
                         link = core.webServer.requestProtocol + link;
                     string editAnchorTag = (!core.session.isEditing() ? "" : AdminUIController.getRecordEditAnchorTag(core, "See Also", cs.getInteger("ID")));
                     string pageAnchorTag = HtmlController.a(cs.getText("name"), HtmlController.encodeHtml(link));
                     string brief         = cs.getText("Brief");
                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brief))
                         brief = HtmlController.p(brief, "ccListCopy");
                     result       += HtmlController.li(editAnchorTag + pageAnchorTag + brief, "ccListItem");
                     SeeAlsoCount += 1;
                 } while (cs.ok());
         if (core.session.isEditing())
             SeeAlsoCount += 1;
             foreach (var AddLink in AdminUIController.getRecordAddAnchorTag(core, "See Also", "RecordID=" + core.doc.pageController.page.id))
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddLink))
                     result += HtmlController.li(AddLink, "ccEditWrapper ccListItem");
         if (SeeAlsoCount == 0)
         return(HtmlController.div(HtmlController.h4("See Also") + HtmlController.ul(result, "ccList"), "ccSeeAlso"));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a command task to the taskQueue to be run by the taskRunner. Returns false if the task was already there (dups fround by command name and cmdDetailJson)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="core"></param>
 /// <param name="command"></param>
 /// <param name="cmdDetail"></param>
 /// <param name="downloadName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static public bool addTaskToQueue(CoreController core, TaskModel.CmdDetailClass cmdDetail, bool blockDuplicates, string downloadName, string downloadFilename)
     try {
         int downloadId = 0;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadName))
             Dictionary <string, string> defaultValues = ContentMetadataModel.getDefaultValueDict(core, DownloadModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
             var download = DbBaseModel.addDefault <DownloadModel>(core.cpParent, defaultValues);
             download.name          = downloadName;
             download.dateRequested = core.dateTimeNowMockable;
             download.requestedBy   = core.session.user.id;
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadFilename))
                 // -- if the donwloadfilename is specified, save it in the download record and force the file to save with a space in content
                 download.filename.filename = FileController.getVirtualRecordUnixPathFilename(DownloadModel.tableMetadata.tableNameLower, "filename", download.id, downloadFilename);
                 download.filename.content  = " ";
             downloadId = download.id;
         string cmdDetailJson = SerializeObject(cmdDetail);
         bool   allowAdd      = true;
         if (blockDuplicates)
             // -- Search for a duplicate
             string sql = "select top 1 id from cctasks where ((cmdDetail=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cmdDetailJson) + ")and(datestarted is null)and(datecompleted is null))";
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 allowAdd = !csData.openSql(sql);
         // -- add it to the queue and shell out to the command
         if (allowAdd)
             var task = TaskModel.addEmpty <TaskModel>(core.cpParent);
             task.name             = "addon [#" + cmdDetail.addonId + "," + cmdDetail.addonName + "]";
             task.cmdDetail        = cmdDetailJson;
             task.resultDownloadId = downloadId;
             LogController.logTrace(core, "addTaskToQueue, task added, cmdDetailJson [" + cmdDetailJson + "]");
         LogController.logTrace(core, "addTaskToQueue, task blocked because duplicate found, cmdDetailJson [" + cmdDetailJson + "]");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the active editor form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        public static void processActiveEditor(CoreController core)
            string Button      = null;
            int    ContentID   = 0;
            string ContentName = null;
            int    RecordID    = 0;
            string FieldName   = null;
            string ContentCopy = null;

            Button = core.docProperties.getText("Button");
            switch (Button)
            case ButtonCancel:
                // ----- Do nothing, the form will reload with the previous contents

            case ButtonSave:
                // ----- read the form fields
                ContentID   = core.docProperties.getInteger("cid");
                RecordID    = core.docProperties.getInteger("id");
                FieldName   = core.docProperties.getText("fn");
                ContentCopy = core.docProperties.getText("ContentCopy");
                // ----- convert editor active edit icons
                ContentCopy = ActiveContentController.processWysiwygResponseForSave(core, ContentCopy);
                // ----- save the content
                ContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ContentID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentName))
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open(ContentName, "ID=" + DbController.encodeSQLNumber(RecordID), "", false);
                        if (csData.ok())
                            csData.set(FieldName, ContentCopy);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public override string GetLayout(int layoutid)
     try {
         using (var cs = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
             string sql = "select layout from ccLayouts where id=" + layoutid;
             if (cs.ok())
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(cp.core, ex);
        public static string getDefaultValue(CoreController core, string contentName, string fieldName)
            string defaultValue = "";
            int    contentId    = ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, contentName);
            string SQL          = "select defaultvalue from ccfields where name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(fieldName) + " and contentid=(" + contentId + ")";

            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                if (csData.ok())
                    defaultValue = csData.getText("defaultvalue");
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the MetaContent subsystem so the next call to main_GetLastMeta... returns the correct value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contentId"></param>
 /// <param name="recordId"></param>
 public void setMetaContent(int contentId, int recordId)
     if ((contentId != 0) && (recordId != 0))
         // -- open meta content record
         string Criteria      = "(ContentID=" + contentId + ")and(RecordID=" + recordId + ")";
         string FieldList     = "ID,Name,MetaDescription,OtherHeadTags,MetaKeywordList";
         string keywordList   = "";
         int    MetaContentId = 0;
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             if (csData.open("Meta Content", Criteria, "", false, 0, FieldList))
                 MetaContentId = csData.getInteger("ID");
                 core.html.addTitle(HtmlController.encodeHtml(csData.getText("Name")), "page content");
                 core.html.addMetaDescription(HtmlController.encodeHtml(csData.getText("MetaDescription")), "page content");
                 core.html.addHeadTag(csData.getText("OtherHeadTags"), "page content");
                 keywordList = csData.getText("MetaKeywordList").Replace(Environment.NewLine, ",");
         // open Keyword List
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             string SQL = "select ccMetaKeywords.Name"
                          + " From ccMetaKeywords"
                          + " LEFT JOIN ccMetaKeywordRules on ccMetaKeywordRules.MetaKeywordID=ccMetaKeywords.ID"
                          + " Where ccMetaKeywordRules.MetaContentID=" + MetaContentId;
             while (csData.ok())
                 keywordList = keywordList + "," + csData.getText("Name");
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywordList))
                 if (keywordList.left(1) == ",")
                     keywordList = keywordList.Substring(1);
                 keywordList = HtmlController.encodeHtml(keywordList);
                 core.html.addMetaKeywordList(keywordList, "page content");
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, page content");
             // Move Archived pages from their current parent to their archive parent
             bool   NeedToClearCache = false;
             string SQL = "select * from ccpagecontent where (( DateArchive is not null )and(DateArchive<" + core.sqlDateTimeMockable + "))and(active<>0)";
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 while (csData.ok())
                     int RecordId        = csData.getInteger("ID");
                     int ArchiveParentId = csData.getInteger("ArchiveParentID");
                     if (ArchiveParentId == 0)
                         SQL = "update ccpagecontent set DateArchive=null where (id=" + RecordId + ")";
                         SQL = "update ccpagecontent set ArchiveParentID=null,DateArchive=null,parentid=" + ArchiveParentId + " where (id=" + RecordId + ")";
                         NeedToClearCache = true;
             // Clear caches
             if (NeedToClearCache)
                 object emptyData = null;
                 core.cache.invalidate("Page Content");
                 core.cache.storeObject("PCC", emptyData);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override int AddRecord(string contentName)
            int result = 0;

            try {
                CsModel cs = new CsModel(cp.core);
                if (cs.insert(contentName))
                    result = cs.getInteger("id");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(cp.core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a site Warning: for content managers to make content changes with the site
        ///   Report Warning
        ///       A warning is logged in the site warnings log
        ///           name - a generic description of the warning
        ///               "bad link found on page"
        ///           issueCategory - a generic string that describes the warning. the warning report
        ///               will display one line for each generalKey (name matches guid)
        ///               like "bad link"
        ///           location - the URL, service or process that caused the problem
        ///               "http://goodpageThankHasBadLink.com"
        ///           pageid - the record id of the bad page.
        ///               "http://goodpageThankHasBadLink.com"
        ///           description - a specific description
        ///               "link to http://www.this.com/pagename was found on http://www.this.com/About-us"
        ///           count - the number of times the name and issueCategory matched. "This error was reported 100 times"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="Name">A generic description of the warning that describes the problem, but if the issue occurs again the name will match, like Page Not Found on /Home</param>
        /// <param name="ignore">To be deprecated - same as name</param>
        /// <param name="location">Where the issue occurred, like on a page, or in a background process.</param>
        /// <param name="PageID"></param>
        /// <param name="Description">Any detail the use will need to debug the problem.</param>
        /// <param name="issueCategory">A general description of the issue that can be grouped in a report, like Page Not Found</param>
        /// <param name="ignore2">to be deprecated, same a name.</param>
        public static void addSiteWarning(CoreController core, string Name, string ignore, string location, int PageID, string Description, string issueCategory, string ignore2)
            int warningId = 0;

            warningId = 0;
            string SQL = "select top 1 ID from ccSiteWarnings"
                         + " where (name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(Name) + ")"
                         + " and(generalKey=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(issueCategory) + ")"
                         + "";
            DataTable dt = core.db.executeQuery(SQL);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                warningId = GenericController.encodeInteger(dt.Rows[0]["id"]);
            if (warningId != 0)
                // increment count for matching warning
                SQL = "update ccsitewarnings set count=count+1,DateLastReported=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable) + " where id=" + warningId;
                // insert new record
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    if (csData.insert("Site Warnings"))
                        csData.set("name", Name);
                        csData.set("description", Description);
                        csData.set("generalKey", issueCategory);
                        csData.set("count", 1);
                        csData.set("DateLastReported", core.dateTimeNowMockable);
                        csData.set("location", location);
                        csData.set("pageId", PageID);
Exemplo n.º 20
        //   Create the default landing page if it is missing
        public int createPageGetID(string PageName, string ContentName, int CreatedBy, string pageGuid)
            int Id = 0;

            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                if (csData.insert(ContentName))
                    Id = csData.getInteger("ID");
                    csData.set("name", PageName);
                    csData.set("active", "1");
                        csData.set("ccGuid", pageGuid);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, contentwatch");
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             string sql = "select cccontentwatch.id from cccontentwatch left join cccontent on cccontent.id=cccontentwatch.contentid  where (cccontent.id is null)or(cccontent.active=0)or(cccontent.active is null)";
             while (csData.ok())
                 MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Content Watch", csData.getInteger("ID"));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 22
        // Create a child content
        private static string GetContentChildTool_Options(CPClass cp, int ParentId, int DefaultValue)
            string returnOptions = "";

            try {
                string SQL        = null;
                int    RecordId   = 0;
                string RecordName = null;
                if (ParentId == 0)
                    SQL = "select Name, ID from ccContent where ((ParentID<1)or(Parentid is null)) and (AllowContentChildTool<>0);";
                    SQL = "select Name, ID from ccContent where ParentID=" + ParentId + " and (AllowContentChildTool<>0) and not (allowcontentchildtool is null);";
                using (var csData = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
                    while (csData.ok())
                        RecordName = csData.getText("Name");
                        RecordId   = csData.getInteger("ID");
                        if (RecordId == DefaultValue)
                            returnOptions = returnOptions + "<option value=\"" + RecordId + "\" selected>" + csData.getText("name") + "</option>";
                            returnOptions = returnOptions + "<option value=\"" + RecordId + "\" >" + csData.getText("name") + "</option>";
                        returnOptions = returnOptions + GetContentChildTool_Options(cp, RecordId, DefaultValue);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(cp.core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public override string getLayout(string layoutName)
     try {
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(layoutName))
         using (var cs = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
             cs.open("layouts", "name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(layoutName), "id", false, cp.core.session.user.id, "layout");
             if (cs.ok())
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(cp.core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 24
 // dispose
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing_cs)
     if (!this.disposed_cs)
         if (disposing_cs)
             // ----- call .dispose for managed objects
             if (cs != null)
                 cs = null;
         // ----- release unmanaged resources
     this.disposed_cs = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// GetAjaxDefaultAddonOptionStringClass remote method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
            string returnHtml = "";

            try {
                using (CoreController core = ((CPClass)cp).core) {
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        string AddonGuid = core.docProperties.getText("guid");
                        csData.open(AddonModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "ccguid=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(AddonGuid));
                        if (csData.ok())
                            string addonArgumentList = csData.getText("argumentlist");
                            bool   addonIsInline     = csData.getBoolean("IsInline");
                            string jsonCommand       = "";
                            returnHtml = AddonController.getDefaultAddonOptions(core, addonArgumentList, AddonGuid, addonIsInline, csData.getText("name"), ref jsonCommand);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void verifyRegistrationFormPage(CoreController core)
     try {
         MetadataController.deleteContentRecords(core, "Form Pages", "name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText("Registration Form"));
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             if (!csData.open("Form Pages", "name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText("Registration Form")))
                 // create Version 1 template - just to main_Get it started
                 if (csData.insert("Form Pages"))
                     csData.set("name", "Registration Form");
                     string Copy = ""
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "{{REPEATSTART}}<tr><td align=right style=\"height:22px;\">{{CAPTION}}&nbsp;</td><td align=left>{{FIELD}}</td></tr>{{REPEATEND}}"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td align=right><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=135 height=1></td><td width=\"100%\">&nbsp;</td></tr>"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;<br>" + core.html.getPanelButtons(ButtonRegister) + "</td></tr>"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "</table>";
                     csData.set("Body", Copy);
                     Copy = ""
                            + "1"
                            + Environment.NewLine + "Registered\r\ntrue"
                            + Environment.NewLine + "1,First Name,true,FirstName"
                            + Environment.NewLine + "1,Last Name,true,LastName"
                            + Environment.NewLine + "1,Email Address,true,Email"
                            + Environment.NewLine + "1,Phone,true,Phone"
                            + Environment.NewLine + "2,Please keep me informed of news and events,false,Subscribers"
                            + "";
                     csData.set("Instructions", Copy);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns OK on success
 /// + available drive space
 /// + log size
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cp"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override object Execute(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
     try {
         var result = new StringBuilder();
         var core   = ((CPClass)cp).core;
         // -- tmp, check for 10% free on C-drive and D-drive
         if (Directory.Exists(@"c:\"))
             DriveInfo driveTest = new DriveInfo("c");
             double    freeSpace = Math.Round(100.0 * (Convert.ToDouble(driveTest.AvailableFreeSpace) / Convert.ToDouble(driveTest.TotalSize)), 2);
             if (freeSpace < 10)
                 return("ERROR, Drive-C does not have 10% free");
             result.AppendLine("ok, drive-c free space [" + freeSpace + "%], [" + (driveTest.AvailableFreeSpace / (1024 * 1024)).ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " MB]");
         if (Directory.Exists(@"d:\"))
             DriveInfo driveTest = new DriveInfo("d");
             double    freeSpace = Math.Round(100.0 * (Convert.ToDouble(driveTest.AvailableFreeSpace) / Convert.ToDouble(driveTest.TotalSize)), 2);
             if (freeSpace < 10)
                 return("ERROR, Drive-D does not have 10% free");
             result.AppendLine("ok, drive-D free space [" + freeSpace + "%], [" + (driveTest.AvailableFreeSpace / (1024 * 1024)).ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " MB]");
         // -- log files under 1MB
         if (!core.programDataFiles.pathExists("Logs/"))
         foreach (var fileDetail in core.programDataFiles.getFileList("Logs/"))
             if (fileDetail.Size > 1000000)
                 return("ERROR, log file size error [" + fileDetail.Name + "], size [" + fileDetail.Size + "]");
         result.AppendLine("ok, all log files under 1 MB");
         // test default data connection
         try {
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 int recordId = 0;
                 if (csData.insert("Properties"))
                     recordId = csData.getInteger("ID");
                 if (recordId == 0)
                     return("ERROR, Failed to insert record in default data source.");
                     MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Properties", recordId);
         } catch (Exception exDb) {
             return("ERROR, exception occured during default data source record insert, [" + exDb + "].");
         result.AppendLine("ok, database connection passed.");
         // -- test for taskscheduler not running
         if (DbBaseModel.createList <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, "(ProcessNextRun<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddHours(-1)) + ")").Count > 0)
             return("ERROR, there are process addons unexecuted for over 1 hour. TaskScheduler may not be enabled, or no server is running the Contensive Task Service.");
         if (DbBaseModel.createList <TaskModel>(core.cpParent, "(dateCompleted is null)and(dateStarted<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddHours(-1)) + ")").Count > 0)
             return("ERROR, there are tasks that have been executing for over 1 hour. The Task Runner Server may have stopped.");
         result.AppendLine("ok, taskscheduler running.");
         // -- test for taskrunner not running
         if (DbBaseModel.createList <TaskModel>(core.cpParent, "(dateCompleted is null)and(dateStarted is null)").Count > 100)
             return("ERROR, there are over 100 task waiting to be execute. The Task Runner Server may have stopped.");
         result.AppendLine("ok, taskrunner running.");
         // -- verify the email process is running.
         if (cp.Site.GetDate("EmailServiceLastCheck") < core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddHours(-1))
             return("ERROR, Email process has not executed for over 1 hour.");
         result.AppendLine("ok, email process running.");
         // -- last -- if alarm folder is not empty, fail diagnostic. Last so others can add an alarm entry
         if (!core.programDataFiles.pathExists("Alarms/"))
         foreach (var alarmFile in core.programDataFiles.getFileList("Alarms/"))
             return("ERROR, Alarm folder is not empty, [" + core.programDataFiles.readFileText("Alarms/" + alarmFile.Name) + "].");
         // -- verify the default username=root, password=contensive is not present
         var rootUserList = PersonModel.createList <PersonModel>(cp, "((username='******')and(password='******')and(active>0))");
         if (rootUserList.Count > 0)
             return("ERROR, delete or inactive default user root/contensive.");
         // -- meta data test- lookup field without lookup set
         string sql = "select c.id as contentid, c.name as contentName, f.* from ccfields f left join ccContent c on c.id = f.LookupContentID where f.Type = 7 and c.id is null and f.LookupContentID > 0 and f.Active > 0 and f.Authorable > 0";
         using (DataTable dt = core.db.executeQuery(sql)) {
             if (!dt.Rows.Count.Equals(0))
                 string badFieldList = "";
                 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                     badFieldList += "," + row["contentName"] + "." + row["name"].ToString();
                 return("ERROR, the following field(s) are configured as lookup, but the field's lookup-content is not set [" + badFieldList.Substring(1) + "].");
         // -- metadata test - many to many setup
         sql = "select f.id,f.name as fieldName,f.ManyToManyContentID, f.ManyToManyRuleContentID, f.ManyToManyRulePrimaryField, f.ManyToManyRuleSecondaryField"
               + " ,pc.name as primaryContentName"
               + " , sc.name as secondaryContentName"
               + " , r.name as ruleContentName"
               + " , rp.name as PrimaryContentField"
               + " , rs.name as SecondaryContentField"
               + " from ccfields f"
               + " left join cccontent sc on sc.id = f.ManyToManyContentID"
               + " left join cccontent pc on pc.id = f.contentid"
               + " left join cccontent r on r.id = f.ManyToManyRuleContentID"
               + " left join ccfields rp on (rp.name = f.ManyToManyRulePrimaryField)and(rp.ContentID = r.id)"
               + " left join ccfields rs on(rs.name = f.ManyToManyRuleSecondaryField)and(rs.ContentID = r.id)"
               + " where"
               + " (f.type = 14)and(f.Authorable > 0)and(f.active > 0)"
               + " and((1 = 0)or(sc.id is null)or(pc.id is null)or(r.id is null)or(rp.id is null)or(rs.id is null))";
         using (DataTable dt = core.db.executeQuery(sql)) {
             if (!dt.Rows.Count.Equals(0))
                 string badFieldList = "";
                 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                     badFieldList += "," + row["primaryContentName"] + "." + row["fieldName"].ToString();
                 return("ERROR, the following field(s) are configured as many-to-many, but the field's many-to-many metadata is not set [" + badFieldList.Substring(1) + "].");
         return("ok, all server diagnostics passed" + Environment.NewLine + result.ToString());
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         return("ERROR, unexpected exception during diagnostics");
 /// <summary>
 /// when breaking changes are required for data, update them here
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="core"></param>
 /// <param name="DataBuildVersion"></param>
 public static void migrateData(CoreController core, string DataBuildVersion, string logPrefix)
     try {
         CPClass cp = core.cpParent;
         // -- Roll the style sheet cache if it is setup
         core.siteProperties.setProperty("StylesheetSerialNumber", (-1).ToString());
         // -- verify ID is primary key on all tables with an id
         foreach (TableModel table in DbBaseModel.createList <TableModel>(cp))
             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table.name))
                 bool tableHasId = false;
                     // -- verify table as an id field
                     string    sql = "SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'ID' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'ccmembers')";
                     DataTable dt  = cp.Db.ExecuteQuery(sql);
                     if (dt != null)
                         tableHasId = !dt.Rows.Equals(0);
                 if (tableHasId)
                     // -- table has id field, make sure it is primary key
                     string sql = ""
                                  + " select Col.Column_Name"
                                  + " where (Col.Constraint_Name = Tab.Constraint_Name) AND (Col.Table_Name = Tab.Table_Name) AND (Constraint_Type = 'PRIMARY KEY') AND (Col.Table_Name = '" + table.name + "')";
                     bool idPrimaryKeyFound = false;
                     foreach (DataRow dr in core.db.executeQuery(sql).Rows)
                         if (GenericController.encodeText(dr["Column_Name"]).ToLower().Equals("id"))
                             idPrimaryKeyFound = true;
                     if (!idPrimaryKeyFound)
                         try {
                             core.db.executeNonQuery("alter table " + table.name + " add primary key (ID)");
                         } catch (Exception ex) {
                             LogController.logError(core, ex, "Content Table [" + table.name + "] does not include column ID. Exception happened while adding column and setting it primarykey.");
         // -- continue only if a previous build exists
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataBuildVersion))
             // -- 4.1 to 5 conversions
             if (GenericController.versionIsOlder(DataBuildVersion, "4.1"))
                 // -- create Data Migration Assets collection
                 var migrationCollection = DbBaseModel.createByUniqueName <AddonCollectionModel>(cp, "Data Migration Assets");
                 if (migrationCollection == null)
                     migrationCollection      = DbBaseModel.addDefault <AddonCollectionModel>(cp);
                     migrationCollection.name = "Data Migration Assets";
                 // -- remove all addon content fieldtype rules
                 Contensive.Models.Db.DbBaseModel.deleteRows <Contensive.Models.Db.AddonContentFieldTypeRulesModel>(cp, "(1=1)");
                 // -- delete /admin www subfolder
                 // -- delete .asp and .php files
                 foreach (BaseClasses.CPFileSystemBaseClass.FileDetail file in core.wwwFiles.getFileList(""))
                     if (file == null)
                     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.Name))
                     if (file.Name.Length < 4)
                     string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.Name).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                     if ((extension == ".php") || (extension == ".asp"))
                 // -- create www /cclib folder and copy in legacy resources
                 core.programFiles.copyFile("cclib.zip", "cclib.zip", core.wwwFiles);
                 // -- remove all the old menu entries and leave the navigation entries
                 var navContent = DbBaseModel.createByUniqueName <ContentModel>(cp, Contensive.Models.Db.NavigatorEntryModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                 if (navContent != null)
                     core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccMenuEntries where ((contentcontrolid<>0)and(contentcontrolid<>" + navContent.id + ")and(contentcontrolid is not null))");
                 // -- reinstall newest font-awesome collection
                 string returnErrorMessage       = "";
                 var    context                  = new Stack <string>();
                 var    nonCritialErrorList      = new List <string>();
                 var    collectionsInstalledList = new List <string>();
                 CollectionLibraryController.installCollectionFromLibrary(core, false, context, Constants.fontAwesomeCollectionGuid, ref returnErrorMessage, false, true, ref nonCritialErrorList, logPrefix, ref collectionsInstalledList);
                 // -- reinstall newest redactor collection
                 returnErrorMessage       = "";
                 context                  = new Stack <string>();
                 nonCritialErrorList      = new List <string>();
                 collectionsInstalledList = new List <string>();
                 CollectionLibraryController.installCollectionFromLibrary(core, false, context, Constants.redactorCollectionGuid, ref returnErrorMessage, false, true, ref nonCritialErrorList, logPrefix, ref collectionsInstalledList);
                 // -- addons with active-x -- remove programid and add script code that logs error
                 string newCode = ""
                                  + "function m"
                                  + " ' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) + ' \ncp.Site.ErrorReport(\"deprecated active-X add-on executed [#\" & cp.addon.id & \", \" & cp.addon.name & \"]\")"
                                  + " ' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) + ' \nend function"
                                  + "";
                 string sql = "update ccaggregatefunctions set help='Legacy activeX: ' + objectprogramId, objectprogramId=null, ScriptingCode='" + newCode + "' where (ObjectProgramID is not null)";
                 LogController.logInfo(core, "MigrateData, removing activex addons, adding exception logging, sql [" + sql + "]");
                 // -- create page menus from section menus
                 using (var cs = new CsModel(core)) {
                     sql = "select m.name as menuName, m.id as menuId, p.name as pageName, p.id as pageId, s.name as sectionName, m.*"
                           + " from ccDynamicMenus m"
                           + " left join ccDynamicMenuSectionRules r on r.DynamicMenuId = m.id"
                           + " left join ccSections s on s.id = r.SectionID"
                           + " left join ccPageContent p on p.id = s.RootPageID"
                           + " where (p.id is not null)and(s.active>0)"
                           + " order by m.id, s.sortorder,s.id";
                     if (cs.openSql(sql))
                         int sortOrder = 0;
                             string menuName = cs.getText("menuName");
                             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(menuName))
                                 var menu = DbBaseModel.createByUniqueName <MenuModel>(cp, menuName);
                                 if (menu == null)
                                     menu      = DbBaseModel.addEmpty <MenuModel>(cp);
                                     menu.name = menuName;
                                     try {
                                         menu.classItemActive = cs.getText("classItemActive");
                                         menu.classItemFirst  = cs.getText("classItemFirst");
                                         menu.classItemHover  = cs.getText("classItemHover");
                                         menu.classItemLast   = cs.getText("classItemLast");
                                         menu.classTierAnchor = cs.getText("classTierItem");
                                         menu.classTierItem   = cs.getText("classTierItem");
                                         menu.classTierList   = cs.getText("classTierList");
                                         menu.classTopAnchor  = cs.getText("classTopItem");
                                         menu.classTopItem    = cs.getText("classTopItem");
                                         menu.classTopList    = cs.getText("classTopList");
                                         menu.classTopWrapper = cs.getText("classTopWrapper");
                                     } catch (Exception ex) {
                                         LogController.logError(core, ex, "migrateData error populating menu from dynamic menu.");
                                 // -- set the root page's menuHeadline to the section name
                                 var page = DbBaseModel.create <PageContentModel>(cp, cs.getInteger("pageId"));
                                 if (page != null)
                                     page.menuHeadline = cs.getText("sectionName");
                                     // -- create a menu-page rule to attach this page to the menu in the current order
                                     var menuPageRule = DbBaseModel.addEmpty <MenuPageRuleModel>(cp);
                                     if (menuPageRule != null)
                                         menuPageRule.name      = "Created from v4.1 menu sections " + core.dateTimeNowMockable.ToString();
                                         menuPageRule.pageId    = page.id;
                                         menuPageRule.menuId    = menu.id;
                                         menuPageRule.active    = true;
                                         menuPageRule.sortOrder = sortOrder.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');
                                         sortOrder += 10;
                         } while (cs.ok());
                 // -- create a theme addon for each template for styles and meta content
                 using (var csTemplate = cp.CSNew()) {
                     if (csTemplate.Open("page templates"))
                             int    templateId           = csTemplate.GetInteger("id");
                             string templateStylePrepend = "";
                             string templateStyles       = csTemplate.GetText("StylesFilename");
                             // -- add shared styles to the template stylesheet
                             using (var csStyleRule = cp.CSNew()) {
                                 if (csStyleRule.Open("shared styles template rules", "(TemplateID=" + templateId + ")"))
                                         int sharedStyleId = csStyleRule.GetInteger("styleid");
                                         using (var csStyle = cp.CSNew()) {
                                             if (csStyleRule.Open("shared styles", "(id=" + sharedStyleId + ")"))
                                                 // -- prepend lines beginning with @ t
                                                 string styles = csStyleRule.GetText("StyleFilename");
                                                 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(styles))
                                                     // -- trim off leading spaces, newlines, comments
                                                     styles = styles.Trim();
                                                     while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(styles) && styles.Substring(0, 1).Equals("@"))
                                                         if (styles.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) >= 0)
                                                             templateStylePrepend += styles.Substring(0, styles.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine));
                                                             styles = styles.Substring(styles.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) + 1).Trim();
                                                             templateStylePrepend += styles;
                                                             styles = string.Empty;
                                                     templateStyles += Environment.NewLine + styles;
                                     } while (csStyleRule.OK());
                             // -- create an addon
                             var themeAddon = DbBaseModel.addDefault <AddonModel>(cp);
                             themeAddon.name                   = "Theme assets for template " + csTemplate.GetText("name");
                             themeAddon.otherHeadTags          = csTemplate.GetText("otherheadtags");
                             themeAddon.javaScriptBodyEnd      = csTemplate.GetText("jsendbody");
                             themeAddon.stylesFilename.content = templateStylePrepend + Environment.NewLine + templateStyles;
                             themeAddon.collectionId           = migrationCollection.id;
                             // -- create an addon template rule to set dependency
                             var rule = DbBaseModel.addEmpty <AddonTemplateRuleModel>(cp);
                             rule.addonId    = themeAddon.id;
                             rule.templateId = templateId;
                         } while (csTemplate.OK());
                 // -- reset the html minify so it is easier to resolve other issues
                 core.siteProperties.setProperty("ALLOW HTML MINIFY", false);
                 // -- remove contentcategoryid from all edit page
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("update ccfields set Authorable=0 where name='contentcategoryid'");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("update ccfields set Authorable=0 where name='editsourceid'");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("update ccfields set Authorable=0 where name='editarchive'");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("update ccfields set Authorable=0 where name='editblank'");
                 // -- remove legacy workflow fields
                 UpgradeController.dropLegacyWorkflowField(core, "editsourceid");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from ccfields where name='editsourceid'");
                 UpgradeController.dropLegacyWorkflowField(core, "editblank");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from ccfields where name='editblank'");
                 UpgradeController.dropLegacyWorkflowField(core, "editarchive");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from ccfields where name='editarchive'");
                 UpgradeController.dropLegacyWorkflowField(core, "contentcategoryid");
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from ccfields where name='contentcategoryid'");
                 // -- end of 4.1 to 5 conversion
             // -- 5.19.1223 conversion -- render AddonList no copyFilename
             if (GenericController.versionIsOlder(DataBuildVersion, "5.19.1223"))
                 // -- verify design block installation
                 string returnUserError = "";
                 if (!cp.Db.IsTable("dbtext"))
                     if (!cp.Addon.InstallCollectionFromLibrary(Constants.designBlockCollectionGuid, ref returnUserError))
                         throw new Exception("Error installing Design Blocks, required for data upgrade. " + returnUserError);
                 // -- add a text block and childPageList to every page without an addonlist
                 foreach (var page in DbBaseModel.createList <PageContentModel>(cp, "(addonList is null)"))
                     convertPageContentToAddonList(core, page);
                 core.siteProperties.setProperty("PageController Render Legacy Copy", false);
             // -- 5.2005.9.4 conversion -- collections incorrectly marked not-updateable - mark all except themes (templates)
             if (GenericController.versionIsOlder(DataBuildVersion, "5.2005.9.4"))
                 // --
                 cp.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("update ccaddoncollections set updatable=1 where name not like '%theme%'");
             // -- 5.2005.19.1 conversion -- rename site property EmailUrlRootRelativePrefix to LocalFileModeProtocolDomain
             if (GenericController.versionIsOlder(DataBuildVersion, "5.2005.19.1"))
                 // --
                 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cp.Site.GetText("webAddressProtocolDomain")))
                     cp.Site.SetProperty("webAddressProtocolDomain", cp.Site.GetText("EmailUrlRootRelativePrefix"));
             // -- delete legacy corehelp collection. Created with fields that have only field name, legacy install layed collections over the application collection
             //    new install loads fields directly from collection, which coreHelp then marks all fields inactive.
             core.db.delete("{6e905db1-d3f0-40af-aac4-4bd78e680fae}", "ccaddoncollections");
         // -- Reload
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Configure Edit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            CoreController core = cp.core;

            try {
                KeyPtrController Index = new KeyPtrController();
                int    ContentId       = cp.Doc.GetInteger(RequestNameToolContentId);
                var    contentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true);
                int    RecordCount     = 0;
                int    formFieldId     = 0;
                string StatusMessage   = "";
                string ErrorMessage    = "";
                bool   ReloadCDef      = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("ReloadCDef");
                if (contentMetadata != null)
                    string ToolButton = cp.Doc.GetText("Button");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolButton))
                        bool AllowContentAutoLoad = false;
                        if (ToolButton != ButtonCancel)
                            // Save the form changes
                            AllowContentAutoLoad = cp.Site.GetBoolean("AllowContentAutoLoad", true);
                            cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", "false");
                            // ----- Save the input
                            RecordCount = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaRecordCount"));
                            if (RecordCount > 0)
                                int RecordPointer = 0;
                                for (RecordPointer = 0; RecordPointer < RecordCount; RecordPointer++)
                                    string formFieldName = cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaName." + RecordPointer);
                                    CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum formFieldTypeId = (CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum)cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaType." + RecordPointer);
                                    formFieldId = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaID." + RecordPointer));
                                    bool formFieldInherited = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaInherited." + RecordPointer);
                                    // problem - looking for the name in the Db using the form's name, but it could have changed.
                                    // have to look field up by id
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> cdefFieldKvp in contentMetadata.fields)
                                        if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.id == formFieldId)
                                            // Field was found in CDef
                                            if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited && (!formFieldInherited))
                                                // Was inherited, but make a copy of the field
                                                using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                    if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields"))
                                                        using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                            if (CSSource.openRecord("Content Fields", formFieldId))
                                                        formFieldId = CSTarget.getInteger("ID");
                                                        CSTarget.set("ContentID", ContentId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                                            else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (formFieldInherited))
                                                // Was a field, make it inherit from it's parent
                                                MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Content Fields", formFieldId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                                            else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (!formFieldInherited))
                                                // not inherited, save the field values and mark for a reload
                                                    if (formFieldName.IndexOf(" ") != -1)
                                                        // remoave spaces from new name
                                                        StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was renamed [" + GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "") + "] because the field name can not include spaces.</LI>";
                                                        formFieldName = GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "");
                                                    string SQL = null;
                                                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) && ((int)formFieldTypeId != 0) && ((cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc == "") || (cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId == 0)))
                                                        // Create Db field, Field is good but was not before
                                                        core.db.createSQLTableField(contentMetadata.tableName, formFieldName, formFieldTypeId);
                                                        StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition and a database field was created in [" + contentMetadata.tableName + "].</LI>";
                                                    else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) || ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0))
                                                        // name blank or type=0 - do nothing but tell them
                                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName) && ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0))
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a name and field type are required.</LI>";
                                                        else if (formFieldName == "unnamedfield" + formFieldId.ToString())
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field name is required.</LI>";
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field type are required.</LI>";
                                                    else if ((formFieldName == cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc) && (formFieldTypeId != cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId))
                                                        // Field Type changed, must be done manually
                                                        ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] changed type from [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId) + "] to [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)formFieldTypeId) + "]. This may have caused a problem converting content.</LI>";
                                                        int DataSourceTypeId = core.db.getDataSourceType();
                                                        switch (DataSourceTypeId)
                                                        case DataSourceTypeODBCMySQL:
                                                            SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " change " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";";

                                                            SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " alter column " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";";
                                                    SQL = "Update ccFields"
                                                          + " Set name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(formFieldName)
                                                          + ",type=" + (int)formFieldTypeId
                                                          + ",caption=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaCaption." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",DefaultValue=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",EditSortPriority=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(GenericController.encodeText(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordPointer)))
                                                          + ",Active=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaActive." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",ReadOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Authorable=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Required=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaRequired." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",UniqueName=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",TextBuffered=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Password="******"dtfaPassword." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",HTMLContent=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",EditTab=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaEditTab." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Scramble=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaScramble." + RecordPointer)) + "";
                                                    if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                                        SQL += ",adminonly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordPointer));
                                                    if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper())
                                                        SQL += ",DeveloperOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordPointer));
                                                    SQL += " where ID=" + formFieldId;
                                                    ReloadCDef = true;
                        if (ToolButton == ButtonAdd)
                            // ----- Insert a blank Field
                            var defaultValues = ContentMetadataModel.getDefaultValueDict(core, ContentFieldModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                            var field         = ContentFieldModel.addDefault <ContentFieldModel>(core.cpParent, defaultValues);
                            field.name             = "unnamedField" + field.id.ToString();
                            field.contentId        = ContentId;
                            field.editSortPriority = 0;
                            ReloadCDef = true;
                        // ----- Button Reload CDef
                        if (ToolButton == ButtonSaveandInvalidateCache)
                        // ----- Restore Content Autoload site property
                        if (AllowContentAutoLoad)
                            cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", AllowContentAutoLoad.ToString());
                        // ----- Cancel or Save, reload CDef and go
                        if ((ToolButton == ButtonCancel) || (ToolButton == ButtonOK))
                            // ----- Exit back to menu
                            return(core.webServer.redirect(core.appConfig.adminRoute, "Tool-ConfigureContentEdit, ok or cancel button, go to root."));
                //   Print Output
                string description = ""
                                     + HtmlController.p("Use this tool to add or modify content definition fields and the underlying sql table fields.")
                                     + ((ContentId.Equals(0)) ? "" : ""
                                        + HtmlController.ul(""
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Content", "?aa=0&cid=3&id=" + ContentId + "&tx=&ad=0&asf=1&af=4", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Records", "?cid=" + ContentId, "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Select Different Fields", "?af=105", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            , "nav")
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Manage Admin Edit Fields", description));
                // -- status of last operation
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StatusMessage))
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormRow(core, "<UL>" + StatusMessage + "</UL>"));
                // -- errors with last operations
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div("There was a problem saving these changes" + "<UL>" + ErrorMessage + "</UL>", "ccError"));
                if (ReloadCDef)
                    contentMetadata = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true);
                string ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSelect;
                if (ContentId == 0)
                    // content tables that have edit forms to Configure
                    bool isEmptyList = false;
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Select a Content Definition to Configure", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "Content"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, "")));
                    // Configure edit form
                    Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId));
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK + "," + ButtonAdd;
                    // Get a new copy of the content definition
                    Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "<P><B>" + contentMetadata.name + "</b></P>");
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">");
                    int  ParentContentId  = contentMetadata.parentId;
                    bool AllowCDefInherit = false;
                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel ParentCDef = null;
                    if (ParentContentId == -1)
                        AllowCDefInherit = false;
                        AllowCDefInherit = true;
                        string ParentContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ParentContentId);
                        ParentCDef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ParentContentId, true, true);
                    bool NeedFootNote1 = false;
                    bool NeedFootNote2 = false;
                    if (contentMetadata.fields.Count > 0)
                        // -- header row
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\"></td>");
                        if (!AllowCDefInherit)
                            Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited*</b></span></td>");
                            NeedFootNote1 = true;
                            Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Field</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Caption</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Edit Tab</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Default</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Type</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Edit<br>Order</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Active</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Read<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Auth</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Req</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Unique</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Buffer</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Pass</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Scrm</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>HTML</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Admin<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Dev<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        RecordCount = 0;
                        // Build a select template for Type
                        string TypeSelectTemplate = core.html.selectFromContent("menuname", -1, "Content Field Types", "", "unknown");
                        // Index the sort order
                        List <FieldSortClass> fieldList = new List <FieldSortClass>();
                        int FieldCount = contentMetadata.fields.Count;
                        foreach (var keyValuePair in contentMetadata.fields)
                            FieldSortClass fieldSort = new FieldSortClass();
                            string         sortOrder = "";
                            fieldSort.field = keyValuePair.Value;
                            sortOrder       = "";
                            if (fieldSort.field.active)
                                sortOrder += "0";
                                sortOrder += "1";
                            if (fieldSort.field.authorable)
                                sortOrder += "0";
                                sortOrder += "1";
                            sortOrder     += fieldSort.field.editTabName + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.editSortPriority, 10) + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.id, 10);
                            fieldSort.sort = sortOrder;
                        fieldList.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.sort.CompareTo(p2.sort));
                        StringBuilderLegacyController StreamValidRows = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                        var contentFieldsCdef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, "content fields");
                        foreach (FieldSortClass fieldsort in fieldList)
                            StringBuilderLegacyController streamRow = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                            bool rowValid = true;
                            // If Field has name and type, it is locked and can not be changed
                            bool FieldLocked = (fieldsort.field.nameLc != "") && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId != 0);
                            // put the menu into the current menu format
                            formFieldId = fieldsort.field.id;
                            streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaID." + RecordCount, formFieldId));
                            // edit button
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + AdminUIController.getRecordEditAnchorTag(core, contentFieldsCdef, formFieldId) + "</td>");
                            // Inherited
                            if (!AllowCDefInherit)
                                // no parent
                                streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False</span></td>");
                            else if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                // inherited property
                                streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>");
                                Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel parentField = null;
                                // CDef has a parent, but the field is non-inherited, test for a matching Parent Field
                                if (ParentCDef == null)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> kvp in ParentCDef.fields)
                                        if (kvp.Value.nameLc == fieldsort.field.nameLc)
                                            parentField = kvp.Value;
                                if (parentField == null)
                                    streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False**</span></td>");
                                    NeedFootNote2 = true;
                                    streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>");
                            // name
                            bool tmpValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldsort.field.nameLc);
                            rowValid = rowValid && !tmpValue;
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "&nbsp;</SPAN>");
                            else if (FieldLocked)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "&nbsp;</SPAN><input type=hidden name=dtfaName." + RecordCount + " value=\"" + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "\">");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.nameLc, 1, 10));
                            // caption
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.caption + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaCaption." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.caption, 1, 10));
                            // Edit Tab
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editTabName + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditTab." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editTabName, 1, 10));
                            // default
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue) + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordCount, GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue), 1, 10));
                            // type
                            rowValid = rowValid && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId > 0);
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    csData.openRecord("Content Field Types", (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId);
                                    if (!csData.ok())
                                        streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "Unknown[" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "]</SPAN>");
                                        streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + csData.getText("Name") + "</SPAN>");
                            else if (FieldLocked)
                                streamRow.add(DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId) + HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaType." + RecordCount, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId));
                                string TypeSelect = TypeSelectTemplate;
                                TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "menuname", "dtfaType." + RecordCount, 1, 99, 1);
                                TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\"", "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\" selected", 1, 99, 1);
                            // sort priority
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editSortPriority + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editSortPriority.ToString(), 1, 10));
                            // active
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaActive." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.active, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // read only
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.readOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // authorable
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.authorable, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // required
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaRequired." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.required, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // UniqueName
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.uniqueName, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // text buffered
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.textBuffered, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // password
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaPassword." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.password, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // scramble
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaScramble." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.scramble, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // HTML Content
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.htmlContent, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // Admin Only
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.adminOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // Developer Only
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper())
                                streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.developerOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            RecordCount = RecordCount + 1;
                            // rows are built - put the blank rows at the top
                            if (!rowValid)
                        Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaRecordCount", RecordCount));
                    if (NeedFootNote1)
                        Stream.add("<br>*Field Inheritance is not allowed because this Content Definition has no parent.");
                    if (NeedFootNote2)
                        Stream.add("<br>**This field can not be inherited because the Parent Content Definition does not have a field with the same name.");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("ReloadCDef", ReloadCDef));
                // -- assemble form
                return(AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Summarize the page views, excludes non-cookie visits, excludes administrator and developer visits, excludes authenticated users with ExcludeFromReporting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="StartTimeDate"></param>
        /// <param name="EndTimeDate"></param>
        /// <param name="HourDuration"></param>
        /// <param name="BuildVersion"></param>
        /// <param name="OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout"></param>
        public static void pageViewSummary(CoreController core, DateTime StartTimeDate, DateTime EndTimeDate, int HourDuration, string BuildVersion, DateTime OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout)
            int    hint    = 0;
            string hinttxt = "";

            try {
                XmlDocument LibraryCollections = new XmlDocument();
                XmlDocument LocalCollections   = new XmlDocument();
                XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();
                    hint = 1;
                    DateTime PeriodStart = default;
                    PeriodStart = StartTimeDate;
                    if (PeriodStart < OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout)
                        PeriodStart = OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
                    DateTime PeriodDatePtr = default;
                    PeriodDatePtr = PeriodStart.Date;
                    while (PeriodDatePtr < EndTimeDate)
                        hint = 2;
                        hinttxt = ", HourDuration [" + HourDuration + "], PeriodDatePtr [" + PeriodDatePtr + "], PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration / 2.0) [" + PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration / 2.0) + "]";
                        int DateNumber = encodeInteger((PeriodDatePtr - default(DateTime)).TotalDays);
                        // encodeInteger(PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration / 2.0).ToOADate());
                        int      TimeNumber = encodeInteger(PeriodDatePtr.TimeOfDay.TotalHours);
                        DateTime DateStart  = default(DateTime);
                        DateStart = PeriodDatePtr.Date;
                        DateTime DateEnd = default(DateTime);
                        DateEnd = PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration).Date;
                        string PageTitle = "";
                        int    PageId    = 0;
                        int    PageViews = 0;
                        int    AuthenticatedPageViews = 0;
                        int    MobilePageViews        = 0;
                        int    BotPageViews           = 0;
                        int    NoCookiePageViews      = 0;
                        // Loop through all the pages hit during this period
                        // for now ignore the problem caused by addons like Blogs creating multiple 'pages' within on pageid
                        // One way to handle this is to expect the addon to set something unquie in he page title
                        // then use the title to distinguish a page. The problem with this is the current system puts the
                        // visit number and page number in the name. if we select on district name, they will all be.
                        using (var csPages = new CsModel(core)) {
                            string sql = "select distinct recordid,pagetitle from ccviewings h"
                                         + " where (h.recordid<>0)"
                                         + " and(h.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                                         + " and (h.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                                         + " and((h.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(h.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                                         + "order by recordid";
                            hint = 3;
                            if (!csPages.openSql(sql))
                                // no hits found - add or update a single record for this day so we know it has been calculated
                                csPages.open("Page View Summary", "(timeduration=" + HourDuration + ")and(DateNumber=" + DateNumber + ")and(TimeNumber=" + TimeNumber + ")and(pageid=" + PageId + ")and(pagetitle=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(PageTitle) + ")");
                                if (!csPages.ok())
                                    csPages.insert("Page View Summary");
                                if (csPages.ok())
                                    csPages.set("name", HourDuration + " hr summary for " + DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(DateNumber) + " " + TimeNumber + ":00, " + PageTitle);
                                    csPages.set("DateNumber", DateNumber);
                                    csPages.set("TimeNumber", TimeNumber);
                                    csPages.set("TimeDuration", HourDuration);
                                    csPages.set("PageViews", PageViews);
                                    csPages.set("PageID", PageId);
                                    csPages.set("PageTitle", PageTitle);
                                    csPages.set("AuthenticatedPageViews", AuthenticatedPageViews);
                                    csPages.set("NoCookiePageViews", NoCookiePageViews);
                                        csPages.set("MobilePageViews", MobilePageViews);
                                        csPages.set("BotPageViews", BotPageViews);
                                hint = 4;
                                hint = 5;
                                // add an entry for each page hit on this day
                                while (csPages.ok())
                                    PageId    = csPages.getInteger("recordid");
                                    PageTitle = csPages.getText("pagetitle");
                                    string baseCriteria = ""
                                                          + " (h.recordid=" + PageId + ")"
                                                          + " "
                                                          + " and(h.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                                                          + " and(h.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                                                          + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                                                          + " and((h.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(h.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                                                          + "";
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageTitle))
                                        baseCriteria = baseCriteria + "and(h.pagetitle=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(PageTitle) + ")";
                                    hint = 6;
                                    // Total Page Views
                                    using (var csPageViews = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        sql = "select count(h.id) as cnt"
                                              + " from ccviewings h left join ccvisits v on h.visitid=v.id"
                                              + " where " + baseCriteria + " and (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                                              + "";
                                        if (csPageViews.ok())
                                            PageViews = csPageViews.getInteger("cnt");
                                    // Authenticated Visits
                                    using (var csAuthPages = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        sql = "select count(h.id) as cnt"
                                              + " from ccviewings h left join ccvisits v on h.visitid=v.id"
                                              + " where " + baseCriteria + " and(v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                                              + " and(v.visitAuthenticated<>0)"
                                              + "";
                                        if (csAuthPages.ok())
                                            AuthenticatedPageViews = csAuthPages.getInteger("cnt");
                                    // No Cookie Page Views
                                    using (var csNoCookie = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        sql = "select count(h.id) as NoCookiePageViews"
                                              + " from ccviewings h left join ccvisits v on h.visitid=v.id"
                                              + " where " + baseCriteria + " and((v.CookieSupport=0)or(v.CookieSupport is null))"
                                              + "";
                                        if (csNoCookie.ok())
                                            NoCookiePageViews = csNoCookie.getInteger("NoCookiePageViews");
                                    // Mobile Visits
                                    using (var csMobileVisits = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        sql = "select count(h.id) as cnt"
                                              + " from ccviewings h left join ccvisits v on h.visitid=v.id"
                                              + " where " + baseCriteria + " and(v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                                              + " and(v.mobile<>0)"
                                              + "";
                                        if (csMobileVisits.ok())
                                            MobilePageViews = csMobileVisits.getInteger("cnt");
                                    // Bot Visits
                                    using (var csBotVisits = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        sql = "select count(h.id) as cnt"
                                              + " from ccviewings h left join ccvisits v on h.visitid=v.id"
                                              + " where " + baseCriteria + " and(v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                                              + " and(v.bot<>0)"
                                              + "";
                                        if (csBotVisits.ok())
                                            BotPageViews = csBotVisits.getInteger("cnt");
                                    // Add or update the Visit Summary Record
                                    using (var csPVS = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        if (!csPVS.open("Page View Summary", "(timeduration=" + HourDuration + ")and(DateNumber=" + DateNumber + ")and(TimeNumber=" + TimeNumber + ")and(pageid=" + PageId + ")and(pagetitle=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(PageTitle) + ")"))
                                            csPVS.insert("Page View Summary");
                                        if (csPVS.ok())
                                            hint = 11;
                                            string PageName = "";
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageTitle))
                                                PageName = MetadataController.getRecordName(core, "page content", PageId);
                                                csPVS.set("name", HourDuration + " hr summary for " + DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(DateNumber) + " " + TimeNumber + ":00, " + PageName);
                                                csPVS.set("PageTitle", PageName);
                                                csPVS.set("name", HourDuration + " hr summary for " + DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(DateNumber) + " " + TimeNumber + ":00, " + PageTitle);
                                                csPVS.set("PageTitle", PageTitle);
                                            csPVS.set("DateNumber", DateNumber);
                                            csPVS.set("TimeNumber", TimeNumber);
                                            csPVS.set("TimeDuration", HourDuration);
                                            csPVS.set("PageViews", PageViews);
                                            csPVS.set("PageID", PageId);
                                            csPVS.set("AuthenticatedPageViews", AuthenticatedPageViews);
                                            csPVS.set("NoCookiePageViews", NoCookiePageViews);
                                            hint = 12;
                                                csPVS.set("MobilePageViews", MobilePageViews);
                                                csPVS.set("BotPageViews", BotPageViews);
                        PeriodDatePtr = PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex, "hint [" + hint + "]");