Exemplo n.º 1
 public ActionResult ResetPassword(string param = null, string IV = null)
     if (param != null)
         ResetPasswordViewModel result = new ResetPasswordViewModel();
         CryptLib cryptLib             = new CryptLib();
         string   key = CryptLib.getHashSha256("hrkey", 31);
         string   emailtimeout = ""; string email = ""; string timeout = "";
             emailtimeout = cryptLib.decrypt(param, key, IV);
             string[] paramlist = emailtimeout.Split(',');
             email   = paramlist[0];
             timeout = paramlist[1];
             DateTime expiredate = Convert.ToDateTime(timeout);
             if (expiredate > DateTime.Now)
                 result.Email = email;
         catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IHttpActionResult getEncrypt(dynamic data)
            dynamic objenc = new ExpandoObject();

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);

                string iv  = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                string key = CryptLib.getHashSha256("GSWS TEST", 32);

                string encrypttext = EncryptDecryptAlgoritham.EncryptStringAES(json, key, iv);

                objenc.Status      = 100;
                objenc.encrypttext = encrypttext;
                objenc.key         = iv;
                objenc.Reason      = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                objenc.Status = 102;
                objenc.Reason = ex.Message.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void UpdateProfile(AccountProfileModel model)
            Guid userId = this.GetCurrentUserId();
            var  data   = this._repoUser.Find(userId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.password))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.newPassword))
                    throw new Exception("Please provide new password.");

                CryptLib _crypt = new CryptLib();

                string decryptedPassword = _crypt.decrypt(data.password, data.hashKey, data.vector);
                if (decryptedPassword != model.password)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Password.");

                string hashShaKey = GetSettingValue("HRIS_HASHSHA_KEY");
                string key        = CryptLib.getHashSha256(hashShaKey, 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits
                string iv         = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                string encrypted  = _crypt.encrypt(model.newPassword, key, iv);
                data.password = encrypted;
                data.hashKey  = key;
                data.vector   = iv;

            data.email       = model.email;
            data.updatedBy   = userId;
            data.updatedDate = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Create(UserModel model, out Guid userId)
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                Guid companyId = this.GetCurrentCompanyId();
                if (this._repoUser.Query().Filter(x => x.username == model.username).Get().Any())
                    throw new Exception(model.username + " is already exists.");

                var currentUser = this.GetCurrentUserId();

                CryptLib _crypt          = new CryptLib();
                string   defaultPassword = GetSettingValue("DEFAULT_PASSWORD");
                string   key             = CryptLib.getHashSha256(GetSettingValue("HRIS_HASHSHA_KEY"), 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits
                string   iv        = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                string   encrypted = _crypt.encrypt(defaultPassword, key, iv);

                var ins = this._repoUser.Insert(new sys_User()
                    companyId = this.GetCurrentCompanyId(),
                    username  = model.username,
                    password  = encrypted,
                    email     = model.email,
                    hashKey   = key,
                    vector    = iv,
                    status    = (int)UserStatus.Active,
                    updatedBy = currentUser,
                userId = ins.id;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Update(UserModel model)
            var data = this._repoUser.Find(model.id);

            if (model.username != data.username)
                if (this._repoUser.Query().Filter(x => x.username == model.username).Get().Any())
                    throw new Exception(model.username + " is already exists.");
                data.username = model.username;

            if (model.UserStatus.value == (int)UserStatus.ResetPassword)
                CryptLib _crypt          = new CryptLib();
                string   defaultPassword = GetSettingValue("DEFAULT_PASSWORD");
                string   hashShaKey      = GetSettingValue("HRIS_HASHSHA_KEY");
                string   key             = CryptLib.getHashSha256(hashShaKey, 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits
                string   iv        = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                string   encrypted = _crypt.encrypt(defaultPassword, key, iv);
                data.password = encrypted;
                data.hashKey  = key;
                data.vector   = iv;

            data.email  = model.email;
            data.status = model.UserStatus.value;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public static string Decrypt(string data, string key, string iv)
        CryptLib _crypt = new CryptLib();

        //16 bytes = 128 bits
        key = CryptLib.getHashSha256(key, 32); //32 bytes = 256 bits
        return(_crypt.decrypt(data, key, iv));
Exemplo n.º 7
        //-> encrypt string
        public static string EncryptString(string pwd)
            CryptLib _crypt    = new CryptLib();
            string   plainText = pwd;
            string   iv        = "Xsoft";                                    // CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16); //16 bytes = 128 bits
            string   key       = CryptLib.getHashSha256("@XSoft201701", 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits

            return(_crypt.encrypt(plainText, key, iv));
Exemplo n.º 8
    public static string Encrypt(string data, string key)
        CryptLib _crypt = new CryptLib();
        String   iv     = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16); //16 bytes = 128 bits

        key = CryptLib.getHashSha256(key, 31);           //32 bytes = 256 bits
        String cypherText = _crypt.encrypt(data, key, iv);

    public static void Main(String [] args)
        CryptLib _crypt     = new CryptLib();
        string   plainText  = "This is the text to be encrypted";
        String   iv         = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);               //16 bytes = 128 bits
        string   key        = CryptLib.getHashSha256("my secret key", 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits
        String   cypherText = _crypt.encrypt(plainText, key, iv);

        Console.WriteLine("iv=" + iv);
        Console.WriteLine("key=" + key);
        Console.WriteLine("Cypher text=" + cypherText);
        Console.WriteLine("Plain text =" + _crypt.decrypt(cypherText, key, iv));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ValidateLogin(string companyCode, string username, string password, out Guid sessionId)
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                Guid companyId = this._repoCompany.Query().Filter(x => x.code == companyCode).Get().Select(x => x.id).FirstOrDefault();

                var checkUser = this._repoUser.Query().Filter(x => x.username == username && x.companyId == companyId).Get();

                if (!checkUser.Any())
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Username");

                var user = checkUser.Single();

                var status = (UserStatus)user.status;

                switch (status)
                case UserStatus.Disabled:
                    throw new Exception("User has been disabled");

                case UserStatus.Locked:
                    throw new Exception("User has been Locked");


                CryptLib _crypt     = new CryptLib();
                string   hashShaKey = GetSettingValue(companyId, "HRIS_HASHSHA_KEY");
                string   key        = CryptLib.getHashSha256(hashShaKey, 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits
                                                                              //string encrypted = _crypt.encrypt(password, key, iv);
                string decrypt = _crypt.decrypt(user.password, user.hashKey, user.vector);

                if (decrypt != password)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Password");

                sessionId = this.CreateUserSession(companyId, user.id);

                if (status == UserStatus.ResetPassword)
                    this.UpdateStatus(user.id, UserStatus.Active);

Exemplo n.º 11
        public dynamic initiateSpandanaTransaction(transactionModel obj)
            dynamic objdata = new ExpandoObject();

                obj.TYPE       = "1";
                obj.IP_ADDRESS = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                obj.SYS_NAME   = System.Environment.MachineName;
                obj.TXN_ID     = obj.SECRETRAINT_CODE + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmddHHmm") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999);
                DataTable dt = transactionInsertion(obj);

                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string encrypttext = "";
                    string iv          = "";

                    iv = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                    string key  = CryptLib.getHashSha256("GSWS TEST", 32);
                    string obj2 = GetInputJsonFormat(obj);
                    encrypttext = EncryptDecryptAlgoritham.EncryptStringAES(obj2, key, iv);

                    objdata.status = 200;
                    if (obj.URL_ID == "340200101")
                        objdata.URL = "https://www.spandana.ap.gov.in/gsws/servicegrievance_registration?accessToken=" + Token() + "&Volunteerid=2255667788&AadhaarNo=" + obj.UID + "&vvstype=VVS2&DistId=" + obj.Sdistcode + "&MandalId=" + obj.Smcode + "&GpId=" + obj.Svtcode + "&GpFlag=" + obj.SRuflag + "&encryptId=" + encrypttext + "&KEY=" + key + "&IV=" + iv;
                        objdata.URL = "https://www.spandana.ap.gov.in/gsws/servicerequest_registration?HodId=" + obj.SERVICE_CODE + "&accessToken= " + Token() + "&Volunteerid=2255667788&AadhaarNo=" + obj.UID + "&vvstype=VVS2&DistId=" + obj.Sdistcode + "&MandalId=" + obj.Smcode + "&GpId=" + obj.Svtcode + "&GpFlag=" + obj.SRuflag + "&encryptId=" + encrypttext + "&KEY=" + key + "&IV=" + iv;

                    objdata.Reason = "Record Inserted Successfully !!!";
                    objdata.status = 400;
                    objdata.Reason = "Failed to Insert Record, Please Try Again !!! ";
            catch (Exception ex)
                objdata.status = 500;
                objdata.Reason = "Something Went Wrong.Please Try Again";                //ex.Message.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World again 12!");

            CryptLib _crypt     = new CryptLib();
            string   plainText  = "This is the text to be encrypted.";
            String   iv         = "4NAfcTL5nWERGSLl";                          //CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16); //16 bytes = 128 bits
            string   key        = CryptLib.getHashSha256("my secret key", 32); //32 bytes = 256 bits
            String   cypherText = _crypt.encrypt(plainText, key, iv);

            Console.WriteLine("isv=" + iv);
            Console.WriteLine("key=" + key);
            Console.WriteLine("Cypher text=" + cypherText);
            Console.WriteLine("Plain text =" + _crypt.decrypt(cypherText, key, iv));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public ActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         HumanResourceContext context = new HumanResourceContext();
         Account result = context.AccountSet.Where(e => e.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault();
         if (result == null)
             string   To = result.Email, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host;
             CryptLib cl           = new CryptLib();
             String   key          = CryptLib.getHashSha256("hrkey", 31); //32 bytes = 256 bit
             String   em           = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);       //16 bytes = 128 bit
             string   timeout      = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30).ToString();
             string   emailtimeout = model.Email + "," + timeout;
                 emailtimeout = cl.encrypt(emailtimeout, key, em);
                 emailtimeout = "";
             var lnkHref = "<a href='" + Url.Action("ResetPassword", "UserLogin", new { param = emailtimeout, IV = em }, "http") + "'>Reset Password</a>";
             //var lnkHref = "<a href='"+ Url.Action("ResetPassword", "UserLogin", new { param = emailtimeout, IV = em }) + "'>Reset Password</a>";
             //HTML Template for Send email
             string subject = "Your changed password";
             string body    = "<html><body><b>You can reset your password here. </b><br/>" + lnkHref + "</body></html>";
             //Get and set the AppSettings using configuration manager.
             AppSettings(out UserID, out Password, out SMTPPort, out Host);
             //Call send email methods.
             SendEmail(UserID, subject, body, To, UserID, Password, SMTPPort, Host);
     ViewBag.sendmessage = "Reset password link has been sent to your email.";
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void UpdateStatus(Guid userId, UserStatus status)
            var data = this._repoUser.Find(userId);

            data.status = (int)status;

            if (status == UserStatus.ResetPassword)
                CryptLib _crypt          = new CryptLib();
                string   defaultPassword = GetSettingValue("DEFAULT_PASSWORD");
                string   hashShaKey      = GetSettingValue("HRIS_HASHSHA_KEY");
                string   key             = CryptLib.getHashSha256(hashShaKey, 31); //32 bytes = 256 bits
                string   iv = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);

                string encrypted = _crypt.encrypt(defaultPassword, key, iv);
                data.password = encrypted;
                data.hashKey  = key;
                data.vector   = iv;

Exemplo n.º 15
 public CryptHelper()
     keySha256 = CryptLib.getHashSha256(key, 32); //32 bytes = 256 bits
Exemplo n.º 16
        public dynamic initiateTransaction(transactionModel obj)
            dynamic objdata = new ExpandoObject();

                obj.TYPE       = "1";
                obj.IP_ADDRESS = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                obj.SYS_NAME   = System.Environment.MachineName;
                obj.TXN_ID     = obj.SECRETRAINT_CODE + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmm") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999);
                DataTable dt = transactionInsertion(obj);

                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string encrypttext = "";
                    string iv          = "";
                    if (obj.TYPE_OF_SERVICE == "1")
                        iv = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                        string key  = CryptLib.getHashSha256("GSWS TEST", 32);
                        string obj2 = GetInputJsonFormat(obj);
                        encrypttext = EncryptDecryptAlgoritham.EncryptStringAES(obj2, key, iv);
                    else if (obj.URL_ID == "110401301" || obj.URL_ID == "110102501" || obj.URL_ID == "110102601" || obj.URL_ID == "310300104")
                        iv = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                        string key  = CryptLib.getHashSha256("GSWS TEST", 32);
                        string obj2 = GetInputJsonFormat(obj);
                        encrypttext = EncryptDecryptAlgoritham.EncryptStringAES(obj2, key, iv);
                    else if (obj.URL_ID == "200301401" || obj.URL_ID == "360201701" || obj.URL_ID == "360201401" || obj.URL_ID == "130101101" || obj.URL_ID == "280101201" || obj.URL_ID == "280101401" || obj.URL_ID == "280101301" || obj.URL_ID == "360201801" || obj.URL_ID == "3602018501" || obj.URL_ID == "170100102" || obj.URL_ID == "130101401" || obj.URL_ID == "130101501" || obj.URL_ID == "240200101")
                        iv = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                        string key  = CryptLib.getHashSha256("GSWS TEST", 32);
                        string obj2 = GetInputJsonFormat(obj);
                        encrypttext = EncryptDecryptAlgoritham.EncryptStringAES(obj2, key, iv);
                    objdata.status = 200;
                    //objdata.Translist = dt;
                    objdata.encrypttext = encrypttext;
                    objdata.key         = iv;
                    objdata.TransId     = obj.TXN_ID;
                    objdata.Reason      = "Record Inserted Successfully !!!";
                    objdata.status = 400;
                    objdata.Reason = "Failed to Insert Record, Please Try Again !!! ";
            catch (Exception ex)
                objdata.status = 500;
                objdata.Reason = "Something Went Wrong.Please Try Again";                //ex.Message.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 17
 internal static string getIVkey()
     return(CryptLib.getHashSha256(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IVKey"], 16));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public dynamic OrderDetails(paymentModel obj)
            dynamic objdata = new ExpandoObject();

                obj.orderId = "80120201019362644";

                orderDetailsModel rootobj = new orderDetailsModel();
                rootobj.Amount       = obj.Amount;
                rootobj.Description  = obj.Description;
                rootobj.mobileNumber = obj.mobileNumber;
                rootobj.orderId      = obj.orderId;
                rootobj.totalAmount  = obj.totalAmount;
                rootobj.TxnDate      = obj.TxnDate;
                rootobj.userCharges  = obj.userCharges;
                rootobj.userName     = obj.userName;
                rootobj.walletType   = "";

                DataTable dt1 = gswsPaymentRequestProc(obj, "4", "");
                obj.gswsCode    = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                obj.UniqueTxnId = obj.merchantId + obj.mobileNumber + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssmm");

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

                string iv  = CryptLib.GenerateRandomIV(16);
                string key = CryptLib.getHashSha256("GSWS TEST", 32);

                string encrypttext = EncryptDecryptAlgoritham.EncryptStringAES(json, key, iv);

                obj.encrypttext = encrypttext;
                obj.iv          = iv;

                rootobj.encrypttext = obj.encrypttext;
                rootobj.iv          = obj.iv;

                if (obj.gswsCode == "10690589" || obj.gswsCode == "10690588" || obj.gswsCode == "10690590" || obj.gswsCode == "21073101")
                    rootobj.walletType = "TA";
                else if (obj.gswsCode == "10690567" || obj.gswsCode == "10690568" || obj.gswsCode == "21073097" || obj.gswsCode == "21073098" || obj.gswsCode == "21073099")
                    rootobj.walletType = "WONE";

                else if (obj.gswsCode == "10690581" || obj.gswsCode == "10690561" || obj.gswsCode == "10690574" || obj.gswsCode == "10690572" || obj.gswsCode == "10690573" || obj.gswsCode == "10690582" || obj.gswsCode == "21073095" || obj.gswsCode == "21073096" || obj.gswsCode == "21073082" || obj.gswsCode == "21073083" || obj.gswsCode == "21073085" || obj.gswsCode == "21073088")
                    rootobj.walletType = "APW";

                DataTable dt = gswsPaymentRequestProc(obj, "1", "");
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    token_gen.expiry_minutes = 60;
                    token_gen.PRIMARY_MACHINE_KEY   = "10101010101010101010101010101010";
                    token_gen.SECONDARY_MACHINE_KEY = "1010101010101010";
                    token_gen.addResponse("status", "200");
                    token_gen.addResponse("result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rootobj));
                    objdata.status = 400;
                    objdata.result = "Invalid Input";
                    string mappath   = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("gswsPaymentRequestProc.");
                    Task   WriteTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new Logdatafile().Write_ReportLog_Exception(mappath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                objdata.status = 500;
                objdata.result = ex.Message.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 19
        // save Services Url's
        public DataTable SaveServices_data_helper(InternalURL obj)
                var comd = new OracleCommand();

                comd.InitialLONGFetchSize = 1000;
                comd.CommandType          = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                comd.CommandText          = "GSWS_IN_URL_MASTER";
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_TYPE", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value             = obj.TYPE;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_SD_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value            = obj.DEPARTMENT;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_HOD_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value           = obj.HOD;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_SCHEME_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value        = obj.SERVICE;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_TYPE_OF_REQUEST", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value  = obj.REQUESTTYPE;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_URL_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value           = obj.URL_ID;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_URL", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value              = obj.URL;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_URL_DESCRIPTION", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value  = obj.URLDESCRIPTION;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_ACCESS_LEVEL", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value     = obj.ACCESSLEVEL;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_DISTRICT_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value      = obj.DISTRICT;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_MANDAL_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value        = obj.MANDAL;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_GP_WARD_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value       = obj.PANCHAYAT;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_USER_NAME", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value        = obj.USERNAME;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_PASSWORD", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value         = obj.PASSWORD;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ENCRYPT_PASSWORD) ? null : CryptLib.getHashSha256(obj.ENCRYPT_PASSWORD, 31);;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_TYPE_OF_SERVICE", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value  = obj.SERVICETYPE;
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_UR_FLAG", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value          = obj.RUFLAG;       //
                comd.Parameters.Add("P_URL_DESC_TEL", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value     = obj.P_URL_DESC_TEL;

                comd.Parameters.Add("DESIGN_R", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value = obj.RURALDESIGNATION;
                comd.Parameters.Add("DESIGN_U", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value = obj.URBANDESIGNATION;

                comd.Parameters.Add("P_CUR", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                DataTable data = GetgswsDataAdapter(comd);
                if (data != null && data.Rows.Count > 0)
            catch (WebException wex)
                string mappath   = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("ExceptionLogs");
                Task   WriteTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new Logdatafile().Write_ReportLog_Exception(mappath, "Error Save Services URL data :" + wex.Message.ToString()));
                throw new Exception(wex.Message);