Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SaveToSend(JsonGeneric data, String prefix)
            if ((data.data == null) || (data.data.Count == 0))

            Byte[] jData = data.ToJsonBytes();

            using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.server_cert)), jData))
                DirectoryInfo dirTo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(basePath, "Out"));
                if (!dirTo.Exists)

                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dirTo.FullName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmss-ffffff") + "-" + prefix) + ".iamdat");

                File.WriteAllBytes(f.FullName, cApi.ToBytes());

                TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "File to send created " + f.Name + " (" + data.data.Count + ")");

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void ParseModifierBin()
            using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(CryptApi.DecryptStream(GetStream(), CryptApi.NoxCryptFormat.MODIFIER)))
                string type = "";
                while (rdr.BaseStream.Position < rdr.BaseStream.Length)
                    string line = rdr.ReadLine().Trim();

                    if (line == "")

                    if (line == "END")
                        type = "";

                    if (line == "WEAPON_DEFINITIONS" || line == "ARMOR_DEFINITIONS" || line == "EFFECTIVENESS" || line == "MATERIAL" || line == "ENCHANTMENT")
                        type = line;

                    Mods.Add(line, new Mod(rdr, line, type));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SaveToSend(Int64 enterpriseId, DirectoryInfo saveTo, ProxyConfig config, List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage> packages)
            if ((packages == null) || (packages.Count == 0))

            Byte[] jData    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize <List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage> >(packages));
            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));

            using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass), jData))
                if (!saveTo.Exists)

                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(saveTo.FullName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmss-ffffff")) + ".iamdat");

                File.WriteAllBytes(f.FullName, cApi.ToBytes());

                foreach (PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage pkg in packages)
                        //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Debug, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, pkg.entityId, pkg.identityId, "Saving package ID: " + pkg.pkgId, SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize<PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage>(pkg));

                        String tpkg = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage>(pkg);

                        DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                        par.Add("@entity_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = pkg.entityId;
                        par.Add("@date", typeof(DateTime)).Value   = DateTime.Now;
                        par.Add("@flow", typeof(String)).Value     = "deploy";
                        par.Add("@package_id", typeof(String), pkg.pkgId.Length).Value = pkg.pkgId;
                        par.Add("@filename", typeof(String), f.FullName.Length).Value  = f.FullName;
                        par.Add("@package", typeof(String), tpkg.Length).Value         = tpkg;

                        Int64 trackId = db.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_package_track", System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, null);

                        tpkg = null;

                        db.AddPackageTrack(trackId, "deploy", "Package generated");
                    catch { }

                db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "File to send created " + f.Name + " (" + packages.Count + ")");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void SaveToSend(String sufix)
            if ((logRecords1.data != null) && (logRecords1.data.Count > 0))
                Byte[] jData = logRecords1.ToJsonBytes();

                using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(this.serverCert)), jData))
                    DirectoryInfo dirTo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(this.basePath, "Out"));
                    if (!dirTo.Exists)

                    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dirTo.FullName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmss-ffffff") + "-" + sufix) + ".iamdat");

                    File.WriteAllBytes(f.FullName, cApi.ToBytes());

#if debug
                    TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "File to send created " + f.Name + " (" + logRecords.data.Count + ")");

            if ((logRecords2.data != null) && (logRecords2.data.Count > 0))
                Byte[] jData = logRecords2.ToJsonBytes();

                using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(this.serverCert)), jData))
                    DirectoryInfo dirTo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(this.basePath, "Out"));
                    if (!dirTo.Exists)

                    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dirTo.FullName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmss-ffffff") + "-pl-" + sufix) + ".iamdat");

                    File.WriteAllBytes(f.FullName, cApi.ToBytes());

#if debug
                    TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "File to send created " + f.Name + " (" + logRecords.data.Count + ")");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage> LoadFile(FileInfo file)
            Byte[] fData    = File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName);
            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));

                using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass), fData))
                    List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage> data = null;
                    data = JSON.Deserialize <List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage> >(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData));
                certPass = null;
                fData    = new Byte[0];
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Close()
            //encrypt before closing
            SkipToNextBoundary();            //pad so total length is divisible by 8
            int length = (int)BaseStream.Position;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[length];

            BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            BaseStream.Read(buffer, 0, length);

            if (format != CryptApi.NoxCryptFormat.NONE)
                buffer = CryptApi.NoxEncrypt(buffer, format);

            BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public Byte[] ToBytes()
            Byte[] jData = new Byte[0];

            DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(List <PluginConnectorBaseFetchPackage>));

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ser.WriteObject(ms, this.fetch_packages);
                jData = ms.ToArray();

            Byte[] retData  = new Byte[0];
            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fqdn));

            using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(client_cert), certPass), jData))
                retData = cApi.ToBytes();

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void BuildPassword(MSSQLDB db, SqlTransaction trans, Int64 context, Int64 entityId, Int64 enterpriseId)
            String pwdMethod = "random";
            String pwdValue  = "";

            using (DataTable dtRules = db.Select("select password_rule from context c where c.id = " + context + " and (c.password_rule is not null and rtrim(LTRIM(c.password_rule)) <> '')", trans))
                if ((dtRules != null) && (dtRules.Rows.Count > 0))
                    String v = dtRules.Rows[0]["password_rule"].ToString().Trim();

                    if (v.IndexOf("[") != -1)
                        Regex rex = new Regex(@"(.*?)\[(.*?)\]");
                        Match m   = rex.Match(v);
                        if (m.Success)
                            pwdMethod = m.Groups[1].Value.ToLower();
                            pwdValue  = m.Groups[2].Value;
                        pwdMethod = v;

            switch (pwdMethod)
            case "default":
                //Nada a senha ja foi definida

            case "field":
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                 * Int64 fieldId = 0;
                 * Int64.TryParse(pwdValue, out fieldId);
                 * using (DataTable dtFields = db.Select("select * from identity_field where identity_id = " + this.IdentityId + " and field_id = " + fieldId, trans))
                 *  if ((dtFields != null) && (dtFields.Rows.Count > 0))
                 *  {
                 *      pwdValue = dtFields.Rows[0]["value"].ToString();
                 *  }*/

            default:     //Random
                pwdValue = "";

            //Se a senha continua vazia, gera uma randômica
            if ((pwdValue == null) || (pwdValue == ""))
                pwdValue = RandomPassword.Generate(14, 16);

            Boolean MustChangePassword = true;

            String pwd = "";

            using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.conn, enterpriseId, trans))

                using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pwdValue)))
                    pwd = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());

            String sql = "update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate(), must_change_password = @must where id = @entityId";

            SqlParameterCollection par = GetSqlParameterObject();

            par.Add("@entityId", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = entityId;

            par.Add("@password", SqlDbType.VarChar, pwd.Length).Value = pwd;
            par.Add("@must", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = MustChangePassword;

            db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, context, 0, 0, entityId, 0, "Password changed", "", trans);

            db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, par, trans);
Exemplo n.º 9
        static public LoginResult Grant(Page page, String username, String password)
                if ((username == null) || (username.Trim() == "") || (username == password) || (username.Trim() == ""))
                    return(new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")));

                Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                if ((page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData))
                    enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                String svc = page.Request.QueryString["service"].TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()).Replace("https://", "//").Replace("http://", "//").Trim();

                DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();;
                par.Add("@login", typeof(String), username.Length).Value = username;
                par.Add("@svc", typeof(String), svc.Length).Value        = svc;

                using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                    DataTable tmp = db.ExecuteDataTable("select distinct l.id, l.alias, l.full_name, l.login, l.enterprise_id, l.password, l.must_change_password, s.id as service_id, c.service_uri, c.grant_ticket, c.long_ticket from vw_entity_logins l inner join cas_service s on l.enterprise_id = s.enterprise_id left join (select * from cas_entity_ticket c1 inner join cas_service s on s.id = c1.service_id) c on l.id = c.entity_id and c.service_uri = @svc where l.deleted = 0 and l.locked = 0 and (l.login = @login or l.value = @login) and s.service_uri = @svc", CommandType.Text, par);

                    if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr in tmp.Rows)
                            using (SqlConnection conn = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())
                                using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn, enterpriseId))
                                    using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(dr["password"].ToString())))
                                        if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData) == password)
                                            //Realiza o login

                                            LoginData l = new LoginData();
                                            l.Alias          = tmp.Rows[0]["alias"].ToString();
                                            l.FullName       = tmp.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString();
                                            l.Login          = tmp.Rows[0]["login"].ToString();
                                            l.Id             = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"];
                                            l.EnterpriseId   = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"];
                                            l.CASGrantTicket = CASTicket.Generate();
                                            l.CASLongTicket  = CASTicket.Generate();

                                            if (tmp.Rows[0]["grant_ticket"] != DBNull.Value)
                                                l.CASGrantTicket = tmp.Rows[0]["grant_ticket"].ToString();

                                            if (tmp.Rows[0]["long_ticket"] != DBNull.Value)
                                                l.CASLongTicket = tmp.Rows[0]["long_ticket"].ToString();

                                            catch { }

                                                //Adiciona o cookie do TGC
                                                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("TGC-SafeID");
                                                //cookie.Domain = page.Request.Url.Host;
                                                cookie.Path  = "/cas";
                                                cookie.Value = l.CASGrantTicket;

                                                DateTime dtNow    = DateTime.Now;
                                                TimeSpan tsMinute = new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0);
                                                cookie.Expires = dtNow + tsMinute;

                                                //Adiciona o cookie
                                            catch { }

                                                //Adiciona o cookie do TGC
                                                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("TGT-SafeID");
                                                //cookie.Domain = page.Request.Url.Host;
                                                cookie.Path  = "/cas";
                                                cookie.Value = l.CASLongTicket;

                                                DateTime dtNow    = DateTime.Now;
                                                TimeSpan tsMinute = new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0);
                                                cookie.Expires = dtNow + tsMinute;

                                                //Adiciona o cookie
                                            catch { }

                                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set last_login = getdate() where id = " + l.Id, CommandType.Text, null);

                                            if (tmp.Rows[0]["service_uri"] == DBNull.Value)
                                                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into cas_entity_ticket ([entity_id],[service_id],[grant_ticket],[long_ticket],[create_by_credentials]) VALUES (" + l.Id + ", " + tmp.Rows[0]["service_id"].ToString() + ", '" + l.CASGrantTicket + "', '" + l.CASLongTicket + "',1)", CommandType.Text, null);
                                                db.ExecuteNonQuery("update cas_entity_ticket set grant_ticket = '" + l.CASGrantTicket + "', long_ticket = '" + l.CASLongTicket + "', expire_date = dateadd(day,1,getdate()), create_by_credentials = 1 where entity_id = " + l.Id + " and service_id = " + tmp.Rows[0]["service_id"].ToString(), CommandType.Text, null);

                                            db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Logged, null, "CAS", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l.Id, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_logged") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                            return(new LoginResult(true, "User OK", (Boolean)tmp.Rows[0]["must_change_password"], l));

                                            db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongPassword, null, "CAS", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"], 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                        return(new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")));
                        db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongUserAndPassword, null, "CAS", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"username\":\"" + username.Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "") + "\", \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");
                        return(new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, page);
                return(new LoginResult(false, "Internal error"));
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void InboundTimer(Object state)
            TextLog.Log("Server", "Starting inbound timer");
                DirectoryInfo inDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(basePath, "In"));
                if (!inDir.Exists)
                    TextLog.Log("Server", "\t0 files to process");

                FileInfo[] files = inDir.GetFiles("*.iamreq");
                TextLog.Log("Server", "\t" + files.Length + " files to process");

                MSSQLDB db = new MSSQLDB(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword);

                foreach (FileInfo f in files)
                    JSONRequest req = null;
                        using (FileStream fs = f.OpenRead())
                            req = JSON.GetRequest(fs);

                        if ((req.host == null) || (req.host == ""))
                            TextLog.Log("Server", "Paramter 'host' is empty on  " + f.Name);

                        if ((req.enterpriseid == null) || (req.enterpriseid == ""))
                            TextLog.Log("Server", "Paramter 'enterpriseid' is empty on  " + f.Name);

                            Int64 tst = Int64.Parse(req.enterpriseid);
                        catch {
                            if ((req.enterpriseid == null) || (req.enterpriseid == ""))
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Paramter 'enterpriseid' is not Int64  " + f.Name);

                        ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig(true);
                        config.GetDBCertConfig(db.conn, Int64.Parse(req.enterpriseid), req.host);

                        if (config.fqdn != null) //Encontrou o proxy
                            JsonGeneric jData = new JsonGeneric();
                                String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));
                                using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.server_pkcs12_cert), certPass), Convert.FromBase64String(req.data)))
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                jData = null;
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Error on decrypt package data " + f.Name + " for enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host + ", " + ex.Message);

                            if (jData == null)

                            Int32 contextCol = jData.GetKeyIndex("context");

                            Int32 uriCol        = jData.GetKeyIndex("uri");
                            Int32 importidCol   = jData.GetKeyIndex("importid");
                            Int32 registryidCol = jData.GetKeyIndex("registryid");
                            Int32 datanameCol   = jData.GetKeyIndex("dataname");
                            Int32 datavalueCol  = jData.GetKeyIndex("datavalue");
                            Int32 datatypeCol   = jData.GetKeyIndex("datatype");

                            if (uriCol == -1)
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Erro on find column 'uri' in " + f.Name + " enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            if (importidCol == -1)
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Erro on find column 'importid' in " + f.Name + " enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            if (registryidCol == -1)
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Erro on find column 'registryid' in " + f.Name + " enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            if (datanameCol == -1)
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Erro on find column 'dataname' in " + f.Name + " enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            if (datavalueCol == -1)
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Erro on find column 'datavalue' in " + f.Name + " enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            if (datatypeCol == -1)
                                TextLog.Log("Server", "Erro on find column 'datatype' in " + f.Name + " enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            DateTime date = DateTime.Now;

                            //Realiza a importação no modelo BulkInsert por melhor desempenho do banco
                            DataTable dtBulk = new DataTable();
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("date", typeof(DateTime)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("plugin_uri", typeof(String)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("context_id", typeof(Int64)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("import_id", typeof(String)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("registry_id", typeof(String)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("data_name", typeof(String)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("data_value", typeof(String)));
                            dtBulk.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("data_type", typeof(String)));

                            foreach (String[] dr in jData.data)
                                dtBulk.Rows.Add(new Object[] { date, dr[uriCol], Int64.Parse(dr[contextCol]), dr[importidCol], dr[registryidCol], dr[datanameCol], dr[datavalueCol], dr[datatypeCol] });

                            db.BulkCopy(dtBulk, "collector_imports");

                            TextLog.Log("Server", "Imported " + dtBulk.Rows.Count + " registers for enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);

                            dtBulk = null;

                            jData = null;

                            TextLog.Log("Server", "Proxy config not found for enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);
                        config = null;
                        req = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                TextLog.Log("Server", "Error on inbound timer " + ex.Message);
                TextLog.Log("Server", "Finishing inbound timer");
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Request.InputStream.Position = 0;

                JSONRequest req = JSON.GetRequest(Request.InputStream);

                JsonGeneric data = new JsonGeneric();

                if (data.data.Count == 0)

                using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                    ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig();
                    config.GetDBConfig(db.Connection, ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id, req.host);

                    if (config.fqdn == null) //Não encontrou o proxy

                    String uri = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(data.data[0][data.GetKeyIndex("uri")]);

                    DataTable dt = db.Select("select * from plugin where uri = '" + uri + "'");

                    if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count == 0))

                    DirectoryInfo pluginsDir = null;

                    using (ServerDBConfig c = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection()))
                        pluginsDir = new DirectoryInfo(c.GetItem("pluginFolder"));

                    if (pluginsDir == null)
                        throw new Exception("Parâmtro 'pluginFolder' não encontrado");

                    if (pluginsDir.Exists)
                        FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(pluginsDir.FullName, dt.Rows[0]["assembly"].ToString()));

                        if (f.Exists)
                            Byte[] fData    = File.ReadAllBytes(f.FullName);
                            String fileHash = CATools.SHA1Checksum(fData);

                            Int32 ci = data.GetKeyIndex("checksum");
                            if ((ci != -1) && (data.data[0][ci] == fileHash))
                                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{ \"name\":\"" + f.Name + "\", \"status\":\"updated\"}"));
                                String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));
                                using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass), fData))
                                    ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{ \"name\":\"" + f.Name + "\", \"status\":\"outdated\", \"date\":\"" + f.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\", \"content\":\"" + Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes()) + "\"}"));

                            fData = new Byte[0];

                     * ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig();
                     * config.GetDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection(), ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id, req.host);
                     * if (config.fqdn != null)
                     * {
                     *  ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(config.ToJsonString()));
                     * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 12
        static void ExecuteConnector(Boolean deployOnly)
            List <Int64> resource = new List <Int64>();

            //Separa os contextos
            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));

            OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate cert = CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass);
            foreach (PluginConfig p in config.plugins)
                if (p.uri.ToLower() == plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri.ToLower())
                    JsonGeneric pgConf = new JsonGeneric();
                        using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(cert, Convert.FromBase64String(p.parameters)))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Decrypt error1 " + ex.Message);
                        pgConf = null;

                    if (!resource.Contains(p.resource))

            foreach (Int64 r in resource)
                Dictionary <String, Object> connectorConf = new Dictionary <String, Object>();
                Dictionary <String, String> mapping       = new Dictionary <String, String>();

                Boolean enableDeploy = false;

                    foreach (PluginConfig p in config.plugins)
                        if ((p.uri.ToLower() == plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri.ToLower()) && (p.resource == r))
                            mapping      = p.mappingDataTypeDic;
                            enableDeploy = p.enable_deploy;

                            JsonGeneric pgConf = new JsonGeneric();
                                if (cert == null)
                                    throw new Exception("Certificate is null");

                                using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(cert, Convert.FromBase64String(p.parameters)))
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Decrypt error: " + ex.Message);

                            if ((pgConf.data == null) || (pgConf.data.Count == 0))

                            Int32 kCol = pgConf.GetKeyIndex("key");
                            Int32 vCol = pgConf.GetKeyIndex("value");

                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.mail_domain))
                                connectorConf.Add("iam_mail_domain", p.mail_domain);

                            foreach (String[] d1 in pgConf.data)
                                if (!connectorConf.ContainsKey(d1[kCol]))
                                    connectorConf.Add(d1[kCol], d1[vCol].ToString());

                    //Deploy ocorre antes da importação
                    //Para que na importação ja apareça os registros que foram publicados pelo deploy
                        if (enableDeploy)
                            ProcessDeploy(r, connectorConf, mapping);
                            TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Deploy disabled");

                            //Exclui os arquivos
                            System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(plugin.GetType());
                            DirectoryInfo dirFrom          = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(basePath, "In\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asm.Location) + "\\" + resource));
                            if (dirFrom.Exists)
                                foreach (FileInfo f in dirFrom.GetFiles("*.iamdat"))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on deploy: " + ex.Message);

                    if (!deployOnly)
                            //O import não é desabilitado, pois ele é necessário para relatório de consistência
                            //o Engine não utilizará ele para adicionar novas entidades
                            ProcessImport(r, connectorConf, mapping);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on import: " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on parse config: " + ex.Message);
                    connectorConf = null;

                    mapping = null;

            cert     = null;
            certPass = null;
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebJsonResponse ret = null;

                Int64  enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;
                Int64  entityId     = 0;
                String err          = "";

                String password  = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]);
                String password2 = Request["password2"];
                if ((password == null) || (password == ""))
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"), 3000, true);
                else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == ""))
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"), 3000, true);
                else if (password != password2)
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"), 3000, true);
                    Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                    if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null))
                        enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                    String code = "";
                    if (Session["entityId"] != null)
                        entityId = (Int64)Session["entityId"];

                    if (Session["userCode"] != null)
                        code = Session["userCode"].ToString();

                    if ((entityId > 0) && (code != ""))
                        using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                            UserPasswordStrength       usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, entityId);
                            UserPasswordStrengthResult check    = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password);
                            if (check.HasError)
                                if (check.NameError)
                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"), 3000, true);
                                    String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ":  " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ":  " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail"));

                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt, 5000, true);
                                DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + entityId + " and recovery_code = '" + code + "'");
                                if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                    using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId))
                                        using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)))
                                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = '******', recovery_code = null, last_login = getdate(), change_password = getdate(),  must_change_password = 0 where id = " + entityId, CommandType.Text, null);

                                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, entityId, 0, "Password changed through recovery code", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                    //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário
                                    //Este processo vija agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins
                                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + entityId + ")", CommandType.Text, null);

                                    String html = "";
                                    html += "<div class=\"login_form\">";
                                    html += "<ul>";
                                    html += "    <li class=\"title\">";
                                    html += "        <strong>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_sucessfully") + "</strong>";
                                    html += "    </li>";
                                    html += "    <li>";
                                    html += "        <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_text") + "</p>";
                                    html += "    </li>";
                                    html += "    <li>";
                                    html += "        <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("return_default") + "</a></span>";
                                    html += "    </li>";
                                    html += "</ul>     ";
                                    html += "</div>";

                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html);
                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_code"), 3000, true);
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session"), 3000, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            if (ret != null)
                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON()));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public PluginConfig(OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate cert, SqlConnection conn, String scheme, Int64 pluginId, Int64 resourcePluginId)
            this.Connection = conn;

            switch (scheme.ToLower())
            case "connector":

                DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable("select p.id plugin_id, p.uri, p.[assembly], rp.*, rp.id resource_plugin_id from plugin p with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.plugin_id = p.id inner join [resource] r with(nolock) on r.id = rp.resource_id where r.enabled = 1 and rp.enabled = 1 and rp.id = " + resourcePluginId);
                if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                    DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

                    DataTable dt2 = ExecuteDataTable("select top 1 schedule from resource_plugin_schedule with(nolock) where resource_plugin_id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt2 != null) && (dt2.Rows.Count > 0))
                        this.schedule = dt2.Rows[0]["schedule"].ToString();

                    this.mapping = new List <PluginConfigMapping>();

                    //Adiciona os mapeamentos padrões (login, e-mail e nome), se estiver mapeado
                    DataTable dt3 = ExecuteDataTable("select rp.id resource_plugin_id, f.id field_id, f.name field_name, 'login' data_name, f.data_type, cast(0 as bit) is_password, cast(0 as bit) is_property, cast(0 as bit) is_id, is_unique_property = case when f.id = rp.login_field_id then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end from resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join field f with(nolock) on rp.login_field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt3 != null) && (dt3.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr3 in dt3.Rows)
                            this.mapping.Add(new PluginConfigMapping(
                                                 ((Int64)dr["login_field_id"] == (Int64)dr3["field_id"]),
                                                 ((Int64)dr["name_field_id"] == (Int64)dr3["field_id"])

                    //Adiciona os mapeamentos
                    DataTable dt4 = ExecuteDataTable("select m.*, f.data_type, f.name field_name from resource_plugin_mapping m with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.id = m.resource_plugin_id inner join field f with(nolock) on m.field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt4 != null) && (dt4.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr4 in dt4.Rows)
                            this.mapping.Add(new PluginConfigMapping(
                                                 ((Int64)dr["login_field_id"] == (Int64)dr4["field_id"]),
                                                 ((Int64)dr["name_field_id"] == (Int64)dr4["field_id"])

                    //Adiciona o campo de login caso não exista
                    DataTable dt5 = ExecuteDataTable("select rp.id resource_plugin_id, f.id field_id, f.name field_name, 'login' data_name, f.data_type, cast(0 as bit), cast(0 as bit), cast(0 as bit) is_id, is_unique_property = case when f.id = rp.login_field_id then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end from resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join field f with(nolock) on rp.login_field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt5 != null) && (dt5.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr5 in dt5.Rows)
                            if (!this.mapping.Exists(m => (m.is_login)))
                                this.mapping.Add(new PluginConfigMapping(
                                                     ((Int64)dr["login_field_id"] == (Int64)dr5["field_id"]),
                                                     ((Int64)dr["name_field_id"] == (Int64)dr5["field_id"])

                    this.uri               = dr["uri"].ToString();
                    this.assembly          = dr["assembly"].ToString();
                    this.resource          = (Int64)dr["resource_id"];
                    this.resource_plugin   = (Int64)dr["id"];
                    this.name_field_id     = (Int64)dr["name_field_id"];
                    this.mail_field_id     = (Int64)dr["mail_field_id"];
                    this.login_field_id    = (Int64)dr["login_field_id"];
                    this.enable_import     = (Boolean)dr["enable_import"];
                    this.enable_deploy     = (Boolean)dr["enable_deploy"];
                    this.import_groups     = (Boolean)dr["import_groups"];
                    this.import_containers = (Boolean)dr["import_containers"];
                    this.permit_add_entity = (Boolean)dr["permit_add_entity"];
                    this.mail_domain       = dr["mail_domain"].ToString();
                    this.build_login       = (Boolean)dr["build_login"];
                    this.build_mail        = (Boolean)dr["build_mail"];
                    this.order             = (Int32)dr["order"];
                    this.plugin_id         = (Int64)dr["plugin_id"];

                    if (cert != null)
                        JsonGeneric cfg = new JsonGeneric();
                        cfg.fields = new String[] { "key", "value" };

                        DataTable dt1 = ExecuteDataTable("select [key], [value] from resource_plugin_par with(nolock) where resource_plugin_id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                        if ((dt1 != null) && (dt1.Rows.Count > 0))
                            foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows)
                                cfg.data.Add(new String[] { dr1["key"].ToString(), dr1["value"].ToString() });

                        using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(cert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cfg.ToJsonString())))
                            parameters = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());

            case "agent":
                DataTable dtA = ExecuteDataTable("select p.id plugin_id, p.uri, p.[assembly], pp.id proxy_plugin_id from plugin p with(nolock) inner join proxy_plugin pp with(nolock) on pp.plugin_id = p.id where pp.enabled = 1 and p.id = " + pluginId);
                if ((dtA != null) && (dtA.Rows.Count > 0))
                    DataRow dr = dtA.Rows[0];

                    this.uri       = dr["uri"].ToString();
                    this.assembly  = dr["assembly"].ToString();
                    this.plugin_id = (Int64)dr["plugin_id"];

                    if (cert != null)
                        JsonGeneric cfg = new JsonGeneric();
                        cfg.fields = new String[] { "key", "value" };

                        DataTable dt1 = ExecuteDataTable("select [key], [value] from proxy_plugin_par with(nolock) where proxy_plugin_id = " + dr["proxy_plugin_id"].ToString());
                        if ((dt1 != null) && (dt1.Rows.Count > 0))
                            foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows)
                                cfg.data.Add(new String[] { dr1["key"].ToString(), dr1["value"].ToString() });

                        using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(cert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cfg.ToJsonString())))
                            parameters = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());
Exemplo n.º 15
        //public static PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage GetPackage(IAMDatabase db, Int64 proxyId, Int64 resourceId, Int64 pluginId, Int64 entityId, Int64 identityId, Boolean passwordAfterLogin, DateTime? lastChangePassword, String deploy_password_hash)
        public static PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage GetPackage(IAMDatabase db, Int64 proxyId, Int64 resourcePluginId, Int64 entityId, Int64 identityId, Boolean passwordAfterLogin, DateTime?lastChangePassword, String deploy_password_hash, Boolean useSalt, Boolean saltOnEnd, String salt)
            PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage pkg = new PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage();

            List <String> deployInfo = new List <string>();//"Identity addedd in deploy package with ";
            String        deployText = "";

            deployText = "Package ID: " + pkg.pkgId + Environment.NewLine;

                String sql = "select e.*, c.enterprise_id, rp.plugin_id, i.id identity_id, i.temp_locked, c.name context_name, e1.name enterprise_name, block_inheritance = case when exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi with(nolock) where bi.identity_id = i.id) then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end from entity e with(nolock) inner join context c with(nolock) on c.id = e.context_id inner join [identity] i with(nolock) on i.entity_id = e.id inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.id = i.resource_plugin_id inner join enterprise e1 with(nolock) on c.enterprise_id = e1.id where e.id = " + entityId + " and i.id = " + identityId;

                if (identityId == 0)
                    sql = "select e.*, c.enterprise_id, rp.plugin_id, cast(0 as bigint) identity_id, cast(0 as bit) as temp_locked, c.name context_name, e1.name enterprise_name, cast(0 as bit) as block_inheritance from entity e with(nolock) inner join context c with(nolock) on c.id = e.context_id cross join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join enterprise e1 with(nolock) on c.enterprise_id = e1.id where e.id = " + entityId;

                DataTable dtEnt = db.Select(sql);
                if ((dtEnt == null) || (dtEnt.Rows.Count == 0))
                    throw new Exception("Entity/Identity not found");

                //DataTable dtPlugin = db.Select("select p.* from plugin p where p.id = " + pluginId);
                DataTable dtPlugin = db.Select("select distinct p.*, rp.resource_id from plugin p inner join resource_plugin rp on rp.plugin_id = p.id inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = r.id inner join entity e on e.context_id = r.context_id where rp.id = " + resourcePluginId + " and e.id = " + entityId);
                if ((dtPlugin == null) || (dtPlugin.Rows.Count == 0))
                    throw new Exception("Plugin not found or not linked in the same context of entity");

                if ((Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["block_inheritance"])
                    throw new Exception("Inheritance blocked");

                Int64 resourceId = (Int64)dtPlugin.Rows[0]["resource_id"];
                Int64 pluginId   = (Int64)dtPlugin.Rows[0]["id"];

                //Define as pripriedades gerais
                pkg.registryId         = dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"] + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                pkg.entityId           = entityId;
                pkg.identityId         = identityId;
                pkg.fullName           = new FullName(dtEnt.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString());
                pkg.login              = dtEnt.Rows[0]["login"].ToString();
                pkg.lastChangePassword = (lastChangePassword.HasValue ? lastChangePassword.Value.ToString("o") : null);

                pkg.locked             = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["locked"];
                pkg.temp_locked        = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["temp_locked"];
                pkg.mustChangePassword = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["must_change_password"];
                pkg.deleted            = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["deleted"];

                pkg.enterprise = dtEnt.Rows[0]["enterprise_name"].ToString();
                pkg.context    = dtEnt.Rows[0]["context_name"].ToString();

                if ((Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["deleted"])
                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "Deploy to delete identity");

                pkg.container = "";
                    DataTable dtUserContainer = db.Select("select top 1 c.* from [container] c with(nolock) inner join entity_container ec with(nolock) on c.id = ec.container_id where ec.entity_id = " + entityId);
                    if ((dtUserContainer != null) && (dtUserContainer.Rows.Count > 0))
                        List <String> path = new List <string>();

                        if ((Int64)dtUserContainer.Rows[0]["parent_id"] > 0)
                            DataTable dtContainers = db.Select("select c.* from container c with(nolock)");
                            if ((dtContainers != null) || (dtContainers.Rows.Count > 0))
                                Func <Int64, Boolean> chields = null;
                                chields = new Func <Int64, Boolean>(delegate(Int64 root)
                                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtContainers.Rows)
                                        if (((Int64)dr["id"] == root))



                        pkg.container = "\\" + String.Join("\\", path);
                catch { }

                pkg.password = "";
                if ((dtEnt.Rows[0]["password"] != DBNull.Value) && (dtEnt.Rows[0]["password"].ToString().Trim() != ""))
                    //Este recurso x plugin só permite o deploy da SENHA após o primeiro login
                    if ((!passwordAfterLogin) || ((passwordAfterLogin) && (dtEnt.Rows[0]["last_login"] != DBNull.Value)))
                            String pwd = "";
                            using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"]))
                                using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(dtEnt.Rows[0]["password"].ToString())))
                                    pwd = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData);

                            //Verifica se usará SALT
                            if (useSalt)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(salt))
                                    if (saltOnEnd)
                                        deployInfo.Add("password + SALT");
                                        pwd = pwd + salt.Trim();
                                        deployInfo.Add("SALT + password");
                                        pwd = salt.Trim() + pwd;
                                    deployInfo.Add("salt is empty");
                                deployInfo.Add("no salt");

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploy_password_hash))
                                switch (deploy_password_hash.ToLower())
                                case "md5":
                                    using (MD5 hAlg = MD5.Create())
                                        pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper();
                                    pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.MD5;
                                    deployInfo.Add("MD5 password");

                                case "sha1":
                                    using (SHA1 hAlg = SHA1.Create())
                                        pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper();
                                    pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.SHA1;
                                    deployInfo.Add("SHA1 password");

                                case "sha256":
                                    using (SHA256 hAlg = SHA256.Create())
                                        pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper();
                                    pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.SHA256;
                                    deployInfo.Add("SHA256 password");

                                case "sha512":
                                    using (SHA512 hAlg = SHA512.Create())
                                        pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper();
                                    pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.SHA512;
                                    deployInfo.Add("SHA512 password");

                                    //Nenhum algoritmo de hash
                                    pkg.password = pwd;
                                    pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.None;
                                    deployInfo.Add("clear text password");
                                pkg.password = pwd;
                                pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.None;
                                deployInfo.Add("clear text password");

                            deployText += "User password added in deploy" + Environment.NewLine;
                            //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password added in deploy");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            deployInfo.Add("no password");
                            deployText += "User password not deployed because a erro on decrypt password: "******"Deploy", UserLogLevel.Warning, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password not deployed because a erro on decrypt password: "******"no password");
                        deployText += "User password not deployed because the user is not logged in yet" + Environment.NewLine;
                        //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Debug, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password not deployed because the user is not logged in yet");
                    deployInfo.Add("no password");
                    deployText += "User password is empty and not deployed" + Environment.NewLine;
                    //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Debug, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password is empty and not deployed");

                //Busca todas as propriedades com o mapping deste plugin, porém com dados vindos exclusivos da entidade
                DataTable dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type from entity_field efe inner join entity e on efe.entity_id = e.id inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = f.id where rp.id =  " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = efe.field_id where e.id =  " + pkg.entityId + " group by pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        if (!pkg.entiyData.Exists(d => (d.dataName == drEf["data_name"].ToString())))
                            pkg.entiyData.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Busca todas as propriedades com o mapping deste plugin, porém com dados vindos dos plugins de entrada
                //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima
                dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type, rp.priority from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = i.id inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id inner join resource_plugin rp on i.resource_plugin_id = rp.id inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = f.id where rp.id =  " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = ife.field_id where rp.enable_import = 1 and i.entity_id =  " + pkg.entityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = i.id) group by pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type, rp.priority order by rp.priority desc, pf.data_name");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        if (!pkg.importsPluginData.Exists(d => (d.dataName == drEf["data_name"].ToString())))
                            pkg.importsPluginData.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Busca todas as propriedades vinculadas a este identity
                //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima
                dtEntField = db.Select("select m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = i.id inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id inner join resource_plugin rp on rp.id = i.resource_plugin_id and ife.field_id <> rp.name_field_id inner join resource r on r.context_id = e.context_id and rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.field_id = ife.field_id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on ife.field_id = f.id where i.entity_id =  " + pkg.entityId + " and i.id = " + identityId + " group by m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        pkg.pluginData.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Busca todas as propriedades vinculadas aos outras identity
                //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima
                dtEntField = db.Select("select m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = i.id inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id inner join resource_plugin rp on rp.id = i.resource_plugin_id and ife.field_id <> rp.name_field_id inner join resource r on r.context_id = e.context_id and rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.field_id = ife.field_id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on ife.field_id = f.id where i.entity_id =  " + pkg.entityId + " and i.id <> " + identityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = i.id) group by m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        pkg.properties.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Busca todas as propriedades (independente do identity) usando o mapping deste plugin
                //Exclui o senha por ja tere sido colocado acima
                dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = i.id inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = ife.field_id where i.entity_id =  " + pkg.entityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = i.id) group by pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        pkg.properties.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Busca todas as propriedades da tabela entity_field (exclusiva para dados manuais) usando o mapping deste plugin
                //Exclui o senha por ja tere sido colocado acima
                dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type from entity_field efe inner join entity e on efe.entity_id = e.id inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = efe.field_id where efe.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + "  group by pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        pkg.properties.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Busca somente as propriedades marcadas como ID ou Unique property
                //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima
                dtEntField = db.Select("select m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = i.id inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id inner join resource_plugin rp on rp.id = i.resource_plugin_id and ife.field_id <> rp.name_field_id inner join resource r on r.context_id = e.context_id and rp.resource_id = r.id inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = rp.id and m.field_id = ife.field_id and m.is_password = 0 and (m.is_unique_property = 1 or m.is_unique_property = 1) inner join field f on ife.field_id = f.id where i.entity_id =  " + pkg.entityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = i.id) group by m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type");
                if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows)
                        pkg.ids.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString()));

                //Ações das roles desta identity para este resource x plugin
                DataTable dtRoleAction = db.Select("select i.id identity_id, r.* from [identity] i inner join [entity] e on e.id = i.entity_id inner join identity_role ir on ir.identity_id = i.id  inner join (select rp.id resource_plugin_id, rp.plugin_id, rp.resource_id, r.name role_name, rpa.id action_id, rpa.role_id, rpa.action_key, rpa.action_add_value, rpa.action_del_value, rpa.additional_data from resource_plugin rp inner join resource_plugin_role rpr on rpr.resource_plugin_id = rp.id inner join resource_plugin_role_action rpa on rpa.resource_plugin_id = rp.id inner join [role] r on r.id = rpa.role_id and r.id = rpr.role_id) r on r.role_id = ir.role_id where r.resource_plugin_id = " + resourcePluginId + " AND e.id = " + entityId);
                if ((dtRoleAction != null) && (dtRoleAction.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow drR in dtRoleAction.Rows)
                        pkg.pluginAction.Add(new PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackageAction(PluginActionType.Add, drR["role_name"].ToString(), drR["action_key"].ToString(), drR["action_add_value"].ToString(), (drR["additional_data"] != DBNull.Value ? drR["additional_data"].ToString() : null)));
                        //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Role_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "Role: " + drR["role_name"].ToString());
                        deployInfo.Add("role " + drR["role_name"].ToString());
                        deployText += "role " + drR["role_name"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Role_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "Identity addedd in deploy package with: " + String.Join(", ", deployInfo), deployText);
                if (deployInfo != null)
                deployInfo = null;

                deployText = "";

Exemplo n.º 16
        private void ProcQueue(FileInfo f, Object oStarter)
            IAMDatabase db = null;

                db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword);
                db.Timeout = 900;
                Boolean rebuildIndex = false;

                String type = "";

                type = "";
                JSONRequest req = null;
                    using (FileStream fs = f.OpenRead())
                        req = JSON.GetRequest(fs);

                    if ((req.host == null) || (req.host == ""))
                        db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Inbound, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paramter 'host' is empty on  " + f.Name);

                    if ((req.enterpriseid == null) || (req.enterpriseid == ""))
                        db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Inbound, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paramter 'enterpriseid' is empty on  " + f.Name);

                        Int64 tst = Int64.Parse(req.enterpriseid);
                        if ((req.enterpriseid == null) || (req.enterpriseid == ""))
                            db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Inbound, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paramter 'enterpriseid' is not Int64  " + f.Name);

                    ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig(true);
                    config.GetDBCertConfig(db.Connection, Int64.Parse(req.enterpriseid), req.host);

                    if (config.fqdn != null) //Encontrou o proxy
                        JsonGeneric jData = new JsonGeneric();
                            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));
                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.server_pkcs12_cert), certPass), Convert.FromBase64String(req.data)))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            jData = null;
                            db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Inbound, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Error, config.proxyID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on decrypt package data " + f.Name + " for enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host + ", " + ex.Message);

                        if (jData == null)

                        type = jData.function.ToLower();

                        switch (type)
                        case "processimport-disabled":
                            rebuildIndex = true;
                            //ImportRegisters(config, jData, f, req, db);

                        case "processimportv2":
                            rebuildIndex = true;
                            last_status  = "Executando importação de registros";
                            ImportRegistersV2(config, jData, f, req, db);

                        case "processstructimport":
                            last_status = "Executando importação de registros de estrutura";
                            ImportRegistersStruct(config, jData, f, req, db);

                        case "notify":
                            last_status = "Executando importação de notificações";
                            ImportNotify(config, jData, f, req, db);


                        case "deleted":
                            last_status = "Executando importação de exclusões";
                            ImportDelete(config, jData, f, req, db);

                        case "logrecords":
                            last_status = "Executando importação de logs";
                            ImportLogs(config, jData, f, req, db);
                            //f.MoveTo(f.FullName + ".imported");

                        case "packagetrack":
                            last_status = "Executando importação de track dos pacotes";
                            ImportPackageTrack(config, jData, f, req, db);
                            //f.MoveTo(f.FullName + ".imported");

                            db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Inbound, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Error, config.proxyID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Invalid jData function '" + jData.function + "'");
                        db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Inbound, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Proxy config not found for enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host);
                    config = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TextLog.Log("Inbound", "Erro on process file '" + f.Name + "' (" + type + "): " + ex.Message);
                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Inbound", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Erro processing file '" + f.Name + "' (" + type + "): " + ex.Message);
                    last_status = "";
                    req         = null;


                 * if (rebuildIndex)
                 * {
                 *  db.Timeout = 900;
                 *  last_status = "Reindexando registros";
                 *  db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_reindex_imports", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null);
                 * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)
                TextLog.Log("Inbound", "Error importing file (" + f.Name + ")" + ex.Message);
                if (db != null)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public NoxBinaryReader(Stream stream, CryptApi.NoxCryptFormat format) : base(CryptApi.DecryptStream(stream, format))
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Request.InputStream.Position = 0;

                JSONRequest req = JSON.GetRequest(Request.InputStream);
                using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                    ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig();
                    config.GetDBConfig(db.Connection, ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id, req.host);

                    if (config.fqdn != null) //Encontrou o proxy
                            Byte[] bData = Convert.FromBase64String(req.data);
                            List <Dictionary <String, Object> > proccessData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

                            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));
                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass), bData))
                                proccessData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Deserialize <List <Dictionary <String, Object> > >(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData));

                            foreach (Dictionary <String, Object> p in proccessData)
                                if (p.ContainsKey("fetch_id"))
                                    String jData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(p);

                                    Int64 fetch_id = 0;

                                        fetch_id = Int64.Parse(p["fetch_id"].ToString());
                                    catch { }

                                    if (fetch_id > 0)
                                        DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                                        par.Add("@fetch_id", typeof(Int64)).Value   = fetch_id;
                                        par.Add("@json_data", typeof(String)).Value = jData;
                                        par.Add("@success", typeof(Boolean)).Value  = (p.ContainsKey("result") && (p["result"] is Boolean) && (Boolean)p["result"]);

                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery("update resource_plugin_fetch set response_date = getdate(), [success] = @success, json_data = @json_data WHERE id = @fetch_id", System.Data.CommandType.Text, par);

                            ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{ \"response\":\"success\" }"));
                            ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{ \"response\":\"error\" }"));
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, this);
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void ExecuteConnector(Boolean deployOnly)
            List <Int64> resource_plugin = new List <Int64>();

            //Separa os contextos
            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));

            OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate cert = CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass);

                foreach (PluginConfig p in config.plugins)
                    if (p.uri.ToLower() == plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri.ToLower())
                        JsonGeneric pgConf = new JsonGeneric();
                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(cert, Convert.FromBase64String(p.parameters)))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception("Decrypt error1 " + ex.Message);
                            pgConf = null;

                        if (!resource_plugin.Contains(p.resource_plugin))

                foreach (Int64 rp in resource_plugin)
                    DebugLog("{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Resource plugin " + rp);

                    Dictionary <String, Object> connectorConf = new Dictionary <String, Object>();
                    List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackageMapping> mapping = new List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackageMapping>();

                    Boolean enableDeploy = false;

                    Int64 r = 0;

                        foreach (PluginConfig p in config.plugins)
                            if ((p.uri.ToLower() == plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri.ToLower()) && (p.resource_plugin == rp))
                                r = p.resource;

                                Dictionary <String, String> tmp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                foreach (PluginConfigMapping m in p.mapping)
                                    mapping.Add(new PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackageMapping(m.data_name, m.data_type, m.is_id, m.is_unique_property, m.is_password, m.is_login, m.is_name));

                                enableDeploy = p.enable_deploy;

                                JsonGeneric pgConf = new JsonGeneric();
                                    if (cert == null)
                                        throw new Exception("Certificate is null");

                                    using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(cert, Convert.FromBase64String(p.parameters)))
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new Exception("Decrypt error: " + ex.Message);

                                if ((pgConf.data == null) || (pgConf.data.Count == 0))

                                Int32 kCol = pgConf.GetKeyIndex("key");
                                Int32 vCol = pgConf.GetKeyIndex("value");

                                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.mail_domain))
                                    PluginBase.FillConfig(plugin, ref connectorConf, "iam_mail_domain", p.mail_domain);
                                //connectorConf.Add("iam_mail_domain", p.mail_domain);

                                foreach (String[] d1 in pgConf.data)
                                    PluginBase.FillConfig(plugin, ref connectorConf, d1[kCol], d1[vCol].ToString());

                                 * if (!connectorConf.ContainsKey(d1[kCol]))
                                 *  connectorConf.Add(d1[kCol], d1[vCol].ToString());*/

                        //Deploy ocorre antes da importação
                        //Para que na importação ja apareça os registros que foram publicados pelo deploy
                            System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(plugin.GetType());
                            DirectoryInfo dirFrom          = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(basePath, "In\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asm.Location) + "\\rp" + rp));

                            DebugLog("{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} RP =" + rp + ", r = " + r + " => path " + dirFrom.FullName + ", exists? " + dirFrom.Exists);

                            if (enableDeploy)
                                //Verifica se há algo para processar
                                if (dirFrom.Exists)
                                    ProcessDeploy(r, rp, connectorConf, mapping);
                                TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Deploy disabled");

                                //Exclui os arquivos
                                if (dirFrom.Exists)
                                    foreach (FileInfo f in dirFrom.GetFiles("*.iamdat"))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on deploy: " + ex.Message);

                        if (!deployOnly)
                                //O import não é desabilitado, pois ele é necessário para relatório de consistência
                                //o Engine não utilizará ele para adicionar novas entidades
                                ProcessImport(r, rp, connectorConf, mapping);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on import: " + ex.Message);

                        if (executionCount > 50)
                            executionCount = 0;
                            TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Cleaning up proccess");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on parse config: " + ex.Message);
                        connectorConf = null;

                        mapping = null;
                cert     = null;
                certPass = null;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void ParseMonsterBin()
            using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(CryptApi.DecryptStream(GetStream(), CryptApi.NoxCryptFormat.MONSTER)))
                string      line;
                MonsterInfo minfo        = new MonsterInfo();
                bool        monsterBlock = false;
                while (!rdr.EndOfStream)
                    line = rdr.ReadLine();

                    if (!monsterBlock && line.Length > 1)
                        minfo        = new MonsterInfo();
                        minfo.Name   = line;
                        monsterBlock = true;
                    if (line == "END")
                        monsterBlock = false;
                        MonsterDict.Add(minfo.Name, minfo);
                    string[] split = line.Split(' ');

                    string type = "", val = "";
                    foreach (string s in split)
                        if (s.Length > 0)
                            if (s == "ARENA")
                                break;                                           // ignore arena entries
                            if (s == "SOLO")
                            if (type.Length == 0)
                                type = s;
                                val = s;

                    switch (type)
                    case "HEALTH":
                        minfo.Health = int.Parse(val);

                    case "RETREAT_RATIO":
                        minfo.RetreatRatio = float.Parse(val, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                    case "RESUME_RATIO":
                        minfo.ResumeRatio = float.Parse(val, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                    case "STATUS":
                        minfo.Status = val;
Exemplo n.º 21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ServerLocalConfig localConfig = new ServerLocalConfig();


            if ((localConfig.SqlServer == null) || (localConfig.SqlServer.Trim() == ""))
                StopOnError("Parâmetro 'sqlserver' não localizado no arquivo de configuração 'server.conf'", null);

            if ((localConfig.SqlDb == null) || (localConfig.SqlDb.Trim() == ""))
                StopOnError("Parâmetro 'sqldb' não localizado no arquivo de configuração 'server.conf'", null);

            if ((localConfig.SqlUsername == null) || (localConfig.SqlUsername.Trim() == ""))
                StopOnError("Parâmetro 'sqlusername' não localizado no arquivo de configuração 'server.conf'", null);

            if ((localConfig.SqlPassword == null) || (localConfig.SqlPassword.Trim() == ""))
                StopOnError("Parâmetro 'sqlpassword' não localizado no arquivo de configuração 'server.conf'", null);

             * Gera os certificados do servidor
            MSSQLDB db = new MSSQLDB(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword);

            db.Timeout = 300;

            Int64 entityId = 0;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                Int64.TryParse(args[0], out entityId);

            DataTable tmp = db.Select(String.Format("select e.*, e1.id enterprise_id from entity e inner join context c on c.id = e.context_id inner join enterprise e1 on e1.id = c.enterprise_id where e.id = {0}", entityId));

            if (tmp == null)
                StopOnError("Select is null", null);

            if (tmp.Rows.Count == 0)
                StopOnError("Select is empty", null);

            EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.conn, (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["entity_id"]);

            Int64 context      = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["context_id"];
            Int64 enterpriseId = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"];

            Console.WriteLine("C Pwd: " + tmp.Rows[0]["password"].ToString());

            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(tmp.Rows[0]["password"].ToString())))
                Console.WriteLine("Pwd: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData));

            String text = "";

                Console.Write("Deseja redefinir a senha do usuário? (Y/N): ");
                text = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                if (text.ToLower() == "y")
                else if (text.ToLower() == "n")
                    text = "";
                    text = "";
            } while (text == "");

            if (text.ToLower() == "y")
                BuildPassword(db, null, context, entityId, enterpriseId);


            StopOnError("", null);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void StartAgents()
            List <Int64> resource = new List <Int64>();

            //Separa os contextos
            String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));

            OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate cert = CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass);

                foreach (PluginConfig p in config.plugins)
                    if (p.uri.ToLower() == plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri.ToLower())
                        Dictionary <String, Object> connectorConf = new Dictionary <String, Object>();

                        JsonGeneric pgConf = new JsonGeneric();
                            if (cert == null)
                                throw new Exception("Certificate is null");

                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(cert, Convert.FromBase64String(p.parameters)))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception("Decrypt error: " + ex.Message);

                        if ((pgConf.data == null) || (pgConf.data.Count == 0))

                        Int32 kCol = pgConf.GetKeyIndex("key");
                        Int32 vCol = pgConf.GetKeyIndex("value");

                        foreach (String[] d1 in pgConf.data)
                            PluginBase.FillConfig(plugin, ref connectorConf, d1[kCol], d1[vCol].ToString());

                        /*if (!connectorConf.ContainsKey(d1[kCol]))
                         *  connectorConf.Add(d1[kCol], d1[vCol].ToString());*/
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on start agent: " + ex.Message);
                            connectorConf = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                TextLog.Log("PluginStarter", "{" + plugin.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "} Error on parse config: " + ex.Message);

            cert     = null;
            certPass = null;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Commit()
            //Grava as informações no banco de dados
            SqlTransaction trans = db.Connection.BeginTransaction();

                //Cria a empresa
                DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@name", typeof(String), this.name.Length).Value = this.name;
                par.Add("@fqdn", typeof(String), this.fqdn.Length).Value = this.fqdn;
                par.Add("@server_pkcs12_cert", typeof(String), this.ServerPKCS12Cert.Length).Value = this.ServerPKCS12Cert;
                par.Add("@server_cert", typeof(String), this.ServerCert.Length).Value = this.ServerCert;
                par.Add("@client_pkcs12_cert", typeof(String), this.ClientPKCS12Cert.Length).Value = this.ClientPKCS12Cert;
                par.Add("@language", typeof(String), this.language.Length).Value = this.language;
                par.Add("@auth_plugin", typeof(String)).Value = "auth://iam/plugins/internal";

                Int64 enterpriseId = db.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_enterprise", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                //Insere os campos padrões da empresa
                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@field_name", typeof(String)).Value   = "Nome";
                par.Add("@data_type", typeof(String)).Value    = "String";
                par.Add("@public", typeof(Boolean)).Value      = false;
                par.Add("@user", typeof(Boolean)).Value        = false;

                DataTable dtField     = db.ExecuteDataTable("[sp_new_field]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);
                Int64     nameFieldId = (Int64)dtField.Rows[0]["id"];

                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@field_name", typeof(String)).Value   = "Login";
                par.Add("@data_type", typeof(String)).Value    = "String";
                par.Add("@public", typeof(Boolean)).Value      = false;
                par.Add("@user", typeof(Boolean)).Value        = false;
                dtField = db.ExecuteDataTable("[sp_new_field]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);
                Int64 loginFieldId = (Int64)dtField.Rows[0]["id"];

                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@field_name", typeof(String)).Value   = "E-mail";
                par.Add("@data_type", typeof(String)).Value    = "String";
                par.Add("@public", typeof(Boolean)).Value      = false;
                par.Add("@user", typeof(Boolean)).Value        = false;
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("[sp_new_field]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@field_name", typeof(String)).Value   = "Senha";
                par.Add("@data_type", typeof(String)).Value    = "String";
                par.Add("@public", typeof(Boolean)).Value      = false;
                par.Add("@user", typeof(Boolean)).Value        = false;
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("[sp_new_field]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                //Cria o contexto
                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value      = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@name", typeof(String), 7).Value           = "Default";
                par.Add("@password_rule", typeof(String), 15).Value = "default[123456]";
                par.Add("@pwd_length", typeof(Int32)).Value         = 8;
                par.Add("@pwd_upper_case", typeof(Boolean)).Value   = true;
                par.Add("@pwd_lower_case", typeof(Boolean)).Value   = true;
                par.Add("@pwd_digit", typeof(Boolean)).Value        = true;
                par.Add("@pwd_symbol", typeof(Boolean)).Value       = true;
                par.Add("@pwd_no_name", typeof(Boolean)).Value      = true;

                Int64 contextId = db.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_context", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                //Cria a role de sistema de administrador desta empresa
                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value      = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@name", typeof(String)).Value              = "Enterprise Admin";
                par.Add("@system_admin", typeof(Boolean)).Value     = false;
                par.Add("@enterprise_admin", typeof(Boolean)).Value = true;

                Int64 sysRoleId = db.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_sys_role", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                //Cria o usuário administrador
                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@context_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = contextId;
                par.Add("@alias", typeof(String)).Value     = "Admin";
                par.Add("@login", typeof(String)).Value     = "admin";
                par.Add("@full_name", typeof(String)).Value = "Admin";

                using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId, trans))
                    using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("123456")))
                        par.Add("@password", typeof(String)).Value = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());

                Int64 entityId = db.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_entity", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                //Vincula o usuário na role de sistema como enterprise admin
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into sys_entity_role (entity_id, role_id) values(" + entityId + "," + sysRoleId + ")", CommandType.Text, null, trans);

                //Cria informação na tabela entity_field para o usuário poder aparecer nas consultas
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into entity_field (entity_id, field_id, value) values(" + entityId + "," + nameFieldId + ",'Admin')", CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into entity_field (entity_id, field_id, value) values(" + entityId + "," + loginFieldId + ",'admin')", CommandType.Text, null, trans);

                //Cria o usuário de integração do CAS
                par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@context_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = contextId;
                par.Add("@alias", typeof(String)).Value     = "Integração CAS";
                par.Add("@login", typeof(String)).Value     = "integracao.cas";
                par.Add("@full_name", typeof(String)).Value = "Integração CAS";

                using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId, trans))
                    using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("123456")))
                        par.Add("@password", typeof(String)).Value = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());

                Int64 casEntityId = db.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_entity", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);

                //Vincula o usuário na role de sistema como enterprise admin
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into sys_entity_role (entity_id, role_id) values(" + casEntityId + "," + sysRoleId + ")", CommandType.Text, null, trans);

                //Cria informação na tabela entity_field para o usuário poder aparecer nas consultas
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into entity_field (entity_id, field_id, value) values(" + casEntityId + "," + nameFieldId + ",'Admin')", CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into entity_field (entity_id, field_id, value) values(" + casEntityId + "," + loginFieldId + ",'admin')", CommandType.Text, null, trans);

                //Cria as regras padrões de criação de login
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [login_rule]([context_id],[name],[rule],[order]) VALUES (" + contextId + ",'First name, lastname','first_name,dot,last_name',1)", CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [login_rule]([context_id],[name],[rule],[order]) VALUES (" + contextId + ",'Fistname, second name','first_name,dot,second_name',2)", CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [login_rule]([context_id],[name],[rule],[order]) VALUES (" + contextId + ",'First name, last name, index','first_name,dot,last_name,index',3)", CommandType.Text, null, trans);

                //Cria as regras padrões de criação de e-mail
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [st_mail_rule]([context_id],[name],[rule],[order]) VALUES (" + contextId + ",'First name, lastname','first_name,dot,last_name',1)", CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [st_mail_rule]([context_id],[name],[rule],[order]) VALUES (" + contextId + ",'Fistname, second name','first_name,dot,second_name',2)", CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [st_mail_rule]([context_id],[name],[rule],[order]) VALUES (" + contextId + ",'First name, last name, index','first_name,dot,last_name,index',3)", CommandType.Text, null, trans);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebJsonResponse ret = null;

            LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this);

            String err = "";

            if (!EnterpriseIdentify.Identify(this, false, out err)) //Se houver falha na identificação da empresa finaliza a resposta
                ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true);
            else if (login == null)
                ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("expired_session"), 3000, true, "/login/");
                    Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                    if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null))
                        enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                    String currentPassword = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["current_password"]);
                    String password        = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]);
                    String password2       = Request["password2"];
                    if ((currentPassword == null) || (currentPassword == ""))
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_current"), 3000, true);
                    else if ((password == null) || (password == ""))
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"), 3000, true);
                    else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == ""))
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"), 3000, true);
                    else if (password != password2)
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"), 3000, true);
                        using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                                UserPasswordStrength       usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, login.Id);
                                UserPasswordStrengthResult check    = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password);
                                if (check.HasError)
                                    if (check.NameError)
                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"), 3000, true);
                                        String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ":  " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ":  " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail"));

                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt, 5000, true);
                                    DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id);
                                    if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                        //Verifica a senha atual
                                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId))
                                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(c.Rows[0]["password"].ToString())))
                                                if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData) != currentPassword)
                                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password_invalid"), 3000, true);
                                                    using (SqlConnection conn1 = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())
                                                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk1 = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn1, enterpriseId))
                                                            using (CryptApi cApi1 = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)))
                                                                DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection();;
                                                                String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi1.ToBytes());
                                                                pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64;

                                                                db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate() , recovery_code = null, must_change_password = 0 where id = " + login.Id, CommandType.Text, pPar);

                                                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, login.Id, 0, "Password changed through autoservice logged user", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                                    //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário
                                                    //Este processo visa agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins
                                                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + login.Id + ")", CommandType.Text, null);

                                                     * IAMDeploy deploy = null;
                                                     * using (ServerDBConfig conf = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection()))
                                                     *  deploy = new IAMDeploy("WebServer", DB.GetConnectionString(), conf.GetItem("outboundFiles"));
                                                     * if (deploy != null)
                                                     *  deploy.DeployOne(login.Id);*/

                                                    String html = "";
                                                    html += "<div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">";
                                                    html += "   <div class=\"form-group\">";
                                                    html += "       <h1>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_sucessfully") + "</h1> ";
                                                    html += "   </div>";
                                                    html += "   <div class=\"form-group\"><span class=\"text-message\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_text") + "</span></div>";
                                                    html += "</div>";

                                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("#pwdForm", html);
                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", "Internal error", 3000, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

            if (ret != null)
                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON()));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void RenewCert(SqlConnection conn, SqlTransaction transaction)
            SqlTransaction trans = transaction;

            base.Connection = conn;

            if (trans == null)
                trans = conn.BeginTransaction();

            DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable("select fqdn, server_cert, server_pkcs12_cert, client_pkcs12_cert from enterprise with(nolock) where id = " + this.enterpriseId, trans);

            if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count == 0)) //Não encontrou a empresa
                throw new Exception("Enterprise '" + enterpriseId + "' not found");

            System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed sha = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed();
            Byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dt.Rows[0]["fqdn"].ToString()));
            String key  = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "");

            //Resgata o certificado do banco
            X509Certificate atualServerPKCS12Cert = CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(dt.Rows[0]["server_pkcs12_cert"].ToString()), key);
            X509Certificate atualClientPKCS12Cert = CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(dt.Rows[0]["client_pkcs12_cert"].ToString()), key);

            //Se tudo OK, inicia o processo

                //Cria o novo certificado, e a chave se não existir ainda
                this.BuildCert(conn, trans);

                //Exclui o certificado atual do banco
                //ExecuteSQL(conn, "delete from server_cert", null, CommandType.Text, trans);

                //Salva o novo certificado
                DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value       = this.enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@server_cert", typeof(String)).Value        = this.ServerCertString;
                par.Add("@server_pkcs12_cert", typeof(String)).Value = this.ServerPKCS12String;
                par.Add("@client_pkcs12_cert", typeof(String)).Value = this.ClientPKCS12String;

                ExecuteNonQuery("update enterprise set server_cert = @server_cert, server_pkcs12_cert = @server_pkcs12_cert, client_pkcs12_cert = @client_pkcs12_cert where id = @enterprise_id", CommandType.Text, par, trans);

                //Criptografa a senha de todas as entidades
                DataTable dtEnt = ExecuteDataTable("select e.id, e.login, e.password from entity e with(nolock) inner join context c with(nolock) on c.id = e.context_id inner join enterprise e1 with(nolock) on e1.id = c.enterprise_id where e1.id = " + this.enterpriseId, trans);
                if (dtEnt == null)
                    throw new Exception("Erro on SQL");

                foreach (DataRow dr in dtEnt.Rows)
                    Console.Write("[EK] Entity " + dr["id"] + ": ");

                        using (CryptApi decryptApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(atualServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(dr["password"].ToString())))
                            using (CryptApi ecryptApi = new CryptApi(this.ServerCert, decryptApi.clearData))
                                DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection();
                                String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(ecryptApi.ToBytes());
                                pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64;

                                Exception ex1 = null;
                                for (Int32 count = 1; count <= 3; count++)
                                        ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password where id = " + dr["id"], CommandType.Text, pPar, trans);
                                        ex1 = null;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        ex1 = ex;
                                        if (ex.Message.ToLower().IndexOf("timeout") != -1)
                                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * count);

                                if (ex1 != null)
                                    throw ex1;

                                Log(this.enterpriseId.ToString(), dr["id"].ToString(), dr["login"].ToString(), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptApi.clearData));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;

                    System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ServerKey2));
                    FileInfo certFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(asm.Location), "eCerts\\" + dt.Rows[0]["fqdn"].ToString() + ".cer"));
                    if (certFile.Exists)

                    if (!certFile.Directory.Exists)

                    File.WriteAllBytes(certFile.FullName, Convert.FromBase64String(this.ServerCertString));
                catch { }

                //Se tudo estiver OK, realiza o commit dos dados

                if (transaction == null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (transaction == null)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 26
        private void BuildBackup()
            StringBuilder bkpLog = new StringBuilder();

            IAMDatabase db = null;

                db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword);

                bkpLog.AppendLine("Listando tabelas da base de dados...");

                DataTable dtS = db.Select("select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' order by TABLE_NAME");

                if ((dtS == null) || (dtS.Rows.Count == 0))
                    bkpLog.AppendLine("Listagem de tabelas vazia ou nula");
                    throw new Exception("Table list is null or empty");

                bkpLog.AppendLine(dtS.Rows.Count + " tabelas");

                FileInfo bkpFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basePath, "Backup"), "bkp-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".iambkp"));
                if (!bkpFile.Directory.Exists)

                bkpLog.AppendLine("Criando arquivo de backup: " + bkpFile.FullName);

                using (SqliteBase exportDB = new SqliteBase(bkpFile))
                    foreach (DataRow drSrc in dtS.Rows)
                        String tableName = drSrc["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                        bkpLog.AppendLine("Exportando tabela: " + tableName);

                        DataTable dtSchema = db.GetSchema(tableName);

                        StringBuilder createCmd = new StringBuilder();

                        createCmd.AppendLine("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [" + tableName.ToLower() + "];");

                         * CREATE TABLE [Events] (
                         * id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                         * test_id TEXT NOT NULL,
                         * date datetime not null  DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime')),
                         * event_text TEXT NULL
                         * );*/
                        List <String> columns = new List <string>();

                        bkpLog.AppendLine("Criando estrutura da tabela");
                            foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSchema.Columns)
                                if (dc.DataType.Equals(typeof(Int32)) || dc.DataType.Equals(typeof(Int64)))
                                    columns.Add("[" + dc.ColumnName + "] INTEGER NULL");
                                else if (dc.DataType.Equals(typeof(DateTime)))
                                    columns.Add("[" + dc.ColumnName + "] datetime NULL");
                                    columns.Add("[" + dc.ColumnName + "] TEXT NULL");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro ao listar as colunas da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message);
                            TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro ao listar as colunas da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message);
                            throw ex;

                            createCmd.AppendLine("CREATE TABLE [" + tableName.ToLower() + "] (");

                            createCmd.AppendLine(String.Join(", " + Environment.NewLine, columns));


                        catch (Exception ex)
                            bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro ao criando tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message);
                            TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro ao criando tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message);
                            throw ex;

                        //Copiando dados das tabelas
                            bkpLog.AppendLine("Copiando dados");

                            if (tableName.ToLower() == "logs")
                                DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select l.* from [logs] l with(nolock) inner join [entity_timeline] et with(nolock) on et.log_id = l.id");

                                exportDB.BulkCopy(dtSrcData, tableName.ToLower());
                            else if (tableName.ToLower() == "entity")
                                DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select * from [" + tableName + "] with(nolock)");

                                exportDB.BulkCopy(dtSrcData, tableName.ToLower());
                                DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select * from [" + tableName + "] with(nolock)");

                                exportDB.BulkCopy(dtSrcData, tableName.ToLower());
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro copiando dados da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message);
                            TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro copiando dados da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message);
                            //throw ex;

                    //No final de todo o processo atualiza as senhas como cleartext
                        bkpLog.AppendLine("Atualizando as senhas das entidades");
                        DataTable dtEnt = db.ExecuteDataTable("select id from [enterprise] with(nolock)");

                        foreach (DataRow drEnt in dtEnt.Rows)
                            using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, (Int64)drEnt["id"]))
                                DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select e.id, e.password, c.enterprise_id from [entity] e with(nolock) inner join [context] c with(nolock) on e.context_id = c.id where c.enterprise_id = " + drEnt["id"]);

                                //Atualiza senha em clear text de cada usu[ario
                                foreach (DataRow drUser in dtSrcData.Rows)
                                        using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(drUser["password"].ToString())))
                                            exportDB.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = '******' where id = " + drUser["id"]);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro decriptografando a senha da entidade '" + drUser["id"] + "': " + ex.Message);
                                        TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro decriptografando a senha da entidade '" + drUser["id"] + "': " + ex.Message);
                                        //throw ex;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro atualizando as senhas para cleartext: " + ex.Message);
                        TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro atualizando as senhas para cleartext: " + ex.Message);
                        //throw ex;

                db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Backup, DateTime.Now, "Backup", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Backup realizado com sucesso", bkpLog.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tError building backup: " + ex.Message);
                bkpLog.AppendLine("Error building backup: " + ex.Message);
                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Backup, DateTime.Now, "Backup", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Backup finalizado com erro", bkpLog.ToString());
                catch { }
                if (bkpLog != null)
                    bkpLog = null;

                if (db != null)
Exemplo n.º 27
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Request.InputStream.Position = 0;

                JSONRequest req = JSON.GetRequest(Request.InputStream);

                using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                    ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig(true);
                    config.GetDBConfig(database.Connection, ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id, req.host);

                    if (config.fqdn != null) //Encontrou o proxy
                        DirectoryInfo inDir = null;

                        using (ServerDBConfig c = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection()))
                            inDir = new DirectoryInfo(c.GetItem("inboundFiles"));

                        if (!inDir.Exists)

                        req.enterpriseid = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id.ToString();

                        String filename = config.proxy_name + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss-ffffff") + ".iamreq";

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(req.filename))
                            req.filename = "Empty";

                        StringBuilder trackData = new StringBuilder();
                        trackData.AppendLine("Proxy: " + req.host);
                        trackData.AppendLine("Enterprise ID: " + req.enterpriseid);
                        trackData.AppendLine("Proxy filename: " + req.filename);
                        trackData.AppendLine("Saved filename: " + filename);

                        UserLogLevel level = UserLogLevel.Info;

                        trackData.AppendLine("Checking package...");

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(req.data))
                            throw new Exception("Request data is empty");

                        Byte[] rData = Convert.FromBase64String(req.data);

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(req.sha1hash))
                            if (!CATools.SHA1CheckHash(rData, req.sha1hash))
                                throw new Exception("SHA1 Checksum is not equal");

                        String type = "";
                            JsonGeneric jData = new JsonGeneric();
                                String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn));
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.server_pkcs12_cert))
                                    throw new Exception("Server PKCS12 from proxy config is empty");

                                using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.server_pkcs12_cert), certPass), rData))
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                jData = null;
                                trackData.AppendLine("Error decrypting package data for enterprise " + req.enterpriseid + " and proxy " + req.host + ", " + ex.Message);


                            if (jData != null)
                                trackData.AppendLine("Request data:");


                                type = jData.function;

                                trackData.AppendLine("Type: " + type);
                                trackData.AppendLine("Data array length: " + (jData.data == null ? "0" : jData.data.Count.ToString()));

                                if (type.ToLower() == "processimportv2")
                                    Int32 d = 1;
                                    foreach (String[] dr in jData.data)
                                            Int32 resourcePluginCol = jData.GetKeyIndex("resource_plugin");
                                            Int32 pkgCol            = jData.GetKeyIndex("package");

                                            if (resourcePluginCol == -1)
                                                trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Erro finding column 'resource_plugin'");

                                            if (pkgCol == -1)
                                                trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Erro finding column 'package'");

                                            if ((resourcePluginCol != -1) && (pkgCol != -1))
                                                PluginConnectorBaseImportPackageUser pkg = JSON.DeserializeFromBase64 <PluginConnectorBaseImportPackageUser>(dr[pkgCol]);
                                                trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Import id: " + pkg.importId);
                                                trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Package id: " + pkg.pkgId);

                                                Int64 trackId = 0;
                                                    String tpkg = JSON.Serialize2(pkg);

                                                    DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                                                    par.Add("@entity_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = 0;
                                                    par.Add("@date", typeof(DateTime)).Value   = pkg.GetBuildDate();
                                                    par.Add("@flow", typeof(String)).Value     = "inbound";
                                                    par.Add("@package_id", typeof(String), pkg.pkgId.Length).Value = pkg.pkgId;
                                                    par.Add("@filename", typeof(String)).Value             = req.filename;
                                                    par.Add("@package", typeof(String), tpkg.Length).Value = tpkg;

                                                    trackId = database.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("sp_new_package_track", System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, null);

                                                    trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Package track id: " + trackId);

                                                    tpkg = null;

                                                    if (trackId > 0)
                                                        database.AddPackageTrack(trackId, "ProxyAPI", "Package received from proxy and saved at " + filename);
                                                catch (Exception ex3) {
                                                    trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Erro generating package track: " + ex3.Message);

                                                pkg = null;
                                        catch (Exception ex2)
                                            trackData.AppendLine("[Package data " + d + "] Erro parsing package data " + ex2.Message);
                        catch (Exception ex1) {
                            trackData.AppendLine("Erro parsing package " + ex1.Message);
                            level = UserLogLevel.Error;

                        database.AddUserLog(LogKey.API_Log, DateTime.Now, "ProxyAPI", level, 0, ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "File received from proxy " + req.host + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(type) ? "" : " (" + type + ")"), trackData.ToString());

                        File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(inDir.FullName, filename), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JSON.Serialize <JSONRequest>(req)));

                        ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(JSON.GetResponse(true, "", "Request received and proxy finded (" + (req.data != null ? req.data.Length.ToString() : "0") + ")")));
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 28
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String html  = "";
            String error = "";

            LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this);

            if (login == null)
                Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "login2/", false);
                html += "<form id=\"serviceLogin\" name=\"serviceLogin\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/changepassword/\"><div class=\"login_form\">";

                if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                        String password  = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]);
                        String password2 = Request["password2"];
                        if ((password == null) || (password == ""))
                            error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password");
                        else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == ""))
                            error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm");
                        else if (password != password2)
                            error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal");
                            Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                            if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null))
                                enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                            using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                                UserPasswordStrength       usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, login.Id);
                                UserPasswordStrengthResult check    = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password);
                                if (check.HasError)
                                    if (check.NameError)
                                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part");
                                        String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ":  " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ":  " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail"));

                                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt;
                                    DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id);
                                    if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                        //Verifica a senha atual
                                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId))
                                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(c.Rows[0]["password"].ToString())))
                                                using (SqlConnection conn1 = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())
                                                    using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk1 = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn1, enterpriseId))
                                                        using (CryptApi cApi1 = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)))
                                                            DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection();
                                                            String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi1.ToBytes());
                                                            pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64;

                                                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate() , recovery_code = null, must_change_password = 0 where id = " + login.Id, CommandType.Text, pPar);

                                                db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, login.Id, 0, "Password changed through logged user", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                                //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário
                                                //Este processo visa agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins
                                                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + login.Id + ")", CommandType.Text, null);

                                                //Mata a sessão

                                                Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "login2/passwordchanged/", false);
                                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error") + ": " + ex.Message;

                html += "    <ul>";
                html += "        <li>";
                html += "            <p style=\"width:270px;padding:0 0 20px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_expired_text") + "</p>";
                html += "        </li>";
                html += "    <li>";
                html += "        <span class=\"inputWrap\">";
                html += "			<input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" style=\"\"  placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "\" onkeyup=\"cas.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\" />";
                html += "			<span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>";
                html += "        </span>";
                html += "    </li>";
                html += "    <li>";
                html += "        <span class=\"inputWrap\">";
                html += "			<input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password2\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\" />";
                html += "			<span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password2').focus();\"></span>";
                html += "        </span>";
                html += "    </li>";
                html += "    <li>";
                html += "        <div id=\"passwordStrength\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + ": " + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>";
                html += "    </li>";

                if (error != "")
                    html += "        <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + error + "</div>";

                html += "        <li>";
                html += "           <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "logout/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> </span>";
                html += "           <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "</button>";
                html += "        </li>";
                html += "    </ul>";

                html += "</div></form>";

                holderContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public LoginResult LocalAuth(IAMDatabase database, System.Web.UI.Page page, String username, String password, Boolean byPassPasswordCheck)
                if ((username == null) || (username.Trim() == "") || (username == password) || (username.Trim() == ""))
                    return(new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")));

                Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                if ((page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData))
                    enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value           = enterpriseId;
                par.Add("@login", typeof(String), username.Length).Value = username;

                DataTable tmp = null;

                tmp = database.ExecuteDataTable("select distinct id, alias, full_name, login, enterprise_id, password, must_change_password from vw_entity_logins with(nolock) where deleted = 0 and enterprise_id = @enterprise_id and locked = 0 and (login = @login or value = @login)", CommandType.Text, par);

                if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow dr in tmp.Rows)
                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(database.Connection, enterpriseId))
                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(dr["password"].ToString())))
                                if (byPassPasswordCheck || Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData) == password)
                                    Random rnd = new Random();

                                    LoginData l = new LoginData();
                                    l.Alias         = tmp.Rows[0]["alias"].ToString();
                                    l.FullName      = tmp.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString();
                                    l.Login         = tmp.Rows[0]["login"].ToString();
                                    l.Id            = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"];
                                    l.EnterpriseId  = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"];
                                    l.SecurityToken = (Byte)rnd.Next(1, 255);

                                    SetLoginSession(page, l);

                                    database.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set last_login = getdate() where id = " + l.Id, CommandType.Text, null);

                                    database.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Logged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l.Id, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_logged") + " " + GetIPAddress(page), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + GetIPAddress(page) + "\"} ");

                                    return(new LoginResult(true, "User OK", (Boolean)tmp.Rows[0]["must_change_password"]));

                                    database.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongPassword, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"], 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + GetIPAddress(page), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + GetIPAddress(page) + "\"} ");

                    return(new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")));
                    database.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongUserAndPassword, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + GetIPAddress(page), "{ \"username\":\"" + username.Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "") + "\", \"ipaddr\":\"" + GetIPAddress(page) + "\"} ");
                    return(new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, page);
                return(new LoginResult(false, "Internal error", ex.Message));