public async Task ReadAllUpdatesIndividualItems()
            AutoCacheOptions.SaveCollections = true;
            AutoCacheOptions.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            _autoCache = new CrudAutoCache <string, Guid>(_storage, item => ToGuid(item, 1), Cache, null, AutoCacheOptions);
            var id1 = ToGuid("A1", 1);

            await PrepareStorageAndCacheAsync(id1, "A1", null);

            var id2 = ToGuid("B1", 1);

            await PrepareStorageAndCacheAsync(id2, "B1", null);

            var result = await _autoCache.ReadAllAsync();

            await _autoCache.DelayUntilNoOperationActiveAsync();

            await VerifyAsync(id1, "A1");
            await VerifyAsync(id2, "B1");
        public async Task ReadAll()
            AutoCacheOptions.SaveCollections = true;
            AutoCacheOptions.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            _autoCache = new CrudAutoCache <string, Guid>(_storage, item => ToGuid(item, 1), Cache, null, AutoCacheOptions);
            var id1 = ToGuid("A1", 1);

            await PrepareStorageAndCacheAsync(id1, "A1", null);

            var id2 = ToGuid("B1", 1);

            await PrepareStorageAndCacheAsync(id2, "B1", null);

            var result = await _autoCache.ReadAllAsync();

            var enumerable = result as string[] ?? result.ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, enumerable.Length);
            await _autoCache.DelayUntilNoOperationActiveAsync();

            await _storage.UpdateAsync(id1, "A2");

            await _storage.UpdateAsync(id2, "B2");

            // Even though the items have been updated, the result will be fetched from the cache.
            result = await _autoCache.ReadAllAsync();

            enumerable = result as string[] ?? result.ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, enumerable.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(enumerable.Contains("A1"), "Missing A1 in " + string.Join(", ", enumerable));
            Assert.IsTrue(enumerable.Contains("B1"), "Missing B1 in " + string.Join(", ", enumerable));