Exemplo n.º 1
    public bool ProccessCreditCard()
        CardPro = new CrediCardProscessing();

         string param = "";

         CardPro.FirstName = messages.firstname;// Request.Form["FirstName"];
         CardPro.LastName = messages.lastname;// Request.Form["LastName"];
         CardPro.Address = messages.address;// Request.Form["Address"];
         CardPro.City = messages.city;//  Request.Form["City"];
         CardPro.State = messages.state;// Request.Form["State"];
         CardPro.ZIP = messages.zipcode;// Request.Form["zipcode"];
         CardPro.Country = "USA";// Request.Form["FirstName"];
         CardPro.CardNumber = messages.cardnumber;// Request.Form["CardNumber"];
         CardPro.Expiration = messages.expdate;// Request.Form["expdate"];

         // CardPro.Expiration = this.ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + this.ddlYear.SelectedValue;
         CardPro.CVV = messages.cvv;
         CardPro.CustomerIP = messages.CustomerIP;           /// Request.UserHostAddress;
         // Trace.Write("Amount", Request.Form["FirstName"]);

         //   CardPro.Amount = Double.Parse(Request.Form["amount"], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
         CardPro.Amount = Double.Parse(messages.amount , System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);

         Boolean ProsPassed = CardPro.SubmitPayment("Donation to Chabad");

         if (CardPro.ErrorMessage != null)
             if (CardPro.ErrorMessage.Substring(0, CardPro.ErrorMessage.LastIndexOf("(")) == "There was a problem with the transactionA valid amount is required.")
                 messages.err = CardPro.ErrorMessage;

                 messages.script = "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>show('" + param + "','" + messages.amount + "' );</script>";

                 ///  ((HtmlContainerControl)this.FindControl("dvmsg")).InnerText = CardPro.ErrorMessage.ToString();

                 //   dvmsg.vat = CardPro.ErrorMessage.ToString();

                 ProsPassed = false;
                 //CardPro.ErrorMessage = "";


             if (ProsPassed == false)
                 messages.err = CardPro.ErrorMessage;

                 //script = "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>show('" +  param + "','" +  amount_ + "' );</script>";

                 //lrt.Text = script;

           //  TableDonate.Attributes.Add("onload", "show('" + param + "','" + amount_ + "' )");
                 messages.err = messages.firstname + " " + messages.lastname + " Thank you for your kind donation of " + messages.amount + " " + messages.honor + " for sponsoring our pesach Seder";


             messages.err = messages.firstname + " " + messages.lastname + " Thank you for your kind donation of " + messages.amount + " " + messages.honor + " for sponsoring our pesach Seder";

         messages.pro = ProsPassed;
        // messages.err = ErrorMessage;

           //  messages.script = script;

         return ProsPassed;
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void CreditCardProscessing(int credits)
        Decimal tot = Convert.ToDecimal(credits * .60);

        string dblDonationAmount = tot.ToString();
          ////  lblmsg.Text = "";

        CrediCardProscessing CardPro = new CrediCardProscessing();
        CardPro.FirstName = "Eli";// this.tbFirstName.Text;
        CardPro.LastName = "Barber";// this.tbLastName.Text;
        CardPro.Address = "672 Crown St.";//this.tbAddress.Text;
        CardPro.City = "Bklyn";//txtbCity.Text;
        CardPro.State = "NY";// txtbState.Text;
        CardPro.ZIP = "11213";// this.tbPostalCode.Text;
        CardPro.Country = "US";//this.ddlCountry.SelectedValue;
        CardPro.CardNumber = this.txtCardNumber.Text;
        CardPro.Expiration = this.cmbCardExpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + this.cmbCardExpYear.SelectedValue;
        CardPro.CVV = this.txtCardCVV2.Text;
        CardPro.CustomerIP = Request.UserHostAddress;

        Trace.Write("Amount", dblDonationAmount);

        CardPro.Amount = Double.Parse(dblDonationAmount, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
        bool ProsPassed = CardPro.SubmitPayment("Donation to Friendshipcircle");
           /// lblmsg.Text =  CardPro.ErrorMessage;
        if (ProsPassed)
            string bodytext = "Proscess Result Information\n--------------\n" +
                  "Authorization Code: " + CardPro.AuthorizationCode + "\n" +
                  "Transaction ID: " + CardPro.TransactionID + "\n";
            string ltrlResults = "<div style=\"color:#1C405E;\">You Have Successfully Donated to The Friendship " +
                 "Circle<br/>Authorization Code: " + CardPro.AuthorizationCode +
                 "<br/>Transaction ID: " + CardPro.TransactionID + @"<h2>Thank You</h2>Thank you for your support in assisting the Friendship Circle to continue supporting children with special needs, giving them and volunteers alike, a meaningful experience at our Ferber-Kaufman LifeTown at the Meer Family Friendship Center.

         <div style=""font-size:smaller;"">Your contribution towards the Friendship Circle is tax deductible.

        Please print this page for your tax deductible receipt.
