Exemplo n.º 1
    public void CreatureTraverseParentTree(Creature_V2 parent, int colorIndex, string indent)
        List <Creature_V2> children = parent.GetChildren();

        if (children.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                TreeData treeData = new TreeData();

                if (children[i].IsAlive())
                    treeData.name = indent + children[i].GetName();
                    treeData.name = indent + children[i].GetName() + " [DEAD]";

                if (colorIndex == colors.Length)
                    colorIndex = 0;

                treeData.color = colors[colorIndex];


                CreatureTraverseParentTree(children[i], colorIndex + 1, indent + "  ");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void AddCreatureToTileList(int x, int y, Creature_V2 creature)
     if (IsValidLocation(x, y) == true)
         tiles[y, x].creatureListOnTile.Add(creature);
 public void ResetBrain()
     brain        = null;
     neurons      = null;
     connections  = null;
     creature     = null;
     treeDataList = new List <TreeData>();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void RemoveCreature(Creature_V2 creature)
     if (creatureList.Count < minCreatureCount)
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void CreateCreature(Creature_V2 parent1, Creature_V2 parent2)
        float energy      = 1f;
        float life        = 1f;
        float veloForward = 0f;
        float veloAngular = 0f;

        int[]      randomTile          = map_v2.RandomFloorTile();
        Vector3    bodyPosition        = parent1.position - (parent1.trans.up * 2f * parent1.GetRadius());
        Vector3    leftPos             = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3    rightPos            = Vector3.zero;
        GameObject creatureGameObject  = Instantiate(creaturePrefab, bodyPosition, creaturePrefab.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
        GameObject leftLineGameObject  = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;
        GameObject rightLineGameObject = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;

        leftLineGameObject.transform.parent  = creatureGameObject.transform;
        rightLineGameObject.transform.parent = creatureGameObject.transform;

        LineRenderer leftLine  = leftLineGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        LineRenderer rightLine = rightLineGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        leftLine.SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);
        rightLine.SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);

        LineRenderer[] lineSensor = new LineRenderer[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < lineSensor.Length; i++)
            GameObject newLine = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;
            newLine.transform.parent = creatureGameObject.transform;
            lineSensor[i]            = newLine.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
            lineSensor[i].SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);

        GameObject spikeLineGameObject = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;

        spikeLineGameObject.transform.parent = creatureGameObject.transform;
        LineRenderer spikeLine = spikeLineGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        spikeLine.SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);

        Creature_V2 strongerParent = parent1.GetEnergy() > parent2.GetEnergy() ? parent1 : parent2;
        Creature_V2 weakerParent   = parent1.GetEnergy() > parent2.GetEnergy() ? parent2 : parent1;

        Brain_V2 brain = new Brain_V2(strongerParent.GetBrain(), totalCreaturesCount);

        brain.Mutate(strongerParent.GetBrain().GetWeights(), weakerParent.GetEnergy() / strongerParent.GetEnergy());
        creatureGameObject.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = brain.GetName();

        string parentNames = strongerParent.GetName() + "@" + weakerParent.GetName();

        Creature_V2 creature = new Creature_V2(totalCreaturesCount, strongerParent.GetGeneration() + 1, creatureGameObject.transform, leftLine, rightLine, lineSensor, spikeLine, brain, new HSBColor(1f, 0f, 0f), bodyPosition, leftPos, rightPos, 0.5f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f), worldDeltaTime, creatureGameObject.transform.localScale.x / 2f, energy, energy, life, minLife, lifeDecrease, eatDamage, veloDamage, angDamage, fightDamage, veloForward, veloAngular, map_v2, this, parentNames);


    public void SetBrain(Brain_V2 brain, List <TreeData> treeDataList, Creature_V2 creature)
        this.brain        = brain;
        this.treeDataList = treeDataList;
        this.creature     = creature;

        neurons     = brain.GetNeurons();
        connections = brain.GetWeights();
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void ResetAllNodes()
        if (this.creature != null)

        this.creature     = null;
        this.treeDataList = new List <TreeData>();
Exemplo n.º 8
    private void SaveWorld()
        string filename = "world_snapshot.lses";

        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

        writer.Write(brainNetwork.Length + " ");
        for (int i = 0; i < brainNetwork.Length; i++)
            writer.Write(brainNetwork[i] + " ");

        writer.Write(creatureList.Count + " ");
        for (int i = 0; i < creatureList.Count; i++)
            Creature_V2 creature = creatureList[i];
            Brain_V2    brain    = creature.GetBrain();
            //float[][] neurons = brain.GetNeurons();
            float[][][] connections = brain.GetWeights();

            writer.Write(creature.GetName() + " "
                         + creature.GetParentNames() + " "
                         + creature.GetEnergy() + " "
                         + creature.GetLife() + " "
                         + creature.position.x + " "
                         + creature.position.y + " "
                         + creature.rotation + " "
                         + creature.veloForward + " "
                         + creature.veloAngular + " ");

            for (int j = 0; j < connections.Length; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < connections[j].Length; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < connections[j][k].Length; l++)
                        writer.Write(connections[j][k][l] + " ");

        Tile_V2[,] tiles = map_v2.GetTilesArray();

        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++)
                writer.Write(tiles[j, k].currentEnergy + " ");

Exemplo n.º 9
    /*public float GetTileEnergy(int x, int y)
     * {
     *  if (IsValidLocation(x, y) == true)
     *  {
     *      return tiles[y, x].currentEnergy;
     *  }
     *  return 0f;
     * }*/

    public void RemoveCreatureFromTileList(int x, int y, Creature_V2 creature)
        if (IsValidLocation(x, y) == true)
            int index = tiles[y, x].creatureListOnTile.IndexOf(creature);
            if (index != -1)
                tiles[y, x].creatureListOnTile.RemoveAt(index);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void CreateCreature()
        float energy      = 1f;
        float life        = 1f;
        float veloForward = 0f;
        float veloAngular = 0f;

        int[]      randomTile          = map_v2.RandomFloorTile();
        Vector3    bodyPosition        = new Vector3(randomTile[0] + 0.5f, randomTile[1] + 0.5f, creaturePrefab.transform.position.z);
        Vector3    leftPos             = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3    rightPos            = Vector3.zero;
        GameObject creatureGameObject  = Instantiate(creaturePrefab, bodyPosition, creaturePrefab.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
        GameObject leftLineGameObject  = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;
        GameObject rightLineGameObject = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;

        leftLineGameObject.transform.parent  = creatureGameObject.transform;
        rightLineGameObject.transform.parent = creatureGameObject.transform;

        LineRenderer leftLine  = leftLineGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        LineRenderer rightLine = rightLineGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        leftLine.SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);
        rightLine.SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);

        GameObject spikeLineGameObject = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;

        spikeLineGameObject.transform.parent = creatureGameObject.transform;
        LineRenderer spikeLine = spikeLineGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        spikeLine.SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);

        LineRenderer[] lineSensor = new LineRenderer[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < lineSensor.Length; i++)
            GameObject newLine = Instantiate(linePrefab) as GameObject;
            newLine.transform.parent = creatureGameObject.transform;
            lineSensor[i]            = newLine.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
            lineSensor[i].SetWidth(0.02f, 0.02f);

        Brain_V2 brain = new Brain_V2(brainNetwork, totalCreaturesCount, mutationNumber, mutationSign, mutationRandom, mutationIncrease, mutationDecrease, mutationWeakerParentFactor);

        creatureGameObject.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = brain.GetName();

        Creature_V2 creature = new Creature_V2(totalCreaturesCount, 0, creatureGameObject.transform, leftLine, rightLine, lineSensor, spikeLine, brain, new HSBColor(1f, 0f, 0f), bodyPosition, leftPos, rightPos, 0.5f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f), worldDeltaTime, creatureGameObject.transform.localScale.x / 2f, energy, energy, life, minLife, lifeDecrease, eatDamage, veloDamage, angDamage, fightDamage, veloForward, veloAngular, map_v2, this, "WORLD");

Exemplo n.º 11
    public void MakeTree(List <Creature_V2> creatures)
        this.creature = creatures.OrderBy(o => o.GetID()).ToList()[0]; //order the list in acending order and get the creature at index 0


        TreeData treeData = new TreeData();

        treeData.color = colors[0];
        treeData.name  = this.creature.GetName();

        CreatureTraverseParentTree(this.creature, 1, "  ");

Exemplo n.º 12
    public string CreatureTraverseRecursive(Creature_V2 parent)
        string             add      = "";
        List <Creature_V2> children = parent.GetChildren();

        if (children.Count == 0)
            add = parent.GetID() + "::" + parent.GetName() + "__";

        for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
            add += CreatureTraverseRecursive(children[i]);

        return(parent.GetID() + "::" + parent.GetName() + "==>" + add);
Exemplo n.º 13
 void Start()
     creature = null;
    public void UpdateCreatureEnergy(int x, int y, float[] output, float groundHue, float mouthHue, Creature_V2 spikeCreature)
        float accelForward = output[0];
        float accelAngular = output[1];
        float eatFood      = output[4];
        float birth        = output[5];
        float fight        = output[6];

        deltaEnergy = 0f;

        deltaEnergy -= (worldDeltaTime / 5f) * (Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(currentEnergy / initialEnergy, 1f))); //natural energy loss (creature will die in 5 years)
        deltaEnergy -= (Mathf.Abs(accelForward) * worldDeltaTime) / veloDamage /*5f3f*/;                   //if creature keep moving at max speed it will die in 5 years
        deltaEnergy -= (Mathf.Abs(accelAngular) * worldDeltaTime) / angDamage /*1f0.5f*/;                  //if creature keeps turing at max acceleration it will die in 2 years
        // At worst if the creatures keep turning and moving at max rate it will die in 1.1 year

        int tileType = map.GetTileType(x, y);

        if (tileType == Tile_V2.TILE_WATER)
            deltaEnergy -= worldDeltaTime * 20f;
        else if (eatFood > 0 && tileType != Tile_V2.TILE_INFERT)
            deltaEnergy += map.Eat(x, y) / 1.1f;

            // 1 (cirmum) = 2*pi*r
            // 1/(pi*2) = r = 0.15915494309189533576888376337251
            // turn r = 1 will make c = 2*pi
            // lenght of two chords combined = 2*sin(theta/2)

            float mouthX  = Mathf.Cos(mouthHue * Mathf.PI * 2);
            float mouthY  = Mathf.Sin(mouthHue * Mathf.PI * 2);
            float groundX = Mathf.Cos(groundHue * Mathf.PI * 2);
            float groundY = Mathf.Sin(groundHue * Mathf.PI * 2);
            float dist    = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Pow(mouthX - groundX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(mouthY - groundY, 2), 0.5f);

            deltaEnergy -= (dist * worldDeltaTime * eatDamage); //2 is good

        if (fight > 0 && /*maturity > MIN_BIRTH_MATURITY &&*/ spikeCreature != null && maturity > MIN_FIGHT_MATURITY)
            float enemyEnergy = spikeCreature.GetEnergy();
            if (enemyEnergy > 0f)
                float energySuck = fightDamage * (Mathf.Max(currentEnergy, 0f));

                enemyEnergy -= energySuck;
                if (enemyEnergy < 0f)
                    energySuck = (energySuck + enemyEnergy) + 0.005f;

                deltaEnergy += (energySuck / 1.25f);

            /*float enemyLife = spikeCreature.GetLife();
             * if (enemyLife > 0f)
             * {
             *  float lifeSuck = fightDamage * (Mathf.Max(currentEnergy, 0f)) * 0.1f;
             *  enemyLife -= lifeSuck;
             *  life += (lifeSuck / 1.25f);
             *  spikeCreature.RemoveLife(lifeSuck);
             * }*/

        if (currentEnergy > MIN_BRITH_ENERGY && birth > 0f && birthFrameCounter == 0)
        else if (birthFrameCounter < 6 && birthFrameCounter > 0)
        else if (birthFrameCounter == 6)
            deltaEnergy      -= 1.5f;
            giveBirth         = true;
            birthFrameCounter = 0;

        currentEnergy += deltaEnergy;
        if (currentEnergy <= 0f || life <= 0)
            isAlive = false;

        maturity += worldDeltaTime;

        //life -= ((worldDeltaTime /3) / Mathf.Pow((Mathf.Max(currentEnergy, 1f) / initialEnergy), 0.25f));
        life -= ((worldDeltaTime / minLife) / Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Max(currentEnergy, 1f), lifeDecerase));

        //life -= (worldDeltaTime / (5 + (Mathf.Max(currentEnergy, 0f))*2f));