Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnMovement(Mobile m, Point3D oldLocation)
            if (!m.Frozen && DateTime.UtcNow >= m_NextResurrect && InRange(m, 4) && !InRange(oldLocation, 4) && InLOS(m))
                if (!m.Alive)
                    m_NextResurrect = DateTime.UtcNow + ResurrectDelay;

                    if (m.Map == null || !m.Map.CanFit(m.Location, 16, false, false))
                        m.SendLocalizedMessage(502391);                           // Thou can not be resurrected there!
                    else if (CheckResurrect(m))
                        if (!CreaturePossession.IsInHouseOrBoat(m.Location, m.Map))
                else if (this.HealsYoungPlayers && m.Hits < m.HitsMax && m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).Young)
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
     if (sender != null)
         Mobile from          = sender.Mobile;
         Button pressedButton = (Button)info.ButtonID;
         if (pressedButton == Button.Connect)
         else if (pressedButton == Button.Disconnect)
             if (from != null)
                 if (!CreaturePossession.AttemptReturnToOriginalBody(from.NetState))
Exemplo n.º 3
 static void EventSink_Login(LoginEventArgs e)
     if (e.Mobile != null && CreaturePossession.HasAnyPossessPermissions(e.Mobile.NetState))
         e.Mobile.SendGump(new PossessGump(e.Mobile));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void JoinZombieInstance(PlayerMobile player)
            PlayerZombieProfile profile = ZombieEvent.EnsureProfile(player);
            ZombieAvatar        avatar  = profile.ZombieAvatar;

            profile.Active = true;
            if (avatar == null)
                avatar = profile.CreateAvatar();

            if (profile.ZombieSavePoint == Point3D.Zero && avatar != null &&
                DateTime.UtcNow > (profile.DisconnectTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)))
                if (avatar.Backpack != null && avatar.Items.Count <= 1)
                    avatar.EquipItem(new Dagger {
                        Speed = 1
                    avatar.Backpack.DropItem(new Bandage(7));
                avatar.MoveToWorld(GetRandomLocation(), Map.ZombieLand);

            CreaturePossession.ForcePossessCreature(null, player, avatar);

            if (avatar != null)
                avatar.Blessed       = false;
                avatar.Hidden        = false;
                avatar.IgnoreMobiles = false;
                avatar.CantWalk      = false;

            player.LogoutLocation = player.Location;
            player.Map            = Map.Internal;
            player.LogoutMap      = Map.Felucca;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void ChatAction(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
            /*if ( !m_Enabled )
             *  return;

            if (state == null || state.Mobile == null || state.Account == null)

                 * ChatUser user = ChatUser.GetChatUser( from );
                 * if ( user == null )
                 *  return;

                string lang     = pvSrc.ReadStringSafe(4);
                int    actionID = pvSrc.ReadInt16();
                string param    = pvSrc.ReadUnicodeString();

                 *              ChatActionHandler handler = ChatActionHandlers.GetHandler( actionID );
                 *              if ( handler != null )
                 *              {
                 *                      Channel channel = user.CurrentChannel;
                 *                      if ( handler.RequireConference && channel == null )
                 *                      {
                 *                              user.SendMessage( 31 ); // You must be in a conference to do this.
                 *                                                                              // To join a conference, select one from the Conference menu.
                 *                      }
                 *                      else if ( handler.RequireModerator && !user.IsModerator )
                 *                      {
                 *                              user.SendMessage( 29 ); // You must have operator status to do this.
                 *                      }
                 *                      else
                 *                      {
                 *                              handler.Callback( user, channel, param );
                 *                      }
                 *              }
                 *              else
                 *              {
                 *                      Console.WriteLine( "Client: {0}: Unknown chat action 0x{1:X}: {2}", state, actionID, param );
                 *              }*/

                // CUSTOM CODE for uoforever--Chat b/w mobs with the same teamflags

                Mobile         from      = state.Mobile;
                List <XmlTeam> fromTeams = XmlAttach.GetTeams(from);
                if (fromTeams != null)
                    List <NetState> states = NetState.Instances;
                    foreach (NetState nextstate in states)
                        if (nextstate.Mobile == null)
                        if (nextstate.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                            // just get the first team
                            nextstate.Mobile.SendMessage(101, "[" + fromTeams[0].TeamVal + "] " + from.Name + ": " + param);
                            if (nextstate.Mobile.CustomTeam)
                                List <XmlTeam> toTeams = XmlAttach.GetTeams(nextstate.Mobile);
                                if (XmlTeam.SameTeam(fromTeams, toTeams))
                                    nextstate.Mobile.SendMessage(101, from.Name + ": " + param);
                else if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor ||
                    List <NetState> states       = NetState.Instances;
                    Mobile          sourceMobile = from;
                    if (from is BaseCreature)
                        sourceMobile = state.Account.GetPseudoSeerLastCharacter();
                    if (sourceMobile != null)
                        foreach (NetState nextstate in states)
                            if (nextstate.Mobile == null)
                            if (nextstate.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor ||
                                // just get the first team
                                nextstate.Mobile.SendMessage(101, sourceMobile.Name + ": " + param);
                            else if (nextstate.Mobile is BaseCreature)
                                if (nextstate.Account == null)
                                Mobile controllingMobile = nextstate.Account.GetPseudoSeerLastCharacter();
                                if (controllingMobile == null)
                                nextstate.Mobile.SendMessage(101, sourceMobile.Name + ": " + param);
                else if (from is BaseCreature)
                    List <NetState> states            = NetState.Instances;
                    Mobile          controllingMobile = state.Account.GetPseudoSeerLastCharacter();
                    if (controllingMobile != null)
                        foreach (NetState nextstate in states)
                            if (nextstate.Mobile == null)
                            if (nextstate.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor ||
                                // just get the first team
                                nextstate.Mobile.SendMessage(101, controllingMobile.Name + ": " + param);
                            else if (nextstate.Mobile is BaseCreature)
                                nextstate.Mobile.SendMessage(101, controllingMobile.Name + ": " + param);
                    from.SendMessage("You are not on a team!");
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static bool CheckSkill(Mobile from, Skill skill, object amObj, double chance, bool success)
            if (from.Alive && AllowGain(from /*, skill, amObj*/))
                if (from.Skills.Cap > 0 && skill.Base < skill.Cap)
                    if (skill.Base < 50.0)
                        Gain(from, skill);
                        double thirst = 20.0 - from.Thirst;
                        double hunger = 20.0 - from.Hunger;

                        double gc = 50.0;

                        if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 1200)
                            gc = 44;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 1150)
                            gc = 42;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 1100)
                            gc = 39;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 1050)
                            gc = 37;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 1000)
                            gc = 30;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 900)
                            gc = 25;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 800)
                            gc = 20;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 700)
                            gc = 15;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 600)
                            gc = 10;
                        else if (skill.BaseFixedPoint >= 500)
                            gc = 5;
                            gc = 2;

                        double gainmod = 0.0;

                        if (from is PlayerMobile)
                            gainmod = ((PlayerMobile)from).GetSkillGainModBonus(skill.SkillName);

                        double malus = skill.Info.GainFactor + (0.08 * (thirst / 20.0)) + (0.08 * (hunger / 20.0)) +
                                       (0.09 * (from.BAC / 60.0)) - gainmod;
                        // + (0.25 * (from.Skills.Total / from.Skills.Cap));

                        gc *= malus;

                        if (skill.Info.UsesDifficulty) // Base gain on success rate
                            if (success)
                                if (chance <= 0.65)
                                    gc /= 1.65 - chance; // changed to 2
                            else if (chance < 0.35)
                                gc *= 5.0 - chance; // chanced to 5

                         * NO CHANGE in towns
                         * -25% in houses or boats
                         * +50% dungeons (not despise)

                        //GuardedRegion town = from.Region.GetRegion(typeof(GuardedRegion)) as GuardedRegion;

                        // NOTE currently CanBePenalized returns FALSE for crafting skills... that seems wrong
                        // i'm just using the CreaturePossession function here, no relation to pseudoseer system
                        if (CreaturePossession.IsInHouseOrBoat(from.Location, from.Map))
                            gc *= 1.25; // -25%
                        //if ( CanBePenalized( skill.SkillName ) && town != null && !town.IsDisabled() )
                        //	gc *= 2.25;

                        var dungeon = from.Region.GetRegion(typeof(DungeonRegion)) as DungeonRegion;
                        if (dungeon != null)
                            gc *= 0.50;

                        if (FactionObelisks.Obelisks != null && from is PlayerMobile)
                            var p    = from as PlayerMobile;
                            var acct = p.Account as Account;
                            foreach (var obelisk in FactionObelisks.Obelisks)
                                if (obelisk.ObeliskType == ObeliskType.SkillGain && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(obelisk.OwningFaction) && acct != null)
                                    if (obelisk.ObeliskUsers != null && obelisk.ObeliskUsers.ContainsKey(acct))
                                        gc *= 0.95;

                        if (from is ZombieAvatar)
                            if (skill.SkillName == SkillName.Archery || skill.SkillName == SkillName.Fencing ||
                                skill.SkillName == SkillName.Hiding || skill.SkillName == SkillName.Stealth || skill.SkillName == SkillName.Macing ||
                                skill.SkillName == SkillName.Parry || skill.SkillName == SkillName.Swords ||
                                skill.SkillName == SkillName.Tactics || skill.SkillName == SkillName.Anatomy ||
                                skill.SkillName == SkillName.Magery || skill.SkillName == SkillName.EvalInt)
                                gc *= ZombieEvent.CSOptions.MeleeMod;

                        if (gc > 60)
                            gc = 30;

                        var bc = from as BaseCreature;

                        /*if (bc != null)
                         *                      {
                         *                              if (bc.Controlled)
                         *                              {
                         *                                      if (bc.IsBonded)
                         *                                      {
                         *                                              gc /= 1.5;
                         *                                      }
                         *                              }
                         *                              gc /= bc.SkillGainMultiplier; // can customize how well they gain
                         *                      }*/

                        // Dynamic control of all skill gain
                        gc /= DynamicSettingsController.SkillGainMultiplier;

                        //from.SendMessage( "Gain Chance: 1/{0}", gc );
                        if ((1.0 / gc) > Utility.RandomDouble())
                            Gain(from, skill);
                        if (0.025 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                            GainStat(from, skill);
                else if (success && 0.25 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    GainStat(from, skill);
