Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void CreateSubscriberTopicSettingsIndex()
            IndexKeysDefinition <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> > topicIndex = Builders <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> > .IndexKeys
                                                                                   .Ascending(p => p.CategoryId)
                                                                                   .Ascending(p => p.TopicId);

            CreateIndexOptions topicOptions = new CreateIndexOptions()
                Unique = false
            var topicModel = new CreateIndexModel <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> >(topicIndex, topicOptions);

            IndexKeysDefinition <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> > subscriberIndex = Builders <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> > .IndexKeys
                                                                                        .Ascending(p => p.SubscriberId);

            CreateIndexOptions subscriberOptions = new CreateIndexOptions()
                Unique = false
            var subscriberModel = new CreateIndexModel <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> >(subscriberIndex, subscriberOptions);

            IMongoCollection <SubscriberTopicSettings <ObjectId> > collection = _context.SubscriberTopicSettings;
            string topicName      = collection.Indexes.CreateOne(topicModel);
            string subscriberName = collection.Indexes.CreateOne(subscriberModel);
        public void Up(IMongoDatabase database)
            var vehicleIndexDefinition = Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Combine(
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending(v => v.ManufacturerName),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending(v => v.Model),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending(v => v.Generation),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending(v => v.StartProductionYear));

            var engineVehicleTechSpecIndexDefinition = Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Combine(
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.Engine.Name"),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.Engine.EngineCapacity"),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.Engine.HorsePowers"),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.Engine.Petrol"));

            var gearBoxVehicleTechSpecIndexDefinition = Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Combine(
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.GearBox.Name"),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.GearBox.GearBoxType"),
                Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Ascending("VehicleTechSpecification.GearBox.GearsCount"));

            var indexDefinition = Builders <Vehicle> .IndexKeys.Combine(

            var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions {
                Unique = true

            var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <Vehicle>(indexDefinition, indexOptions);

            var vehiclesCollection = database.GetCollection <Vehicle>("Vehicles");

        public bool Execute(IMongoDatabase database, MongoStorageOptions storageOptions, IMongoMigrationContext migrationContext)
            var cosmosStorageOptions = storageOptions as CosmosStorageOptions;

            if (cosmosStorageOptions != null)
                database.CreateCollection(storageOptions.Prefix + ".notifications");
                var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(storageOptions.Prefix + ".notifications");
                var options    = new CreateIndexOptions {
                    ExpireAfter = TimeSpan.FromHours(cosmosStorageOptions.CosmosHourlyTtl)
                var field           = new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument>("_ts");
                var indexDefinition = new IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder <BsonDocument>().Ascending(field);
                collection.Indexes.CreateOne(indexDefinition, options);

            database.CreateCollection(storageOptions.Prefix + ".notifications", new CreateCollectionOptions
                Capped       = true,
                MaxSize      = 1048576 * 16, // 16 MB,
                MaxDocuments = 100000,

        public static async Task <string> CreateDocumentIndex <T>(
            this IMongoCollection <T> collection,
            Func <IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder <T>, IndexKeysDefinition <T> > index,
            Action <CreateIndexOptions> configure,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken
            ) where T : Document
            var options = new CreateIndexOptions();


            try {
                return(await CreateIndex());
            catch (MongoCommandException ex) when(ex.Message.Contains("already exists"))
                Log.Error(ex, "Index already exists {@result}", ex.Result);


            Task <string> CreateIndex()
            => collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(
                new CreateIndexModel <T>(
                    index(Builders <T> .IndexKeys),
                cancellationToken: cancellationToken
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void setIndex(string mongodbConnStr, string mongodbDatabase, string coll, string indexDefinition, string indexName, bool isUnique = false)
            var client     = new MongoClient(mongodbConnStr);
            var database   = client.GetDatabase(mongodbDatabase);
            var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(coll);

            bool isSet = false;

            using (var cursor = collection.Indexes.List())
                JArray JAindexs = JArray.Parse(cursor.ToList().ToJson());
                var    query    = JAindexs.Children().Where(index => (string)index["name"] == indexName);
                if (query.Count() > 0)
                    isSet = true;
                // do something with the list...

            if (!isSet)
                    var options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                        Name = indexName, Unique = isUnique
                    collection.Indexes.CreateOne(indexDefinition, options);
                catch { }

            client = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void TryCreateIndex(IndexKeysDefinition <MessageJournalEntryDocument> indexKeys, string name = null)
            var options = new CreateIndexOptions
                Name = name

            if (_collationSupported)
                options.Collation = _collation;

                _messageJournalEntries.Indexes.CreateOne(indexKeys, options);
                _diagnosticService.Emit(new MongoDBEventBuilder(this, MongoDBEventType.IndexCreated)
                    DatabaseName   = _messageJournalEntries.Database.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName,
                    CollectionName = _messageJournalEntries.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName,
                    IndexName      = name ?? indexKeys.ToString()
            catch (Exception e)
                _diagnosticService.Emit(new MongoDBEventBuilder(this, MongoDBEventType.IndexCreationFailed)
                    DatabaseName   = _messageJournalEntries.Database.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName,
                    CollectionName = _messageJournalEntries.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName,
                    IndexName      = name ?? indexKeys.ToString(),
                    Exception      = e
Exemplo n.º 7
        private IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> Collection(Mutator mutator = null)
            var referenceCode = mutator?.SetCode ?? "";

            lock (_collectionCache)
                if (_collectionCache.ContainsKey(referenceCode))

                _collectionCache[referenceCode] = Database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(GetCollectionName(referenceCode));

                    var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions {
                        Unique = false, Name = "fullTextSearch", Background = true
                    var model = new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys.Text("$**"), indexOptions);
                } catch (Exception e) { Current.Log.Info <T>(e.Message); }

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void CreateIndexes <T>(IMongoCollection <T> coll, string tableName, T item)
            Dictionary <DBModelsMongoDbIndexAttribute, string> indexColumns = GetIndexColumns(item);
            List <string> columnNames  = null;
            BsonDocument  bsonIndex    = null;
            int           currentIndex = -1;
            bool          isUnique     = false;

            foreach (var index in indexColumns.OrderBy(o => o.Key.IndexNumber).ThenBy(o => o.Key.FieldOrder))
                if (currentIndex != index.Key.IndexNumber)
                    if (bsonIndex != null)
                        CreateIndexOptions options = new CreateIndexOptions();
                        options.Unique = isUnique;
                        options.Name   = tableName + "_" + string.Join("_", columnNames.ToArray());
                        coll.Indexes.CreateOne(bsonIndex, options);
                    currentIndex = index.Key.IndexNumber;
                    columnNames  = new List <string>();
                    bsonIndex    = new BsonDocument();
                isUnique = index.Key.IsUnique;
                bsonIndex.Add(index.Value, index.Key.SortOrder);
            if (bsonIndex != null)
                CreateIndexOptions options = new CreateIndexOptions();
                options.Unique = isUnique;
                options.Name   = tableName + "_" + string.Join("_", columnNames.ToArray());
                coll.Indexes.CreateOne(bsonIndex, options);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create indexes with <paramref name="indexNames"/> in the <paramref name="collection"/>.
        /// If an index already exists, and it is the same, it will be overwritten.
        /// If the index is different to an existing index, an exception will be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection">
        /// The collection to create indexes in.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="indexType">
        /// The type of the indexes created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="indexNames">
        /// The names of the indexes to create.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <see cref="IEnumerable{String}"/> of the names of the indexes that were created.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="MongoCommandException">
        /// Thrown if an existing index is attempted changed.
        /// </exception>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// collection.TryCreateIndexes(Builders{BsonDocument}.IndexKeys.Descending, "Name")
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        internal static IEnumerable <string> TryCreateIndexes(this IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> collection, Func <FieldDefinition <BsonDocument>, IndexKeysDefinition <BsonDocument> > indexType, params string[] indexNames)
            if (collection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
            if (indexType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(indexType));
            if (indexNames == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(indexNames));
            if (indexNames.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must have at least one index name", nameof(indexNames));

            var indexModels = indexNames.Select(indexName =>
                var index   = indexType(indexName);
                var options = new CreateIndexOptions
                    Name   = indexName,
                    Sparse = true
                return(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(index, options));

Exemplo n.º 10
        public virtual void CreateSignalDispatchHistoryIndex(TimeSpan?historyExpirationTime)
            var receiverIndex = Builders <SignalDispatch <ObjectId> > .IndexKeys
                                .Ascending(p => p.ReceiverSubscriberId)
                                .Ascending(p => p.SendDateUtc);

            var receiverOptions = new CreateIndexOptions()
                Unique = false
            var receiverModel = new CreateIndexModel <SignalDispatch <ObjectId> >(receiverIndex, receiverOptions);

            var ttlIndex = Builders <SignalDispatch <ObjectId> > .IndexKeys
                           .Ascending(p => p.CreateDateUtc);

            CreateIndexOptions ttlOptions = new CreateIndexOptions()
                Name        = "CreateDateUtc TTL",
                Unique      = false,
                ExpireAfter = historyExpirationTime
            var ttlModel = new CreateIndexModel <SignalDispatch <ObjectId> >(ttlIndex, ttlOptions);

            IMongoCollection <SignalDispatch <ObjectId> > collection = _context.SignalDispatchesHistory;
            string receiverName = collection.Indexes.CreateOne(receiverModel);

            if (historyExpirationTime != null)
                string ttlName = collection.Indexes.CreateOne(ttlModel);
        public bool VerifyOrCreateSchema()
            var opts = new CreateIndexOptions()
                Background = true

            opts.Name = "ProjectName-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, String>("ProjectName"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "SAST_LastScanDate-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, DateTime>("SAST_LastScanDate"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "SCA_LastScanDate-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, DateTime>("SCA_LastScanDate"))
                                                                                 , opts));

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all of the required MongoDB collections that this logset requires.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMongoDbCollections()
            var collections = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >();

            ISet <IParser> parsers = parserFactory.GetAllParsers();

            // Stuff collection names & indexes into the dictionary, deduping in the process.
            foreach (var parser in parsers)
                var            collectionName = parser.CollectionSchema.CollectionName.ToLowerInvariant();
                IList <string> indexes        = parser.CollectionSchema.Indexes;

                if (!collections.ContainsKey(collectionName))
                    if (LogsetDependencyHelper.IsCollectionRequiredForRequest(collectionName, logsharkRequest))
                        collections.Add(collectionName, new HashSet <string>());

                // Add indexes.
                if (collections.ContainsKey(collectionName))
                    foreach (var index in indexes)
                        if (collections.ContainsKey(collectionName))

            // New up collections & indexes using the dictionary.
            foreach (var collection in collections)
                var           collectionName = collection.Key;
                ISet <string> indexes        = collection.Value;

                var dbCollection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(collectionName);

                foreach (var index in indexes)
                    var indexKeysBuilder            = new IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder <BsonDocument>();
                    CreateIndexOptions indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions {
                        Sparse = false
                    dbCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(indexKeysBuilder.Ascending(index), indexOptions);

                // If we are working against a sharded Mongo cluster, we need to explicitly shard each collection.
                MongoConnectionInfo mongoConnectionInfo = logsharkRequest.Configuration.MongoConnectionInfo;
                if (mongoConnectionInfo.ConnectionType == MongoConnectionType.ShardedCluster)
                    MongoAdminUtil.EnableShardingOnCollectionIfNotEnabled(mongoConnectionInfo.GetClient(), logsharkRequest.RunContext.MongoDatabaseName, collectionName);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override bool VerifyOrCreateSchema()
            var opts = new CreateIndexOptions()
                Background = true

            opts.Name = "ProjectName-A+ScanId-D";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, String>("ProjectName"))
                                                                                 .Descending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, String>("ScanId"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "High-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, Int64>("High"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "Medium-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, Int64>("Medium"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "Low-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, Int64>("Low"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "Information-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, Int64>("Information"))
                                                                                 , opts));

            opts.Name = "ScanFinished-A";
            if (!MongoUtil.IndexExists(Collection, opts.Name))
                Collection.Indexes.CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel <BsonDocument>(Builders <BsonDocument> .IndexKeys
                                                                                 .Ascending(new StringFieldDefinition <BsonDocument, DateTime>("ScanFinished"))
                                                                                 , opts));

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <string> CreateOneIndexAsync(IndexKeysDefinition <T> keys, CreateIndexOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var database     = client.GetDatabase(databaseName);
            var myCollection = database.GetCollection <T>(collectionName);
            var index        = new CreateIndexModel <T>(keys, options);

            return(await myCollection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(index, cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemplo n.º 15
            static CreateIndexModel <Log> CreateIndexModel(string name, IndexKeysDefinition <Log> definition)
                var options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                    Name = name

                return(new CreateIndexModel <Log>(definition, options));
 protected internal CreateIndexModelParameter(Type type, CreateIndexOptions options, BsonDocument rendered, MongoModelBuilder builder)
     Type     = type;
     Options  = options;
     Rendered = rendered;
     Builder  = builder;
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual async Task Index(
            IndexKeysDefinition <TSchema> key,
            CreateIndexOptions <TSchema> options = null)
            var model = new CreateIndexModel <TSchema>(key, options ?? new CreateIndexOptions());

            await this.Collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(model);
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// An index will be put on the place_id field by calling the default constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public CityRepository()
            CreateIndexOptions options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                Unique = true

            _collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(Builders <City> .IndexKeys.Ascending(_ => _.place_id), options);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加索引
        /// </summary>
        public async Task AddIndex <T>(FieldDefinition <T> field)
            var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();
            var indexKeys    = Builders <T> .IndexKeys.Ascending(field);

            var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <T>(indexKeys, indexOptions);

            await GetCollection <T>().Indexes.CreateOneAsync(indexModel);
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// a constructor that makes sure we have a user email index over our users list.
        /// </summary>
        public UserRepository()
            //unique index on email of a user
            CreateIndexOptions options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                Unique = true

            _collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(Builders <User> .IndexKeys.Ascending(_ => _.email), options);
        protected virtual async Task CreateIndex(string name, IndexKeysDefinition <TModel> keys)
            var options = new CreateIndexOptions <TModel>
                Name = name

            await GetCollection().Indexes.CreateOneAsync(keys, options);
        public static string CreateIndex <TDocument>(this IMongoCollection <TDocument> collection, Expression <Func <TDocument, object> > field)
            var keys = Builders <TDocument> .IndexKeys.Ascending(field);

            var options = new CreateIndexOptions();
            var model   = new CreateIndexModel <TDocument>(keys, options);

Exemplo n.º 23
        public static void EnsureVendorIndex(IMongoCollection <Vendor> vendorProfileCollection)
            var UniqueIndexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();

            UniqueIndexOptions.Unique = true;

            vendorProfileCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <Vendor> .IndexKeys.Ascending(x => x.UserId), UniqueIndexOptions);
            vendorProfileCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <Vendor> .IndexKeys.Descending(x => x.UserId), UniqueIndexOptions);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static void EnsureUniqueIndexOnPhoneNumber(IMongoCollection <User> userCollection)
            CreateIndexOptions <User> options = new CreateIndexOptions <User>();

            options.Unique = true;
            options.Sparse = true;

            userCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <User> .IndexKeys.Ascending(x => x.PhoneNumber), options);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static void EnsureHRIDIndex(IMongoCollection <HRIDEntity> hridCollection)
            var hridIndexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();

            hridIndexOptions.Unique = true;

            hridCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <HRIDEntity> .IndexKeys.Ascending(x => x.HRID), hridIndexOptions);
            hridCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <HRIDEntity> .IndexKeys.Descending(x => x.HRID), hridIndexOptions);
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// a constructor that makes sure we have a facebook id index over our FbUsers list.
        /// </summary>
        public FbUserRepository()
            //unique index on fb pages id
            CreateIndexOptions options = new CreateIndexOptions {
                Unique = true

            _collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(Builders <FbUser> .IndexKeys.Ascending(_ => _.fbId), options);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public static void EnsureIndexesOnUserType(IMongoCollection <User> userCollection)
            CreateIndexOptions <User> options = new CreateIndexOptions <User>();

            options.Background = true;

            userCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <User> .IndexKeys.Ascending(x => x.Type), options);
            userCollection.Indexes.CreateOne(Builders <User> .IndexKeys.Descending(x => x.Type), options);
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Find existing instance of ProcessManager
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="mapper"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IPersistanceData <T> FindData <T>(IProcessManagerPropertyMapper mapper, Message message) where T : class, IProcessManagerData
            var mapping = mapper.Mappings.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MessageType == message.GetType()) ??
                          mapper.Mappings.First(m => m.MessageType == typeof(Message));

            var collectionName = typeof(T).Name;
            IMongoCollection <MongoDbSslData <T> > collection = _mongoDatabase.GetCollection <MongoDbSslData <T> >(collectionName);
            var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();
            var indexKeys    = Builders <MongoDbSslData <T> > .IndexKeys.Ascending("Data.CorrelationId");

            var indexModel = new CreateIndexModel <MongoDbSslData <T> >(indexKeys, indexOptions);


            object msgPropValue = null;

                msgPropValue = mapping.MessageProp.Invoke(message);

            if (null == msgPropValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Message property expression evaluates to null");

            ParameterExpression pe   = Expression.Parameter(typeof(MongoDbSslData <T>), "t");
            Expression          left = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(MongoDbSslData <T>).GetTypeInfo().GetProperty("Data"));

            foreach (var prop in mapping.PropertiesHierarchy.Reverse())
                left = Expression.Property(left, left.Type, prop.Key);

            Expression right = Expression.Constant(msgPropValue, msgPropValue.GetType());

            Expression expression;

                expression = Expression.Equal(left, right);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new Exception("Mapped incompatible types of ProcessManager Data and Message properties.", ex);

            Expression <Func <MongoDbSslData <T>, bool> > lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <MongoDbSslData <T>, bool> >(expression, pe);

Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the index.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateIndex()
            var indexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();
            var indexKeys    = Builders <Adviser> .IndexKeys.Ascending(adviser => adviser.UserDetails.Name);

            var indexModelName = new CreateIndexModel <Adviser>(indexKeys, indexOptions);

Exemplo n.º 30
        public string createIndex(object keys, object options)
            BsonDocumentIndexKeysDefinition <BsonDocument> keysDefinitions =
                new BsonDocumentIndexKeysDefinition <BsonDocument>(keys.ToBsonDocument());

            CreateIndexOptions createIndexOptions = new CreateIndexOptions();

            return(this._collection.Indexes.CreateOne(keysDefinitions, createIndexOptions));