public override void Visit(CreateArrayInstruction instruction)
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void Visit(CreateArrayInstruction instruction)
     instruction.Result.Type = Types.Instance.ArrayType(instruction.ElementType, instruction.Rank);
Exemplo n.º 3
            public override void Visit(CreateArrayInstruction instruction)
                var allocation = instruction;

                ptAnalysis.ProcessArrayAllocation(State, allocation.Offset, allocation.Result);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public virtual void Visit(CreateArrayInstruction instruction)
Exemplo n.º 5
 public virtual void Visit(CreateArrayInstruction instruction)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void VisitMethod(MethodBody mBody, ControlFlowGraph cfg)

            // Going through the instructions via cfg nodes instead of directly iterating over the instructions
            // of the methodBody becuase Phi instructions may not have been inserted in the insts of the methodBody.
            foreach (var node in cfg.Nodes)
                foreach (var instruction in node.Instructions)
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", instruction.ToString());
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", instruction.GetType().FullName());
                    // System.Console.WriteLine();

                    if (instruction is LoadInstruction)
                        LoadInstruction lInst      = instruction as LoadInstruction;
                        IValue          rhsOperand = lInst.Operand;
                        if (rhsOperand is StaticFieldAccess)
                            StaticFieldAccess rhsAcc  = rhsOperand as StaticFieldAccess;
                            IFieldReference   fld     = rhsAcc.Field;
                            ITypeDefinition   fldType = fld.ContainingType.ResolvedType;
                        // Note: calls to static methods and instance methods appear as a StaticMethodReference
                        else if (rhsOperand is StaticMethodReference)
                            StaticMethodReference sMethAddr    = rhsOperand as StaticMethodReference;
                            IMethodDefinition     tgtMeth      = sMethAddr.Method.ResolvedMethod;
                            ITypeDefinition       containingTy = tgtMeth.ContainingTypeDefinition;
                            IMethodDefinition addedMeth = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(tgtMeth);
                            // addrTakenMethods do not contain templates.
                            if (addedMeth != null)
                        //Note: calls to virtual, abstract or interface methods appear as VirtualMethodReference
                        else if (rhsOperand is VirtualMethodReference)
                            VirtualMethodReference sMethAddr    = rhsOperand as VirtualMethodReference;
                            IMethodDefinition      tgtMeth      = sMethAddr.Method.ResolvedMethod;
                            ITypeDefinition        containingTy = tgtMeth.ContainingTypeDefinition;
                            ITypeDefinition        addedTy      = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(containingTy);
                            IMethodDefinition      addedMeth    = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(tgtMeth);
                            if (addedTy != null && addedMeth != null)
                                // addrTakenMethods do not contain templates.
                                ProcessVirtualInvoke(addedMeth, addedTy, true);
                        else if (rhsOperand is Reference)
                            Reference      rhsRef = rhsOperand as Reference;
                            IReferenceable refOf  = rhsRef.Value;
                            if (refOf is StaticFieldAccess)
                                StaticFieldAccess refAcc  = refOf as StaticFieldAccess;
                                IFieldDefinition  fld     = refAcc.Field.ResolvedField;
                                ITypeDefinition   fldType = fld.ContainingType.ResolvedType;
                            else if (refOf is IVariable)
                                IVariable refVar = refOf as IVariable;
                                if (!refVar.Type.IsValueType || refVar.Type.ResolvedType.IsStruct)
                            else if (refOf is InstanceFieldAccess)
                                InstanceFieldAccess refAcc = refOf as InstanceFieldAccess;
                                IFieldDefinition    fld    = refAcc.Field.ResolvedField;
                            else if (refOf is ArrayElementAccess)
                                // All arrays will be added into domX as potential address taken.
                    else if (instruction is StoreInstruction)
                        StoreInstruction sInst = instruction as StoreInstruction;
                        IAssignableValue lhs   = sInst.Result;
                        if (lhs is StaticFieldAccess)
                            StaticFieldAccess lhsAcc  = lhs as StaticFieldAccess;
                            IFieldReference   fld     = lhsAcc.Field;
                            ITypeDefinition   fldType = fld.ContainingType.ResolvedType;
                    else if (instruction is CreateObjectInstruction)
                        CreateObjectInstruction newObjInst = instruction as CreateObjectInstruction;
                        ITypeReference          objType    = newObjInst.AllocationType;
                        ITypeDefinition         objTypeDef = objType.ResolvedType;
                        if (objTypeDef is IGenericTypeInstance)
                            objTypeDef = objTypeDef.ResolvedType;
                        ITypeDefinition addedTy = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(objTypeDef);
                        if (addedTy != null && !allocClasses.Contains(addedTy))
                    else if (instruction is CreateArrayInstruction)
                        CreateArrayInstruction newArrInst  = instruction as CreateArrayInstruction;
                        ITypeReference         elemType    = newArrInst.ElementType;
                        ITypeDefinition        elemTypeDef = elemType.ResolvedType;
                        ITypeDefinition        addedTy     = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(elemTypeDef);
                        if (addedTy != null && !allocClasses.Contains(addedTy))
                    else if (instruction is MethodCallInstruction)
                        MethodCallInstruction invkInst       = instruction as MethodCallInstruction;
                        IMethodReference      callTgt        = invkInst.Method;
                        ITypeReference        containingType = callTgt.ContainingType;
                        ITypeDefinition       declType       = containingType.ResolvedType;
                        IMethodDefinition     callTgtDef     = callTgt.ResolvedMethod;
                        ITypeDefinition       addedType      = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(declType);
                        IMethodDefinition     addedMeth      = Stubber.CheckAndAdd(callTgtDef);
                        MethodCallOperation   callType       = invkInst.Operation;
                        if (callType == MethodCallOperation.Virtual && addedType != null && addedMeth != null)
                            ProcessVirtualInvoke(addedMeth, addedType, false);
                        // System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", instruction.ToString());
                        // System.Console.WriteLine("Not currently handled: {0}", instruction.GetType().ToString());
                        // System.Console.WriteLine();