Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void ManufacturePart(CraftingTemplate template, int quantity)
            // Calculate how many constructor runs are needed to produce the number of items requested.
            int runs = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)quantity / (decimal)template.OutputCount);

            // Pull each part needed to construct the item. If not available they will be constructed or assumed to be provided by the player.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> input in template.Inputs)
                this.PullPart(input.Key, input.Value * runs);

            // Add the produced items to inventory.
            this.Results.AddCount(this.Inventory, template.Name, template.OutputCount * runs);

            // Account for constructor time.
            this.AddConstructorTime(template, runs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a used part to the counts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"><see cref="CraftingTemplate"/> of the part used.</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">Quantity of the part used.</param>
        /// <param name="countBasic">Indicates if the part should be listed in the basic item count.
        /// If true, the part is included only if its template indicates it is a basic item. If false, the item is not counted.</param>
        public void AddUsedPart(CraftingTemplate part, int quantity, bool countBasic)
            if (countBasic && part.BaseItem)
                this.AddCount(this.UsedPartsBasic, part.Name, quantity);

            if (part.IsIngot)
                this.AddCount(this.UsedPartsIngot, part.Name, quantity);

            if (part.IsOre)
                this.AddCount(this.UsedPartsOre, part.Name, quantity);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void AddConstructorTime(CraftingTemplate template, int runs)
            Constructor[] constructors = new Constructor[this.Results.TimeToConstruct.Keys.Count];
            this.Results.TimeToConstruct.Keys.CopyTo(constructors, 0);

            foreach (Constructor constructor in constructors)
                if (template.Targets.Contains(constructor))
                    // Add the amount of time, in seconds, that the constructor must work to produce the number of crafting runs requested.
                    this.Results.AddCount(this.Results.TimeToConstruct, constructor, (int)Math.Ceiling(template.CraftTime * constructor.SpeedFactor() * runs));
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void PullPart(string name, int quantity)
            if (!this.Configuration.TemplatesByName.ContainsKey(name))
                // If a template is not provided then it is assumed that it is a basic item and ore that is provided by the player.
                this.Results.AddUsedPart(name, quantity, this.basePartDepth < 1);

            CraftingTemplate template = this.Configuration.TemplatesByName[name];

            if (template.BaseItem)

            // Account for items pulled from inventory.
            this.Results.AddUsedPart(template, quantity, this.basePartDepth == 1);

            // Ores are assumed to be provided by the player. All others must be pulled from inventory or manufactured.
            if (!template.IsOre)
                // Determine if parts need to be manufactured.
                if (!this.Inventory.ContainsKey(name))
                    this.ManufacturePart(template, quantity);
                else if (this.Inventory[name] < quantity)
                    this.ManufacturePart(template, quantity - this.Inventory[name]);

                // Remove parts.
                this.Inventory[name] -= quantity;

            if (template.BaseItem)